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Hi and happy Friday.

We’re back this week with the summary of the latest community brainstorming as well as the theme of the new one!

Weather and Seasons Brainstorming Summary  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Anna here. This last brainstorming session has made it very clear that weather and seasons have a huge impact on our daily lives and activities, so it should also be quite important in Paralives. We really loved reading about your ideas, as one of our big goals is to build a dynamic world where Paras feel deeply integrated in. These ideas definitely fueled us to achieve that goal!

Here are a very succinct summary of interesting ideas:

  • Seasonal decorations around town (lightning motifs, shop displays, etc) and on community lots
  • The ability to customize seasons, weather and climate: precipitation probability, frequency of sunny days, number and length of seasons and so on
  • Seasonal festivals, with the ability to create your own
  • Neighbourhood decoration contests
  • A lot of weather or season-dependent activities and interactions! A few examples: snowball fights in winter, catching fireflies in summer, pumpkin carving in the fall, kissing romantically under the rain, etc
  • The ability to have different climates in different towns, when we’ll add more towns in the future
  • Extreme weather conditions that could make your office or school close and give you an extra vacation day
  • Seasonal breaks to enjoy the summer and winter activities more
  • Different challenges for maintaining Paras and their houses thriving under any temperature: having to put a coat on for warmth, needing to place a heater in the house for cold days, having to place winter tires so the car doesn’t break down, hot beverage cravings during winter, needing to go out with winter shoes to not slip on the icy floors and risk injury, etc
  • The ability to easily see how a house looks under different seasons in build mode
  • Seasonal job positions that can only be filled in the appropriate season (even if they may be rabbit holes at launch!): apple picker, summer camp counselor, waiter for a winter resort, hiking guide, gift wrapper, car washer, lifeguard, etc

As always, a big thank you to Axart for doing the Discord summaries!

Next Monthly Brainstorming: Skills and Hobbies  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Alex here. I’m excited to share the new monthly brainstorming theme because it will be a very important part of Paralives: skills and hobbies! To get started, you can ask yourselves the following questions:

  • Which specific skills and hobbies would you like to see in Paralives?
  • Which game mechanics related to progression and leveling up your skills would you like to see?
  • How should skills and hobbies impact your job, your studies, your relationships and your life in general?
  • What would be the different ways to learn new skills and improve them?

Please share all your ideas regarding skills and hobbies in the comment section of this post. As usual, we will open this brainstorming to the public next week, on Discord and Reddit. Happy brainstorming and looking forward to reading your ideas!

Poll: Skills and Hobbies  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

It’s time for a poll in relation to the new brainstorming theme: Would you prefer if Paralives had a lot of different skills and hobbies or fewer but each of them being more developed? Please vote in the poll below!

Thank you and have a great weekend!




I love all the physical hobbies like working out, doing yoga and seeing how it would impact the image of my para. I love being able to interact with the world and have my paras create items or crafts based off of their hobbies like gardening (growing food to sell at a market or cook with to make special recipes) or wood working creating objects my paras could sell or use.

Tee W

I would love to see hobbies like larping and masonry


I want all sorts of different hobbies! I dont mind if everything isn't fully fleshed out bc I can mod it to be better. or there could be updates and DLC


Dance or gymnastics would be cool! Like gymnastics the skill gets harder overtime and dance you could develop where you are able to do different genres such as ballet (pointe), hip hop, contemporary etc.


It would be a lot of fun to have some fun nature related hobbies such as birdwatching, hiking or generally just gathering things in nature in game!


I would like to see hobbies like ballet and pottery making


I would LOVE it if skills would degrade over time if not used. Never going down to not knowing how to do something, but if you learn something as a child, you shouldn't still have the same mastery if you never do it again. I would also love little casual "at-home" hobbies, like knitting or crocheting. General more artistic hobbies would be fantastic, like dance, pottery, painting, etc. I remember really enjoying when Sims 2 Freetime came out (although I don't remember much), but the types of activities in there were fantastic because they weren't the basic "work out, logic, charisma" etc.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I think having a basic set of skills a para could have that branches into different hobbies. So like if a child para has strong creativity skills, they are more likely to succeed at creative hobbies. But as they get older, the more they focus on one hobby, the less that skill benefits other hobbies. I'll try my best to make an example: Creativity --> Music & Art --> Musical Instruments --> Guitar So in this scenario a para chose to focus on playing a musical instrument, then specified and chose guitar as their preferred instrument. There can be multiple branches like a tree obviously but they would have to struggle to add another branch hobby off the creativity skill as playing guitar (for example) would not benefit painting (for example). I hope that makes sense.


Like the content could be as small as a telescope and thats an astromnomy skill.


Maybe collecting (anime figures XD or not just anime, any movie or game heroes, or anything else - cards, coins, whatever). And some items are really rare, so it hard to find them or they very expensive


Something I miss and loved from Sims 2 Freetime was the Mechanic skill and how you could work on and build your own vehicles. Since cars are confirmed, I think this would be a stellar skill to include in ParaLives.


definetly expecting to be able to grow a character as an artist, he starts as a beginner with the potential to become an internstional art creator and seller, also art collection, museums and expositions should be a thing


I think it'd be neat to have general and specific skills that impact each other. For example, learning a craft like knitting or sculpting might also increase their dexterity. As a result, learning another dexterity based skill might happen at a faster rate. Another example would be certain athletic hobbies building their strength, agility, and/or endurance. They'd then pick up the next sport they try a bit more quickly. And dexterity wouldn't only relate to crafts, it can be useful elsewhere too. For example, a Para might become a little faster at chopping veggies in the kitchen or a little better at video games. Rather than the general ones being "skills", they could act more as modifiers to the learning rates of other skills. Paras who start out with traits or personalities like clumsy or genius would have a set starting penalty or bonus to those modifiers.


I would love to see different kinds of painting, like watercolor. I would also love it if having certain skills influenced other skills to make skills unique to every para. For example a para with a decent painting, writing and logic skill could create painting textbooks. Or a para with dance skill or like could dance around while cleaning. A para with a music skill could hum while learning other skills. I want to see little ways that skill influences the para.


Id love to see arts and crafts. Knitting and woodworking for example! When the para is just a beginner the items they make could break easier, like a knitted shirt unraveling or a wooden sculpture falling apart... and of course as they would progress the items would look more polished, cleaner.


I would like to see skills and hobbies for all ages, from toddlers on up. I would especially love my Para child to discover a skill, hobby, or special talent they may be a natural in and be able to develop their special skill, hobby, or talent over time and lead to artistic, athletic, cooking, exploration, scientific, business, etc. pursuits, careers, and accomplishments.


I think it would be nice if like different Hobbies gave you Experience for (aka getting better at) that Hobby and also gave you certain Skills. Like if your Hobby is chess, you gain Chess Experience and also Logic Skill. If your Hobby is Guitar, you gain Guitar Experience and Rhythm skill, which would help you learn Dance faster or something along those lines.

Daniel Asraf

I'm fine with what the folks here wants, but alex - please make sure that the world in paralives is fun to play around with, even if our paras are lacking of skills. It's ok to have some reasonable limits like fly a plane only when you are level 5 with flying skills but in the sims 4 some packs like Jungle Adventures are just fun to play around for one time only and that's it... All because you have to waste a lot of time for your sim to learning one skill. Same with eco lifestyle where you have learn crafting a lot just to clean a dirty town.... I'll make it short, i don't think the game should be too limited for us just because our paras are talentless.


i would love a skills journal please. so... my answer is: if there is a skills journal then less skills with more complexity.


I was also thinking of this. I was thinking of physical activity in particular, where for example, I think that swimming, weightlifting, and volleyball are pretty diverse because one activity may mostly rely on raw strength whereas another may need good hand-eye coordination.


