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Unless I suddenly get really inspired, Sarah giving that look is probably the note I'm ending this slice-of-life, probably canon storyline on.

Granted, I could get inspired. I am REALLY tired as I write this. Who knows what twists and turns there may be in my mind brain when more awake.




SheRa! Excellent choice

Michael Brewer

Going to just say that a poly relationship between the three of them might actually be a good idea? They have common interests, there's clearly some chemistry going on with all three of them, and Grace doesn't really seem that interested in sex, while Tedd and Sarah definitely are, so Sarah's inclusion might well help stabilize things, instead of just creating problems.


Ahhh come on Sarah cuddle in! Make my OT3 happen

Violet Moon

Awww let Sarah cuddle!


Awwwww. :)


I think Grace's sex drive may be linked to her genetics, she just hasn't hit the right age and it may not be the right season for breeding. She'll know when the time is right.


All the cuddles! Inspiration finds a way. :-D

Wild Card

You are ending the blanket story with that look? You are an evil, evil person

Wild Card

I remember a strip from many years ago about Tedd's dad telling him no sex with Grace, which caught Tedd by surprise since he wasn't even thinking about it. Something about an incompatability that would leave Tedd hurt if they tried, so it wasn't just a dad being protective of his teenage son.

David Howe

Oddly I don't recall that one, just that Tedd shouldn't have sex with Grace in human form in case she gets pregnant... https://www.egscomics.com/comic/2002-05-27

Stephen Gilberg

I was thinking of Mitchell and Webb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JOpPNra4bw


The dialogue is definitely a fusion between that Mitchell and Webb skit and the "we're the bad guys" moment in the She-ra series premiere.


Sometimes human contact is what you're craving. And that shouldn't be a bad thing.


Sarah has a boyfriend. Who ... might not be very into cuddling? Which would be a shame.


Sarah has been on precisely one date with her boyfriend, said boyfriend having a big secret to reveal before there is any possibility of an actual relationship there.

Some Ed

Yes, but Grace knows that big secret and something of the complications it creates. While that does not necessarily completely preclude her cuddling with Sarah, it does mean she should be very careful about it, likely even doing stuff regarding concerns that I am not aware of.

Some Ed

Unfortunately for you, I believe Sarah has been allowed to cuddle, and she chose no. Of course, she could always change her mind.