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Hi there,

Exciting post today! We’re here to reveal the new look of one of Paralives’ Townies, Sebastian. We first revealed him in July 2020 and since then, Léa and Sonia did a lot of work to improve the visuals of our characters. For those who are new, Sebastian is a Townie that we created with the Patreon community a while back (here and here). He’s a cook who aims to open his own restaurant and a single father who just moved into town with his child. The details about his past are mysterious. This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

Left: Sebastian in 2020. Right: Sebastian now.

Among many elements that we improved, we added more details to the skin texture, we added a greater variety of colors to it and we added more details to the clothes. We also heavily changed the proportions of the body and face to make them more realistic. The eyes are now smaller, the feet and hands are bigger and the overall shape of the body is more accurate. Sebastian is now a bit taller as well.

Left: Sebastian in 2020. Right: Sebastian now.

As you’ll see below, we reworked the shapes and textures of the muscles. These details will automatically adapt when you change the fat and muscle sliders of your Para. The body hair is also more apparent and we added some on the arms and legs. Players will be able to select different presets for body hair.

Left: Sebastian in 2020. Right: Sebastian now.

All the improvements that we did to Sebastian were made while improving the features of the Paramaker. So all Paras will be in this new and improved art style and will benefit from all the new features we added while working on Sebastian like the muscle and fat sliders, the body hair, the new face and body sliders, the improved skin textures and so on. We’re very close to the final art style of the Parafolks. In the near future, we’ll be working on some improvements to the art style of the environment.

The new Sebastian looking in the distance.

Bonus: a funny bug we got from Sebastian. Alice left the game running for a while and when she came back, she found him like that… Don’t worry, this won’t happen when you’ll play the game, I hope.

Well, I hope you liked this showcase and feel free to share your comments below!





He looks great! You guys are doing amazing!


Oh wow! I love the new look!


Literally so perfect! My mouth just fell to the floor at the improvements 😍

Cali Ann Y.

I like it! Although I do miss the softness of the old version!


Wasn't too sure on the artsytle at first but by the end of the post it really is an improvement. Keep up the good work, really excited for this to finally release


Right: the guy she tells you not to worry about; Left: you


He looks so good!! The improvements are incredible! With every post I get more and more excited about the release of this Paralives!


Im curious how maggie looks now!

Brandon A-L

Oh, no. He’s hotter.

Katie Bellissimo

Love the new look! It's stylized but still looks realistic and the proportions are so much better! Keep up the good work :)


Ahhh every update makes me more excited! Looks good team!!!


Looks good! I do miss the softness of the first version though. I feel like it fits in better with the world.

Charmen Young

I really do love the softer look of the original Sebastián but the details of the new one is nice!


Amazing! Can't believe it's been over a year since we first saw him! This game is what I look forward to the most


Gotta say I prefer the older more cartoony look, the new eyes look a little creepy to me and the dark lines and shadows don't really match the worlds art style


Damn sebi is HOT

Thomas Salvucci

I must say I prefer the old one better, I find the new one's level of detail a bit jarring, specifically on the eyes and muscle definition.


O.M.L. Yup, that's all the words I can make right now.


I really liked the softer/less realistic style better (style of the characters was actually one of my fav things)... However, I understand that this update probably allows you to create more customizable options ^^


Sebastian is a DILF.


He has a lot more detail, but he's lacking the emotional appeal, natural body language / expression, and aesthetic of previous Sebastian. The contrast on him is really dark, so he kinda appears to float against the soft background. I can tell he's had a lot of improvements, but he doesn't feel like a character I could feel for. I think he needs a little more cartoon and simple features to regain that human feeling.

Anastasiâ Helwig

Amazing work. He looks great. 😍🥰


My only complaint is that the new Para look makes it seem as though he doesn't fit in to the world. He looks like he's been placed on a random background instead of actually being in it.


bug Sebastian is scaring me with his “assert polygonal dominance”. Fantastic work as always


The new one looks so much better! Not as bland as the first version. Good job to the whole team, can't wait to put my hands on the PAM. Also looking forward to the new environment. Made my day :)

Nyssa Joseph

Just wow!!!! 😍😍


Sebastian is a Chad


Bug Sebastion is 👑




Big improvement, looks great!!


I gotta say I much prefer the original style better. To me he looks more charming and smooth. Now the skin details are really harsh and he looks too rigid and stiff, and his eyes have lost their soul. I appreciate your work and maybe as you continue to tweak you could find a happy medium between these two looks?


Kinda miss the softness... the hard lines look a bit too Borderlands-y, and especially the posing feels less natural?... don't mean to discredit all the hard work though, maybe I just need to get used to it :)


I love all of the new detail so much! But I agree with some of the others, I miss some of the softness of his character design but mostly for his eyes. They're a little uncanny.


The bugged out look is my newest nightmare


The eyes are creepy and the details line are really hash, but overall it looks good. I Love the old soft cartoony styled but this one is good too.


I gotta say I preferred the softness of the original character, in both the edges and definition and expression in the face. The softness gave the game a more cozy feel than this hardness


It looks amazing! Congratulations for the great work


bug?? that’s the best he’s ever looked!! jk, but seb is definitely a whole DADDY now 🥵


Sebastian went from a sweet innocent looking child to a whole ZADDY!!! His features are so sharp, mature, and well proportioned now!!! Great job team!!!

Andrea Digney

big improvement! Thanks for the update.


I totally agree! I hope the team takes this feedback with them for the next developments


I like the more realistic look to be honest. The original was great and if that’s what the game was shipping with, I would’ve been okay with that. But this new style is 👀👀👀 Keep up the fantastic work! ❤️ Edit: BUT that being said, I really wanna see a para with more body fat. So far we’ve only seen Maggie, Sebastian, and those two mysterious Paras from the build demo (I think). I’d really love to see what bigger bodies will look like!


Omg! I literally can't believe this looks so good! I'm so excited! I loved the old style but omg it got better!


Dang hes fineee 😂 I honestly love the style. I think my only critique of it is that it looks too detailed and 2D, whereas the background looks 3D. I think if you guys were to soften him a little and make him a bit more 3D it'd be perfect. Overall I like the improvement on him.


This looks a little too harsh against the objects and build. Like separately they look great but he doesn't look like he belongs as much as of the first one. Though I know a lot of people like it.

Danielle Ellis

Gotta be honest, I'm not in love with the new looks. Before, all the graphics worked very well with each other. Everything feels like it belongs. But now he feels almost as if he's almost 2D and pasted on. I'm saying this as genuine constructive criticism. Not trying to be mean or anything. And I know it's not finalized.


Ehh yeah guys this went a little too hard… almost jarring it’s so hard. Now he’s lost his cozy feel and looks like he’d force a hug on someone who doesn’t want it 😅


I love this new look, i think the old one made the paras blend in too well with their surroundings it was almost as if they were part of the objects themselves. But the lines on this new version really distinguishes them so well!