I would like a good variety of skills. For example I have a lot of friends that play various instruments, practice drastically different dances, some sculpt, draw, paint, sew, act, do gymnastic. Life simulators severely lack on all arts and crafts, but on the other hand I can't really blame them seeing how vast and intricate the concept is. I hope we'll be able to find a solution here


Obviously I'd love to have loads of skills and hobbies....but for the initial launch I guess I would prioritize less skills but making them more detailed, so I voted for the second option. I'm going to have to think about the skills ideas as there are so many possibilities.


not sure if this is too much but.. i like the idea of being able to have certain jobs unlocked through skills. like dance - in real life you can’t just get a career in dance with no experience and work your way up. so it would be cool if a para grew up dancing and building that skill and was then able to become a professional dancer. to add on to it, at some point in their lives, each para could decide if that skill is a passion or not since some people can be really good at something that they absolutely hate. feel like it would help build some more individuality with each para!


I would love creative skills and hobbies like painting, sculpting or sewing, where we don’t always know the result. I love the element of surprise, when I get to see the final product once the para is finished and even better when the para can use those objects afterwards! I also never have enough of new cooking skill additions, objects etc. It’s a skill that can be built on forever as well as gardening. I would also love to be able to forage for wild plants and mushrooms and for the result to be dependent on watching videos online and reading books about foraging.


I'd really like to see items that can be stored away and then brought out when the para wants to do the hobby/activity rather than big, permanent fixtures e.g. they could get a painting/crocheting/model building set out as a small item on a table or when seated in a chair. This is much more realistic. You could have scrap booking/journalling, 'lego' style blocks, flower pressing etc. as small, storable kits. This could work for toys and group activities like board games and card games too and I definitely wouldn't mind recycled or very similar animations. As long as there were lots of different skill types and affects of hobbies/skills on the para e.g. increase their happiness/wellbeing, boost their relationship gains with a para with the same hobby, extra interaction options becoming available with higher skill level etc.


I would like the potential of there being bands. So guitar, bass-guitar, drums, singing, piano/keyboard, etc.


This really depends on what a "few" are.


Cause I would LOVE to have more detail in the skills and hobbies BUT maybe not if it´s only 5 or something. feels like you would miss out on alot then


I hope this makes sense but I would enjoy if there was some sort of a randomness aspect in the game. So, if a child is born, they may be born with an inclination for the creative arts. Therefore, they would be more inclined to try out hobbies such as painting or drawing and they would be good at them -> subsequently, faster at learning them. If they chose to try out something else, like building robots or repairing electronics, they would not be as good, because of their artistic skill, but still might be able to reach a specific level. They might not be able to reach a higher level as fast though, or not at all. There could be an option to turn this off though, so that the player can decide completely what their character will be good at and what they will be bad at. I think that this ''random skill or random talent'' aspect could be cool for challenges especially. Here are some hobbies that I thought of: collecting (plants, flowers, stickers, butterflies, buttons), drawing, pottery making, journaling, sewing, candle making, singing, dancing, photography (with a phone or professional camera), image editing, restoring old objects and furniture, collecting and selling antiques, playing instruments (guitar, violing, piano, harp...), sports (climbing, running, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, football or soccer, rollerblading, swimming, ice skating, skiing), playing games (board games, chess, tag, hide and seek, jump-rope), repairing and improving technology, repairing cars, magic tricks (cards...), divination, playing video games, cooking and baking, decorating and many more.


Paras being able to hobbies together even if they are slightly different activities e.g. one para knitting and the other doing embroidery and still improving relationship or skill gain. Maybe there could be a specific skill for each hobby but overall there is a craft skill (in real life improving my drawing skills has helped with lots of other crafts that I do) same with music skill And these overarching skills are harder to obtain and take a long time to master but if you're high in them make learning specific skills e.g. the violin or the guitar easier. Tutoring when in higher levels, able to share knowledge about hobbies that increases skill either equally or to the lower skilled para.


I would really love the idea of your hobbies effecting your job options. For example, you can’t get a certain job if you don’t have that skill/education.


I would love to see the game assigning hobbies and interests to Paras at birth, similar to them having natural talents, as Primož was saying. I believe this would give them more personality, rather than everything being chosen by the player. Although, I also believe it would be important to be able to develop hobbies and interests as they age as well, which could be based on the player's inputs. I know some people would love to have full control over their Paras' hobbies and interests, but to me, having the game assign these/ having some degree of randomisation would make the characters more alive and would be great for role-playing. For skills, I don't really have anything else to add that hasn't been mentioned already, but it would be great if, for example, someone who has mastered guitar would have a much easier time mastering bass guitar compared with someone who has no skill in guitar. Having a buff that would allow skills to be learned quicker if it aligns with the Para's hobbies would also be a great addition.


It would be nice for paras with a certain trait, weight etc to be better at something.


I work in IT and with computer skills in simulation games it usually pretty limited. I would love to see creative computer hybrid skills. Web design, game creation, social media management. Math skills lead to better development/programing. Clothing and graphic design leads to better starting position for web design. Understanding marketing and people adds to social media etc.


So I'm going to suggest ideas that I think are probably the most important/relevant. (so its mostly the basics here) 1. Cooking (Self explanatory, probably doesn't include baking or more specific types of cooking) 2. Handiness (Fixing appliances around the house (or patching up the house in general), might be a more general skill....like being able to work on a broken oven doesn't mean you know how to fix the engine of a spaceship) 3. Charisma/Public Speaking (Kinda self explanatory. I think it should be a skill that grows more quickly through real life experience. Like practicing in front of a mirror shouldn't be anywhere near as effective as actually giving a speech in front of a crowd) 4. Logic/Reasoning (Somewhat similar to the sims, although I think a lot of things get conflated into the logic skill in the sims, like playing chess every day suddenly means you're a better doctor. Logic in the sims kinda just feels like the "smart person skill". I think it would be better if it was more like a "Logical Reasoning" skill that helped paras make better decisions or be more rational in chaotic situations. Like, being able to think more steps ahead. 5. Fitness/Weightlifting/Bodybuilding/Aerobic - A general fitness skill would be fine....but I think it could benefit from having two seperate skills, one that focuses more on building muscle and another one that focuses on aerobic exercise. 6. Creativity - This is another one I feel is kind of a loaded skill in the sims. I think I'd prefer the sims 3 route and see it split into more specific skills like painting, writing, singing etc. 7. Programming (I'd like to see this make it in, it seems like an appropriate skill to have in the game) 8. Storytelling (I might be bias but I'm working on a story atm and its made me realize how big of a skillset it is...its not easy to craft a story and do worldbuilding. Not as important as the above ones but I just like the idea. (also, I think crafting a story, worldbuilding and actually writing are very different skills) There's so many more that I haven't mentioned, like gardening, fishing, painting, musical instruments, different sports etc I guess my biggest hope is that the devs will be open minded and adventurous when they add new skills to the game, there's really so much out there outside of the obvious ones. Also that they're not too general with the skills, like making a logic skill that just seems like a vague "intelligent person skill".

Alex Agustin

Happy Friday, y'all. Incredible work as always. I hope you're enjoying your office. :) I would eventually like to see a wide breadth of skills, but I understand on launch there may be only a couple. I would prefer to have a couple fully fleshed out skills than more with less content. Specific skills/hobbies I find important/fun: Cooking, Cleaning, Parenting, Working Out/Athletic, Dancing, Singing, Instruments, Gardening, Painting/Drawing, Photography, Conversation/Charisma, Critical Thinking/Logic I think some skills/hobbies that aren't as important but might be fun are: Survivalism/Camping/Hiking (General Outdoorsiness), Video Gaming, Other Gaming (chess, checkers, darts, board games, etc), Mechanical/Handiness, and more individualized paths of general skills (home cooking/restaurant cooking, cardio/strength/flexibility from athletic, skill in different genres of art, music, and writing, etc.) I think for most skills the best mechanic to improve or learn them is trying it out. I think for some skills it might make sense to learn from reading, researching or watching related content. I would love if they could learn from discussion with other Paras with the skill. Other mechanics I'd like to see related to skills and hobbies is arbitrarily assigned hobbies. I would love it if my Paras were individualized without my input. For example they discover upon learning a skill that they're very passionate about it and maybe get a boost to it and desires based on it. I like the idea that maxing a skill is difficult and requires challenges to complete (cooking could be winning a cooking competition, cooking so many meals, etc.) As seen in other games, I think skills should play a big role in careers. I don't necessarily think it should be a pass/fail. (So, no promotion until you're at this skill level) I think that career progression should always gradually improve the longer you're there, but having the proper skills/hobbies/interests will significantly improve the rate of advancement. I think sharing a hobbie or skill with another Para could give them new interactions or a boost to their relationship when they learn that they share something in common. Sorry for the wall of text as usual. Take care you wonderful people!


