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Lilith stretched her limbs and yawned; she had never felt so well rested in her life. Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and absentmindedly sucked on the oversized pacifier in her mouth. She clutched the arm of an oversized teddy bear with one hand and played with the frills of the pink onesie she wore with the other. She giggled at her own bulging crotch as she ran her hand over the soft fabric that covered her padding.

Looking around the room, Lilith suddenly felt a very odd feeling that something wasn’t right. The diaper around her waist dragged along the juvenile sheets of the crib that had once been her bed as Lilith moved to her hands and knees.

suck suck “My diapee needs changing…wait…n-no this can’t be right…” suck…

Despite her own efforts and those of the Nanny-bot whilst Lilith slept, Lilith’s room still retained some pieces of her life that told her that she was not an overgrown infant; however, getting her brain to believe that information was hard. It felt far easier for Lilith to cry at the mess she made rather than figure some way out of her situation.

…suck… “Would it really be that bad…I clearly need diapers if I did this right? Might as well put my invention to use…no…I can’t…” …suck… “…I’ll become a complete laughing stock…” …suck…

The pacifier in her mouth wasn’t helping her thought process, but the thick pink, leather strap around her head kept the penis shaped nipple firmly in place. Lilith did her best to slow her sucking; knowing full well that allowing herself to get horny again would doom her to a life of diapers and breastfeeding.

Sitting up further, Lilith held onto the pink bars of her juvenile prison as she looked outside. Judging by the light and the lack of bodies moving across the campus grounds, it was Saturday; which meant that Lilith had been out of it for a complete day and then some. She could only hope that she had been sleeping the whole time and had not simply forgotten further humiliations.

She turned her head back to the rest of the room and wondered where exactly her Nanny-bot was. Part of Lilith wanted the Nanny-bot to notice her, make things easy, and put her back in a state of diapered bliss; the other part hoped that the Nanny-bot had somehow turned off.

In the far corner of the room from Lilith the Nanny-bot sat in its charging station. From where she was sitting, Lilith could not read the exact charge percentage, but she knew that the bot would not be able to act until charged; that is, unless the bot heard crying. She had programmed the awaken upon crying feature to give the bot a taste of what being an actual caretaker felt like, but now she regretted; not that she could imagine herself crying in the near future.

…suck… “Alright…I just have to get out of this crib, get dressed, and power the bot down completely...” …suck… “I’ll need some help just in case…but it’s not like Melody well say anything if I ask her…” …suck… “…she’s always been a good friend…” …suck…

Lilith stood now, her head barely able to look over the pink, wooden bars that kept her trapped. Stretching her left leg up, Lilith planted her foot on the side of the crib and used it to leverage the rest of her body up. She couldn’t believe that she would ever be thankful of the heart-shaped anti-slip dots that covered the feet of her onesie. With a little bit of effort she managed to swing herself over, dangling just an inch or two from the other side. Remaining completely silent out of being scared more than any kind of logical explanation.

…suck… “Just need to get out of this ridiculous onesie now…” …suck… “…then I can figure out this pacifier…” …suck…suck…

Lilith quickly began to realize that her attire was not just meant for warmth or humiliation; between the mitts that covered her hands and the locking mechanism at the top of the zipper in the back, Lilith was left completely helpless. There was no way she would be able to remove the onesie as things currently stood, which meant the pacifier would stay too.

suck suck suck… “Oh no…” suck suck “…I have to go outside like this…” suck suck “…if I stay here the Nanny-bot will wake up and put me back in the crib…” suck suck suck “…she’ll say I was a naughty girl and spank me…” suck suck suck “…she’ll change my diaper and breastfeed me…” suck suck suck crinkle crinkle

Lilith’s mitted hands had wandered down to her crotch. She bent her knees slightly and began to rub her bulging diaper. Lilith couldn’t believe what she was doing, but it was getting harder to fight it. If she didn’t stop soon, she might just cry for her Nanny-bot to come put her back in her place.


Lilith’s moaning stopped immediately. She quickly looked from the door to the dormant bot, hoping that the bot wouldn’t somehow wake up. Lilith approached the door slowly, cringing in fear at each subsequent, impatient knock. On her tiptoes Lilith could barely reach the peephole, but as she strained her neck Felicia Moon came into view through the small hole.

“You missed a whole day of class, Lilith! I know you’re in there; a dweeb like you only misses class because they’re sick.”

