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Robe up.


If it sounds like I'm making this up as I got along, it's because I am.

Well, was.

Some of that's past tense.

Probably not all of it.

I know at least some of what I'm doing.




To be fair, lots of us are a fan of... other things. :p

Stephen Gilberg

This arc does feel sloppier than most, but I can't complain about that. I usually fly by the seat of my pants too.


I'm enjoying the loose story line.

Michael Brewer

I have no issues with the story line, but it is nice to get some kind of handle on what's going on here


"Grace thinks a hippos's weight of Susan." Say what now? I don't understand this sentence at all.


Well, it's been confirmed that this is a videogame dream. They get like that.


Hippo's weight is a lot. Therefor "thinks a hippo's weight" is "thinks a lot".

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Pokegrace had better character designs, but this is much better story and commentary on system mechanics.


Agreed. But if that's a reflection of Jay's thought processes, she may be weird enough to join our heroes!

Paul Rendell

So... fifty bucks Grace is either the Big Bad, or the princess in need of rescuing.

David Fenger

Someone has lost control of her dreamscape. I wonder who's really pulling the strings now...

Daryl Sawyer

Her subconscious. She was lucid dreaming. Now she's dreaming that she's lucid dreaming.


Aw man, no more rip shirt...

David Howe

Or "susan" is actually grace pretending she is susan all along?


Maybe... maybe the game has clothing damage, and the robes can get ripped.


Dan has used "hippo" as a kind of superlative before. Dame Tara (the griffin) stated that her partner, Andrea, could defeat a hippo in combat, despite not being a fighter.

Some Ed

Yeah, I remember playing a game, maybe Ultima Underworld, and the game just getting more and more bizarre. Eventually, I realized I was having a dream. But apart from the absolutely bizarre and impossible dream logic, it seemed like a decent game, so I kept playing it and running with it to see where my subconscious took it. Then I won the game. And discovered I wasn't actually dreaming after all. It's just that bizarre of a game towards the end.

Some Ed

It is a real weird way to phrase such a thing, but Dan's not the only person I've heard/read who has used the term. It's also not the strangest term. I mean, for example, and just to be clear, this is also not the strangest term, but just hear me out on this: Yeet.

Some Ed

Yeah, those dreams get really trippy. All the meta of a lucid dream, combined with all the insanity of a regular one.


Wait. Grace is going to be the villain isn't she. Hear me out, she is supposed to be the "most important character"

James C

That, or she's a trapped princess/goddess whom they need to rescue from the villain.

James C

Plus, her most magical (female) friends and Nanase and Ellen, with Sarah and Susan being less magical. Obviously, magic does equal boobs. In fact, isn't "magic=boobs" (or abs, for guys) one of Tedd's theories?

Dan Merget

"Hippo" actually made a lot of sense when Tara said it. Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals on earth, especially if we remove animals that are dangerous for non-combat reasons such as disease-spreading mosquitoes, venomous frogs, and tool-building humans. Hippos easily beat creatures that we think of as deadly combatants such as lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!), so Tara was making a point as valid as "she could easily defeat a lion in combat", but it sounds funnier because we normally don't think of hippos that way.

Daryl Sawyer

Hang on, I just realized something. Maybe the reason Susan is so much less restrained in this world isn't that it's a fantasy with convenient mechanics to get her past her usual hangups. Maybe the reason is that it isn't actually Susan, but a Susan that is being imagined by Grace.