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I've been waiting for SO LONG to do a science episode of Anything But D&D. As my luck would have it...the audio got messed up (with a new video overlay at that)! Regardless, the lessons I learned from my pal Danielle de Carle will be inspiring MANY games to come. Danielle is a biologist specializing in the evolution of blood feeding. We talked about strange creatures in nature that can inspire YOUR games!

I'll be sure to fix the audio for next time! Sorry again!


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Anything But D&D #6 - Creatures to Inspire Nightmarish Stories

*CW: body horror, gore Invertebrate biologist Danielle de Carle joined me for a special episode of Anything But D&D to discuss all of the weird and wonderful creatures that can inspire your TTRPG sessions and game design! Follow Danielle on Twitter @danielledecarle Twitter @danielhkwan Instagram @danielhkwan danielhkwan.com Patreon.com/danielhkwan



I'm inspired!