Also enjoying hobbies together with family or on a date etc.

Vera Ohlsen

I think having complex hobbies from the get go would be setting a strong precedent for future additions, and ensure that people look forward to future stuff (making them more willing to open their wallets for say, DLC). Sure, some might be like "where is [hobby]? I do that IRL and I wanted my para to do the same!", but that is the price for depth in gameplay. And depth is good, it gives the player stuff to explore and discover, making for fun surprises and gives them reasons to keep interacting with the game. The first thing I thought of was the Painting/Art skill in the Sims franchise; I quite enjoyed the art skill in Sims 1, 2 and 3, because I liked to collect ALL OF THE PAINTINGS, as that satisfies my inner collector. Sims 4 seems to have a LOT more paintings, so I usually give up on collecting them. (Plus, TS4 is just weirdly... boring. No surprises anywhere.) The benefit of painting other in-game characters (including a self-portrait?) is also quite valuable for players who enjoy generational play. (Or those who enjoy a good Black Widow play style - a gallery of "former" husbands!) I would like for our skills to affect the choice cards we receive - like, a choice card pops up that goes something like this: "Your school is having a fair for the town, in hopes of attracting new students (and parents with deep pockets) - your class has been charged with creating a bake sale. How do you contribute?" And then the player could get options like "I'll bake", "I'll paint the banner/booth", "I'll dance around with a giant sign to entice people to visit the booth", with a chance of success depending on their skill level. A really good baker could create AMAZING cookies, a good artist could have everyone talking about the booth/banner, and the athletic kid could wow everyone into paying attention to the booth, driving up sales through increased foot traffic (or just go viral, which is also a fun result). I would like for there to be multiple options on how to enjoy a hobby, from the get go. If my para lives in a tiny apartment, on a low salary, there might not be space/money for an easel or sports equipment, but a sketch pad or running shoes are relatively inexpensive, and don't take up a lot of real estate in the home. I sometimes get annoyed with having to buy an easel. Having more items related to the hobby could instead unlock more options for the para, which could potentially boost their learning (getting bored doing this thing? Try the other option!). Selling the items created/skills learned through sidejobs should always be an option, but I am cool with it not being lucrative - few artists make a living out of it, and those that do have put IMMENSE work into building their online/shop presence, which is an aspect of freelancing that gets overlooked in TS. Heck, you could create small quests for players to fullfill, with potential negative/positive consequences for the side-business. (And dealing with clients that can NEVER make up their mind, wasting a lot of time, and then being reluctant to pay is always a challenge.) Ah, so many opportunities for fun gameplay, if you developers give attention to the details of each hobby you choose to implement. A chosen hobby could weave itself into the life of our para, leading to new friendships ("Mara from the cooking club is coming over to try out a recipe"), opportunities ("I hear you are really good at [sports thing] - we need a [trainer/coach], are you interested?") and fun experiences to spice up the day-to-day ("Look, honey - I made a hat for the dog!").


I think it would be cool to have few main skills that could have subskills like Athletic - sports, dance Music - piano, guitar... Logic - Programming, chess Visual arts - painting, sculpture Social - charisma, comedy I don't know how they would affect each other thought, perhaps if your Para was already good in Painting they could get a headstart when they tried sculpture or something since they already knew some artistic concepts


I need a game designer hobby in this game, preferably one not necessitated by a programming skill. 🥺 I feel that Paralives could really flesh out the game play of that compared to Sims 4

Anja Hoffmann

I love the idea that a certain hobby or interest is assigned at birth (or creation in the paramaker). Like you, I love a bit of randomization in a game I have no control over and need to work with.


I’m still trying to figure out how to word my answers to these but I I was literally talking about this in relation to The Sims the other day and so it was the first thing I thought of when I read the topic. Options or advanced options to set skills and other things, if possible! In The Sims one of my biggest gripes is needing to rely heavily on mods when creating townies or even some of the sims I play, because I can’t set their skills and skill levels, their employment or how far along in the career they are, who they know and have relationships with, how much money they have, and more. Sometimes I may not want to play a fresh, new para but a para with more experience and who’s been around or I may want to create my own townie paras and have them more established. So having the option to be able to set that somehow in game would be nice.


Hi all! Are we familiar with the STEAM project? SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ART, AND MATH. The American school system has finally recognized the core elements of the workplace and society's success to these educational paths. I bring this up because if we overarch hobbies and skills we can easily categorize them between the 5, and perhaps even overlap them? And depending on the season or even age (maybe Paras from Baby up to age Child learn at 2x pace and Teen up to Young Adult learn at 1.5x pace and Adult through Elder learn at regular pace) for skills. And completion of the entire Science category, or other specialized path, earns them access to certain areas, like competing in a national science fair rabbit hole, or opportunities, like being a Child artist who's work provides for the household, or even storylines, like the discovery that your friends and loved ones don't acknowledge your talent and you venture off for a new home. I also think traits like Virtuoso, Genius, Home cook, Independent, Free Spirit, etc should be given upon completion of one of the Paths. By attaining art skills through drawing, sculptures, instruments and the theatre, one would become "Cultured" when the overarch Art is at 8 points or higher. History, Logic, Science with Science, and so on.

Anja Hoffmann

As others, I would like for a randomly assigned favourite hobby or interest, because I do like a bit of randomness in my creations. I think less skills, but more content for them would be better - skills could always be added later, after all. Same for hobbies - fewer hobbies, but with depth rather than more hobbies which are only superficial. I would love it if paras could do their hobbies together and certain hobbies or interests might influence how much fun it is to work on certain skills.


Definitely less skills but more detailed. The other game has a ton of hobbies but only 2-3 repetitive things you can do and you would already max out the skill. I would love to see maybe like maybe graphic designer skill is affected by your computer skills + your "fashion" skill + creativity. Like if your sims go out shopping and explore they'll increase their fashion sense and creativity. Then they go to computer training/school learning math+science and that would help with computer skills.

BonaparteBardithion .

I think there's a issue throwing darts in with the likes of chess and checkers. There should be a mental/strategy skill for things like chess and maybe some video games, a fine motor skill for action video games and maybe stuff like small crafts, and then a hand-eye coordination skill for darts, basketball and other things that require judging distance and strength. These can be invisible sub-skills to simplify the experience for players.

Catherine Glick

Having hobbies rather than skills is preferable, I rather a sim be better a say pottery over time(in game time) rather than skill. Also hobbies like science, programming and steam based since I feel game designers forget. I would love very detailed hobbies

Jo Landers

I think certain jobs should have skill prerequisites!

Ace of Hearts

Something I saw on the discord: (can't remember who said it, sorry!) I'd like for (some) Paras to have skills they are naturally great or terrible at. It would also be good for older Paras to start the game with a few skills. I'm fine with having fewer skills/hobbies at launch if it means they're more detailed. I feel like that's a much more sensible choice.

BonaparteBardithion .

The game design options, if they resemble Sims at all, should definitely have more in common with the writing skills in those games. Let the player pick a genre and then give a physical product or option on the computer to actually play the created games. It doesn't matter if all games in that genre have the same graphic in gameplay. It'd also be better following the Sims 3 writing skill where you could buy published works in a book store rather than the S4 model of having it disappear into the aether unless you make a copy of the item ahead of time.