Vera Ohlsen

It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust, but I quite like the new look! A bit concerned about how well the fancy "hand-drawn" shading will animate in-game, but I am sure you guys have already thought of that (otherwise, you would not have gone for it). Personally, I am missing some shades of blue/green in the skin tone - it is very reddish, at least on my screen. I am sure another skin tone might look different, and that it might just be this one. Please be mindful of having different shades of whites for the eyes vs. the teeth, as having several very bright white spots in the same face tends to look odd.

Michael Green

I honestly liked the previous version better. It was more softer. For me, that matches the vibes from what we’ve seen of the world so far, better than the new version. The new one looks great honestly but perhaps a bit too…harsh/rugged? Or too detailed? Almost looks like he’s a different character. Did Sebastian undergo the same improvements that Maggie went through or will Maggie be further improved to match Sebastian? I loved how you improved Maggie and how she became a good mix of ‘cartoon avatar’ and ‘realistic’. So I hope she doesn’t change much if at all. I still love the hard work you all have put into this game and I look forward to playing it!


I think this looks so amazing! I love the details like the skin gradients, and the little touches that make his esthetic unique. I look forward to seeing more of him interacting in a full environment!


There is a lot I like about this new look! But for me, I feel like maybe the skin details are a bit too harsh or sharp, and maybe a bit too detailed for my taste. Especially around the neck and collarbone. Maybe I would like it better if it blended a little more to the skin or was closer to the color of the skin tone. But that may just be my personal preference :) Otherwise I really like where this is going and I do prefer this version over the previous! Especially with the proportions 😄


Oh my 😳 why he so fine


🥵 Sebastian! I miss the soft eyes but this look definitely fits his background. Mysterious bad boy, tragedy happened, single dad raising a kid, doesn’t have a job in a new town yet.


I didn’t realize the 2D art style you guys were going for could be so detailed! It’s the kind of art style you’d see in a high-budget animated movie. While I will admit I wasn’t a fan of the style before, I knew you guys weren’t finished with it yet, so I’m happy with the end result. I can’t wait to create my characters!

Elizabeth Gonzales

All I can think about as I look at new and improved Sebastian is that Jamie Lannister gif of him saying, "Nice."


Everyone saying that they like the soft version better but … he looks 10x better, and if you look at the background it matches him fine they obviously changed objects too.

Emma Pelletier

I liked the previous version, but the new is far more beautiful, I think. Even if I enjoyed the "soft" aspect of the first version, I find the other one more interesting, because details are really good and it looks more realistic, more "mature". Good job ! :D


I admit that for a moment, I was a bit taken aback by the new version. I do like the new details, especially on the clothes, and the taller height looks better on Sebastian. However, there's something more charming about the old version, especially the eyes. Maybe it's the softness and cuteness that's captivated me all this time. That said, I do agree that the new version is more proportionate and realistic because the arms of the old version especially look kind of off when compared to the new version side by side. They didn't look that way before because we didn't know any different until now. Still, I like the new look, and I'm sure I can get behind it. I'm curious to see a new Maggie version. Gosh, I can't wait to play this game! There are so many life sims and farming sims coming out that I'm looking forward to, but this remains the one I'm most anticipated to play because it's the closest to a proper life sim that we'll probably get anytime soon, as in the closest to The Sims. The Sims is still my favorite game at this time, but Paralives could easily top that when it comes out. I mean, it already offers way more features and gameplay, as well as things that don't require paid expansion packs like pets and weather. That alone wins it for me. Keep up the fantastic work, devs! You continue to have my support. :)


I love the art style so much... 😍 You guys are doing great! Can't wait to see more of the Paramaker in action

Megan Santucci

I don't want to knock all your hard work but I must admit I prefer cinnamon roll Sebastian. :p


I really like the new proportions and extra level of detail but the collar bone lines are really harsh, maybe making it more soft against the skin and adding a better shader for the eyes, adding a very subtle shadow in the texture, other than that i absolutely love this style


Ooooomg I LOVE the new version! I also loved the first version, so i’m very surpriced to love the new version even more! He looks STUNNING and SUPER realistic! I LOVE it 😍😍😍 and although I do like the dark outlines around him, eill it be possible to soften them a bit up on our own game? Just to get that small ounce of extra realism? If not, it’s totally fine! 😋


Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry.


Uhm while I do love him, there is a bit too much white in the eyes. He looks bug-eyed and like he has seen some shit. They need to be put back to bigger. Another thing I feel with the new Para style while I like it, its more detailed, it just doesnt seem to blend into the backyard, ya know? The old ones at least look like the belonged in the game but these ones look like one game pasted into another ya know? It just seems flat and fake. Like it doesn't belong. Maybe it is just these screenshots but I don't know


So much better impressive level of detail. Looking very good the collar bones are just a tad sharp but otherwise great great improvement to the overall shape nad musculature


I like the new body structure but feel like the detailing is too prominent, it is in really stark contrast from the build and furniture featured so far. I preferred the softer look. This new design reminds me of the walking dead character designs.

John PT

I love it! It's quite amazing honestly! The body hair is so much better and detailed! I just wish the skin details were a little bit softer, especially the area around the chest and the neck. But really loving the artstyle!!! Congratulations guys!


Wow the details are impressive and so... beautiful! I love the shadong of the skin. Great work !!! What a jump of quality. Cannot wait to see further improvement !


He looks an amazing!!!! I'm stunned! You guys go above and beyond


I like how the new Sebastian looks but I miss the softness of the old Sebastian. Softness I mean like a halo type of look but I still like the new Sebastian.


I think this is a huge change but people will adapt! I love where the designers vision has gone. He looks very very good and I am excited to see what other body types and the world looks like


Losing my mind about glitch Seb 😂😂😂


A lot more realistic. I liked the first one since it's more adaptable to its environment, however its better in terms of realism and proportion

Toffy (Monique)

Thats a big change and improvement. I like both styles but I prefer the softness of the old Sebastian, especially of his face :o The new one is a little bit too sharp but maybe that's only for my taste :D But the body of the new Seb is much more realistic which is awesome :)


Oh no . . . he's hot 😩

Heaven Moore

I’m so excited!!! <3 I LOVE the way he looks now!! I think The reason that people are saying they liked the first one, because it’s the first one that they saw for a year and they had time to get attached to it. Give it some time ❤️


I prefer the older one as it was more of a cartoon look to it and matches the background more. Though I know you're still in the works, and I trust that the new look will turn out amazing when it's all put together!


I LOVE the detail in his body, so much better. Body hair, muscle definition is incredible. The eyes also look a lot more realistic. His body shape definitely looks a lot more natural, I found the first one be a bit boxy. Fantastic work!


