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- Susan pouring a potion on herself

I mean, realistically, the bottle would probably be dropped prior to reaching normal size, and I'm not sure how she actually held it above herself to begin with a t 1:12 size, buuuuuuuuut I wanted to draw a bottle falling on Jay's head.

So I did.



Michael Brewer

I really want to get a better handle on what Jay's ultimate goals are. So far, she's been a bit on the sketchy side, but hasn't really crossed any major ethical lines. She could just be a teen wizard who likes learning spells and doesn't really know how to approach the other magic people in a straightforward way, which...hey, that's fair. She could also be someone who knows a fair amount and is well aware that Tedd's Father would have a problem with her getting anywhere near any of them to talk magic. Really hard to know at this point.


I like her. :)

Connie Edogawa

....either? did Susan say anything to suggest she doesn't like physical contact, or is Jay giving herself away here?


She's someone interested in and tied to Grace in some fashion...

David Fenger

I suspect she's using something a bit like the Spirit of Magic's "meet you in your dreams" spell to control (and possibly structure) a game-playing dream... but got Susan instead of Grace. The goal seems to be information gathering before she faces off with The Druid to get to The Wizard (as she termed Grace and Tedd after her pizza delivery plan somewhat failed in the main comic).

Michael Brewer

I wonder if she does a lot of video games like this or if she does table top D&D too. "Bard" and "Druid" as nicknames seems like a bit of a tell there. I guess, I just feel like she has nefarious plans because she hasn't just gone up to one of them and said "hey, so, I can tell you do magic, so can I. Wanna talk about it?" and instead she's hatching plans like....whatever this is. On the other hand, I find talking to people in real life fairly terrifying so it's possible she's socially awkward or something. On the gripping hand, she's acted pretty socially confident and a little sneaky so far, plus she has Diane's spell, so... just trying to have a chat with Grace doesn't seem like it'd be particularly terrifying for her. So...I'm back to "suspicious."


Susan said something.

Kevin Wright

While y'all are discussing highbrow things like motives and plot points, I'm going to take the low road and compliment that awesome cleavage, and applaud Jack's (and Dan's) reasons for tearing her undershirt, whatever they may be. Even though in game parlance, she's actually naked anyway. Yay, pretty curves. :D That said, I wonder what she's up to, as well...

Daryl Sawyer

https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/parable-148 Jay: I should ride on your shoulders. Susan: I'm not big on physical contact. Jay: I'm not big on being stepped on. Susan: Fair enough.


She's clearly able to duplicate other's abilities; that's gotta be why she's got the Trust Me font. She could be similar to a Final Fantasy Blue Mage; can Seers duplicate spells they've seen cast?


She likes being handled, eh?

Some Ed

@Michael Brewer: For what it's worth, "Bard" and "Druid" go back a bit before Gygax wrote up D&D. For example, "William Shakespeare" was called "the bard" (or was it The Bard?) when he was contemporary. Druid was a term for a particular sort of religious person, potentially including a bit of implicit rank information. She's clearly socially awkward, considering the original approach to Grace was in smoke form. But I think Grace's natural shapeshifting freaked her the heck out, so now this thing. @Lucas: All Wizards can learn spells by seeing them. Seers can then replicate them into wands, while Wizards who aren't Seers can cast them. I strongly suspect that Tedd's occasional need to see complicated spells multiple times before they can replicate them is probably true for all Wizard. It's most likely tied to how familiar they are with the sort of effects the spell has.

Some Ed

If this is a spell dream to attempt to interrogate Grace, then she'd know it's not real, so it could therefore be quite comforting. Also, if it's a spell to interrogate someone, I feel like it's kind of hypocritical to complain about the person being interrogated turns around and interrogates the interrogator. Not that such a logical consequence ever stopped anyone from doing anything.

Michael Brewer

I'm aware that Bards and Druids go back before D&D (IIrc, they were Celtic priests back in the day). However, the way she's using the terms and the fact that she referred to Tedd as the Wizard strongly inclines me to think she's using them to refer to those people's probable D&D Character Class (or maybe some D&D derived video game. I dunno if she does tabletop games or not, but she clearly knows video games.)