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Chapter 2440: Extra - Tang Wenqian's Success

Jiang Shi was quickly ushered inside, and when she saw Shu Yu, she hesitated for a moment, then greeted her with a curtsy. "Greetings, County Princess."

Shu Yu waved her hand and was surprised by Jiang Shi's walking posture.

"You..." Her gaze landed on Jiang Shi's belly. Shu Yu, being a mother herself, could tell if someone was pregnant by their posture.

Jiang Shi had been walking slowly earlier, protecting her belly. Even though her stomach was still quite flat, it looked like she was pregnant, didn't it?

Shu Yu noticed it, and Xiao Shi, who was familiar with Jiang Shi's walking style, could see it even more clearly.

Xiao Shi stood up in excitement and asked, "Is it true?"

Jiang Shi bit her lip and smiled gently, "Yes, I'm three months pregnant."

"Quick, don't stand there, have a seat." Xiao Shi pulled Jiang Shi to a nearby chair and asked in a low voice, "What did the doctor say?"

"Everything is fine."

While they spoke, Jiang Shi glanced at Shu Yu with a somewhat awkward expression.

Even Xiao Shi didn't know that her marriage to Tang Wenqian was fake, but Shu Yu was aware of it. Initially, they had solemnly declared that they were only a couple in name, yet not much time had passed before... they were expecting a child.

Shu Yu smiled and congratulated them, "Congratulations."

"Thank you very much."

Shu Yu found it quite miraculous. If the Tang family in Dong'an Prefecture found out that Jiang Shi was pregnant, they would probably be shocked. When they lived together, Jiang Shi had resisted getting pregnant.

But now, just a short time after they returned to their hometown, a child was on the way.

Knowing Tang Wenqian's mother's personality, she would probably come up with all sorts of ideas. However, Shu Yu felt that Tang Wenqian's mother might have had some influence on this matter. With Tang Wenqian and Jiang Shi away from other people's interference, their relationship had naturally grown stronger.

Seeing the smile on Jiang Shi's face, it was clear that Tang Wenqian treated her well.

Meanwhile, Mengmeng had finished her meal and, hearing the adults discussing things she couldn't understand, she quietly tugged on Huohuo's hand and said to Dou Dou, "Big brother, is this your home? Can I explore your home?"

"Of course, you can."

"Big brother Dou Dou, you're really nice."

Dou Dou's ears turned red again, and he informed Xiao Shi. Then, he took his two new friends out of the flower hall.

The Xiang family was an Marquis residence located in the capital. Even though Mengmeng had seen the world before, she was still amazed by the scenery in the mansion.

Unfortunately, it was getting late, and the three children couldn't walk for too long. They had only gone a short distance before they had to return.

Mengmeng felt regretful and, upon returning to the flower hall, asked Shu Yu, "Mom, can we come here again tomorrow?"

"Do you like it here?"

"I like it." She nodded vigorously.

However, Shu Yu said, "Tomorrow, we need to visit your Grandpa Yao and the others first. After meeting the elders, you can come and play with Dou Dou, okay?"

"Okay." Mengmeng turned to Dou Dou and said, "I'll come back in a few days."

Although Dou Dou was disappointed, he agreed.

Once Shu Yu and the others left, Dou Dou asked Xiao Shi, "Mom, do we know Mengmeng's Grandpa Yao?"

"We do."

"Then let's visit them tomorrow."

Xiao Shi was shocked by her son's request. Was this really her son? Had he not been replaced?

She squatted down and asked with curiosity, "Do you... really like Mengmeng?"

Dou Dou pursed his lips and turned away, pretending to be uninterested.

Xiao Shi sighed. "You're just pretending."