Elizabeth Gonzales

I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this, because I think with too few hobbies and skills, a lot would be left out. I like variety, but I don't think they should be easy to master, but it should be well balanced with how long paras live. Lifespan and time is hard to balance with games like this.


Considering everything will be very customizable with mods, I'd be fine with fewer skills in the base game if it means more depth to them. I agree with the person who said it'd be neat to have skills and subskills. Makes me think of D&D haha. So there could be a progress bar for the category that shows your progress at maxing all its subskills and sister skills are easier if you're good at something similar (Sub)skills I'd love to see and utilize in base game: -Drawing/sketching (self explanatory, I think) -Roller skating (faster travel than walking once you're good but at first you're likely to fall over and struggle-- under Athletic, so having good Strength and Balance will make you improve faster and improving at this will help your Strength and Balance if they're low) -Strength (strength workouts to get better and when you're good you can push over or lift objects or sims in game with greater chance of success and less visible struggle) -Balance (basically core strength. Improved by workouts like sit ups and yoga) -Charisma (because talking to people well and comfortably is definitely a skill) -Track (running becomes more effortless and faster with appropriate workouts) -Video gaming (the better you are the more likely you are to win at multiplayer, but if you're bad you're more likely to rage quit) -Dog training (assuming there are dogs) -Cooking -Baking -Music skills like piano, guitar, singing... (but I know that'd be extra work considering all the audio files that would need to be made, so I'm okay with not getting that in base game and waiting -Critical Thinking (because let's be honest, that's a skill that not everyone practices) and low means you're easily duped and are more likely to believe conspiracies, but high allows you to have intellectual debates with people. Improved by fact checking information and looking at multiple sources when researching. -Some form of martial art (so Martial Arts would be category and within would be karate, kung fu, etc) -Some form of dance (again, Dance is a category and within are genres-- ballroom, hip-hop, ballet, k-pop, yosakoi, etc) So, an example of my suggested system Categories: Athletic, Creative, Social, Music, Logic, Food Prep, Gaming?/Strategy? Skills: Martial Arts, Singing, Piano, Dance, Critical Thinking, Cooking, Baking, Gaming, Strength, Balance, Track, Writing, Visual Arts Subskills: Taekwondo, Ballroom Dance, K-pop Dance, specific games?, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, Knitting, Creative Writing, Workplace Writing So some only have skills, but others have subskills. I know not all of this will likely be in the base game, but I hope you guys'll consider them!


Thanks for the post ♥️ I think it would be great to have pair and group (especially family) activities along with hobbies. E.g. collecting puzzles, playing board games, watching movies, outdoor activities, etc.

Charlotte Stevens

For skills like cooking, I don't think you should be able to reach the max level by only cooking basic meals again and again every day as it's not very realistic. Rough framework examples below that could also work for similar skills. Level 1-3 Cooking in the house Level 4-6 Cooking channels, cookbooks, Level 6-8 Online research, cooking classes Level 9-10 Cheffing school/can only be reached if you work in the industry. Perhaps skills and hobbies could be separate categories? It would also be cool to choose in the paramaker if your para is more creative/hands on/logical/ ect so that way, a logical para is more inclined to enjoy chess (hobby) and a creative para might be able to build painting skill faster.


I love this idea! I think it would be great if certain criterias would need to be met to max a skill


There is such a wide variety of hobbies and skills people can learn that I feel like separating them all out and giving each one it's own level bar (like in the sims) would get really unwieldy and cluttered really quickly. I think it would better to divide skills into broader categories (physical, mental, visual, etc) and then get more specific within those categories. Maybe a para can have a special interest in visual skills/hobbies and therefore does well in hobbies like photography and painting and is interested in getting a job as a graphic designer or interior decorator. It would also be interesting to see categories work together and against each other, like a para who's strengths are in physical and visual would do really well in sculpture but would struggle with playing instruments, even though playing an instrument and creating sculptures are both "creative" hobbies. I think that having a wide variety of hobbies for paras to do will make a difference in making them unique, but I'd like to see a different approach to how skills are gained and how the gain is recorded than what we're used to seeing in the sims. Also, I definitely think it makes sense to only have a handful of hobbies and hobby objects in base game and then expand with DLC and updates.

Ayla Gwizdak

some fun hobbies/skills that I have: - embroidery - piano - singing - video games - lock picking - gardening - programming - baking - yoga - meditation - dog training (definitely a human skill) - cleaning Things that I'm bad at that could be in the game: - cooking - athleticism (running, lifting, etc) - communication (eloquence, getting the point across, body language, etc; I'm possibly autistic) -


I would love for there to be a mindfullness skill! That would include activities like meditation etc. Maybe even calm activities such as gardening or playing calm music could increase the mindfulness skill — And the higher the skill is, the easier it would be for a Para to put themselves in a good/better mood, deal with stress and interpara-sonal challenges or career failings! It could also give them some sort of „mindful“ boost after meditation and similar activities that would help train other skills for a short period of time.

Fran Smith

Could success at hobbies possibly be tied to base traits (like open/closed-minded, patience, empathetic/cold-hearted, positive/negative outlook, deep thinker/surface thinker, visual/audio learner, energetic/stagnant, extroverted/introverted, imaginative/realist, etc) Then hobby abilities could stem from there, for example, for fishing high patience would be a must to be very good, energetic a moderate effect, introverted better than extroverted, realist better than imaginative, and empathy might be a negative in this case, while some traits would have little effect. Every hobby, and indeed every activity - even cleaning, could be different depending on a Para's base traits, which would also stem into personalities as well. As for hobbies, I'd prefer hobbies with depth. I don't want to just have a system of, for programming for example, click-on-the-computer-and-Para-sits-there-typing-for-a-total-of-100-hours to max the skill. Some depth, where there are multiple steps involved, searching is involved, some luck, some experimentation etc. For example for fishing, Stardew Valley probably has one of the best fishing systems - fish are found in different places, depending on time of day, season, weather, fishing skill level, and affected by bait and tackle. This is a skill with some depth. Even mini-games would be great. Could cooking have something similar - searching and experimentation for recipes - varied per game save even, so that the search is new every game, perhaps using many different kitchen items, for different times, also possibly mini-games. Also, hobbies LEADING to something - I loved the fixing of cars in The Sims 2, where you got to build your own car and drive it around. Not just like the programming skill where maxing the skill after x amount of time at the computer is...well the finish. But where the maxing of a skill has something to lend itself to AFTER the skill is maxed also. The gardening skill is open-ended for example, and has reasons to do it after the maxing of the skill. I also love the collections stuff: fish, mushrooms, coins, insects, even spoons, lol. Any wacky thing that has us searching across the map for stuff. Also realistic skills. No professional ballet dancers who took up the hobby at University for the first time, lol! Ballet dancers start learning the skill at 6 years old or younger. So what Paras spend time doing when they're young builds their skills and potential for the future. Give us random and varied and FLAWED PEOPLE to play and discover, rather than only mannequin dolls to perfect and max out, like the ticking of a shopping list. Just provide cheats for those people who want to micro-manage what they want their Paras to achieve. I'd like hobbies with depth, and where the experience of that hobby is a little different for every Para, just like their personalities are different. Not every hobby should be equally maxed, or even POSSIBLE to max for every Para, which would be fine if the hobbies are rich and deep enough, and take a lot of effort to max. :-)


I'd definitely love for there to be a variety of ways to level a skill/hobby - reading about it, watching about it, actually doing it, learning about it from someone else, -teaching- it to someone else, etc.


I would like some skills to impact others. For example, if you are good with puzzles, that may make you better with videogames or programming! They are independent skills, but improving in one area can have an impact in another. Or maybe in your job they value a skill, even if it isn't specifically requiered. If you are good at interacting with people, that may make your superiors notice you more, or you may dare to ask for a rise.


I answered less skills and hobbies that are more complex with the hopes that in future DLC's you guys would add more? But I do think there needs to be a balance, because I don't want my Paras to have to spend all of their time focusing on one skill to get good at it. Maybe it could depend on the skill? For example, if there's a fitness skill, maybe that's not as hard to increase, but if there's like a sculpting skill or a language it's a bit more challenging/takes a bit more focus?


