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Chapter 2438: Extra - Mengmeng Must Save Herself!

Mengmeng was enjoying a peaceful nap, wrapped in sweet dreams. In her dream, she found herself in the capital city, holding a chicken in one hand, a duck in the other, a pastry in her mouth, and a fish strapped to her back. All of them were cooked and filled the air with a delicious aroma.

As she savored the dream's deliciousness, she started feeling hungry.

But then, she woke up.

To her surprise, she opened her eyes to a handsome young man's face.

Mengmeng blinked a couple of times, appreciating the view. She thought, "Wow, this young man is so good-looking. I want to take him home and look at him every day. That would surely make me happy all day."

With curiosity in her round eyes, she gazed unabashedly at the young man. In contrast, Dou Dou, who had been watching her, blushed when she suddenly locked eyes with him.

Just as Mengmeng extended her hand, intending to pinch his cheek, Dou Dou suddenly sat up and rushed out of the bed, heading for the door. "Mother, she's awake," he exclaimed, disappearing in a flash.

Mengmeng was left bewildered for a moment. She sat up and realized that she was in an unfamiliar room, wondering how she ended up here. Where was her mother? Her father? Her brother? Why were they not here?

Panic set in, and Mengmeng's eyes widened. Could it be that she, Little Mengmeng from the Meng family, had fallen victim to the kidnappers' clutches because she was too cute?

No, she couldn't just wait around. She had to save herself. Little Mengmeng would never passively await her fate.

She clenched her fists and resolved to take action. Although the young man she just saw was very handsome, she couldn't risk being captured by a potential threat.

Despite her hunger, Mengmeng shifted her body, clumsily slid down from the soft bed, and looked around the room. Her gaze settled on the space beneath the bed.

She squatted down and, with some effort, pushed aside the footstool in front of the bed. Then, she squeezed her small frame underneath the bed, covering her mouth with both hands, staying as still as possible.

After a moment, Mengmeng furrowed her brow.

Why was she hiding under the bed? Shouldn't she be trying to escape while the room was empty?

Thinking this, she hurriedly began to crawl out from under the bed. But before she could move far, she heard a series of footsteps entering the room.

No time to spare! The young girl quickly crouched low again, staying perfectly still.

The footsteps drew closer, but with the footstool blocking her view, Mengmeng couldn't see anything. She could only furrow her brow and strain her ears to listen.

Strangely, the person who entered the room didn't say anything.

Must be trying to stay hidden, Mengmeng thought. Crafty person.

Meanwhile, in the room, Huohuo, who was devouring a pastry, suddenly found himself alone. He had woken up earlier than Mengmeng but, being too hungry, he had left to grab a meal first.

Upon hearing Dou Dou's announcement that Mengmeng had awakened, he rushed back inside.

However, where was Mengmeng?

Huohuo couldn't find her and rushed outside. He saw Shu Yu, Xiao Shi, and Dou Dou coming in.

He quickly explained, "My sister is missing."

Dou Dou panicked, saying, "When I left, she was still lying there."

Shu Yu smiled and reassured, "She's probably hiding. Don't worry; let's go inside and check."

Mengmeng, in her half-dazed state, felt like she might have heard her mother and brother's voices, but she wasn't entirely sure.


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