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Panel one refers to Captain Kirk from Star Trek, and also references someone's assessment of Kirk from Star Trek 2, Wrath of Khan. It has also been argued that the pop culture image of Kirk (which was basically the template used in the 2009 Star Trek) puts too much emphasis on Kirk being with woman and being a rogue. It has been argued that, overall, he was actually pretty by-the-book during the series.

As someone who hasn't watched a lot of The Original Series (or, at least, can't remember it all that well), I'm taking absolutely everyone else's words for it to the point that I've basically decided there is a multiverse of Kirks (this does not count mirror universe Kirk).


As for The Simpsons, I've joked about figuring out The Simpsons timeline ever since Nintendo put out an official timeline for The Legend of Zelda. I consider a timeline for The Simpsons impossible and unnecessary, which might hint at what I think of the Zelda timeline.

It's fine if one enjoys that sort of thing, but I personally prefer Zelda games as standalone stories, and do not care at all about connecting them. Some direct sequels are nifty, but I feel like trying to connect EVERYTHING just makes a mess.

It was while writing this comic, however, that I first considered a Simpsons multiverse theory. I still consider it unnecessary, pointless, and potentially impossible, but I do think it could be interesting to try to divide episodes into separate continuities, and find timelines within those.

I mean, to a point. You'd probably want to limit how many seasons to include.


Science is optional when telling stories, though I do find it troubling when people take it beyond those stories and insist that actual dinosaurs didn't have feathers based entirely on them not looking as cool with feathers.



Michael Brewer

oooof. Gatekeepers are the worst.


Nice use of Susan's "formal" hairstyle so we can tell time is passing. Bit difficult with a uniform!

David Fenger

My first thought upon seeing the word Dinosaur was "Not the Mama!"

David Fenger

Did you not notice the sleeves? (I didn't until a third read through with this comment in mind.)


I was hoping for one last installment of The Blanket.


Ah yes, the customer service hell of trying to keep the smile on your face when you want to jump the counter and smack the stupid out of somebody, I know that feel.


"I feel like trying to connect EVERYTHING just makes a mess." This. Entirely 100 percent this. Head-canon continuity is fine and great, but (especially for episodic series), let the inconsistencies be.


To the dinosaur arguers (and many others) I note that science is not a dogma, it is a process. It is _supposed_ to change with new information. And, yes, people who think they know everything (even about just one topic) are very annoying, (Especially to those of us who do. :-))

Some Ed

Personally, I was hoping we could get back to The Blanket later after they had a bit more time to themselves. :)


Beyond a by-the-book guy, read an article by a bonafide Literature PhD and author who rewatched and analyzed the original series to put the debate to a close. Kirk is not only 'just' a 'decent guy', he's actually a ground-breaking feminists and womens' rights activists and total softie and recovering holocaust victim. Why everyone remembers different is what Dr. Horakova coined the term for "Kirk Drift" which is when toxic masculinity encounters a good male role model that ISN'T toxic, it tries to repeatedly re-interpret that role model as slightly more toxic until the cultural zeitgeist assumes that they are also toxic. The author then researched further, and found that this has happened a LOT, just analyzed and brought to light with her research paper first with Kirk. http://strangehorizons.com/non-fiction/columns/freshly-rememberd-kirk-drift/

Dan Merget

In my mind, the thought that some dinosaurs had feathers (and other avian characteristics) make them seem MORE awesome. Especially the carnivorous ones. Have you ever watched a video of an eagle eating its prey, holding the victim down with its claws while tearing the organs out of the still-struggling animal with its mouth? Birds are terrifying and efficient predators. If I were hunted by a T-Rex, I'd rather face one that warned me it was coming by roaring and stomping, rather than a one that patiently and quietly waited like a bird until I passed nearby, and then suddenly lunged out of the trees and snared me before I had a chance to react. Besides which, the more bird-like they were, the more they seem like part of Earth's history to me. The classic images of dinosaurs seem like made-up fantasy monsters: they look sort of like lizards, but they don't act like modern reptiles, and they certainly don't look like anything that could have evolved into modern-day birds. But if I picture them with bird-like colors and features (as opposed to just draping a grey-green skin over the fossilized skeleton), then suddenly I can see a line of descent connecting the Jurassic to the modern day. I think this XKCD strip cemented that opinion in my mind: https://xkcd.com/1211