Saying fitness is not as hard to increase is a bit insulting to people who struggle with fitness or those who like fitness. Some people are more apt to certain skills. So maybe instead have it be based on traits. If you're creative, sculpting or painting gains faster. If you're active, fitness gains faster. Instead of discounting a skill altogether.


I feel like skill and hobbies should be two different things, and that the question brings to a kind of misunderstanding... People want choice and uniqueness and deep features. So when people chose "Few skills but more complex and developed", well in the end how do you intend to give complexity without giving lot of choices and possibility ? I feel like the first option and the second option are going to have the same outcome - except that the second option will have everything in a kind of hierarchy. If I can illustrate what I mean : 1st option - many skills : - fishing - fitness - cooking - handiness - logic - etc... 2nd option - skills more complex and developed : - fitness - rock climbing - track running - body building - resourcefulness - fishing - handiness - gardening - artist/creativity - painting - guitar - cooking etc.. I really don't know how you are planning on doing it, but that's how I see the 2 options. If that's how you guys saw it, then I'd get the 2nd option. If not, then I'd want the 1st option, because we want choices, lots of choices, diverse possibilities, and we want to be able to create completely unique paras - and not have only 4 different types of complex skills for the entire neighborhood, if that makes sense... :)


In terms of what specific skills I’d like to see, I can’t think of any that haven’t already been mentioned above, but what I’d LOVE to see is being able to set skill levels to a Parafolk in the PAM. So, if I wanted to create a young adult artist or child prodigy, I want to be able to set their skill level to a specific level instead of starting from zero.


if skills/hobbies can have more nuances with content and interactions, that would be most valuable to me. Of course, I don't wish for this selection to put a limit of # of skill/hobbies we could possibly have in the game - just what they bring to the game in terms of value should matter.


I like the idea of scrapbooking being in the game as a hobby, but it requiring different skills, like creativity as a base and then photography, creative writing, etc. as subskills. Maybe some logic, too, with page layout and planning as a subskill, something like that. It could be done individually or as a group, and Paras could look at their work later, like reading a book, but it brings back memories. It could even get detailed, like when they choose to look through it, the page gets enlarged on your screen and you can actually see what you designed as a memory for your Para, and how detailed you can make the page depends on your Para's different skill levels. Also, you can cheat their skill levels if you want, lol. It could be a different way to track a Para-family's life progress, like remembering special events and stuff. Just ideas, lol. All of these skills and subskills could have a roll in other hobbies, as well as being requirements for jobs. Maybe they could only learn the highest levels of a skill through limited means, like schooling. Or, they have various ways of reaching the top of a skill but some of those ways take longer than others. Like for cooking as an example, they can go to school to advance faster, or take the better part of a lifetime to learn the same amount of info as they would've at school. Taking some kind of informal cooking classes advances you more than trial and error at home but less than at a formal cooking school. Maybe you learn gourmet cooking more than ethnic cooking at a cooking school but your Para's grandma can teach them ethnic cooking faster than a school or class would. I too like the idea of detailed skills falling under umbrellas of generalized ones like others have said - creative, logical, visual, physical, etc. Only a few in the beginning that are well-developed sounds great to me, as so much more could be added as the game progresses over time. I also would like to see detailed cooking skills at some point that includes different things. Like, cooking can be the base skill or hobby, and under it could be baking, gourmet, grilling, etc. I think including foods from around the world could be cool individual skills. Like Korean cuisine, or French, or Mexican, or Indian, stuff like that, since it's fun to learn how to cook things from different places irl, and definitely takes time and skill to do properly. Also being able to choose what skills they're good at in the Paramaker depending on their age, like it's possible to make an elderly Para have some well-developed artistic skills and hobbies under the creative umbrella while a toddler or young child would only have limited drawing, and/or painting under the same umbrella.


1. Which specific skills and hobbies would you like to see in Paralives? Videogaming / Programming / Cooking / Cleaning / Gardening / Writing / Playing instruments / Singing-dancing / Fixing and upgrading normal objects (chair, table, curtains) / Fixing and upgrading technology items (computer, phone, microwave) / Witty-talking / Social skill / Humour skill / Different sports practices (football, rock-climbing, track-running, roller-skating and skate-boarding (to go places even maybe?), cycling / Motorcycle and bike riding / Animal interactions (dog training, horse riding, bird training even, etc...) 2. & 3. Which game mechanics related to progression and leveling up your skills would you like to see? How should skills and hobbies impact your job, your studies, your relationships and your life in general? It would be cool if we had a few MAIN skills, impacting other skills/hobbies, and impacting the rest of the paras' lives : - Logic - Fixing and upgrading technology (phone, PC, etc...) - Learning faster and having better grades - Better focus when doing something - better result - Reading faster - Less chances of trusting other paras (vendors, charismatics, thieves, etc...) - Handiness : - Faster repair (normal objects) and better finish quality - Easier gardening - skill improves faster - Easier fishing - skill improves faster - More confident or positive thinking when something breaks or goes wrong - Solution oriented paras - Fitness : - Easier progression in divers sports - More energy in general everyday - Less percentage of illness and sickness (during change of season for example) - Less acne or skin problems - Better chances at romantic interactions - Social skill : - Charisma improves faster - Humor improves faster - More chances to have a positive interaction - Paras will create a friendship faster (unless it's with an anti-social or skeptical Para) - The more it improves, the less shy when surrounded by other paras (even strangers) - Increases all kinds of interactions (funny, romantic, professional, amicable, ...) etc... What would be the different ways to learn new skills and improve them? Reading books, researching the web, asking friends or close family members, learning from past interactions (humor for example - if interaction misses or succeeds - it gives hints on what is funny), watching shows (cooking shows, ted talks, one man shows), watching documentaries (fishing, survivalists, etc...). And again, learning should go faster depending on paras' traits, but also depending on skills (logic, handiness, etc...). Maybe we could even have a "Learning" ability - developed since they're kids, and that takes a lot of learning in different skills to improve and maybe finally master one day.


How about skills related to content already in the game? furniture = upholstery, woodwork. clothing = design, tailoring. books or sites = writing, blogging. food = farming, fishing. Makes sense to choose skills that already have a function in the game so we can interact with whatever results from the skill. That could extend to social interactions too! Maybe Paras can randomly appreciate things of any skill level? The way I see it is that I'd love to choose if my Para likes something, regardless of skill level. For example: if there's an excellent but trashy novel written by a level-2 writer, I want my Para to sing its praises in conversations. And if there's a nearby writer, maybe they gain some skill level from hearing about it? Like this, there could be passive skill building from everyday life that affects active skill building from performing the skill. There could also be a brainstorming option on a journal or whatever Paras might sketch on... we could... oh! could we design what our Paras make? That would be a cool function!


I would like to see a more in-depth development of skills and hobbies but also have the choice of unique hobbies like coins, stamp collections. I loved the bug collection and painting. It would be great if we can use our own pics as paintings.

S&M Gonzalez

This was a hard choice to choose in the poll, because I'd like a wide variety of hobbies and skills my paras can do with the complexity of the second choice. Because I hope there's a lot of unique and new ones that aren't like sims like logic/mechanical etc. I'd be okay with less skills and hobbies for start that can get made with complexity if more skills and hobbies get added in updates as time goes with the same complex quality.


When it comes to visual arts, it always frustrated me that the sims only had easel painting... I want more diversity to it! Digital drawing, pencil drawing, spray and chalk street art drawing! Paras would be able to draw pretty much anywhere with a tablet or a sketchbook, and it would also add more ways for them to make money, not just by selling paints, but maybe they can get a job as animators doing cartoons or games, or creating comics or webcomics! Maybe even posting on social media and getting commisions!


About writing; please make it a diverse hobby/skill! I don't want paras to only be able to do so on the computer, I would like for them to carry journals, or maybe laptops that they can take anywhere like a coffee shop or the library!


