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User Submitted Contest #7: Round 1 - First Vote

  • Passion’s Price 15
  • The Forgotten Treasure 11
  • 2021-10-01
  • —2021-10-05
  • 26 votes
{'title': 'User Submitted Contest #7: Round 1 - First Vote', 'choices': [{'text': ' Passion’s Price', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'The Forgotten Treasure', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 5, 0, 0, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 1, 0, 39, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 26}


Title: Passion’s Price

Mila sees a new contract posted from a nobleman who claims that a vampire has been preying on his daughter.  When she goes to see him, he shows Mila his exhausted daughter asleep on a bed claiming that since said daughter began spending her time with a mysterious porcelain-skinned Courtesan, she is slowly becoming more lifeless - sleeping longer and longer, then staying out all night - hence he is sure the woman must be a vampire. However Mila notes that there are no bite marks on the girl.

Mila goes to meet the Courtesan in Fallholt's court, finding a high-class Asian noblewoman dressed in a revealing kimono.  When asked about the noble girl, the Courtesan muses that the girl is a radiant bloom whom she has been enjoying greatly.  Mila challenges her about the girl's gradual exhaustion, but the Courtesan simply notes that the ecstasy her abilities give wouldn't be worth the price otherwise. Mila asks the Courtesan to touch her Cross to prove that she is not a vampire. The Courtesan gracefully touches it and then dismisses Mila as she has clients to attend to.

Mila learns that the Courtesan is a Jiangshi, a different form of vampire that feeds on the life’s breath of its victims – and is thus immune to her Cross.  She follows it to its lair, where it transforms. The creature insists that it only takes what is offered in return for rapture, but Mila retorts that the near-lifeless noble girl no longer realizes just how much is being taken from her.  The Jiangshi indignantly responds that it must feed to survive, but suggests an alternative.  It notes how stunningly beautiful and vibrant Mila is, and how much ecstasy Mila's sensual young body would experience if she offered a taste of her abundant vitality in place of the noble girl's.  Mila expresses doubt about the creature's trustworthiness. The Jiangshi responds that it has lived long enough to sense an unfulfilled longing in Mila for something intimate and dangerous - something that it can satisfy with its breath-taking kiss… If Mila chooses to fight, the Jiangshi summons a couple of Zombie brides to aid her, porcelain-skinned noblewomen with gleaming blue eyes whom she had previously drained to death.

Bad Ending - If Mila agrees to offer a taste of her life's breath to the Jiangshi or is defeated, the two get naked and Mila gets the ecstasy promised.  However once the Jiangshi has savoured Mila, it hungers for more.  The creature tells Mila how full of life she is, and suggests that if Mila offers a little more of her life's breath, it will be longer until it needs to feed again.  Mila reluctantly agrees and the Jiangshi feeds again, giving Mila an even more intense though tiring thrill. After it has fed a second time, the Jiangshi tells Mila how grateful it is for the life Mila has given it, insisting on giving her greater pleasure in return - it will just need to take some more of Mila's life.  A more amenable Mila agrees and gets an incredibly intense but even more tiring climax.  After she has fed a third time, the Jiangshi tells Mila it has rarely had a lover so radiant and eager - and that if she shares her life's breath freely her next carnal release will know no bounds. Mila is unable to resist, and the Jiangshi hungrily consumes Mila's life completely, turning her into another Zombie Bride.

Good Ending - Mila can choose not to kill the Jiangshi, in which case her client only pays half the value of the contract based on Mila's assurance that the Courtesan will stay away from now on (Optionally, Mila may still be able to visit the Jingshi later for the bad ending). If the Jiangshi has been killed the girl recovers completely, and realizes she was enthralled but is still left with a compulsion to exhaust herself through pleasure.

Title: The Forgotten Treasure

Mila is contracted to assist an archeologist named Rita in retrieving a legendary helmet from a forgotten ruin. She requires assistance since the helmet once belonged to the ancient Queen Asenath and is said to be cursed. The two of them travel by boat to a desert continent and enter the ruin. The ruin itself is filled with all sorts of traps that can harm Mila as well as sexy female mummies, whose bodies are wrapped in tight cloth, have greenish blue skin, and glowing yellow eyes. The cursed women moan “Join us…” and attack Mila and Rita in an attempt to add them to their queen’s army.

While exploring, Rita accidentally activates a revolving trap door, separating the two. Mila eventually finds a way out, but not before confronting the now cursed and mind controlled Rita standing in front of and protecting Queen Asenath. Unlike the others, the Queen’s appearance is rather human, with short black hair, dark skin, and piercing violet eyes. She sends her minions to attack Mila and after defeating them she reveals her true form, reverting her skin and eyes to that of the other mummies and attacks Mila.

Bad Ending - Mila is overwhelmed by the Queen who then lays a curse on Mila. Mila’s mind is dominated by the Queen. There is a transformation sequence as her body morphs into that of the cursed soldiers. While still in her old uniform, her new Queen commands her to protect her tomb for all eternity while coyly playing around with her cute new servant’s body. Mila joins the others, becoming a cursed minion of Asenath forever and is finally seen in mummy wraps of her own.

Good Ending - Mila defeats Queen Asenath and any remaining cursed servants fall alongside her. After she is defeated, Mila laments the loss of Rita who she had to destroy. Mila takes the Queen’s Helmet for herself,  which is not only very valuable, but now free from all curses.


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