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"The call is coming from inside the house!" *Scream*






Im... Umm... Thank... Wow... Yes...


That looks like it could end in a fun way :D


Kinda makes me want to write a fanfiction...


That might be the most naughty face you have ever posted for elgoonishshive


Oh my, this was NOT what I was expecting. But I HEARTILY approve!




Echoing this. NOT what I imagined, and god bless Dan for that.

Kevin Wright

Fully, even somewhat demurely, clothed, yet incredibly sexy. Bravo!


See, this is almost exactly what I was expecting, and I love it for that.

Connie Edogawa

hello, new desktop background.


Man, I dunno…Sarah with her harem is at close second, at least. Pretty far back in the archives, but here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/oh-my-1080-1415586">https://www.patreon.com/posts/oh-my-1080-1415586</a>


I could so see Ashley as a sexy supervillain now.


Hilarious *and* sexy!


I mean, for given definitions of screaming, that seems about right.

J. Jenny Jameson

Is this canon? Cuz I could totally see it being canon. It's in my headcanon regardless. I couldn't get it out of my head if I tried.


Literally the only thing keeping this from being canon is that they haven't had the opportunity to do this yet.

J. Jenny Jameson

I'm trying, TRYING not to let my dirty mind go too far with this... but it's EXACTLY what I'd do in their situation. I mean, I was kinda already imagining it when Cheerleadra first started buzzing. Just didn't think WE'D get to see it. So, thank you.


The second date is going to be interesting, Ashley helping Elliot try out new bras, then later Ashley using Cheerleadra as a......::ahem:: anyway, interesting, yeah.

Daryl Sawyer

This is almost yuri.


In lots of fiction, you often see a character -- sometimes the protagonist, sometimes not -- with a level of ignorance or naivete about the world around them, who exist in the story to ask questions which the audience has about the setting. Someone to have explained to them the rules or laws or history of the world, for the audience's benefit, so that the writer doesn't have to exposit directly to the reader/viewer/listener. An "audience exposition surrogate", to be succinct. Since her (re-)introduction as a named character, I cannot help but feel -- and this is in NO WAY a complaint or even a criticism, just a feeling -- that Ashley is an audience *fetish* surrogate.


To put it another way... we've had lots of sexy situations and sexy people in the comic in its over-a-decade history. Ashley is the first time, near as I can tell, we've had a sexUAL person, and now thanks to the pinups, genuinely sexual situations (non-canonical they may be). And it's definitely an interesting contrast to watch emerge.

Ryan Flores

Well... that's one way to use that function.... Though I have to point out... I'm not sure if the look on Elliot's face if from sudden unexpected pleasure, shock from being used in such a manner, or arousal from seeing ASHLEY'S face..... I'm betting on the third...


Want to have some real fun? Have someone give something like a cell phone to Cheerleadra (or hide it on her) so it's there when she changes back so Elliot has it's "powers". (Hmm, Elliot/Cheerleadra would make an effective small-package smuggler!)

John Trauger

Ashley's expression is what \makes this really fun. Amazing that Cheerleadra is such a heavy sleeper that Ashley could literally be sitting on her and not wake her up. Clearly this Ashley is resourceful as ever...


I...I need a moment.