At the release, a few complex skills could be best option; later in future though, more skills should be added. As for the skills I would like to see, I would like to have niche skills like food art, blacksmithing, cosplaying... These are ideas for a future though. I will definitely write more on Discord later, but here are a few ideas about base game skills; Cooking; I want to see more complex cooking. It shouldn't be one skill that considers all dishes, but something more complex. Example; just because you can make great sandwiches doesn't mean you gonna make a perfect sushi (meaning that if you master cooking skill but never actually make some dishes, you shouldn't be able to make perfect dish just because you mastered skill). Writing; Not all writers will write great poems, romans, etc. It would be cool to divide it; like I want to have two writers, but one writes wonderful novels, while the other one makes articles for newspapers; they wouldn't be able though write the other genre of their partner.


I would like to see a variety of activities but perhaps they could fall under the same hobby/skill branch, eg a “crafting” hobby could encompass knitting, crochet, etc interactions/objects

S&M Gonzalez

this! I'd love if paras could buy and fill up sketchbooks and carry them around with them. It'd be even cooler if we could somehow import our own photos into the sketchbook that could be a mini photo album for art though


I would like to see a photography skill.

S&M Gonzalez

I think one thing I’d love to see is paras could be good at a sub-catergory of a skill but not other areas or even the base skill itself. Let’s take cooking for example our para could explore the world of baking but could be a terrible overall cook. I’d like if paras could teach each other how to do a skill or help another para out who’s tryin to improve their skills which would increase the quality of the project or hobby turning out better than if a para had done it alone. Skills I'd like to see: - Outdoor wilderness/survival (would be beneficial for better camping trips and nature exploration, benefits overall camping trip experience ) - Cooking; sub-categoies: baking, cake decorating, gourmet, catering (would be required to make a business out of this); learning different cuisines by different cultures. - Programming for computers both fixing and other tech related hobbies - Game design (paras could start making small 32 bit games then increase into bigger console game making, where you could even have it sold on the market like how when sims lets you sell books) - Sewing and clothing design - Gardening - Interior design & landscaping (paras would influence others design for home or inspire to buy things for their home, could be asked to redecorate their neighbors home or a public lot in town) - Ceramics - Music I think would be nice if they were broken up into sub-categories, but the base would be like music theory, but as for paras learning music genres and instruments these could be sub-categories because they wouldn’t know how to play all genres. - Art: graphic design, illustration, animation, painter, comic design, - Photography - Hunting and gathering (could be small things like edible plants/herbs, if off grid hunting animals for food) - Business skills - Writing skills (could be done on different mediums like typewriters notebooks etc but you could add the pieces to the computer when it’s time to publish. Different sub-categories for writing: poetry, article writing, creative writing, non-fiction writing, children’s books, blogging, journaling, recipe writing, movie reviews, restaurant reviewer. - Health and Wellness - Cosmetology: hair styling, nail design, makeup art, costume makeup art like SFX (could be great for halloween face paints), skin wellness (caring for skin to delay aging, prevent breakouts etc.) - Carpentry - Blacksmith - Farming (would be different from gardening) - DIY Crafts: soap-making, candle making, perfume, incense, aromatherapy, embroidery, knitting, macrame, weaving, quilting, toy making


Reading about needing to put winter tires on the car just made me think about how having and maintaining a car should have a cost associated with it! Maybe you get a weekly fuel bill, random likelihood of your car breaking down with increased risk if you don’t perform maintenance, etc. And automotive/mechanic could even be a skill specific to cars or other motor vehicles/sports.

S&M Gonzalez

Different sports could be a skill and hobby the more a para practices one they'll be good at it vs others.


I would love it if Dancing would be a skill (not just "club dance"). Because dance is most of my life

S&M Gonzalez

I think hobbies should have both a positive & negative effect on paras and their relationships. Positives could be paras influencing or getting others interested in the same skills/hobby. Paras could observe and watch other paras doing a skill which could help increase their skills vs if they had learned on their own. Maybe certain skills could be inherited like if a para was good at gardening chances are their kids would end up being skillful in this area as well. Paras who are learning could ask others if they’d like to learn about it from them. Paras can take up hobbies together. For work it would benefit the amount of work they could do, the quality, and type of projects opportunities they’d be offered to work on or be paid for. Paras who aren’t skillful can ask others who are skillful in a certain skill/hobby to make something for them that’s related to it. Paras encouraging others. Paras being able to talk about their hobbies and share what they’re working on with others. If a para invents something they could promote it and get investors to buy it and make money off of it. Negatives to hobbies and skills: paras becoming obsessive over their crafts would either keep them distracted from work, not be social with their family and friends which would cause strain on the relationship or resentment. Some paras not approving or sharing dislike of your new skill/hobby some could become jealous if you’re better than them at something they are also interested in. Paras can complain to your para who is interested in a certain hobby that they’re spending too much time on it and not them. Causing paras to miss work or be late for work because they’re constantly working on something of theirs, or looking up stuff related to their favorite skill/hobby on the computer while on the job can cause them to get in trouble from their boss. Hobbies can cause paras to go into debt from the amount of money spent of supplies or investments. Paras getting injured from skills/hobbies. Kids not doing well in school or doing their homework, sleeping in class from being up all night working on their skill/hobby. Constantly talking about their hobbies and skills when no one is interested. Parents could be pushy or pressure kids into doing a hobby or skill that they like, but the kid doesn't want to, but this could apply to any para like two siblings.

Emily Gardner

I think it'd be nice to make any (or as many as possible) hobby a career, so if my character does clay work you can sell independently, set up a small business. Could be used alongside skills, say you're intelligent, (could be more specific than INT but is not necessary) you could be a small time accountant or something I think the hobby and skills should take a while to build, because nobody can master a skill in just two days It'd be interesting to see if you could set the work hours and tasks but obviously I don't even know if there's the scope to do something so customisable either way I look forward to whatever the outcome


The choice was hard but I would like to see how deep you can make hobby and skills ! I had an idea that I thought would be cool to share : what if two (or more) paras that have the same predominent skill could become friends easier ? They have a common interest like a high level of cooking and they would then be able to cook together, share recipes, they could meet up to taste cakes and stuff. And you can do that for pretty much everything, art, music, and stuff. You'd get a little bonus when they talk about interest and the friendship level would you go up faster. Maybe even love ? And on the opposite, if they have absolutely no common skills or hobby, it would be harder to become friends or lover.

Christine Harvey

Reading about the hot drinks in winter made me think, some paras should be able and want to drink iced/cold coffee all year round! This is very common in my area and my coworkers and I joke about how the liquid that splashes on the top of the cup freezes by the time we get to the office because the temperature is below freezing and snowy.


Second idea that came when typing the first one : what if some para could never master some skills ? We all have secret talents, but also some stuff that we can't do at all. So maybe, at the creation of a para or during their life they could get secret trait like "no sense of rythm" and in this example we could imagine that this para can't dance, can't sing, can't play music, and would get embarrassed when they are at the club or the karaoke. Other exemple "Two left hands" this para would be very bad at anything related to their hands like cooking, knitting, drawing, etc. But they would get a bonus for any hobby that is more on the mental/thinking side like writing, programming, "logic", research, and stuff.


List of base skills I'd like to see: art (subclassed into writing, painting, sculpting, pottery), cooking (subclassed normal cooking, baking), music (subclassed singing, dancing, instrument play), programming, science (biology, math, physics), speech, gardening, tinkering. Skill and hobby should be intertwined and each Para should have a different "disposition" towards developing certain skill. If Para discovers they love to cook, they'll develop this skill much faster than others because it's also going to be their hobby. Acquiring a skill by doing an activity that a Para doesn't like should be much slower and they should not autonomously do the activity.


It'd be nice to have some sort of way to join Paras with the same hobby and develop a skill in a group - such as attending an art class, participating in a singing contest, joining a chess club.


