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Chapter 695: Huifeng Escort Agency

Luo Erbai immediately looked back at the group of people, confirming that he didn't see boss He's figure.

"That man has done many evil deeds, and prefect magistrate's guard is clever. They wouldn't let him continue causing trouble for the common people."

Shu Yu chuckled. It seemed that the local gang leader crisis had been resolved.

But speaking of Boss He, Shu Yu couldn't help but think of the Huifeng Escort Agency.

"Father, I heard from my elder sister that the Huifeng Escort Agency encountered some trouble, which is why Boss He had no scruples and started targeting us again. I hope nothing bad has happened to the escort agency."

As she mentioned this, Luo Erbai's expression became somewhat solemn. "I went to check on them immediately after they ran into trouble. According to the escorts at the agency, they lost something important belonging to a client. They couldn't disclose what it was. However, they are already searching for it through their connections. Even if they can't find it, they say it won't be a problem as they have enlisted help. They told me not to worry about it."

"I see." The Huifeng Escort Agency had helped their family a lot, so if they could help in return, they would.

But Shu Yu couldn't intervene in the matter of the lost item. It seemed that the escort agency didn't want anyone to know what it was, and getting involved might not only be unhelpful but could also bring trouble.

Shu Yu decided not to ask further. Shortly after, she and her father arrived at their stall.

When Ruan Shi saw them, she quickly brought out two scallion pancakes. "Where have you been? Why did you come from that direction? It's almost noon. Here, have a pancake to fill your stomach."

Shu Yu was actually feeling hungry, so she took the pancakes and sat down at the table with Luo Erbo.

Da Ya also brought a bowl of hot and sour soup and placed it in front of them. "Eating the pancakes alone can be dry, so have this with them."

They sold hot and sour soup as well, but only for dining in. It wasn't suitable for takeout, so they didn't prepare much.

After taking a sip of the soup, Shu Yu felt much better.

She asked Da Ya, "Elder sister, it's almost lunchtime. How do you solve your lunch here?"

"Don't we have pancakes? When there are fewer customers, we'll have a couple of pancakes, and that will be enough to fill us up."

After speaking, Da Ya turned around and busied herself again.

Shu Yu frowned. "Eating pancakes for lunch every day?"

After swallowing the pancake in her mouth, she said to Luo Erbai, "Father, let's buy some food for Mother and Elder Sister."

"Alright." Without hesitation, Luo Erbai stood up. "Let's go, we'll buy the food and bring it back to them."

Shu Yu nodded. Who knew that before they could leave, they saw Grandma coming over with a food container in her hands.

Seeing that the father and daughter were also present, Grandma immediately patted Luo Erbai's back. "It's already lunchtime, and you still don't know to take Ah Yu back home to eat? You brought her here to eat pancakes instead. Are you heartless?"

Shu Yu... Father, you're shouldering the blame so heroically. It must be tough.

She quickly changed the subject. "Grandma, why did you come over?"

"I brought them food." Grandma said, "It's not far from our place, so I brought them food and will go back afterward."

Shu Yu watched as Grandma approached Ruan Shi and Da Ya. She didn't know what was said, but Grandma's eyes that weren't really eyes locked onto Ruan Shi, and she handed her a plain steamed bun without hesitation.

Shu Yu looked at Luo Erbai. "Father, it seems that it's not your turn to take care of Mother anymore. Grandma has done it for you."

"Heh..." Luo Erbai turned around. "Let's go, I'll take you home for lunch. Otherwise, Grandma will scold me again."

(End of the chapter)


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