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Through the lens of her spyglass Lilith looked for victims carefully. People who had scorned her in the past were her top priority, but those ahead of her in her field too were good choices. There was Felicia Moon, a pretty blonde girl that sat behind Lilith in her meta-physics lecture; she always got on Lilith’s nerves for chewing her gum too loudly. Another good choice would be Matthew Millsbe, maybe she could even get the machine to think he was a girl; that would be a riot.

She turned away from the lens and stared at her creation. She called it the Nanny-bot and it did exactly as its name suggested. Outfitted with all the necessities to turn one of her classmates into an overgrown infant, it had taken quite a while to build and even longer to work out all the kinks; her bottom was still sore from the time the robot assumed her to be a child in need of a spanking.

Lilith approached the machine, absentmindedly rubbing her still sore end. She gave it one final inspection. The robot was extremely humanoid in shape, and was designed to have the appearance of a caring mother to lull those weak-minded enough into docility. Lilith had to admit that she let a bit of her sexual side get into the design process as well; while Nanny-bot could be a cold calculated spanking machine, she could also be caring and hyper-sexualized as well. Thoughts filled Lilith’s mind of her ex-boyfriend Harold being lured into submission at the hands of her creation. She wondered if she could find a way to program the robot to finger her without having to redo the rest of her AI work. Shaking her head of her thoughts she went back to inspecting the robot.

Her room too needed inspection. She couldn’t fit all the necessary devices into the bot so she had to put hidden compartments and panels throughout the room that housed mechanical arms and various humiliating devices to assist the Nanny-bot in her tasks. Lilith ran her fingers across the bots face, feeling the soft pseudo-skin that covered her. Her thumb ran across its lips and she smiled as the bottom one dragged slightly, like a real human lip. She had to admit she was impressed with herself; in all honesty, she should have used this device in the latest inventions competition, she could have humiliated a rival in more ways than one and won an award.

Lilith reached around the bot and inserted her finger between its buttocks. She chuckled to herself; sure it was a ridiculous means of turning it on, but who would think to press back there and it made her laugh. Its eyes opened and the irises lit up to a bright pink before settling into a deep purple, her limbs stretched slightly before returning to their previous position, and her previous blank expression turned to one of slight confusion.

“Good morning user,” its voice almost sounded human, but with just a touch of electricity. It gently reached down and removed Lilith’s finger, then began to adjust its frilly panties before returning to standing position. Lilith found herself still staring at the Nanny’s revealing skirt and frilled underwear, wondering what would happen if she made a move on the robot. She hadn’t added anything in the AI for it and she was horny; what harm could be done? Revenge could wait, Lilith needed release.

Lilith pressed her lips to the robots and pushed her hands underneath the revealing apron, grabbing hold of the firm, but realistic breasts she had spent several nights on perfecting. She was surprised as the bot began to respond, moving its lips against her own and getting a firm grip of Lilith’s buttocks. Lilith found herself laughing in surprise as the bot lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around the Nanny and continued to kiss her. She grinded against the bots taunt stomach and played with its breasts. Lilith was wondering if the bot even knew what to do with a pussy. As if to answer her, the bot carried her to her bed and gently laid her down. It spread her arms and her legs and reached under skirt, grabbing Lilith’s panties and pulling them off.

“You’ve been a naughty little girl Lily.”

“Have I?” Lilith was in heaven. She should have made a sex-bot instead of this. The Nanny’s hand rested gently on Lilith’s stomach. Lilith watched as the bot’s eyes unfocused, hinting that she was performing some tasks that dealt with parts of her programming not limited to her body. Lilith attempted to sit up and play with its breasts some more, but found that the hand kept her firmly in place.

“Oh no.”

“Keep quiet young lady. I’m getting your punishment in order.”

Lilith began to panic. She was too horny at the time to realize that what she had been doing was part of a scenario she had programmed into the AI. Lilith had acted exactly like the horny boys she was hoping to humiliate with the bot.

“No! Nanny-bot listen, I created you. You have to let me go. This is a mistake.” The bot didn’t even bother looking; instead Lilith began to hear a whirring sound through her room. Mechanical arms shot out from each corner of the bed and secured her limbs in place.

“Nanny-bot I order y—“ Lilith’s command was stopped short by a large pacifier being stuffed in her mouth. Lilith had designed the infantile clothing and items to be humiliating to her victims and now she regretted doing so. The pacifier was oversized and pink, had a strap to prevent being spat out, and the nipple was shaped like the head of a penis.

“You’ll be doing no ordering little girl. Creator or not, you’ve been a very naughty girl.” The bot grabbed Lilith’s face and squeezed her cheeks, forcing the pacifier into a sucking motion. “There, there Lily, just like that.” Lilith found herself repeating the motions even after the hand had left her face. The ability of the bot to lure people into a docile state was a strong one and Lilith found herself wishing she had had some restraint so that she could see her classmates in this position.

suck suck

All Lilith could do was suck on the oversized pacifier and stare at her captor. She ran her tongue over the penis-nipple of the pacifier and found herself getting horny again. She squirmed, desperately wishing she had complied with the Nanny so that her arms would be free to masturbate.

suck suck “Maybe if I’m a good girl she’ll finger me.” suck suck

The thought made her wet and she moaned behind the pacifier, wishing that the tiny cock in her mouth was a real one.

suck suck “No! I’m a big girl. I can’t let this nanny baby me into stupidity.” suck suck

The Nanny’s blank stare turned into smile. It reached into a compartment underneath the bed and pulled out a thick disposable diaper. The mechanical arms released Lilith’s legs and removed her skirt. Lilith used this opportunity to weakly kick her legs. The effort was wasted however, and she soon found herself crying out in pain as the nanny lifted her legs in the air and smacked her rear over and over again.

