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A couple of young women, Katy and Jessa, sit at a table by themselves at a local theater. The light above them is dim and the stage somewhat distant. Katy had wanted to sit further back toward the door, but Jessa managed to drag her a bit closer. A wooden sign at the foot of the stage reads:


“What’s the point of sitting so close?” Katy asked. “I can see fine from back there.”

“The hypnotist won’t be able to see us if we sit back there.” Jessa explained. “What if she asks for volunteers?”

Katy just grumbled in reply. She had been anxious to go the show. She was anxious about many things. Her girlfriend, Jessa, was usually the one that got her out of the house. Though Katy almost always enjoyed their outings, it was getting her to actually go out that proved difficult.

Due to Katy’s reluctance, the two had arrived late. A volunteer had already been chosen and they made their way on stage as the couple got settled in their seats. The volunteer was a young, nervous man that had been pushed up from his chair at the urging of his male friends. The smallest and most effeminate of the group, Katy couldn’t help but wonder if he was the butt of a joke he hadn’t been clued in on. 

The hypnotist, a woman in her early thirties, was dressed more like a magician’s assistant than the typical hypnotist. The fishnet stockings and white leotard seemed a bit much to Katy, but the woman’s confidence and the sharp suit jacket she wore on top made up for it. She had a devilish grin and a glint in her eye as the man approached. It was clear she was eager to start the show.

With a loud and clear voice she greeted the volunteer, “Welcome to the stage…” Annabelle held out a hand and motioned for the man to follow her lead.

“Um...Michael, miss.” The man replied. His voice wavered as he looked about the crowd. 

“Miss? You’re so polite, Michelle. I like it.” Whether Annabelle had intentionally said Michael’s name wrong or not, his ‘friends’ found it hilarious.

The young man’s face turned a bright shade of red. He tried to stammer out a correction, but Annabelle talked over him with little regard. “Tell me, Michelle. Do you like my glasses?” She pulled a pair of round-rimmed glasses out of her sleeve and held them aloft.

Michael looked at them, a confused look on his face. “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

Annabelle unfolded the glasses and slipped them on. She gripped Michael’s chin firmly with a white-gloved hand and forced his eyes to meet her own. “How about now, Michelle? Do you like them?”

Michael didn’t answer; at least, not immediately. In a matter of seconds his entire body had relaxed. The bright crimson of embarrassment on his face had turned to a soft blush as he stared deeply into Annabelle’s eyes. He nodded his head up and down slowly. “Yes.”

“Good.” She replied. Annabelle kept her grip on Michael’s chin and looked around the room, a smirk on her face. When her eyes met Katy’s she winked. 

Jessa was beside herself with delight. “Did you see that? She’s totally gonna pick you if you volunteer.”

While Katy wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of being dragged on stage to appear as ridiculous as Michael had then, something inside her yearned for the attention. “I dunno…”

“As you all can see, Michelle here is in a trance. She’s very weak to suggestion so let’s have some fun.” Annabelle snapped her fingers and Michael fell to his knees. His eyes never left Annabelle’s. “Your name is Michelle and you’re a dumb, airheaded sissy.”

Michael held no trace of resistance. “My name is Michelle and I’m a dumb, airheaded sissy.”

The guys at Michael’s table were howling with laughter. Katy noticed a couple of them shifted in their seats, a peculiar expression on their faces.

“You’re very naughty and you love being punished until you behave.” Annabelle continued.

“I’m very naughty and I love being punished until I behave.” Michael repeated.

Annabelle then reached into her pocket and pulled a frilly pair of pink panties out. She displayed them to the audience. The words ‘Sissy Airhead’ were displayed in big glittery letters on the rear. 

“Wow. She just had those in her pocket?” Jessa remarked. “I can’t believe she was so prepped. Wonder what’s she gonna do to you?” She squeezed Katy’s hand and stuck her tongue out. Katy blushed. She couldn’t help but let her imagination run wild.

She tossed them to Michael. “Pull these on over your shorts so everyone knows.”

Michael stood and did as instructed. He quickly dropped back to his knees, his butt to the audience. Annabelle leaned over and whispered in his ear. As to what was said, no one was sure.

Annabelle stood and raised her right hand. “When I snap my fingers, Michelle will regain her senses and will thank me for letting her participate. She will not notice her pretty new panties until she gets home. Even when mentioned. And will respond to the name Michelle just as she would the name Michael.”


The glazed over expression on Michael’s face disappeared almost instantly. With Annabelle’s help, he stood and thanked her just as he had been told to. He left the stage with a smile on his face, completely unaware that his friends’ cheering was meant at his expense.