This is a big one! I feel strongly that there should be high level “primary skills” such as a creativity skill. This primary skill would go from 1 to 10 for example and would contribute to your capacity to learning all the related ”secondary” skills. For example, 2 creativity allows you to have 1 in piano. Level 10 in creativity allows you to have the capacity to reach level 5 in piano. All the secondary skills would have a level 5 max upon reaching level 10 in the main primary skills. The purpose of this is that the primary skill allows you to build the related secondary skills. But having a high painting skill is different from an instrument….they are related under creativity but are functionally different.


I REALLY would love paras to have some sort of predestined core hobby that’s assigned via birth (either randomly or with some logic based on their interests). I enjoy having some direction as to how to build their life or what actions to take. I’m a wants based player so I let intrinsic characteristics about the characters guide my choices - I don’t create my own storylines


If there was a ballet skill, maybe with a ballet barre object, i wouldn’t need anything else!!!! Ballet is my life and it would be soooo cool to make a dancer in the game!!xD<3

Ashley Brent

I remember this idea I had before! What if para had a really special hobby to them with they were younger, but kinda dropped it as they got older. Maybe one day they remember it one day and feel nostalgic and need to start up the hobby again.


I am not a mechanic I know nothing about cars, but I loveeee when games allow me to work on cars. Imagine a teen who can work improving or fixing a bike, skateboard, scooter, small row boat or a remote control toy or small drone. That later in life, grants them the ability to be way more proficient at fixing cars, motorcycles, jet skis, boats, big drones, maybe even radios.. cuz mechanisms and tech are two different branches of being good at fixing things. A plumber can fix piping and maybe better install a washer n dryer... but may not know anything about how to fix the washer n dryer. Same maybe true of someone who could fix a washer n dryer but might be lost under a sink tho.


That's kina cute. Similar "sorta thought" I had with a nice lil nuance to it. I had thought of wanting some hobby or skill that the para naturally derives joy from at a younger age... but now they gives them an actual boost in their adulthood. The remembrance part of like wow I loved this as a kiddo or teen n now its super nostalgic - as a sudden thoughtful moment 💖 that urges them to want to do that thing again. Play with granmas old dollhouse Now build a dollhouse for your kids Used to love painting a birdhouse as a school project or a family member asking them to decorate the birdhouse that that member made or bought. Now here they are crafting their own from bits of wood n decorating it by themselves again or with someone else. Erecting it. Then, additionally enjoying bird 🐦 watching. Maybe as a kid they didn't get interested in the actual bird watching part.. but now they do.


I rather the hobby cause a skill gain. But no emphasis on the skill part. Like doing this to gain skill >:( na. But doing this because the Para enjoys the hobby and... it just happens to boost a skill. Like aw cool well that's nice then. Not u better do this *who cares thing* 60 times ina row,, so u gain this skill ! But u do it 60 times... over time, because this hobby makes your Para so happy. . .and oop there is an addition skill gain. Go Para! You get me? Where the skill isn't a drill or focus, But a nice addition to this thing your Para would already be doing anyway n quite enjoys.


This is such a hard choice! But I think that any decision to have deeper gameplay is usually the way to go. With skills, there should definitely be enough variety to not make it the same with each Para. In other life sims, skills definitely got stale when you realized there was no variety and each skill has the same path. So avoiding that with richer gameplay is def the move. As for which skills to add, I think it's best to start with basic ones and if there's time, expand to other ones. Things we do every day like cooking, cleaning, driving, communication/social, fitness, gaming, etc. should be ironed out first since those are some of the first skills people would play with with a new Para. I think the ability to choose a certain amount of skill points into set skills when creating a Para would be essential since an adult Para would probably already know a few skills. And lastly, with certain traits, there should be a skill cap. For instance, introverted Paras are not gonna want to learn communication skills since it would require talking to a lot of different people. Their skill cap would be different than an extroverted Para or an ambiverted Para.


Yessss... intertwinded natural boast of joy that also boosts a skill- as a side note not as a focus. tho I want mechanics... that specific likes to work with metals as opposed to fabric n wood. I maybe they start with interest in fabric n wood craft but later branches off into glass working... or metal working. Like the hobby finds a way as they try new things.. then something sticks and they extremely enjoy this one or two hobbies.. n those hobbies happen to boast specific skills. Just imagine: Adult years the Para is now able toaster metal works... making massive metal sculptures or can branch off into building or fixing cars n boats or be The Mechanics Para that other Paras bring their washer too to fix. Or pay a bit more n The Mechanics Para comes to our Paras place to fix it there. That would be so fun. The skills from their hobby makes work past more easily and is less boring. But maybe not as fulfilling as the more creative jobs they may do. So a commission to do a sculptures for someone's yard or a community park might be a blast! While working on another Paras car or washing machine might just be ok.. and maybe if they are very social they gain relationship with the other Para as they are doing work for them.. maybe even hanging out after cuz they were offered a cup of hot tea, coffee, or cool refreshing drink... so they like ya k.. I'll hang a bit. or if they are less social or the other Para annoys them they like na.. k job done. I'm out! All business. Not hanging around just to hang around - like in other games *coughs* Now Imagine: It all started as this particular Para as a toddler enjoyed blocks more than other toys.. then Legos as a kid.. then worked on improving bikes to go faster or fixing them as a teen and made metal bracelets for friends out of stuff the found around or sold for a little extra cash or something and now they work on cars or build massive art sculptures cuz they just working with metal. Or those bracelets got them into beads... n now they hand blow beautiful works of functional art out of found-glass. Idk that seems different It's a very specific example. But showing how a hobby could nature the skill.. and the branches that the Para goes down slightly changes what they truly love doing as an adult.


Hopefully, as little to do with rabbit holes as much as possible. =D


I agree with Adriana that there should be basic skills that you'd pick up just by being active cooking, cleaning, caring for children/sick/elderly, fixing things etc


I would like to to see sewing skills, relationship skills (it gets easier to make friends or to calm down a child etc), gardening skills, dance/sports skills, martial arts and sword fighting. Someone said something similar - but I'd like give paras the opportunity to be paid for their skill/hobby - they would have to use the social media, newspaper and talk to others to do this - they could being from home and upgrade to a studio then store


I am also a huge fan of the classes theory, I have mentioned it other posts. I love the idea of community centers doing free classes from time to time (ex: yoga, painting, etc) free classes at libraries, classes for cooking etc. I also love the idea of after school activities (boy scouts, sports, ballet, plays/theatre). I do also love the idea of group hobby learning, and mentoring. If I remember correctly in the Sims 2 when someone maxed a skill out they could mentor a sim and teach them this skill. Which off topic but - is a great opportunity for freelance work/self employed situation.


Sorry I'm on a phone so I can't paragraph these so I'm going to make another comment. I live the idea of arts and crafts, knitting, candle making, macaroni art for little kids (obviously crafts from all ages toddlers to elders!). Also again love the idea of being able to tinker on things around the house (cars, appliances, wood working/re varnishing/staining wood, etc). I will say I'm a huge Sims 3 fan in the way that they have a million skills, I don't love the idea of creativity being ok you can play every instrument and paint and do a million other things because you're creativity level 10. But I do agree that it matters more for the skills to be more complex and I understand that means less. I'm a big cook so also having the hobbies of cake decorating, baking, pickling, learning finer dining, hell learning more sustainable food stuff (like making banana bread from banana peels) is great too.


Regarding hobbies, I would love it if there was a possibility for your paras to get together with friends and play table-top games. Everything from simple board games to miniatures war games, collectable card games, and fantasy role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons (renamed of course). These could tie into the paras Creative skill and they could form gaming clubs at home and comic shops. I think this would be a great gimmick as other 'sim' games skip over this hobby in favor of video games, yet its hugely popular right now.

Akasha O'Connell

I'd like for there to be skill decay, with the ability to adjust the rate/turn it off. If a para doesn't practice a certain skill for a long time, they should be rusty at it when they do try it again, but pick it up again pretty easily depending on how high their skill level was originally.

