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User Submitted Contest #7: Round 3 - First Vote

  • Tournament of Blood 13
  • White Moon Goddess 19
  • 2021-10-01
  • —2021-10-07
  • 32 votes
{'title': 'User Submitted Contest #7: Round 3 - First Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tournament of Blood', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'White Moon Goddess', 'votes': 19}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 7, 0, 0, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 1, 0, 47, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 32}


Title: Tournament of Blood

Mila finds a strange contract, instead of an actual contract it is an advertisement for a tournament. The ad claims whoever wins the tournament will be rewarded with 'strength beyond measure'. Mila finds the advertisement incredibly suspicious and decides the best way to investigate it is to enter the tournament. When she arrives she finds several other contestants but none of them seem to know who's actually holding the tournament, and the host never shows herself when speaking.

After fighting her way to victory the host asks to see Mila to give her her just reward. Entering the host's lair has her reveal herself as a vampire to Mila. In life she was a famed warrior and after being turned she enjoyed her new found strength and decided she wanted to help spread it. She started the tournament hoping to attract strong fighters and has become particularly enamored with Mila, wanting her as her second.

Good Ending - Mila is able to defeat the vampire, who compliments Mila on her strength one last time before dying. While there was no great strength that Mila wanted she does find that the vampire's lair has some rewards in it, as well as the knowledge she managed to stop at least one vampire before they could do large scale harm.

Bad Ending - The vampire compliments Mila after defeating her, telling her soon she'll be strong enough to stand before her before biting her. Once turned Mila serves as her right hand woman as the two build a vampire coven of the strongest fighters they can find…

Title: White Moon Goddess

Mila is hired by a young woman to investigate a cult she believes vampires may be in charge of. The woman explains that her friend suddenly joined a cult, left her job, donated all her worldly possessions, and refuses to leave. The woman’s friend also keeps trying to make the young woman go to the shrine with her. They agree to all go together to investigate. When Mila arrives after getting some supplies, the woman who contracted Mila decides to cancel the contract and gets mad when Mila disrespects the goddess the cult worships. Mila, realizing something is wrong, checks for any bites or mind control from vampires but can't find any on the young woman or any cult members. She decides to meet the goddess to find out more,

Mila enters the room where the goddess resides. She is a beautiful girl with long white hair having just got out of the bath. Mila is immediately smitten with this so-called goddess, believing everything she says no matter how obviously untruthful her answers are. The goddess tells her nothing is wrong with her cult and Mila, in a trance, believes her, then turns around and leaves. As she leaves the shrine, Mila suddenly starts thinking about it and snaps out of being charmed. She realises something is definitely wrong even if it's not vampire related and sneaks back into the shrine at nighttime.

Bad Ending - If Mila spends too much time around the goddess or is caught while investigating, she is charmed and falls in love with the goddess, deciding how ridiculous her suspicions were she agrees to join the cult as a priestess as atonement for doubting the goddess. Her first job, using her body to give the goddess the pleasure she deserves as such a perfect being. Her second job is spreading the glory of the goddess to the whole land, starting with her friends.

Good Ending - Mila, having gathered clues, finds out the goddess is a Kitsune who escaped from a far off land. From a half-burnt book, she figures out her weakness is a stone that must be kept near the goddess at all times and anyone who holds it is immune to the goddess' power. Mila defeats the goddess, and she turns into another small stone while the one Mila holds turns to dust.


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