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Chapter 2439: Extra - Good-looking, Appetizing

As the voices approached, Little Mengmeng couldn't resist and cautiously peeked out half of her head from under the bed.

Suddenly, a head emerged from from the bed, and it was Huohuo, who was relatively shorter and had been searching for someone. He was the first to notice, and he was startled.

"Sister...?" Huohuo realized and quickly rushed over. "What are you doing under there?"

Mengmeng made a sound, "Help me out."

Huohuo and Dou Dou immediately crouched down, each taking one of her hands, and pulled her out.

Shu Yu looked at her in amusement as Mengmeng earnestly explained, "I was saving myself."

"Saving yourself from what?" asked Xiao Shi with a smile.

Mengmeng patted the dust off her clothes, thankful that the servants cleaned under the bed daily; otherwise, she might have turned into a little dust bunny.

"I don't recognize this place, and I was afraid of encountering bad people."

"Bad people?" Xiao Shi glanced at her son, Dou Dou, whose face turned slightly red. He realized that leaving his sister alone in a completely unfamiliar place must have been frightening. He hadn't comforted her or explained properly before leaving, which was why she ended up hiding under the bed.

He walked up to Mengmeng and, with a serious expression, apologized, "I'm sorry."

Mengmeng looked at him puzzled, not understanding why he was apologizing. However, she forgave him since he looked good, and she was generous.

"It's okay."

Dou Dou breathed a sigh of relief.

Shu Yu, amused, watched the two of them. When they had finished speaking, she led them to the flower hall to eat.

Everyone else had already finished their meals, so only Mengmeng was left at the dining table.

While she stuffed her mouth with rice using a spoon, she occasionally glanced at Dou Dou.

Amused by her actions, Xiao Shi asked, "Why do you keep staring at Brother Dou Dou?"

"Good-looking, makes the meal taste better."

Xiao Shi nearly choked on her tea. She looked at Shu Yu in surprise. "Is your daughter always this direct?"

Shu Yu rubbed her forehead. "Well... she has a straightforward personality."

Xiao Shi found it delightful and couldn't help but like Mengmeng more. She wished her own son could be as cute.

Just as she was thinking that, they heard the voice of Gu Mama from outside. "Madam, Lady Tang has arrived."

"Please, come in."

After giving the order, Xiao Shi turned to Shu Yu and said, "You should know Lady Tang. She's the wife of Tang Wenqian. Ever since Tang Wenqian entered the Emperial Academy, I've had a few interactions with Lady Tang. She has a good temperament. In the past year, we've maintained our relationship."

Tang Wenqian used to work for Xiang Wei Nan, so when he returned to the capital, he naturally brought his wife to visit Xiang Weinan. With more opportunities to meet, Xiao Ruo Jun and Lady Tang got to know each other.

Although Lady Tang had no power or influence and was an orphan, Xiao Shi had stopped caring about backgrounds and statuses after the upheavals in the Xiao family. She now valued a person's character and temperament.

Therefore, even though she was now the designated wife of Xiang Weinan, she had regained her confidence when it came to socializing. Her approach to people had also changed significantly.

When someone told her that Lady Tang had ulterior motives, Xiao Shi just smiled. She knew that everyone had their own motives, and she didn't need strangers to gossip about her.

Shu Yu hadn't expected to meet Lady Tang on her first day in the capital. She nodded, "I have met her once before."


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