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I'm not sure if this is 100% or 50% max weight. It might depend on reactions to this, or whether I get bored and decide on the latter regardless.


It's only fair. I did foreshadow pies that have yet to be utilized.

My strategy for heavier Susan's design was just taking how she was before and adding weight. Normally I might agonize more than that, but no. Take panel one, add a little weight, kablam. That's the design.

And yes, that is quite the belly. I have strange belly expectations, for which I blame Homer Simpson and his torso that is basically a light bulb.



Stephen Gilberg

And now we're going to hear from readers with *that* fetish.

Matt R

Let's hope fit Susan comes back

Some Ed

That... doesn't look healthy, considering the size of what she consumed to get that way. Anyone got an epipen?


I completely forgot to mention in the commentary that these are based on actual potions from Fable 2 DLC. This is, to a degree, actual commentary on the game.


Shorts of steel?


This is nothing a little celery can't fix!

Prof Sai

:: Sad ::

Paul Rendell

Now we need her to put her clothes back on and have everyone lusting after her despite the weight change


wow really disappointed in the comments on this post. I was originally just gonna congratulate you on going further than the usual "heavy" shape you use, which I felt was usually mild. Now I wanna plead for you to go this far or further more often just so the hypocrites above me have to get used to it.


Yeah, no. Here's hoping this gets reversed immediately on the next page.

Joe Blue

it's not going to happen. it's going to be after a forced quest


Honestly I'd love to see 100% Susan! She looks so cute!


I agree, I always love to see fuller figures. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction honestly.:(

Arina-Artemis S.

I won't lie, I like that Dan is doing more chubby characters, and I'm especially glad they're making them mostly cute. Even if it's non-canon situations.


Haha, well, I’m glad to see some weight gain again, personally.


I wanna see 100% if this is 50%

Stephen Gilberg

Yeah, sometimes I wonder whether a given artist has actually seen an obese person.


I do find it disappointing that fans of a comic so centered around all sorts of transformations and the acceptance of the different can be so intolerant. That said, I think that 50% Susan is adorable. I look forward to whatever direction things end up going.

Prof Sai

I'm intolerant of cutting her lifespan in half and subjecting her to pain and health problems, making her unable to enjoy life, and limiting the activities her friends can do when she can't keep up. I'm just biased that way.


Agreed. Extremes on either end of the spectrum are unattractive. I'd be just as intolerant of making her so thin you could see her skeleton poking out under her skin.


We all have our own personal perspectives regarding how we interpret transformations, and what they remind us of. Some will look at this and be reminded of actual serious health issues, as has been demonstrated. Others will just see fictional curves they can't help but like on a character who is perfectly fine unless they are written not to be. We all have associations we can't help but be reminded of when shown something contextually relevant. This can include being reminded of realistic consequences when seeing a transformed state. Suggesting someone just not care would be like telling an arachnophobe to just get over being afraid of spiders. It isn't exactly a voluntary thing. It is worth noting, however, that a lot of the transformations that happen in EGS would, realistically, have negative consequences that are frequently ignored in the name of fun, and we can choose how we interact with each other. It's fine if not everyone likes this, I know some won't for various reasons. I just hope those who don't like it won't shame those who do, and vice versa, especially if one enjoys transformations of their own that could be negatively scrutinized while under the lens of realism.


I do agree with both of your points, Prof Sai and Chordat. For myself I was looking through the lens of 'fun temporary transformation,' and didn't consider the real-world implications of what I saw as a fantasy scenario. I tend to keep a pretty strong separation between fantasy and RL. So, apologies if I stepped on any toes, and thanks for sharing your perspectives with me.


Amazing how everything Prof Sai said was bullshit. At least Chordat admitted their dislike was shallow. And really disappointed in Dan for legitimizing this fake concern by comparing it to an actual fear/instinctive reaction. Dan, fat people hear "Oh I'm just concerned for your health" all the time, and it's literally never not bullshit. Really wish you'd consider what real world fatphobia looks like and check firsthand experiences on it rather than make an uninformed call on the problem. These people don't have a single valid point between them.


Gaybunny - I didn't mean to suggest that people don't pretend to be concerned for another's health when really they're just being superficial, phobic, ignorant, and/or shaming. One of the reasons I made the post, however, is because I've had previous communication with someone on this subject after earlier similar artwork, and my own expectations on why they had a problem with it being similar to yours. That was when they brought up their own personal weight issues and struggles with diabetes. I can believe someone with their own weight problems can look at something like this and not be amused by it. I can also believe someone could know someone else who's had such problems and have similar issues with it. I can believe someone is not okay with it for reasons that are personal and not superficial. I don't think that justifies shaming people for their weight, or shaming anyone for liking this sort of transformation. The claim that shaming helps overweight people is absolute garbage, and there's no excuse for it. Personal anecdote is unnecessary to prove that, but I'm overweight myself, and shame about it during my teenage years resulted in several problems for me. If anything, it made things worse. Shaming people for liking a transformation or a body type is also generally unfair and potentially hypocritical. I don't want it here. Having had that past conversation with someone, however, I wanted to acknowledge that potential perspective. If in doing so, I gave the impression of excusing toxic jerks whose stock and trade is shaming others, I apologize.


Wow this comment thread got.... Messy...

Joe Blue

it's what happens when a surprise includes something divisive


Listen. This is delightful. Thank you.


You definitely gave the impression of excusing toxic jerks given that, when people started being jerks, the thing you focused on was always "people might have reasons to be uncomfortable", and "shaming people is bad" was always added at the end, and not even targeted at the fatphobes because you kept talking about it going both ways. That's not acknowledging the situation that was actually at hand -- you're right that people might be uncomfortable for a reason, but you came to the defense of those who were mad about fat people... existing, honestly, and kept talking as if they were being persecuted for treating fat people badly. Frankly it's a hell of a false equivalence because no one was saying "how dare you not like this" or "fit people are disgusting actually", it was all just responding to the attacks already levied by the jerks. It's like when a teacher watches one kid bully another, and as soon as the kid fights back, THEN you came in and lectured both about how fighting is wrong.