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Single Character

1 - Ellen in a classic 40's style pinup - 95

2 - Elliot's Gracelyn form stretching before a jog - 71

3 - Lavender (Mr Verres's Uryuom assistant) sun bathing - 59

4 - Feline-like stretching catgirl Grace - 46

Two Character

1 - Sarah and Grace sleep cuddling - 91

2 - Female Tedd and Female Elliot kissing - 77

3 - Susan and Diane vampire hunters - 54

4 - Heidi flirting with Mild Mannered Elliot - 52


1 - Regular Sarah to vampire Sarah - 80

2 - Mild Mannered to Mall Date Elliot - 77

3 - Normal female Tedd to Distraction Tedd - 64

4 - Diane to Nanase - 15

The silver medal milestones were met for Single and Two Character pinups, so both first and second place for those will be drawn. The second place in the sequence will not be drawn this month, but it was close enough to return in the next poll.

As for the most recent round of pinups, I will be finishing and posting the last "Dan's Choice" pinup ASAP later today.

Thank you all so much for your support! :D



So apparently, whenever there's a vote that involves a transformation that's a movie monster, it's really close.


I think I forgot to vote, so I'm really glad/relieved that the vampire sequence with Sarah made it. (Eldritch Moon next month! Woo!)


Kind of bummed that Susan and Diane: Vampire Hunters didn't win. Would have made a great companion piece to the Sarah transformation.

Stephen Gilberg

I do hope to see a Lavender pinup eventually. She looks interesting.


Are we still getting both of the two-character pin-ups? It looks like a few pledges were cancelled, we're fiddy bucks short of the milestone again.