I love the new and improved sebastion!!😘

Jo Landers

I love him, everything about him looks great... Except the eyes! They look good from up close but I miss how dark and large they were before. I think if his eyes were just a bit bigger they'd be perfect


glitch sebastian T.T I love the details, but I do agree with some of the comments here that the eyes look too contrasted against the rest of his body, and the detailing makes for quite a stark difference to the surroundings (though that may be intentional!) You guys did an amazing job so far!


He looks so good!! I’m so excited!!!


I really like this look over the old one, though I think the only thing I would critique is the eyes. The eyes don't look like they have much life to them, I think adding some sort of shine to them would help, like the light is bouncing off the eyes.


Hello Alex and Para team, I'm loving where you guys are going with Sebastian from the more realistic body textures to body proportion improvements. And yes, his body form is a stark contrast to the background, but you noted the background environment is getting a more detailed update as well so I know it will all come together and be amazing! I have no doubt. Although, as far as constructive criticism asked for, I would suggest Sebastion's head and possibly neck are a little too small for his overall body shape and his hips a little too diminuitive to his upper torso which seems a tad too long in comparison to his arms. It's just a personal observation, which may also just be caused by the angle of the camera shot. You guys are so talented and please keep doing what you guys do best... focusing on your vision for this game! My sincere regards to you always and I can't wait to see what's next!!


EXCUSE ME Sebastian went from Disney to HOT AF


Everything looks a lot better except the eyes now don't quite have the softness of the original illustrations. And the hair could stand to be a bit softer too. Looks very good though!


The newer art style looks flatter/sharper - more like a comic book, whereas the old one looks like a pixar animation. Side by side, I prefer the old style cos it looks warmer/softer/more inviting, but I'm interested in the new style too! Impressed with how far Seb has come :D The blush patches on the skin around his shoulders and eyes - to me, they look out of sync with his skin tone and maybe a bit too bright?


I love it!! So far Maggie and Sebastian are both Caucasian - I would love to see Paras of different race/culture/ethnicity during development (to ensure skin tones, hair textures, etc are inclusive so it's easy for everyone to create their own Para-self at launch)


Honestly I prefer the face of the original, I like the softer and more cartoony look, especially for the eyes. I do like the textures of the new one though


What's with the broken images?


I feel like the lines (especially around the neck and knees) are a bit too dark and maybe a little too defined? Hm... but otherwise, looking good!


left: Sebastian right: Sèbastian🤌🏼


The only critique I have like some others is his feet needing some more work.


Wait, IS Maggie caucasian? I've been reading her as Latina


dang he's HOT. Loving your tweaks to your style!


Absolutely love all the improvements!! Great work guys!❤️


I like the new details but there is just something off with his eyes. He looks like he's staring off into the deep void like 👁️👄👁️ Other than that he looks good I just can't stop staring at his eyes


The new version looks off.. almost like it’s a drawing due to the waaay too sharp lines. The colors are off as well. But the general detail improvement is awesome! Keep it up, the end result is going to be amazing 🙂


The glow is up is real! The eyes kinda freak me out a bit tho 😬


Honestly I prefer the previous version, this one feels a little...off for some reason? Almost creepy, especially the eyes. I think I prefer the new body excluding the face/eyes and neck, something just seems wrong about those parts to me


I love both styles, but I definitely like the new one more. It reminds me of the Wolf Among Us art style. Like comic book-esque. I am so excited. ❤️❤️❤️


something feels really uncanny valley about new Sebastian and I can't quite put my finger on it. might be his eyes? I'm on the same page as some of the other comments here - I like the new look, but I wish it had more of the softness of the old style!

Christine Harvey

I like the new style! I'm excited to see what it will all look like once the final art style is achieved!


This is absolutely amazing! He looks so much more refined and polished. You guys did a great job, I can’t wait to see other ages too!


I prefer the old sebastian but I don't blame you because I know you will listen to us and improve it in the future.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

My one note: make the irises a tad bigger. They look a bit too small. But otherwise this is absolutely stunning!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I personally like the more realistic proportions, but it's true what everyone is saying that he's lost his softness and cute factor


I like the new body and the more defined lines, but something is off about the eyes - too small and "stare-y".

Jacob Brewer

This looks so amazing!!! With the amount of detail the Paras have, I look forward to seeing the environmental details! Good job!


I love the improvements to the body and textures! Like a few other people are saying, though, I do think there might be something a little off about the eyes. It also kind of seems like this newer version of Sebastian isn’t quite as warm and soft and approachable as the older version, which is something I’ll miss. He (in my opinion) looks a little too realistic, and I personally would prefer something a little closer to the original version, like a good balance of the two. Overall he looks great, though! I’m excited to see what you guys do next!


He looks great, I would prefer to see a wee bit more of the cartoony style brought back though! Just a little more softness and as others have mentioned, bigger irises. Maybe some middle ground between the two art styles that feels a little more cartoon like without being overt!


I'm so happy !!!!! It's fantastic ! Sebastian is so handsome ! I'm really excited to see how much you improved !!!

Virginie M.

I have the same impression that many people have here : too 2D and don't fit with his environment. I'm not a fan of the drawing style also. But.. wait and see

Vera Ohlsen

I just noticed his toe nails - I know he has a tan, but they look very white in comparison. Maybe give them a pinkish gradient?


Have to be honest, I prefer the older one, feels to me like that fitted the artstyle of the game better.




I like everything except the skin colors. I don't like the shoulders and knees being a different color. Maybe if it was more subtle it would look better?

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yes something in-between! And I know what the problem with the eyes is. The irises aren't big enough so there's too much white showing.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I think it's just the eyes. The irises are too small so it's a tad creepy. But I agree he looks amazing!


Bonjour ;) J'aime beaucoup la dernière version de Sebastian ! Je trouve que son programme sportif est très réussi lol :-P J'aimerai savoir si les Paras auront une attitude corporelle au fil du jeu comme sur ces photos ? Notamment, lors de discussion entre Paras, ou lorsqu'il regarde des enfants jouer. En effet, ce serait super si les Paras ne sont pas trop figés ou statiques quand on ne leur donne pas d'instruction. Je trouve que Sebastian a pris trop de coups de soleil ;) mais il est super bien fait et j'aime beaucoup ! Concernant les rides et les cils, j'aimerai bien, si possible, qu'ils soient directement réglables dans le Paramaker, et pourquoi des signes ou marques de fatigue. Merci beaucoup ;) et bon week-end à toute l'équipe :)

Candy Buckley-Russell

I'm not sure how I feel about the new version. The artwork is wonderful but something about him seems a bit harsh. I don't care for the reddish shading on parts of his body. His knees look like he has rug burn. =/ I hope I don't sound too critical, I DO love him I just liked the other version better.


ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS!!! Amazing work 😍😍


I love to see you guys making changes and improvements in the game! However, I do prefer the original Sebastian. I love the cartoony and simple style that the whole game has going:)


I love him!! Thank you!! <3 he looked so cold and blocky before def was only into the building aspects of the game... but with this im now also excited to make para


He looks great! You can definitely tell the team has been working hard! However there is part me that kind of preferred the more cartoony version and maybe you could slightly make the newer version a tiny bit less harsh. Just my opinion and as I said he definitely looks great eat her way :)


I love the new art style. Can't wait to see it on the enviroment. Great work 😀❤


I absolutely adore the new art style! Sebastian has so much more detail and individualism now. I worried with the previous art style that all Parafolks would look similar in terms of body features/types, but Sebastian looks great and I cannot wait to see what is next! 😊


I love the new version more. I’m big on realism and he looks great. The only thing is the red shading on his knees and shoulders is a little strange? I’m really interested in seeing darker complexion Paras from you all and I’m a little worried about how the shading may turn out on them. But overall I REALLY love the improvement on Sebastian and this game looks amazing!


Wow! The difference is like day & night. I was fine with the Paras looks before and want sure about the shift in art style, but now I'm really glad you guys gave them an overhaul!


Congratulations for the improvement ! The actual Sebastian feels more detailed and more "alive" now. However, this post made me find words to express what I think for some months now : i think that the new versions of characters and environment is very cartoony and very flat... I loved the old atmosphere of Paralives, it was more blurry and peaceful and very unique. The lighting was amazing. Well, it doesn't change what I think about the game, but I prefered the old atmosphere. I hope my english is correct.

Rose Klein

This shouldn't be as funny to me as it is! "me vs. the guy she tells me not to worry about" that joke is so old but I'm still laughing 😭🤣 great job guys! I'm all here for that cell shading style


I like this 'telltale games' style. the 3D caharcter with 2D details. looks much more professional than the first one. I think the reason why the first one feels it fits better into the enviroment is because it looks like there is a blure effect on everything. I think it is the same reason why the first character's details look smoother from a distance. First Seb's facial features are blending together and your mind completes the rest , the second Seb has stronger lines and if you are not close to it or view it on a small sreen the little details go away and the contrast seems bigger. On big sreen, closer to his face everything looks gorgeous 😍

Star Zoë

Holy moly Sebastian is a good looking guy....... single (gay) father you said hmmmmm?? Might have a shot 👀😂😂😂


People who say they prefer the first version are crazy! The new version is 1000 times better! I'm in love! <3

Ashley Strebel

I love it! I really really can’t wait for this game! the defining lines, like in the muscles and top of pecs, are really dark and harsh. it would be nice if it was like a couple shades darker from the skin tone instead of black. i think it would be a bit better stylistically but i also kinda like it. I am really blown away with this amazing team❤️


I love that there's more detail to his body and hair but I do miss some of his softer features, particularly around his eyes and maybe the cheeks but he's still a good looking para and I think it shows great promise for what future paras might be able to look like.


He looks so good!! The improvements are incredible! Keep up the great work ❤️


The updates looks incredible! I love the details and the way everything looks a little bit “drawn.” Excited to see more eventually! 💛


I prefer the new look. It looks a bit flat againts the backround in some of the photos(imo the last 2), but if the world will change too,I think this is the right direction. Amazing job, Paralives team <3. The proportions are looking muuuuuch,much better than before.Also, and that's probably just me, the lightning looks more natural now.Before it was wayyy tooo yellow (imo).


Sebastian looks fantastic in the updated style!! ❤️ I remember when you guys first introduced him last year. It’s exciting to see the amount of progress that’s been made! I’m looking forward to seeing more of the other townies now. 😊


I prefer the older look. Would make more sense if the picture on the right would be the older version and the picture on the left would be the new one. I loved the cartoonish look and it just looked more refined to me. I am very excited for the game, this is a little disappointing but I suppose the gameplay will be so much deeper (plus build mode) so the graphics won’t be able to ruin the experience


really appreciate a lot of effort must have gone into the improvements, but I'll echo what a lot of people have said - to me it looks a little too sketchy/Borderlands-y, and I think the softer look suited the style of everything else in the game a lot better. I really a hope a middle ground can be found between the two! I think the new design kind of changes the vibe of the game


I love the update! It adds so much detail, although personally I like the larger eyes from the og version more. Still beautiful! ❤️


Omg from new dad in town to Daddy 😳 This looks kind of like Borderlands which is the best game ever so I love it. Ok well I'm off to try and imagine the updated Maggie in a respectful and god-honoring way..!


I like the older version a bit better, this one definitely looks a bit out of place in the softer environment. A happy medium between the two versions would be great, I think!


Looks so good!! ☺ Although I must say I did really like the softer features and big eyes the previous design had! Looking forward to seeing the finalized version 💕


Also just want to say you guys are doing amazing work, especially considering how small your team is. Every update is awesome, and it's apparent how much passion and hard work is going into this project. :)


I think this looks pretty great so far! can't wait to see how the rest of the townies look! Can't say too much about the line definitions like other folks since I'm /assuming/ that's a character customization option and not the default for the guys. (Though I do think the eyes look bit small at a distance, I can't really say how weird that'll look final game with the potential zoom out limit)

Serra Abak

Oh my god peeps, the new Sebastian looks INCREDIBLE, blew me away. I was a bit conflicted with the initial sprites being cartoony, but I knew I would grow to love anything. That being said, I feel so satisfied looking at this now! Side note, but I'm surprised at people saying his eyes are too small. If anything, it's on the bigger and brighter side for a masculine facial structure. I think it may just be the extreme whiteness of the sclera.


I definitely love the new proportions to him, but I feel like the shading for the collarbones is a bit too harsh— especially compared to the environment. I feel like maybe softening the lines a bit would look better, but other than that he looks great! Good work guys :)

Diamond Nicole

I LOVE the way Sebastian looks! It reminds slightly me of walking dead games with the comic book look which I absolutely love!! The details look soooooo much better! Amazing update thank you!


I honestly liked the old look more, as it is more "cartoony" and not so realistic. Also, maybe the collarbones/neck/arm muscles are too detailed? Sorry, just my two cents


I generally love the realistic proportions though I am concerned with regards to eyes and such as they could be hard to actually notice if you play the game in a manner where you are not always up close and personal with a para. Also, for me the texture update feels as if someone took the sharpness slider in a photo app and turned it all the way up. I don't hate it per say, but I don't love it either. It needs to be softer (same goes for the rest of the environment if this is the direction you are heading in) as it, in my opinion, will just end being overstimulating to play for longer periods of time.


Im not 100% sold. New version looks more like a drawing not a 3D model… idk I need to see him in action (gameplay pls)


My thoughts went to "The wolf among us" as well! And that I LOVE! This art-style is starting to get a really cool attitude as it is coming together.


