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Quick update on the Developer's Room: There are now even more options to play around with. You can now choose to skip immediately to the beginning of the vampire route as soon as you have access to the Dev Room. You can also choose to play as a standard vampire. This essentially acts as if you are in Viviene's Bad Ending Sequence, so you can play that new content right off the bat. You can also change back to a human, but depending on what scenes you trigger while playing as a vampire, you may encounter some inconsistencies or other issues. Just be sure to save before attempting this, as I am still testing this cheat out. 

Additionally, you can also gain a hefty supply of free customization gems and Casino Coins if you want. Does anyone have any ideas for things they would like me to add to the Developer Room? It's mainly a cheat area at the moment, but I'm open to other fun things to add to this supporter exclusive room! I know a scene gallery has been highly requested, but I think that will end up being an update all on it's own down the line since there are so many scenes that I would have to incorporate at this point. 

In more news, all of the art that I originally planned for this update is now complete! That includes all of the character portraits and variations as well as the other scene illustrations, such as bad ending art etc. It's looking good, but since I am still planning out some scenes that will be a part of Viviene's extended bad ending sequence, there will likely be more that I will want to draw. One sequence in particular is an idea I've had for at least a year, I'll have to spend some time scripting before I invest time in making illustrations for it. This playable sequence will take place primarily in the slums of Mor Town East and begins by speaking to a shifty character in the area.

So given this choice, what would you pick? Whatever you decide, it will be reflected in the illustrations after this point, so you may want to revisit this choice and pick the other options! Some characters may even comment on your choice, if they happen to see what you picked...

Lastly, here's just a fun character portrait of a vampire maid Mila!

You'll have to mess around in the extended bad ending to find what scene this belongs to! It's going to be fairly short, but it will be playable! 

Until next week, everyone!


chris leiterman

With the "I can change you back later if you like" line, I can't help but wonder if there will be a future option to "replay" game over scenes. Similar to monster girl quest where you can watch/read (reverse) rape scenes. It would be admittedly enjoyable to rewatch the scenes without having to make multiple saves like I did before one of the previous updates wiped out those saves, or having to play through to those points again. Similar to the gallery, I could see that after you get the game over scene once, players are allowed to "replay" those scenes.

Leith P

I am liking this update, it is going to be fun.. Also hopefully in the future, and I know have said this before.. ;) Would love to have the cursed armour part of the game to be fleshed out more where in putting it on would instead of just leading to a very cool game over picture.. Would instead allow another avenue into the vampire route somehow..

Hero of None

maybe allowing a temporary team mate or another person in nocturnal to wear the cursed armor would lead to the different route?