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User Submitted Contest #7: Round 2 - First Vote

  • The Hosts 15
  • Building a Better Vampire Hunter 19
  • 2021-10-01
  • —2021-10-06
  • 34 votes
{'title': 'User Submitted Contest #7: Round 2 - First Vote', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Hosts', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Building a Better Vampire Hunter', 'votes': 19}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 6, 0, 0, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 1, 0, 44, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 34}


Title: The Hosts

Contract would be posted by a young man searching for his girlfriend who has disappeared after being seen being visited by two of her friends who had previously disappeared. He suspects vampires but it turns out to be something very different. The girls have been taken over by a worm-like creature that resides in their bodies and controls them.The parasite grows in the host's reproductive system as it makes more copies of itself. A host can normally hide her infection, but when the parasite sees a new person to spread to, it begins to stimulate the woman’s insides. This forces the host to seduce her prey in order to get close enough for the parasite within her to infect the new host.

While attempting to infect another, a host’s eyes turn inhumanly green and their skin a similar pale shade. A tendril from the parasite then uncurls from her privates with a stinger that is able to stab and deliver a shock of chemicals and pheromones. This sting relaxes the victim and delivers an extreme shot of arousal, causing the victim’s nipples to go rock hard and soon reach climax. While the pleasure distracts the mind of the victim, the host delivers a kiss that causes a parasite larva to enter the body of the victim. The parasite swims through the body until it reaches the brain. The parasite then assimilates the mind of the victim as she cums and a new host is born.

Mila goes searching for the missing girl nearby, finding two of the girls who are already hosts in the process of converting the new girl. One of the infected girls fights Mila.  The Hosts have enhanced strength and fighting abilities.

Bad Ending - If Mila loses she is then forced to watch as the girl is turned into a host and then Mila is turned into one as well.

Good Ending - The canon ending would be her defeating the infected girl.  Pulling the host away from the  girl and rescuing her.

Title: Building a Better Vampire Hunter

Mila answers a request from an eccentric genius named Professor Edelstein to test his newly developed anti-vampire weapons. Upon arriving at his laboratory, she's immediately attacked by a group of living dolls dressed in lewd maid outfits.  Mila recognizes the golem runes used to animate them, but not the mechanical parts that are exposed when she defeats them.  Professor Edelstein greets Mila and confirms that he combined golem magic with his own technology to create automaton warriors.  When asked about their outfits, he casually mentions that they might as well serve a dual purpose as sex toys and Mila can take one home if she likes, then escorts her through his lab.  He shows off various devices and weapons before moving on to his latest creation: a golem core assimilation device that attaches to a host's spine through their neck and merges with their nervous system, essentially making them an "organic golem".

He demonstrates its capabilities by introducing a vampire who's been taken over by the device, in addition to receiving several other implants and prosthetics.  He begins geeking out over how the core and its golem magic makes it easier to surgically add and control new modifications, but Mila is unsettled by the soulless drone-like behavior of the "vamborg" (a name which Edelstein doesn't approve of).  To help ease her mind, he tells the vampire to enter "Passive Mode", which causes her to revert to her human personality before becoming a vampire.  She introduces herself as Shelley, a childhood friend of Edelstein who was also his first crush.  She always found his awkward enthusiasm and nonchalant perversion to be unattractive, but remained friends with him until he left for the academy (which he was subsequently kicked out of and moved into his remote lab).  When she was turned into a vampire, she thought that his attachment to her would make him easy prey, but she ended up becoming the first victim of his new device. She cheerfully recounts how he reprogrammed her to become his loyal sex slave and lab assistant, as well as plenty of other fun new modes and features.

As a demonstration, Edelstein has her switch to "Predator Mode", causing her vampiric personality to surface, and he orders her to attack Mila.  Regardless of the fight's outcome, he orders Shelley back into "Drone Mode" and asks Mila for her feedback.  She can either tell him that his work is amazing and she wants to help him make the most of it, or that it's an atrocity (no offense to Shelley) and she'll dismantle the golemization device herself if he doesn't first.

Bad Ending - If Mila approves of his work, the two of them will geek out together about what can be done with the technology and how it - and Mila - can be improved.  She happily gives up her humanity in order to become a better vampire hunter, while still fulfilling her corruption fantasies and becoming a robot sex slave. If she disapproves, but loses the fight, a confused and frightened Edelstein will respond to her threat by ordering Shelley to subdue her. She'll be easily hypnotized in her weakened state, and begin to mirror the robotic tone and phrasing used by the Drone Mode vampire as it "reprograms" her to be more supportive of the Professor.  This inspires Edelstein to use Mila as his next subject, to which she robotically gives her consent.  In either case, we skip ahead to a cyborg Mila dispatching a vampire before awaiting further orders from her master.  Edelstein arrives with Shelley, excited at the success of Mila's field test, and celebrates by running her through some of her new modes and features.

Good Ending - If Mila defeats the "vamborg" and tells Edelstein his work is an atrocity, the frightened and confused Professor will agree to halt any further golemization research and give her her reward.  Still oblivious as to what exactly he was doing wrong, he promises that next time he'll make something that Mila will truly appreciate.  Mila reluctantly leaves Edelstein and Shelley in peace, not looking forward to his next attempt to impress her.



Both of these are really good honestly, wish we could get both in the game since they both cover somewhat untouched areas within the game so far


They may get their chance still. Both of these contracts were previously submitted, so who knows?