“Now, who will be my next volunteer?” 

Despite her initial reluctance, Katy raised her hand. Unlike Jessa, Katy was sure she would not be picked. Unfortunately for her, after what had happened to Michael, no one else was interested in going up.

Annabelle smiled at Katy. “What a brave girl you are. Come up on stage, dear.”

Katy stood but did not move. She could feel the entire audience’s eyes upon her. A loving nudge from Jessa sent her forward. She couldn’t sit back down at that point. Once on stage, Katy stood next to Annabelle. Her nervousness was plain to see.

“No need to worry so much, dear. Why don’t we start by you telling me your name.”

“K-Katy…” It was then that Katy noticed the glasses were gone. She wondered if her pulling them out of her sleeve was part of the hypnotism.

As if she could hear Katy’s thoughts, Annabelle pulled a key ring from her pocket and dangled them in front of Katy’s face. “Tell me, Katy, are these keys shiny?”

Katy had stared at the keys since they left Annabelle’s pocket. It was only when they were inches from her face that she realized she was entranced by them. To everyone else it appeared to be an ordinary keyring, but to Katy they shone brilliantly in the light. She couldn’t help but be amazed. “Sooooo shiny…”

“Look at how eager she is to play.” Annabelle remarked. She raised the keys higher and Katy tilted her head back to watch them. Annabelle then lowered the keys and Katy lowered herself to the floor along with them until she sat on her butt with Annabelle dangling the keys above her. “You look just like a little baby right now; in fact, Katy, you are a little baby. A drooly, silly little girl that thinks I’m her mommy.”

Katy felt her entire body relax as Annabelle’s words washed over her. It felt as if a soft blanket swaddled her brain. She couldn’t think straight. Katy couldn’t think hardly at all. All she cared about were the keys and the woman that jingled them, her mommy. “Baa gaanaa wa…” She babbled in response. Drool dribbled down the sides of her mouth and coated her chin. 

“That’s right, little girl. You’re a helpless little baby that needs her teddy and her paci or else she throws a fit.”

Katy didn’t respond this time. Her mind was flooded with emotions that she didn’t understand. She wanted something but she didn’t know what. Helpless to the feelings, Katy began to cry. “Wahhhhhhhh!” She splayed her legs out in front of her and kicked them up and down while she pounded the floor with her fists.

“Awwwww, poor baby!” Annabelle stepped away behind a curtain and returned with an oversized pink pacifier. “Is this what little Katy wants?” 

Katy’s wailing was reduced to intermittent sobs as she stared at the large nipple. She leaned forward and took it in her mouth. Nothing had ever felt so good. “Fuh...thhhhpppbt.” Katy wanted to respond, but her mouth quickly went to work on the pacifier. She sucked on the nipple noisily, a silly grin on her face. 

The grin quickly faded as she realized her sadness had only partially left her. Katy grasped at the air, unsure of what she wanted. “Guh...guh…” She babbled.

Annabelle crossed the stage and revealed a stuffed bear she had kept behind her back. “Is this what you want, pumpkin? Does the little baby want her teddy?”

Katy nodded, then slipped her legs under her butt and leaned forward. Without a care of how she looked, Katy crawled across the stage toward her mommy. Drool dripped from her chin as she babbled nonsense around the large nipple in her mouth. Once there, she crawled into Annabelle’s lap and clutched the bear to her chest. For the first time in minutes, Katy was quiet and content. 

“I think it’s time we let Katy be a big girl again, as much as I’d like to keep her a petulant, drooly little rugrat.”  Annabelle leaned in to Katy and whispered in her ear. She couldn’t fathom what the women said, but it held her complete and utter attention. 

“When I snap my fingers Katy will return to her senses. She will thank me for the pleasure while referring to me as ‘mommy. She will continue to hold her teddy and suck on her paci. She will think it normal, even if brought up, until she returns home.”


Katy looked around herself in shock. To her it had appeared as if she had teleported across the stage. She let loose a stifled gasp around her pacifier as she realized she sat in the hypnotist’s lap. She stood quickly and turned to Annabelle.

“Fank oou for hypotithing me mommy!” She then power walked off the stage and sat down next to her girlfriend. Her face was bright red. Katy turned to Jessa. “I didn’t do anyfing thupid did I?” 

Jessa couldn’t help but grin at her partner. Just as the hypnotist said, she was completely unaware of the pacifier she sucked on and the teddy she stroked in her lap. “Not at all, baby. Looks like the show is almost over. You wanna head out a little early and have some fun?”

Katy nodded. She was eager to leave. Everyone seemed to stare at her and she hadn’t the faintest idea why.


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