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Happy Sunday, everyone! Progress this week could have gone better, but I had some family obligations to fulfill this week and I also got my second dose of the vaccine, which I am very happy about! Unfortunately, the side effects hit me pretty hard and I was out of commission on one of the days I usually have off to work on the game so.... bleagh...

I have hit a few completion mile stones, though so it's not all bad! The two commissioned characters are fully scripted and ready to go!

I believe I stated this in a previous update, but one of them can be found in the main route as seen above and the other will be in the vampire route, found in the Rotten Grove alongside the other guest hunters.

I've also worked in a warp tool for the Dev Room to quickly warp you to areas in the game. This is a test for a feature that will be implemented in the Chapter 4 update, so all players will have access to this eventually. Aside from that, I've done a bit more writing for some of the scenes in the extended Viviene ending including finishing up the one in Abelleth Village and one in Ilbrooke. I've also added another neat touch to the game:

If Mila is afflicted with vampirism, her sprite and menu portrait will now change! This is a small touch, but this was actually a feature I wanted to add since the initial release of 1.0! A remnant of this idea can be found in the dark cave just before the Cliffside Library that has a trapped coffin with smoke that inflicts vampirism. Mila uses a character portrait in this scene that was originally intended for this purpose!

Lastly, I want to get into talks about release window for this new update. I've had my eyes set on releasing the new update sometime this month. Scripting wise, I would say I'm over halfway done with what needs to be ready for this new version. I've decided that I will be adding 3 more illustrations to this update and I have also begun sketching one of those 3. My guess is that I SHOULD have everything done, testing included, by the end of this month. As always, I will keep you up to date on any changes and complications that arise.

I also want say that I received an influx of new patrons this past month and I am very thankful for all your patience and support of this project! I'm not sure what caused this uptick in support, but it is very welcome to see. I hope many of you will stick around to the end of this with me! 

See you all next week!


Gonad the Barbarian

i always liked the vampirism status effect, always gave the most basic of enemies a feeling like they are a real threat in the world and not just fodder