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The events for the contract scenario are a good ways scripted now. I still need a few passes on the dialogue however, as some parts don't flow well. 

I actually spent the first few days of this past week working on character art for the Chapter 4 update! Flats are done for a few of them and two are already completed. I don't want to share them yet, but I will post them in a future update when it's more relevant. However, you can get a teaser for a one of these new characters if you check the Developer Room! Speaking of which, I added a few more functions to the Developer Room, including an option to unlock all pictures in the Picture Gallery and the ability to add random party members to join you! 

They can't level up, change equipment, or interact with the story in any way. Crimson Veil is not balanced to having party members, but if just want to have fun, here is another option for you to mess with! I've even added some past enemies to add to your party. so feel free to experiment with the  options.

The Fenrir Glade map is also mostly complete now with NPCs to speak to and treasures to collect. Be sure to speak with all the NPCs, you may even meet a familiar character! 

That's about it for now. I will leave you all with a teaser of one of the new Bad Ending illustrations!

Take care, everyone!


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