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User Submitted Contest #7: Round 4 - First Vote

  • Ghostly Trickster 4
  • The Tragic Bride 27
  • 2021-10-01
  • —2021-10-08
  • 31 votes
{'title': 'User Submitted Contest #7: Round 4 - First Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'Ghostly Trickster', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'The Tragic Bride', 'votes': 27}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 8, 0, 0, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 1, 0, 52, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 31}


Title: Ghostly Trickster

The contract is posted by a woman named Hannah, who claims that she is being tormented by a ghost. She claims that the ghost has been possessing her each night and using her body to channel her ghostly powers to hypnotize people and spread a bit of chaos. Mila will set up in Hannah's home, waiting to confront the ghost when it arrives to possess her again. Mila can discover that the ghost is actually Hannah's dead friend, Daisy, who is trying to continue her friendship with Hannah by partying with her, even after death. Their friendship was not a healthy one and Daisy forced herself into Hannah's life, who just kept letting her get away with whatever she wanted.

The ghost possesses Hannah while Mila is distracted and then Mila must track down the possessed Hannah in the town at night, cleaning up the tiny pockets of chaos being made by the possessed woman. When Mila finds Hannah again, Mila demands that the ghost leaves Hannah's body. The ghost refuses and attacks Mila in a very easy fight, since Hannah's body isn't very combat ready. Then the ghost leaves Hannah's body and attacks Mila again.

Bad Ending - Mila is defeated by the ghost, who enters her body, possessing her. The newly possessed Mila decides to use the hunter's knowledge to wreak even more chaos, hypnotizing Hannah into a servant. The possessed Mila eventually becomes ambitious enough to attempt to take over Noctorna with her new ghostly powers.

Good Ending - Mila defeats the ghost, dissipating the spectre's form. With the ghost defeated, Hannah awakens and thanks Mila, paying her the agreed price and promising to choose her friends more carefully in the future.

Title: The Tragic Bride

A professional matchmaker requests help as one of his new clients is a vampire. When Mila meets with him, he explains how the vampire; Jessica, approaches him the other night and wants him to find her partner. Specifically, a human partner because all of her previous boyfriends were vampires and they were particularly abusive and manipulative towards her and thinks a human could give her the love and attention that she needs. The matchmaker doesn’t feel he can find a partner for Jessica and wants a vampire hunter to deal with her. However, after hearing about her backstory and seeing how sad and desperate she is, he does suggest finding a peaceful solution if it’s possible. Mila agrees and says she’ll see what she can do.

The matchmaker arranges the meeting and Mila finds Jessica at a church at night. Jessica, who arrives in a wedding dress, was shocked to be meeting a woman, let alone a vampire hunter. She bursts out crying and is regretting her life decisions, for which Mila then awkwardly tries to calm her down. But when Jessica gets a closer look at Mila, she falls in love with the vampire hunter and proposes to her. Mila could either accept the proposal, or refuse and an angered and desperate Jessica attacks her

Bad Ending - If Mila accepts Jessica’s love, or if she is defeated in battle, then she is put under a deep hypnosis. Jessica hypnotizes Mila to be deeply in love with her and would never harm or leave her. A hypnotized Mila agrees and both share a deep kiss in the empty church. Cut to years later where Mila and Jessica are living together and are seemingly happy. There was a moment where Mila regains her memories of a vampire hunter, Jessica quickly puts her back under her spell.

Good Ending - Mila successfully repels Jessica attack and she finally calms down. Jessica, upon realizing what she has done and feels her past relationships have influenced her, is ready to accept her fate and embrace death. Mila then has the option of slaying her, or sparing Jessica and suggesting finding friends to help her heal. When Jessica asks her who, Mila could either suggest the matchmaker or herself as a pen pal. Whatever option that Mila/the player chooses, they report back to the matchmaker about the outcome and receive their reward.



Maybe if The Tragic Bride is chosen, one of the options for a pal for Jessica if Mila spares her could be Bianca - assuming Bianca was previously spared too. I do also like the idea in Ghostly Trickster of following (and cleaning up) a mess across the city to find clues in order to track down Daisy.