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 The 90's sitcom audience continues to woo


FIRST! A reminder that there WAS a Friday--I mean, THURSDAY EGSNP, so if you're confused, you probably missed that.

Now, on to the actual commentary.

I felt the only way for this bit of a twist to work with Susan was for her reaction to be mild exasperation, effectively followed by "neat".

Were Susan actually uncomfortable with the situation, everything would have to come to a halt, I would owe her approximately six thousand apology fruit baskets, and Diane would probably demonstrate how many levels she has in a rogue class by punishing me in a way I would never see coming.


Side note: "Mild exasperation" felt like the right way to express what I meant, but "exasperation" apparently means "intensely annoyed", so I'd argue that "mild exasperation" is a baffling combination of words worthy of becoming exasperated about.

As for the question "do the NPCs see something different, or is this just considered how not dressed a person can be from their perspective, therefore it is of similar social equivalent", I leave to reader interpretation. Which is basically my way of saying "I'm not going to clarify it in the comic itself, therefore, it's left to head-canons".

"Head-canons" as in individual interpretation of story canon, not, like, "head-cannons", like what you might find on an android who'd decided they had some extra room on their forehead for a bit of ordnance.

EDIT - OH YE GODS I forget to say anything about Sarah and Ashley. Um... I felt Sarah should be there, but I had limited panel space, so I drew her small, and then I was like "but why small", so there's Ashley, and they both have drumstick wands, and you're just going to have to head-canon what's going on there, because that's all I'm giving you to work with on that one.




> "Barely cares" Woo, pun.


Granted, in some points of history, and some cultures, running around in underwear was equivalent to “being naked”. Of course, in some cultures and time periods, wearing the same amount of clothes as underwear would count as being fully clothed, and being naked my not be that big of a deal in some cultures. However, If they are going to recognise, in game, that underwear exists, and then say that your character isn’t wearing any, even though they are from your perspective... they should just make them appear naked (barbie doll anatomy), censors be damned.


For a moment I thought Sarah was standing in front of a comic panel (featuring Susan and Grace) and pointing at it with a big stick like you do in a presentation.


I just realized that Barber Justin was giving Susan her haircut while she was, from Justin's perspective, totally nude. I approve of Barber Justin's astonishing tact in such a situation.


It's not that hard to guess why there's two small peeps with wands. We've got 2 friends playing games on the couch and two playing games off the couch. Probably "laser" tag with wands. If you're tiny, the basement is a HUGE play area.


Simple explanation: they are NPCs. They can't care less what the player is wearing unless it impacts the narrative or their stats. All they see are matrix codes scrolling down in a green font.


Now I really understand the commentary from a few days ago about Susan's short hair being drawn like the long one and just stopping at neck length. The juxtaposition is brilliant. And Susan-in-couch figure is refreshingly more... natural, ymmv.


Boy, there's gonna be a lot of shooting with foreheads after this...

Sureen Entertainment Studios

Honestly, this is what I'd do for my games. I'd have it heavily insinuated that "undies" is actually naked. But then, all my characters are also immodest and perfectly content with being naked.


Transformation tag with wands is such a great idea. Would love to see that in a EGS:NP story. :)

Stephen Gilberg

It's always been funny how underwear occupies a gray area in terms of decency. You'd think that if it's inadequate, people wouldn't bother with it.


Does this imply that when Rhoda hulked out of her clothes she also was dressed in censor?


The main thing I'm confused about is in-game Susan talking from irl Susan's POV then immediately irl Grace's POV. Are her thoughts a merging of Susan's and Grace's?