What an absolute smokeshow 😍

Tee W

I am in love with watching this game progress


You managed to put into words what I was thinking. I was taken aback a little bit when I saw the photos in my email but once I zoomed in I actually really liked the new character model. If they could do the same blur by feature you were talking about and maybe enlarged the black part of his eyes a little bit then he’d look perfect.


I really love the new version of Sebastian! I feel like this new look encapsulates more of the rugged, mysterious bad boy vibe that he has going on which is great! As for critiques, other people have mentioned this, but it feels like the lines and shading on this new version might be a little too harsh? Also, Some of the details (like his eyes) look kinda off when you look at them from a small screen or when you’re zoomed out. Like someone else mentioned, this might make it a little difficult to play if you’re zoomed away from the character. I feel like softening the lines and shading as well as muting some of the colors a little will fix this issue. Other than that great job guys!! I can tell that you guys worked really hard on this update and I definitely like it 💖

Dustin AB

Something in between would be better, I'm not fan of the new Sebastian's version as it looks too sketchy and sharpened. Looks like a character from the Borderlands games


Is Sebastian single? Haha honestly Im loving this upgrade to the character. Love the skin details. I can see why this might be TOOOOOO much for some people as it does look drastically different, old Seb was more 'smooth' and the new Seb is very sharp looking. While thats totally my jam, maybe a sweet middle point would work for everyone?


I'm loving Sebastian's upgrade! TBH, makes me more comfortable with what the final product might be looking like


This artwork really has a wonderfully cool vibe now. It has an attitude. And I can clearly now see endless options on how to make your own very unique Para. I love where this is going, and I love the sketch-like artstyle which also has a great satisfying dash of realism to it. Great work!


I think it's very interesting how they are two completely different styles! Although I somehow feel like neither of them fit exactly with the background. He seems a bit like he's been photoshped onto the background, in the first version because he's to "blurry", in the second one because the lines are to sharp in comparison with the rest of the game. Is there a plan to adjust either the overall design of the game to Sebastian or visa versa?


..."Don’t worry, this won’t happen when you’ll play the game, I hope." XD Well it turns out that good old Seb is a pretty, pretty man ! I really like the definition of his face (around the nose and eyes for instance), it gives him so much character. The shoulders look very red to me, but other than that the improvement is amazing. I look forward to meeting Paratownies in the future who are not conventionally attractive, to be honest. That'll be the real next step for the Paramaker to me :)

Emerald Sausage

I'm really surprised to see quite a few comments preferring the original one! I love the new one! The proportions are all wrong on the first one and he's so lacking in definition and detail, I find the original a little creepy. I think the new more realistic proportions, but with a sketchy feel, works really well, especially in the face and his stomach and arms look super too. The body hair and belly button are excellent. My only slight critique is I feel the collar bones and neck tendons are a little too defined. The clothes look much improved too and have me very excited to see more. Fantastic work from you all. Thank you.


I forgot to mention this in my last post, but I love LOVE the texture of the clothes!! It looks great and it makes me excited to see what other kinds of clothing items you guys have come up with!


I'm in LOVE with the character design!!

Madi Crouch

He looks so good. But something is off about the arms or the shoulders. It could be the slope of the shoulders or the length of the arms, or both. Or something else. I just get this feeling like it's not right. But it could also just be my imagination.


I honestly prefer the older one, but maybe the new one will grow on me eventually. I don't think the new one looks bad per se but it looks too detailed if that makes sense.


After reading all the comments, now I can see what everyone is talking about. I think that these (drawn) shadows should be a lot softer and the edges should be more blended, because light does not hit the same from every angle. Example: a para is laying down on the beach and the sun is hitting from above, it will look weird to see those deep shadows under his neck and on the knees and such.I am not a game developer, and I have no clue if it's possible to let the light in the world to control when and where (on different surfaces) the drawn shadows would appear and how strong their opacity would be. Anyways.... just a thought (sorry for my 2nd comment) <3 :)


I agree. People have been commenting on the rug burn knees for a long time and I’m disappointed it still hasn’t been touched up.

Wesley Potts

Really love this style! Reminds me of a comic book


I appreciate all the hard work the team puts in and I’m super impressed with everything they’ve done so far. That said, maybe this art style just isn’t for me but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around how we have gorgeous lighting effects on objects when it comes to building but drawn shadows and outlines on the paras? How will this style reflect shading from light at different sources? If there’s a black line indicating definition, how will that be dynamic in the environment? I’m not an artist so maybe I just need more explanation?


Wow, so I'm currently simping over Seb. LOL! I love how defined the skin detail is. Every muscle is accentuated by the intricate brush stokes and pencil lines and it all just works together so nicely. For the people saying the pencil strokes are too prominent, he's supposed to be very fit so I think its appropriate. For parafolk with less muscles/more fat, I would expect less hard lines in the skin detail. I'm also a big fan of the slightly red shoulders, chest area, cheeks, and knees. Everyone (in fact, most people) don't have a perfectly monotone complexion and I love to see the representation. To me, this art style for the parafolk is striking a perfect balance between realistic (realistic proportions, shapes, skin details) and cartoony (its still colorful, stylized, and has that 2d sketch-like feel). And I can definitely see the influence from the Leslie Oh drawings from a while back. Now, for a few critiques. One you've already mentioned is the slight art difference between the para and the environment. The shot of him leaning against the wall is the worst offender in that respect. It's a bit too soft compared to the sharp details on Sebby. Second, as others have mentioned, the whites of the eyes feel a bit off. Maybe a slightly darker white would fit better? Regardless, I am so happy that you guys are close to finalizing the art style because I am IN LOVE with this current state. I hope to see it in motion soon because that will really sell it!

Christina Ozeki

Sebastian looks great, I love the new skin texture details and the more defined hair and muscle.


I'm always a fan of cell-shaded graphics so I really like how Sebastian looks. But there's just kind of a disconnect between him and the environment. They both look great apart but it seems kind of weird together. It's not even bad; there's just something a little off. But still, awesome as always.


PLEASE show us the updated Maggie too! ♥️♥️♥️

Barna Brooks

Ngl, he looks dead inside lol. His eyes are soulless...

Roe B.

I love the Telltale style, though I also liked the softer look of the character previously, so honestly a mid-way between them might work (though even if you decide to go more Telltale's way, I'd still be all for it. Can't wait to see Maggie as well).


I like everything else about the new version just fine, but the eyes are a little unsettling...

Francis McDonald

From then to now, he looks fabulous and as you've said there's still a little more work to be done. I'll put it the only way I can. I'd date him. Beautiful team work


I love how much he's progressed! Especially the skin details and his hair, just mwah. Gorgeous man. The blush does seem a bit too heavy-handed, though. Like the opacity should be a bit lower 'cause right now it looks like my guy is embarassed to be alive lol. His new eyes also look, idk, dead? His old model ones looked much more lively despite being more heavily stylized. His new ones are firmly in the uncanny valley. The current model is definitely an improvement though, from the muscle definition to the body hair and the cel shading on the clothes, so much has improved over just the course of a year! I'm so excited to see what progress we get by next year!


