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Next month, my family will begin a new campaign set in the world of Star Wars! Champion patrons will already have access to the first two sessions of our D&D game, but I want to include all Patrons in my GM notes for our next game! The Frozen Sick adventure will conclude after session 6 (session 3 will be posted soon), giving me enough time to make this new series something really cool! I want to include sound effects, music, and more!

So, why Star Wars? 

One of the challenges of running a D&D game with my family is relinquishing narrative control over the world. Since they're unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms and the fantasy genre in general, a lot of the broader world building is up to me. With Star Wars, there are A LOT of accessible movies and shows that they can reference. By simply watching the prequel trilogy, my family can get a strong understanding of the political themes and overall world. 

This way, they will be more likely to contribute to the narrative and overall world. My brother and girlfriend are already pretty big fans of the franchise, so I have more buy-in from them!

Second, what system?

There are a lot of Star Wars options available. For the game system, I'm going to be using a homebrew Star Wars 5e hack I someone sent me! This way, I can continue to build upon the mechanics I taught them for our D&D adventure, and eventually scaffold this back into a fantasy game when they want. Building upon skills with different genres!


For three long years the brutal war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems has swept across the galaxy. Under the leadership of the puppet Count Dooku, thousands of star systems declared their separation from the corruption of the Republic and its hegemony over the Core Worlds. In the ensuing conflict, hordes of Confederacy battle droids and the inhabitants of Separatist planets clashed against clone troopers and their Jedi commanders. 

As the Galactic Republic gains momentum, the Confederacy have found themselves pushed to the farthest reaches of the known galaxy. Both armies are being pushed to the brink as they launch daring sieges in desperate attempts to end the conflict. 

This is the story of the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto. As Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and the relentless 21st Nova Corps fight to destroy the remaining Separatist military positions on the planet, a much more covert mission is taking place...


The Republic has received intelligence that a ghostfire crystal - a rare type of kyber crystal that can be used to produce dim and silent lightsabers - is being housed in a secure facility on the planet. With their generals spread thin across the Outer Rim, the Council has tasked Jedi padawan Lao Min and Clone engineer CT-5567 ("Kevin") with this covert mission. With the aid of a smuggling ship known as the Phoenix, our heroes will fly behind Separatist lines to recover this precious resource!


Lao Min - a Togruta Jedi padawan

CT-5567 "Kevin" - a Clone engineer

Kavaroth the Gentleman - a human smuggler and captain of the Phoenix

Marlid Strom - TBD crew member of the Phoenix


Mygeeto is a frigid planet is the Outer Rim. It's snow-covered landscape is marked by jagged crystalline formations. The planet is the homeworld of the Lurmen - a pacifist species who care for the planet's naturally occurring crystalline towers. Their peaceful existence was destroyed by the arrival of the Confederate Banking Clan, who quickly made them slaves to the war effort at the onset of the Clone Wars. 


There are a couple of key themes or beats I'd like to hit with this shared narrative. 

  1. I want to humanize the Separatists or demonstrate that no one is really "good" in this war. The initial adventure will feature non-droid Lurmen "resistance". They are the guardians of Mygeeto's crystals and have been enslaved by the Separatists and their war effort. While they will have droid guardians keeping them in check, it is up to the players to negotiate.
  2. The free will and identity of the Clones being stripped away by Order 66. Since my brother will be playing as a Clone engineer, I want to provide him with a lot of      opportunities to make his character and individual. This will be temporarily stripped away by the Order 66 command, only for the group to rally to him for support. Following that, he will have to navigate the consequences of his "brother's" actions and what it means to be a clone following the end of the war. 

---------- Thanks for joining me on this journey!----------

Feel free to get in touch with me on the All My Friends Discord server I created. If you aren't able to access the Patron-only chat there, let me know and I'll fix it!

Champion-tier Patrons get access to all of the Kwan Family Plays audio, including the upcoming Star Wars series! 

Feel free to get in touch with me on the All My Friends Discord server I created. If you aren't able to access the Patron-only chat there, let me know and I'll fix it!



Looking forward to this. I’m playing in a campaign using the same homebrew rules and we’re having a lot of fun


I can't wait to start! I'm hoping my parents will get through the movies soon!