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Susan's been around her long enough to take this sort of thing in stride.

There is one more pinup to do, and I apologize for it's delay! It's the second "my choice" one, and it will be done no later than sometime Thursday. First, though, I really need to finish comics for Wednesday.

As for this sequence, I don't know about you, but I'm tempted to make her hair in the second stage of the sequence canon o_o



Matt R

If you want to make her hair in the second stage in the sequence canon, I'd say go for it, dude. It looks awesome!


I vote yes for the hair!


Wow, I don't know if it's part of the transformation, but man, Susan's got guns under those turtle necks :D


Canon in high humidity, perhaps? It's a great sequence - a lot more nuanced than I thought it'd be!

Matt R

Plus, it would also help give Susan a bit more to differentiate herself from Diane.


I'm a bit confused by the shoes. She obviously went from being flat footed to wearing high heels, yet she doesn't seem to have gained any height.

J. Jenny Jameson

Sexy though the final form may be, I think I'll always prefer Susan Classic™


No, she really isn't. She's got her hand resting on her hip, but it doesn't appear to be cocked at all, or if it is, it's so slight that it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to counteract the height increase from the heels. She just looks squished in the final frame.


Yes. Do that. Awesome.


Speaking as the person who sketched it, including the building block shapes of her figure, she is absolutely in a pose that affects her height. She is cocking her hip quite a bit (compare how much her hip is sticking out on her right vs her left), and her torso isn't straight, either. Her pose is such that it accents curves in general.


After a closer examination, you're right. The dress is hiding just how much the hip is swung out. I still maintain she should have gained at least a little height. Those heels are pretty high.


All the better to use the hammers. And look fabulous while doing it.


Wow, Stage B has such floofy hair! Do it! Maybe, I don't know, she gets dragged to a salon by Nanase and Ellen, and goes along with it because eh, might be fun.

Connie Edogawa

you should absolutely make it canon. heck, I even know how you do it, provided the setup I'm describing can happen in canon. step 1: Susan and Diane have by this point been informed that they are, in fact siblings (this is where the plan falls apart, since you're the author and could easily have it turn out that, SURPRISE, they AREN'T related) step 2: Susan and Diane decide to try and get to know each other better. Susan mentions she's not super into fashion, and Diane won't let this stand. step 3: Diane drags Susan into a makeover and she comes out with that hair.

Ryan Flores

Those biceps.....


What would be amusing (to me) is to have Susan do this sans hair growth and get very similar results. "Who knew?" And then, of course, we learn that Susan has been deliberately straightening her hair to keep it from getting wavy like it is in the second stage...




Love her expressions as she goes through the changes.


I don't mean this in a bad way at all, but in the 2nd stage she kinda looks like a crazy cat lady.