Yea same. I think his head got is potentially too small for the rest of his proportions. Extremely happy that his feet were made more proportionate. Lol his feet were so tiny dude was gonna topple over! But whatever matter they added to the feet they took away from the head.. and then squished the facial features onto that tiny head.


Yea variety is nice. Also what do they look like when they are old? Wait. Do paras age? 👀


Na you got a valid comment there. He doesn't look like he is living *in* the world, but living *in front* of the world. Like he's 2D.

S&M Gonzalez

This new style has a personality that I’m just loving omgggg 😍😍 I don’t have words it’s rally really nice! I love the details of the body and the clothes as well! I can’t wait to see more clothes for males! The only critiques I have is outlines seem too sketch like i think it’d be nice if they didn’t have one or maybe an option to render them without it


Hm, I personally don't like the new artstyle. The shadows on the skin are so harsh and the folds look like someone painted them on the clothing. He looks like he's on drugs, and why is his face so red? I liked the old style much more, the new one just don't seem to fit with the environment and overall style and aesthetics of the game :/


I think he looks very harsh/sharp with the dark lines and the contrasts, he doesn't fit the environment well. He looks a bit too 2d. I'd like a combination of 2020 sebastian and 2021 sebastion more tbh.

comprehensive galaxy

Stylistically, I'd say I actually prefer the 2020 Sebastian, especially the eyes and soft edges. The new style looks too much like a hard-edged drawing (the whites of the eyes REALLY stick out) and feels like it would be jarring to see it in motion, plus it doesn't feel like it jives as well with the environment. The body proportions and form definition are much better (especially on the hair and torso) but that's kind of the only change I'm really sold on.

Laney 68

Hmmm ! Sorry but this is not a art style I could emotionally attach to my para’s with. To much detail and not whimsical and quirky enough. I much preferred Maggie’s first art style. I think you should go with that. Instead of trying to please everyone. She only needed a little bit of work. And people connected with her emotionally. That’s why things took off on patreon so well and you got so much support. Love to you all though.


Honestly, I kinda preferred the softer look from 2020. Though the muscles and everything look nice now, I can't get on board with the face and I can't even say why. Would also like to see him in motion because just from the pictures I'm having a hard time picturing it. Truth be told, the art style was, what sold me on paralives in the first place, I just loved how maggies apartment looked and I loved the parafolks because they fit the softer environment so wonderfully. I'm a bit saddened that the art style will change so drastically. I'm sure it just takes some getting used to. I really don't aim to hurt anyone. In itself the art is beautiful and yes, It's improved a lot. It just isn't what I hoped for, but that' okay. Can't please everyone, right? Great job. I'm sure I'll get on board with it eventually.


I looove this style, it's like realistic but still cartoony, this is exactly what i expect characters in games to look like! Great job!

Kaitlyn Metro

Wow. I am blown away. Seb looks fantastic. Amazing work realizing this art style. I love the detail. Phenomenal work as always and if I can say for myself, money well spent. I cannot wait for this game.


I think both art styles are good, but personally prefer the softer/more cartoony look of the 2020 version. The updated version would look great as a graphic novel etc., but I much prefer the 3D style of the 2020 version. I feel that if you updated the surroundings to match the 2021 version everything would look "flat" // harsh lines are distracting to me for extended gameplay - either way glad to see progress!


Wow, he looks fantastic! You guys have really progressed so much in such a short time. I love how detailed he looks -- there's a good mix of cartoon and sharp lines.


I am really impressed by the new version! The baggs under his eyes, the texture on his skin. Even his eyes look so much more real and alive, as if he is really thinking something. For me, this is the best mix of cartoon and realism. Great job!


I really enjoyed the kind of cartoony aspect of the other one because it felt like their own kind of style and now that it's the like uncanny valley sort of realistic it feels like other games in terms of characters. He looks great and I know that so much work went into making sebastian the way he is because modeling is no joke but I agree with some of the others here that the lines feel too harsh with the surroundings now so it's like he doesn't fit. I loved the art style before and how soft it was, I thought it was a cool style but like obviously I'm one person in a sea of others. You're doing great and I know you're all working hard.


I mean Sebastian by himself looks great but I don’t think this new improvement fit for “paralives” it isn’t giving me the soft and cozy feeling it gave me in the beginning. looks out of place. Maybe you guys changed the whole game but please stick to softness and more on the cartoon side. It’s what we loved about paralives in the first place! Great job with the art work but this doesn’t scream “para” for me.


I like both models, but I think the eye style and the soft shadows on the old model are better. Maybe if you tone down the shadows and outlines on the new version it might be a nice compromise for the people who prefer the old model a lot?


He looks great! I prefer how he looks new vs. how he was in 2020. I'm so excited about this game!


Kind of in love with this art style, reminds me of TellTale Games with Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us! Looks way more refined and polished than the older one, although I do love Sebastian's first softer style. Thank you for all the effort you all are putting in this game!

Ana Rode

Love it!! Excited for more updates :)


The eyes are eerie lol


Sebastian looks out of place next to the smooth counter and wall textures.

Joanna Hinds

Seeing the progress you guys are making from when we first learnt about Paralives is crazy! I love the look of the new style especially if the style of the world is updated to match but I do think he looks a little cold and robot like. The first Sebastian looks a little bit more alive.


I think people prefer the improved proportions with the softer style of the first. He looks like a bit like a 2D paper doll in his surroundings.


Awww I love the body proportion and details but I really loved the softer look of Sebastian he feels very different in the face and much harder? But nothing I can't edit when we get our hands on him


wow this is amazing i love the more realistic style!

BooDotBoo .

I’m not really into the more realistic style, but with the way he is drawn, I feel like he fits in with the rest of the game more than the older models did. The background of the game seems like a drawing (in a good way), and Seb was out of place before, tbh, but now he seems drawn, too, so he fits. I can’t wait to see Maggie in a similar style. He’s definitely more defined; I’m not really seeing the “hardness” others are seeing. However, we all have our vision of how we’d like the para to look. I can see this style growing on me.


As someone who has hard times getting used to changes, it will take some time for the new design to grow on me I guess. Like some others I do miss the softness and, ngl, his cute big eyes. XD But I have to admit that the new design does looks more realistic. I still hope or assume that you can create not so realistic Paras in the Paramaker as well, like anime style-ish, if you want to. :)


this particular art style and the realistic proportions - just wow.


