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The latest contract quest is fully scripted and tested! It is ready to go! This is the real meat of the upcoming version update, so I'm glad that I can scratch it off my to-do list!

Completing this quest will actually have a small impact on the city of Fallholt itself, so story-wise this ended up becoming a quest that adds more to the overall world building of Crimson Veil. If you are interested in that sort of stuff, be sure to look through some areas of the city to find what has changed due to your actions!

With that quest out of the way, I am finishing the scenes for Viviene's extended ending. 

I went back and played through some of the scenes I had already written and edited some of them. I have I think two more scenes to write in Mor Town and I have to redo Dorian Manor's interior events to have them work with the new scene and playable section that I am adding to that area. 

Lastly, I still have the art, which I couldn't make any progress on this week unfortunately. I'll likely try and finish at least the one sketch I was working on last week and have a preview up and ready for you all by next Sunday. Still, progress is progress and we are getting closer to that version update everyday!

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. See you next Sunday!



that werewolf quest sounds very promising