Lilith didn’t know whether to feel relieved or annoyed. She just wasn’t going to open the door; Felicia was the last person Lilith would ever let see her like this and that was that. Fate decided otherwise, “Your RA gave me a copy of your key in case you weren’t here. I’ve got your homework, and I’m not hearing Professor Young’s sass because I couldn’t do something so simple.” Lilith barely had a moment to register what that meant before Felicia had unlocked the door and was staring her directly in the face.

Aside from the gum chewing in class, Lilith hated many things about Felicia. Chief among them was her laugh. It sounded like music, and it echoed throughout Lilith’s room, “Oh Lilith, this is too good. Is this what you’ve been working on? Trying to get your room and wardrobe to match your IQ? Or perhaps this is one of your many backfired attempts to ‘get back’ at people for their random transgressions against you?” Felicia’s smug face burned any remnants of docility from Lilith’s mind, “Tell me Lilith, was this meant for me? Would seeing me dressed like you are now satisfy you? Would it turn you on?” Felicia reached behind herself, shut the door, and locked it, “You can tell me the truth. What would you have done; turned me into some blubbering infant that Nanny over there would spank and coddle while you masturbate in the corner?”

Felicia looked around the room as she had expected Lilith’s lack of an answer. Lilith jumped in surprise as Felicia squeezed her diapered rear, “Looks like you’ve been having fun and you either don’t want to stop, or can’t. You were going to escape, but quickly realized that between your bursting diaper and how helpless your outfit renders you, you can do little but suck on your pacifier and cry; is that right?”

Lilith was genuinely upset now. She couldn’t help but begin to feel tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Felicia was making this her worst nightmare come true.

“Tell you what Lily, I’ll change your diaper and let you wear something less hilarious if you wake up your Nanny and beg her to make me your babysitter,” Lilith was sniffling now, red-faced and rubbing her eyes, “Aww…is widdle wiwy gonna cwy? Maybe she just wants to play outside? Then everyone can see how cute she is!”

Felicia pressed firmly against Lilith’s diapered butt, forcing her forward toward the door. Lilith began to openly sob as Felicia unlocked the door and gripped the knob, “Oh what’s the matter now? Is the baby gonna fill her diapers again?”

Lilith wailed now, tears flowing down the side of her face as she desperately fought to keep the door closed.

“I can’t wait to see your face when everyone sees you Lily. I’m already wet just thinking about it. Tell you what; if you’re a good baby, I’ll let you suck on my panties…after your spanking of course.” Felicia’s laugh was the most boisterous of hers that Lilith had ever heard. Lilith was losing her grasp on the door and soon she would be humiliated to no end. With tears in her eyes she dropped to the floor and awaited her embarrassment…only Felicia’s laughter came to an abrupt stop.

“What the hell?!”

The Nanny-bot had wrapped one of its arms around Felicia’s waist and had slammed the door shut and locked it with the other; as much as Felicia kicked and punched, the bot would not let go. Lilith never thought she would be so happy to see her Nanny-bot back in action again; but as the bot tightened its grasp on Felicia, pulling her arms behind her back and restraining her, Lilith felt a surge of energy go through her. Now was her chance to redeem herself and get things back on track. Felicia would regret knocking on her door today.

“Lilith, tell your sex-bot to drop me! I’ll just leave you alone; just get the metal bitch off me!”

Lilith fluttered her eyelashes and feigned ignorance, “Lily, are you okay? Was this mean girl hurting you?” Wetting her eyes once more, Lilith feigned crying as she nodded her head yes.

Metal arms descended from the ceiling, lifting the Nanny’s burden into the air and delicately removing the pacifier from Lilith’s mouth. She stretched her jaw from the stiffness, rubbing a soft mitten against it as she did so. Felicia meanwhile, had begun to yell and struggle against the many arms that grasped at her limbs. Seeing the once levelheaded adult throwing such a tantrum satisfied Lilith to no end.

“She’s being loud, Nanny; I don’t like it. She needs a paci!”

The Nanny-bot smiled and cooed as she picked Lilith up, “She certainly does, doesn’t she? She’ll be taken care of while we clean you up, little one.”

Lilith watched from her Nanny’s arms as Felicia was pulled over to the crib and strapped down inside. She bit her lip in sexual frustration as Felicia was restrained on her stomach, her ass sticking up in the air. Felicia continued to curse and sling obscenities at the arms, as two gripped the skirt of her school uniform and tugged it to her knees.