Agreed! I’d hate to criticize their hard work, but the harsh lines reminds me of the Walking Dead games where you shoot zombies and stuff. Not really the soft/cozy vibe from before


Yeah, kinda like Maggie in the “Holiday Outfits” video. She was a good balance of cartoony and realistic


Such a big improvement! 🤩 And look at that body hair! 😍


I really love how detailed he is, however personally, I think it should be a little bit more cartoony again, like a little nod to the previous version we grew to love. The eyes look a little too serious imo, and the very hard lines of the skin details make him look a little… rough? Otherwise great work of course, you can really tell how the paramaking process is becoming perfected! Hope to see a showcase soon, like that build video but for the paramaker? Great work team ♥️


love the new artstyle


I honestly love where this is going, but he does look a bit on the rough side at the moment. Maybe smooth the skin texture just a bit, however I am all about the more realistic characters, so looking good thus far. I assume you will be fine tuning the para's further before game release, so I would say to maybe finetune the skin texture more and more realistic eyes and lashes.

Gerson (Aris)

All I can say is "🎵 its raining men, HALLELUJAH 🎶 this amazing I can’t wait to see Maggie


he looks like Jared Leto


Wow, that's an amazing improvement! I love the realistic proportions and the stylised art style. It's a really nice mix.


I love how Sebastian’s body looks. But idk how to feel about his face. It’s too serious/ eerie for my taste. I prefer Sebastian’s 2020 soft face


I really love Seb's new body :) But in terms of his face...I do have to agree with what the others are saying. Its a bit too rough and the eyes especially creep me out (especially when you aren't zoomed in). Hope this doesn't come across as mean and you can find a good balance :)

Luther Duncan

OMG YESSSSSSSSSS!!! I am here for his face his body the overall style is perfect ! fantastic development !!! I respect the above opinions however I dont understand how you could say to smooth out the skin texture !? otherwise characters will look like play doe and we shouldn't want that in a next gen simulation game. They are doing some wonderous work out there to develop characters and environment why settle for mediocre and basic... The idea is the game is in the stage of development so they are pushing art style of the game. I really hope they do not revert back to that old 2020 look I love the current direction. I would say though the eyes will need some expression behind them but I suppose they would come alive when animated.

Luther Duncan

Exactly ! I don't get the "hard" term used If anything we can see his character more and there is more depth... if people want something basic with no depth I don't know if this is the game for them. I can honestly say now that his back story fits his demeanour. The thing is everyone will be able to create their character the way they envision. Its like calling someone out on the street and saying their features are too sharp etc etc this is how he looks and i'm not mad at it...

Luther Duncan

But you didn't even know what "para" was until they released the game... its in development why regress when the idea is to develop the game. Asking to fine tune something would be a great place to start that's more constructive criticism.


The newer model looks great, he looks way more realistic ! In my opinion, if you guys soften the shadows a bit on the skin texture then it will be perfect. However, I feel like I have to see him in motion first before I make my final Opinion


LOOKS GREAT ! I love the skin texture ! Only thing I would say is, could we modify the red-ish spots of his body, and make them a bit less red (or put it as a customization option) ? I wouldn't want my soon to be Para, supposed to be mysterious, looking like a shy anime... :'D Except that, I WOULD NOT change a thing. I love the crayon/drawing style of the para. Like, all the dark lines at the collar bones or the arms - I really like the cartoony style - as long as the rest looks as smooth as what it looks like right now (furniture, wall texture, etc...). Both too smooth, or both too cartoony, would absolutely change the whole game, and take some of its unique charm away.


I love the new him so much


Yes, it feels like some people are just having knee jerk reactions at the moment but will end up loving it later. Objectively speaking, it really is a huge improvement in every way especially given that the team has said this is the style they are going for since the beginning. I hope they stick to their guns on this one.

S&M Gonzalez

Agreed and he looks like the true bad boy that hes supposed to be now! :)

S&M Gonzalez

i think if the outlines are removed it'll give him a more 3D look to blend in better


Someone has probably already suggested, or perhaps it was mentioned in a post I missed when I forgot to update my payment card... but the option to add hair to the body would be nice! I want my Parafolk to have hairy legs! and other body areas like stomach, back, arms, etc. Love the improvements and really looking forward to the game!!!!


I love the new details but kind of did like the softer facial animation style of the previous version. I don't know if it's just because it's new but the eyes seem kind of distant. Like I said, I like the new details but if there was a way to retain some of that cartoony vibe, that would be great!


I looove the crayon style. Especially on the body I find it quite impressive to think I can have a comic-like character like in walking dead games but fully personalisable, like, how will the crayon outlines change? It's so much more intriguing than only 3D soft volumes


Also Sebastian's gonna make me act up in game 😏


I love everything about this! I imagine things like body hair and layered clothing are a lot easier to do with this art style.


I was just thinking how amazing it would look to layer a leather jacket over his outfit. Tuck the shirt in and give him a belt and he would really exude mysterious bad boy! All that would be missing is him owning and riding a motorcycle, his jacket flapping in the wind behind him! XD


The new look is nice and has my mind plotting parafolk endlessly but I have a fondness for the old look. Can we use the old look for how paras on tv when a para is watching tv or a movie?

Jérémie Tessier

Hello Alexi! This is a pretty funny idea, but that wouldn't be simple at all to do! The old look is an interesting time capsule, but I'm not sure it can be used alongside the new one. We gotta keep looking forward, haha :D


The Sebastian bug is meme-worthy xD Love the new style! Clearly you guys put a lot of work into it so good job :)


He looks so much better now, I adore the skin detailing I just hope we get to change what wrinkles/lines show on our parafolks faces, and that it isn’t all defaulted to the same! I also love how body hair is a base game feature. He looks a lot more proportion now, and I’m a huuuuge fan of the smaller eyes and less pigeon chested posing haha Edit - I do have to agree with others that his eyes look a tad soulless rn, but I think that’d be an easy fix by giving eyes some depth with shadow detailing, perhaps a blue cell shading overlay and some varied eye sparkles to pick from? Plenty time to think on it!


Sebastian is a hottie. 🤭😉


Looks really nice, although I feel like the skin is a little too bright compared to other colors from the enviroment (wall, floor, trees, etc.), like it pops up instead of being part of the scene. I can't wait to play it!

Hoff Fondue

Very welcome change, I'm really happy. Just wanna say that his nails look a bit TOO shiny/color diff, from normal, looks like he has painted it.. if that's the case its fine, you know I'm more into the natural color aspect to it, the way it is there just looks painted to me, or polished.

