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That's on a scale of 100, by the way.

I saw no satisfactory way to proceed without clothes also changing with Susan, but I also didn't want her figure to be obscured by thick clothing and a cape.

And so did we set sail for the SEA OF COMPROMISE, and after an exciting fight with pirates, we lowered the anchor.

Also, it gave me a chance to comment on the consequences of attractiveness being linked to fancy clothes, so, you know. Bonus.



Matt R

Hottest Susan? Hottest Susan

Stephen Gilberg

How pleased I am to hear it from the nerdjerks.


I don't think I've ever played anything where your clothing makes you more likely to get a romance option (or what-have-you), so I'd never thought of that. But that's hilarious. :) And you picked the perfect characters to comment on it.


More skantily clad buffSusan, please!

Paul Lenoue

How big of a donation must I make for her to keep the hat on?


Me too, please. The NPCs may not be attracted to a very hot and sexy buff looking woman who is scantily clad, but many (most?) of your readers are.


unf. On the one hand, I do want to see more of this Susan, but on the other hand, she might very well end up hotter after these potions! Alas, Schrodinger's Beauty!