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I know roughly what I want to happen next, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it, too, and I'm just drawing a total blank on it today.



So you're drawing a blank when you want to be drawing a blanket? Sorry, couldn't resist. Take all the time you need.


Drawing a blank... A magic blizzard arrives and engulfs the whole town in white, including interiors. Problem solved for many strips to come.


Welcome to my world.

Some Ed

Absolutely right. Now, once you finish drawing that blank, you just need to draw an 'et', and *maybe*, if you're feeling generous, the tops of thee of your characters' heads. ;)

A Red Mage Named Blue

It's the return of that dreaded foe. The Writer's Block. "Moo" indeed

Wild Card

sounds like everyone is completely covered by the blanket and it is just word balloons