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When sneaking, remember to hold a torch.


Something I find rather strange about Fable 2 is that this is basically something you have to do.

Your identity as a "Hero" (some sort of empowered person of destiny) is very important, and a threat to the main villain. In that game, there's basically you, the jack of all trades hero, and three other, more specialized heroes. There's basically two people anywhere in the kingdom who should be capable of using magic, and as far as the main villain's concerned, one of them, the player, should be long dead.

Short of just never using magic, I've no idea how the protagonist is able to keep being a prophesied Hero secret while also achieving the fame necessary to do the thing to infiltrate their operation.

Granted, it's possible there's logic that I missed, and there's an explanation that ties everything together neatly into a little bow. I don't think there is, but hey, I can miss a thing or two.



Matt R

That means Susan's hair might grow back! yay

James C

Seems legit. Get famous, then sponsor a mysterious hooded stranger (with whom you are never seen in the same room) to enter the tournament. Most famous people don't do fighting themselves, they hire minions or bodyguards for that.


...huh. That's a good point, actually. I forgot that in Fable-verse, magic is inherently only usable by people who have access to Experience Points, in other words, Heroes. There are some charlatans who can fake it with alchemy and magical relics, but magic itself is Hero-exclusive.

Some Ed

Could it be that being a Hero is not quite as exclusive as depicted? As in, there's a possibility of more than than two people in the kingdom who can do magic, you're just not going to run into them? Or maybe even one step farther: There's two people in the kingdom who can do magic and are Heroic. Everyone else in the kingdom who can do magic is a Villain. Therefore, anyone who is using magic who isn't one of those two is automatically OK according to the big bad. And if the general purpose hero is thought to be dead and the Hero of Magic is captured, anyone doing magic and isn't captured is obviously OK?


I think you misunderstand what I mean by "Hero". In the first game it was established that everyone who can use Will/Experience Points can do so because they are descended in some way from a near-mythical figure called the Archon. They became known as "Heroes" because they were inevitably the people who had to rise up to fight against the gribblies of the world of Albion, like Krakens, Balverines, Hobbes, Sprites, etc etc, and eventually set up the Heroes Guild, which was torn down by an angry mob because the Heroes had become complacent tyrants. So it's very possible, hell, probable even, that there are other Heroes in the world who are just not aware of their heritage.