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Moral Evaluation


In fairness, Jay demonstrated the ability to throw magic fireballs around in spite of her shrunken size. If she was to be interrogated as a likely enemy, keeping her arms restrained would not be entirely unreasonable.

Of course, we then get into the question of whether treating her this way was justified

We, as an author and audience, have inside information. The hero of magic, "Jack" (Jay), is also the shadowy person. It's easy for us to side with Susan in this situation, but examined from Susan's perspective, and how much she actually knew, was what she did okay? Put in a way Susan would appreciate, would it be considered... "very Starfleet" of her?

(what we both like Star Trek okay)

I don't have a definitive answer for that, by the way. I'm just smugly asking the question before riding away on a very tall horse. 

An Alien Perspective

Also worth noting is that this game universe measures morality based on its own perception of reality. It literally has zero context for "this person has knowledge beyond this universe and is therefore suspect", rendering it completely incapable of comprehending Susan's justification for doing what she did.

In short, as far as this world's morality system was concerned, Susan was continually acting aggressive towards Jay for no reason whatsoever.




Looks like it's time to go give that beggar another sack of money.

Sam Mann

To be fair, 'Jack' was being shifty as all get out


As long as we get Evil Susan back, I don'y mind the bullying.

Michael Brewer

You know that, I know that, and Susan knows that, but the game apparently doesn't.

Michael Brewer

For the record, I don't think Susan would have actually squished her or anything. When you look a it from her point of view, she was restraining a suspicious magic user in a very efficient fashion. It's fairly easy to overlook exactly how threatening that can be.


Well, how do YOU conduct interrogations? No, don’t give me that “why are you conducting interrogations?”, I’m a suspicious bastard, and people are after us. Who’s to say they have not already turned the hero of magic against us, or replaced her with a undercover operative?

Dan Merget

Justified IMHO. If Susan had been wrong, then the worst she would have done was threaten a FICTIONAL character in a game. It doesn't really matter whether she's considered wrong in-game, since it's all make-believe. But if Susan was right, then someone from REAL LIFE (well, "real life" from the context of the EGS characters) had projected themselves into the game (presumably magically) in an attempt to deceive and spy on her and her friends. Susan isn't fond of being lied to, and she knows of several dangerous magic-users who use lying and manipulation as deadly weapons, so I'd say she has dang good reason to consider Jay's deceptions as likely threats. Susan isn't in a context where she could get a lawyer or restraining order or anything (the real world doesn't even EXIST as far as the game characters are concerned), so grabbing Jay and demanding the truth is about the best she could reasonably do AFAICT.


As many people have noted, Susan's reactions are entirely reasonable. Please keep in mind the joke is that the universe is running on game logic, and games aren't smart enough to keep player motivations in mind. It's just checking against the list, and holding people captive with threat of violence is not in the Book of Exalted Deeds. It's in the edgy one.


Anywhere but Moperville, I'd go with "possibly magical". With the exceptions of GURPS: Technomancer, Mercedes Lackey et cie's Secret World Chronicles (and her shorts "Killer Byte" and "Ghost in the Machine", which seemed to be in less super-powered world(s)), and possibly some other superheroic settings with characters I'm less familiar with, technology based hackers are much more common than the magical variety. Actually, it's only because I as a reader suspect that Jay may be a Wizard that I'm going with Magical Hacking in this instance.