“Learn to behave yourself baby girl! I need to diaper you before you get this bed any more wet.” Lilith’s rear was lowered onto the thick padding and between her whimpers she heard the clear sound of the diaper crinkling underneath her bottom. She watched as the front of the diaper was pulled forward and the tapes were secured, forcing her legs apart from the thickness.

Despite her humiliation, Lilith hadn’t lost any of her arousal. As the Nanny-bot patted and adjusted the front of the diaper, Lilith desperately tried to grind her crotch against the bot’s hand. She knew it was the wrong thing to do in the situation, but she just needed to get off. The bot watched her pathetic efforts for a moment before moving its hand to her crotch and rubbing gently.

suck suck crinkle crinkle suck suck crinkle crinkle

“Is baby Lily enjoying herself?”

“Mmmmph,” was all Lilith could respond with. Between the pleasure emanating from her crotch and the pacifier in her mouth, words weren’t readily made for her. The bot quickly removed its hand and grabbed Lilith by the thighs, forcing her grinding to stop and her legs apart. Lilith found herself growing upset; her eyes began to fill with water and she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

suck suck “Get a hold of yourself Lily. Babies cry when they’re upset, I’m not a baby.” suck suck

“Let’s get you properly dressed and then we’ll see about letting you have fun, okay?” The Nanny gently grabbed the bottom of Lilith’s shirt and looked at her expectantly. Lilith gently nodded her head in agreement and felt the mechanical arms release her wrists. Lilith sat up obediently and allowed the bot to remove her shirt. She was then turned around and she felt the bot’s soft fingers at work on her bra. Part of her realized that she was only getting more and more docile to the bot and that her bra was the last bit of adulthood that she wore; the other half began to furiously rub the front of her diaper. She moaned behind her pacifier, excited for her climax only to be interrupted by her bra sliding down her arms. Her C-cup breasts now rested freely on her chest, a line of drool dripped to just above her right nipple. Lilith watched as the bot took her bra, along with the rest of her adult clothing and put them into a compartment beneath her bed. The bot locked the compartment and turned back to her.

“There now don’t you feel better Lily sweetheart?” Lilith found herself smiling and shaking her head. The Nanny took the corner of the apron and gently wiped the drool from Lilith’s chin. “Looks like someone needs a bib huh? Is someone a messy baby?” Lilith found herself grinning like a fool as she watched the nanny pull a large pink bib from underneath her apron. Lilith sat patiently as it was secured around her neck and then locked.

suck suck “What am I doing?! She’s gotten me naked now! I need to get help no matter how humiliating it will…” crinkle crinkle crinkle suck suck

Lilith lost her train of thought yet again upon the rediscovery of her pampered wet pussy. She pressed the thickness against her crotch and arched her back. She was so close.

suck suck crinkle “All,” crinkle “I have to,” crinkle “do is just,” crinkle “cum.” suck suck “Then I can,” crinkle “think straight.” suck suck

Almost on the edge, Lilith was quickly interrupted by a pair of hands grabbing her underneath her armpits and lifting her off the bed. She dangled in the air for a bit, caught between pleasure and fright before finding her butt resting in the arms of the Nanny-bot.

“It’s time for your lunch little one, then it’s naptime for you.” The bot playfully poked Lilith’s nose, eliciting a giggle from the girl. Sitting in a chair, the bot rested Lilith in her lap and began to remove the top of the apron. Lilith’s eyes widened at the sight of the D-cup beasts, the nipples of which were dripping a white fluid.

“Time for nummy-nums baby girl.” Lilith felt the straps on the pacifier loosen and watched as the nanny placed it on the table beside her. The bot used the bib to wipe the drool off Lilith’s chin and began to push the girl’s face toward her breasts.

Lilith began to drink; in small suckles at first, uneven and quick. Soon she got into a rhythm and found herself enjoying the sweet fluid. She felt her mind fog and felt a steady pressure being applied to her crotch. She realized that at one point she had closed her eyes and hadn’t noticed. She opened them back up. On the opposite side of the room she watched herself in the full length mirror.

The Nanny gently cradled the oversized infant in her arms. The girl’s hair was medium length and pulled into pigtails. She was thin and a bit short but was otherwise normal for her age. She greedily suckled at the Nanny’s breasts. The girl’s legs were spread wide and she was grinding her crotch against the kind hand of the Nanny; she looked very close. Lilith watched as the girl in the mirror cried out in pleasure; she shook and whimpered incoherently but was quickly silenced by an oversized pacifier in her mouth. It was a while before the excitement left the girl’s eyes and soon those eyes began to droop. The baby was falling asleep.

suck suck “I need to potty…” suck suck

Lilith found it was becoming difficult to see. She could see the baby beginning to smile and relax as the Nanny gently pulled her up. She could no longer see where the baby was, but she assumed it was probably to its crib.

suck suck “Why does my diapy feel warm…” suck suck


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