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Single Character

1 - Female Tedd determining at what point breasts are "too big" - 68

2 - Téa the Tea House Girl wearing just an apron - 65

3 - Ashley TFed into a busty hybrid of a panda - 56

4 - Double FV5 sunscreen Sarah in a bikini - 53

Two Character

1 - Sarah and Susan at 'next years' convention ( http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=126- 100

2 - Fv5 Grace putting on a show for Tedd - 55

3 - Mermaids Nanase and Ellen wearing seashell bras - 41

4 - Male Grace and Female Tedd romance novel cover - 39


1 - Mild Mannered to Mall Date Elliot - 71

2 - Ellen supercharged zapping herself - 61

3 - Base Rhea to Quadruple Tea'ed Rhea - 46

4 - Ellen downing a bottle of shrink soda - 24

The silver medal milestones were met for Single and Two Character pinups, so both first and second place for those will be drawn. 

WOW do people want to see Sarah and Susan at the following year's convention. Can I call that winning by a landslide? Someone contested it the last time I claimed something won by a landslide, but surely that's applicable here.

As for the June pinups, they will be posted ASAP later today. I'm doing a production line sort of method for efficiency, so I'll be coloring all of them around the same time. Recent "thumbnail method" + Lots of comic scripts written in advance should prevent such delays for this July round of pinups.

Thank you all so much for your support! :D

PS - The current total is below the Two Character Silver Medal milestone. This is because the number shown during the month is a calculated estimated and can be proven wrong once payments go through. I go by the end of month estimate to determine milestones, so the milestone was still met as far as I'm concerned. I feel that's the fair way to do it, as suddenly saying "ah-HA! Not QUITE!" feels like a jerk move.



I'm not sure if there's any defined standard for what constitutes a "landslide". The way I see it used is pretty subjective. But that looks like it would fit.


Well landslide or not, that's a VERY clear victory for Next Year's Con. Also, yay! My idea for Naked Apron Téa won!


Let us take a moment to reflect in quiet silence on the sad loss of mermaid Nanase.


I was being facetious last time!! lol, but yes, 45 vote gap this time would certainly be a landslide. :D


still holding out hope to see the mermaids someday


Well those sound promising! Especially the 1st one! :D