Lilith was placed on top of what was once her workbench, now a large changing table, and restrained. She was thankful to have a good view of the show going on across the room. Lilith sucked absentmindedly on her lip as the Nanny-bot got to work cleaning up her mess. Felicia was pleading with the machines now, almost whimpering as her pastel-pink panties were tugged down around her knees. Lilith moaned softly as the bots hands gently graced her labia. A paddle slowly began to descend from the ceiling and position itself directly behind Felicia’s behind.

“N-n-no please, don’t humiliate me like this! Lilith tell them to stop! I’ll do your homework for a week? A-a month?”

Feeling a pat on her crotch, Lilith looked over to see a cartoon princess staring up at her from the cover of her plastic panties. The feeling of a fresh diaper and the smell of baby powder washed over her, and she had a terrible desire to hump something. Her Nanny-bot had left her for the time being to inspect the pleading Felicia.

“Someone’s been a very naughty girl. Do you know what happens to naughty girls, Felicia?” Dumbfounded, Felicia shook her head ‘no,’ “They’re taught a lesson. From now on, you’re going to behave yourself like a proper child, do you understand?”

“Lilith! Stop being such a baby and fix this! Do you really want this? If we’re both kept here, how are we going to get help?”

“Enjoy your spanking Felicia…you’ve had this coming for a long time…”

“You’ve said enough to Lily today, young lady. Until I’m sure you’ve learned your lesson you will be punished.”


Lilith watched the first spank closely, finding herself terribly enticed by Felicia’s gorgeous rear as the wood caused her ass to ripple and redden from the impact. Seeing her restrained in the crib, her panties around her knees, was a level of vulnerability Lilith had never seen in Felicia. Lilith delighted in her helplessness.

“Have you been a naughty girl, Felicia?”

“I’m not a little girl!” Felicia’s face was nearly as red as her ass, and she looked as if she was already holding back tears. Lilith desperately tried to grind her diaper against the changing table underneath her, anything to get some stimulation as Felicia whimpered expecting her next spank.

“You will learn to be obedient, young lady.”


“Have you been naughty, little girl?”

“YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Lilith almost laughed in delight as Felicia cried out her response, breaking the word into syllables with each sob. The Nanny-bot almost looked thrilled at how quickly Felicia had broken. A pacifier identical to Lilith’s was stuffed and secured into the poor girl’s mouth and she was quickly lifted into the air by her mechanical captors. Her skirt fell to the floor and was picked up by a mechanical hand, her panties dangled on her toe as her blouse and bra was expertly removed by the machinery.

Lilith openly laughed now at the sobbing, naked, pacified Felicia. Her clothing was being locked away just like Lilith, matching babyish clothing was being transported from drawers across the room, and ribbon was being placed in her hair to turn her gorgeous long blonde hair into babyish looking pigtails.

“I’m glad to hear that you recognize your naughtiness, sweetie. Do you plan on behaving yourself and being a good girl?” Felicia could only nod weakly as she was placed gently back in the crib and restrained, “Good. It's nap time and I think you two should look past your differences. You’ll be sharing a crib for the time being and I’m sure you’ll be fast friends after a couple baths and playtimes together.”

Now it was Lilith’s turn to be shocked. As much as she hated the infantilized young woman strapped in the crib, with the both of them reduced to infants there was little chance of escape. Lilith soon found herself being dangled in the air by the mechanical arms. She was slowly lowered into the crib and straddled Felicia who, despite her avid sucking on her pacifier, stared daggers into Lilith’s eyes. She too was restrained and left helpless atop her worst enemy.

“Now you two enjoy yourselves, okay? This will help the both of you learn to behave, right Lily?” The Nanny-bot pressed Lilith’s diapered rear up and down again and again; slowly at first, but then quickly picking up speed.

“Oh god…this bitch…she knows my weakness…at least it looks like Felicia’s enjoying herself…oh…maybe having her here isn’t so bad…she’s really pwetty…

Felicia desperately tried to shift her crotch away from Lilith’s but the girl was having none of it; nor was she stopping her humping once the bot had retreated to its charging station. Lilith was no use, her eyes glazed over the instant she had begun to hump her. She was thoroughly enjoying her new life in diapers. Felicia was not going to let that happen to her. Not if she could help it.


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