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Here's another session of our family D&D campaign! This has been an interesting experience for me. It's been different producing this content for you folks, as the dynamics between new players and the GM are a bit different than those I'm used to when producing Asians Represent. There's a bit more give, than take. More silence. I need to lower my expectations and allow my family to learn their own way. This game is for US, and I'm learning to embrace those moments of silence. 

I plan on doing a debrief when this is all over (episode 7). This was the first episode that we used Zencastr to record audio, while using Zoom for video. There were unnecessary redundancies. Hopefully Roll20 works a bit better for my mom! 


---------- Thanks for joining me on this journey!----------

Remember that you, dear Champion Patron, have access to every game I design independently through this platform. You can download them at this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13v_9pIZIf3j9w9WL6FTELwtsclP36Kkc 

Feel free to get in touch with me on the All My Friends Discord server I created. If you aren't able to access the Patron-only chat there, let me know and I'll fix it!



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