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I don't think fast travel is supposed to be teleportation in most games, but let's just keep that our little secret.


I wanted to give Susan sort of partially closed eyes look while looking up at not-Arthur, but maybe she just looks sleepy?

Let's all cut me some slack and just agree on the headcanon that she needs a nap or something after this conversation, okay? Good. Glad that's settled.

On Second Thought, Let's Not Go To The Coliseum. It Is A Silly Place

I definitely didn't want to have them actually do the coliseum approach. My commentary on that was summed up in the previous strip. It's done. I feel continuing with it would be going through the motions, and though it could still be done as a parody, I don't think there's much there that I actually want to work with. 

Susan actually making tactical sneaky use of the shrink potions and slow time abilities to do a prison break, however? Gimme. I want to do that.



Warren (Stephen) Rose

Fable has teleportation medals that, er, call up the magic Cullis Gates and ask them if they would be so kind as to beam you to their location like Scotty in Star Trek? Something like that at least. So, you're definitely good here :D


She doesn't look sleepy. That's usually like, 50% closed. This is more like mild disdain.

Paul Lenoue

She has to buy tickets for the oracle because the oracle and friends were kicked out banned after the "Beer Golem" incident.

Jared Fattmann

Why am I now picturing a gag where she shrinks out of her (under)clothes just to crawl out from under them in appropriately scaled but otherwise identical undergarments?

Jacob Barboza

She pretty much just looks like she's done dealing with arbitrary rules of how things "need" to happen.


It's a shame that all the similar-appearing characters made taking photographs (or drawing sketches) and posting them in the ticket booths result in too many false identifications. . Or maybe the real shame is that The Mouse was able to do this in another reality after the "Tom Sawyer Island Canoe Race" incident. ^_^