Brandi Werthner

Sebastian is HANDSOMEEEEEEEEE what?! He looks great! Amazing job as usual! You guys never seem to surprise me with your quality work and updates 😍😍 I can’t wait to actually play 😭😭 release can’t come quick enough 😭😭

Brandi Werthner

I think maybe providing the option to choose between both art styles might be a good idea, I personally LOVE the new updated art style and it’s my preference. I’m actually surprised at how many people prefer the older style more.


wow the new style looks amazing on him !! y'all are doing amazing :)


Oh wow the new artstyle reminds me of the good ol' telltale games like The Walking dead, so much nostalgia, love it


Unpopular opinion: i liked previous style more


I like the look of the updated Sebastian, however I feel like the shading and textures of the skin seem almost comic bookish.


Although both ideas look amazing, I personally like the previous version more.


He looks good, but I think that the whites of his eyes are too white; it's usually good to paint/draw eyes a bit off-white to make them look natural. Also the collarbone area is maybe a tad bit too strong.


the new art style is BEAUTIFUL ! sebastian looks way more appealing and realistic. I also love the dark outline around him that separates him from the environnement. It’s subtle but very well done


While the proportions and skin details look amazing, I'm really gonna miss the softness of the old style...


I liked the old Sebastian model better, personally


New Sebastian is bae.


They both look nice, but my two biggest criticisms are 1: His eyes are little... uncanny? Perhaps if the whites were made a little more off-white it'd look a little more realistic? And I'm also not the biggest fan of the red blush he has going on. He looks like he has a cold, or is drunk.

Natan Peixoto

Love the improvements on making him more realistic! However, I think right now the shaders are reading very "comic-bookish" and, in my opinion, it kinda killed the whole purpose of realism a bit


Love the new style much more. The realism is just right for me. His eyes are kinda intense and wide open.


I don't care for the comic book aesthetic, especially the sharp outlines.


Wow, just wow! Amazing job you guys, this gives me The Walking Dead vibes. I'm in love with this art stile!

Maiden Minnesota

So, just to confirm: Paralives will be a 2D game? Or will the world be 3D with just the Paras being 2D? There's a weird disconnect between the look of the environment and the look of the Paras that I just can't get past. I have an image in my mind of them moving around a 3D world, then turning sideways and becoming nothing more than a black line.

sm duta

Oh, wow, that's better. Somenthig in his stance, makes him appear more real, plausible.

Possible Assassin

No, everything is 3D. The environment will be updated as the art direction changes. Right now since their focus Is PAM they haven't had time to update the environment also!


Please use the old one. The new one is scary


The last Sebastian is my favorite lmao


I love this new Sebastian! This one is my favorite! Now I only have one question........When will we see the kids? Any works into the offspring?


I agree with you. I won’t lie, I am a little disappointed with the new direction they are taking the characters in. The main reason I fell in love with this game was because of the simple cartoonish style. I hope they take our preferences into consideration:)


I completely agree. The cartoony artistic style was what I loved so much about the game. I hope they don’t abandon it for this new art style.


I hope we will be able to remove the harsh outlines in the settings. I feel like they make everything look very 2D. I hope you guys don’t stray from the cartoony style. I loved it so much


I do love this new version, I just wish the (out)lines were softer/less black, and the redness on the skin reduced. Looking forward to seeing more Paras soon.


Personally I preferred last year's graphics much more. I really liked the disney-esque look and feel like there's a very harsh difference between the paras and the environment. I think it's because of the para's hard lines and their hand drawn style vs the more animated style of their surroundings. I still appreciate all your hard work of course and hope everything's going well. Many others seem to like the new style more which is great for you! It's just not my cup of tea :)


Don't typically comment, but I wanted to help offset a lot of the negative reactions. I can see why some would be taken aback since it's such a different style, but I like the new style (liked the old one too). Y'all need to keep in mind that we are seeing works in progress, not a finished product. It's fine to offer feedback but being reactive isn't helpful.


He looks good, I like the improvement a lot. However, his toenails are too bright, the eyes are also a bit too white and the sketch lines are also a bit too harsh which makes him look photoshopped into the environment. I'm so happy to see this big improvement! I can't wait to see what the end result of this whole project will be, I think you are getting closer to a very unique, pretty, and cute game. :)


The new one is better, by a lot. The previous one looked very generic and goofy in comparison. The new version achieves a realistic, more mature rendition without aiming for photorealism, which could potentially make the game very bloated. Also I think it helps set paralives' own identity as a game. The previous one made me think too much of the current big mainstream competitor... ;)

Dechen Tsechen

He’s beautiful!!! His collarbone really sticks out when he’s wearing a shirt though. I think reducing the contrast there a bit would be good


He looks so good omg!!! I think with time, it'll really grow on people. People are just shocked at the change right now. (Which is the same thing that happened when ts4 came out). You've all came a long way and I'm so proud of the progress made. Such an amazing job team <3


Personally, I LOVE the new style and if the game were to be launched as is, I'd be thrilled. But I can see why people are against the harsh lines. I think a little less contrast would help, but the art style doesn't need to be vastly altered anymore!!!


I like both looks, but I think I prefer the new more detailed look. New Sebastian looks hunky-er, lol! The previous style was cute, though. Sorry my thoughts always go back to the Sims, but in Sims 4 that was something that threw me off. The balance of cartoony/stylized and detailed/more realism. The build mode textures weren't detailed enough, and objects looked too blocky (the sims looked great, though). I feel like Sims 2 and 3 got the balance right. I personally prefer more detail in clothing, hair, eyes, environments, and objects but could be ok with a more stylized character. I think the updated Sebastian looks more distinctive.

Alex Robitaille

This is super gorgeous, its definitely a style I would love to play with depending on the lighting and how other things turn out I think this could really look like TWD video game. That's not bad to me, I love that style, especially because this is like a better version of it. I can only dream of the character creation with a cartoon look... iconic. I totally believe in y'alls vision. I think this is so gorge, what an evolution. Really amazing.


I definitely feel that the new graphical style is a significant improvement, but I loved the old Sebastian for his softer appearance and less conventionally handsome shapes. The new Seb looks like an entirely different person, not nearly as friendly. And he looks badly sunburnt too. Can someone give him some aloe vera gel?


I like to imagine his toenails are that bright because he let his daughter paint them. 🥰

Polina Gozdetckaia

The new Sebastian looks like he came straight out of Arcana with its 3d/2d-mix looking animation style hah

Pippy Ryder

Oh my goodness this is amazing!


I wasn't sure about the new style, but now the more I see it, the more I love it


his glow up!!!! the bug made me laugh out loud


I actually love the new art style. I see this as a huge improvement since I feel like the first draft was a bit too.. clay-like? I'm not really sure how to describe it. So I definitely prefer the updated version. I honestly don't mind the outlines at all, but there could maybe be an option to turn them off or on, in the game, for people that don't like them as much as I do haha




I'm not completely sold on the beard and the mouth. They look a bit false, as if the beard was... Glued to his face or something, and I find that his mouth is too big, and his smile somehow creepy. Maybe it's just me, and this'd be easily changeable, but I found those changes weird. Otherwise, everything looks amazing!