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 The plan! Sort of.


There are a few reasons for this twist. One was my decision that, no, this is absolutely NOT something Jay can do!

Which, to be fair, doesn't mean I couldn't make it work somehow. "No, Jay can't do this on her own, but she found the something something of something and did something something, and now this is happening!"

But then a thing occurred to me that I 100% cannot elaborate on yet, but consolation prize, hints at some facts about Jay, and an ADORABLE first panel that is adorable because I wanted to draw it.

Like, that's it. I wanted to try drawing excessively chibi Jay and Grace.

And then I did.




Michael Brewer

Well, isn't *this* interesting. So far, I think the most "logical" theory is that she somehow encountered the emissary of magic and learned his spell without realizing it. But there's enough holes in that theory to make plenty of others work well. I admit, I'm kind of concerned now.

Michael Brewer

Also, if you wanna meet and become friends with Grace, try walking up to her and saying "Hi!" She's very kind and friendly. Ok, yes, I know this doesn't necessarily help with social anxiety, but...


...So this is canonical?


Adorable first panel is adorable. That's a far more wholesome a reason for her to want to get to know Grace than I was expecting. I wonder why she's going about it in such a long and drawn out way but I'll wait and hear her reasons. Also... she doesn't know that spell? Out of game, presumably since the spell would have to be cast to cause this to happen. Which raises a few different questions...


...this is totes canon, isn't it? :D

David Fenger

I love the swooshy almost-Susan-looking awesome-Tedd in the background of panel 1.


So, as a native speaker of American English, and with long exposure to American Otaku-go, I understand the word "excessively" and the word "chibi" (or at least I think I do ^_^). But I cannot seem to grok the combination, "excessively chibi".


I'm thinking there is an Immortal involved. But that's the EGS equivalent of the trope "A Wizard Did It, " so that probably isn't it.

Hans Peter Bak

Chibi Jay and Grace and SO adorable! :D

Dan Merget

I've been assuming that it's canon ever since "So. You know what Star Trek is." BTW, the revelation that Jay didn't invade Susan's game/dream/whatever -- at least not deliberately -- raises my estimation of her somewhat. She's not quite as much of a stalker as she seemed.


I love that Jay's motives are so pure. I mean, who *wouldn't* want to be freinds with Grace and her awesome girlfriend, Tedd?

John Trauger

Ummm...Jay? Spellbook y/n? I'm guessing "n"....

Jacob Barboza

I'm now wondering (more so than I already was) what Jay's first encounter with magic was.