S&M Gonzalez

Being able to form clubs/groups based around a skill or hobby besides just joining one already made would be nice. That way they can socialize with people they have things in common with. Taking classes to further your skills would be nice also bonus would be unlocking new projects outside of regular projects your para would learn on their own. Paras could share ideas and projects they know how to make with you, like in animal crossing they have DIY projects villagers will give your character that they can make. Hobbies I thinkg shouldn't just be tied to a work bench or books, but being able to make them mobile, paras taking their hobbies on the go, like crocheting, knitting,drawing/painting for example. It'd be so cool to see paras in a park with their easel's,notebooks,and paints drawing or painting a portrait of another para. Also paras getting Inspiration from their environment, it could be random depending on what they're doing or where they are. Like say a para is out listening to music and then they get inspired to write their own song on their instrument.


Base skills that later branch out to more specific skills would be interesting. Especially with the ability to make and manage your own stores, being able to sell niche items would be so fun


Maybe with the skills there could be 'umbrellas' - for example, there might be an umbrella skill called 'creative' and under that skill there are all types, such as music, painting, writing, dance etc. Each umbrella skill develops as a slower rate, but the more specific skills all have their levels, and contribution to their levels contributes to the umbrella skill. This would come into play for things such as jobs, where a job might say you need to be level 3 creative instead of specific ones since they might want a more general creative person etc. Or in school, the say an umbrella skill of logic might help people get better grades faster, but under logic, there might be math, science, reasoning/critical thinking, strategy etc

Diamond Nicole

Definitely quality over quantity... I've already seen what having more quantity looks like and it's disappointing. Refining and perfecting skills/hobbies and adding more as you go sounds good to me. I hope to see more interactions between paras when doing their hobbies because in ts4 it's mostly one sims is doing one thing and another is doing something completely different.


What I would like is when a para is learning something, it is not going the same way as for another para like by adding random events during the process for exemple.


This is similar to what I was thinking. I like the idea of being able to develop a skill in lots of different ways.

Christina Ozeki

I would like a bit of both ideas a few in-depth hobbies and skills, but with the opportunity to also have some other hobbies and skills that are less detailed. Also, I would like fossil collecting and collecting insects and other similar sorts of hobbies that can grow the Paras knowledge and could help them with going to university and/or getting a job in palaeontology/ natural history museum curation/ zoology/ university professor.


what about branches for skills, for ex: a social skill, which if you work on charisma for some time, you will gain experience in the charisma skill ‘branch.’ i would like a mechanic to be different than skill levels, maybe experience, which you’ll see gaining in a skill menu with a circle! and you’ll be able to max it out.

Vicarious Human

Camping related activities. Bringing the right gear. Bring supply of water or find water source (must boil before drinking). Bring a tent or learn to build a shelter from scratch. Learning to start a fire with required materials (Twiggs, branches, logs, and stones). Learning how to fish (gear needed). Fishing book can teach which fish you'll encounter for each season, where to find their general location and which bait works best. Bring food or forage for food. Foraging book can teach how to use, identify and find the general locations of an item. If feeling brave, your para could acquire knowledge of foraging through trial and error searching around and eating what you find. It would be fun to include dubious ingredients that make you sleepy, paranoid, thirsty, goofy or just leave a bad taste in the mouth (nothing too serious).

Michelle Lovette

Piggy backing off of what others have said like an umbrella effect to skills, so it’s not just we can all Max out on creative, we should have to paint to learn that skill or play an instrument at a young age and if they don’t do it further in life maybe it’s rusty, ballet and dance and cooking maybe you need to learn recipes at a time

comprehensive galaxy

It would be great to be able to do hobbies for enjoyment, to make a bit of side money, or both. It would also be great if there was some way of turning hobbies (or at least their associated skills) into jobs if you get skilled enough. Though if there's a fun/enjoyment return, maybe that lessens as soon as it becomes a job? It would also be cool to be able to get commissions for artistic hobbies, or be able to mentor other Paras.


I would really like the skill system to be completely different from the Sims. I can imagine that instead of having a 1-10 scale, it would work more like in Skyrim or Ancestors or in Fallout 4. By spending time on something, you get points to upgrade skills. For example, cooking: a window pops up that says you've gained experience points and you choose what you want to improve on your cooking skills. Faster cooking, less mistakes, safe cooking. Learn a new recipe. the ability to make 3course dinner etc. And what if we call it ability instead of skill?


I'd like to be able to hide skills I don't care about from my interface, effectively making them "hidden" skills. In fact, I don't even want a skill to show up on my list unless I'm actively trying to learn it. Actual effort to learn should be required (which should not include picking up an instrument and gaining a skill point in it). The only exception should be school: Paras should learn basic skills at school with the option to focus on one in particular to progress faster in that skill. I want skills to deteriorate over time, because if you do something a handful of times but then never do it again, your skill level should not stay high. You should still be able to do basic things (I remembered how to cast on and knit stitch after making a bunch of scarves but a year later I couldn't remember some of the more complex stitches I'd done before), so perhaps you can only lose a percentage of the skill and not lose all of it, so the more of an expert you WERE, the higher your dropped skill will stay (a retired rocket scientist might get rusty, but they'll still be able to get another rocket science job and pick everything back up super fast). Likewise, you should have bonuses in quality, accuracy, and completion speed when it's something you do often. I'd like to see bonuses as a buff but NOT see any debuff when losing skill progress, because debuffs feel like an urgent pressure and failing to keep up with a skill is not an emergency or urgent situation unless you'll get fired for dropping below a certain skill level. I'd like my Paras to be able to take classes to learn specialized skills, because some things require a teacher. Mechanical Engineering isn't something you should pick up from fixing toilets. I've always liked books as a way to learn skills, but I feel like they're inherently isolating. For subjects you really need book study to learn, that would be okay, but things like social skills or athletic skill should not be learned through a book. I want umbrella skills that you can stack more specific skills under. I have never liked small skills lumped in beside the major skills. I also don't want skills to feel like people need to "complete" them to feel satisfied. Mastery should be a lifelong process for a Para, not something they can achieve for every little thing. I'd rather have a tracker in the player's account that lists what skills they've maxed over all of their Paras, rather than tracking it on an individual Para, because on the player account it feels like something you're working toward, but on the Para it feels like the Para is incomplete. I want the mastery of one skill on any Para to feel like an achievement, not a first step. To this end, it matters how skill progress is displayed. I like for empty bars to be full, so if skills are shown as empty spaces we're going to want to fill them ALL up. Maybe, instead, we can select "preferred" skills, highlighting the specific skills we want our Para to advance when we're not playing them and also track more closely in our interface when playing that Para, showing us details and progress we don't see for other skills. Umbrella Skill Suggestions Physical Skill: Affects the physical body only. Deteriorates quickly when neglected. Affected by diet and exercise. Affects sports abilities (with bonuses to sports the Para plays the most or recently), muscle mass, endurance, health, cleaning speed, etc. Intellectual Skill: Affects learning and retention of knowledge. Deteriorates slower than physical skill when neglected. Affected by books, study, school, etc. Affects speed at which you understand new concepts, and is the umbrella for specialized abilities like programming, math, chemistry, etc. Social Skill: Affects relationship building. Deteriorates at a slow pace (not to be confused with relationship deterioration). Affected by the number of close friends you have, people you live with, and how often you choose to interact with strangers. Affects how quickly people like you, your ability to intimidate others, social media skills, how good you are with kids, the ability to diffuse or worsen tense situations in person or online (online should be a different skill set from in-person), manipulation, persuasion, and people's first opinion of you. Anything that requires interpersonal interaction and communication. Creative Skill: Affects creative pursuits. Deteriorates at a modest pace. Affected by practice of the related skills: instruments, painting, sculpting, knitting, attractive cooking (makes dishes more visually pleasing; different from the ability to cook; necessary to work in an expensive restaurant kitchen), etc. Paras can be a competent amateur to make decor for their own home or try to reach expert level to make $$ with their art. Practical Skill: Covers life skills like cooking, laundry, cleaning, changing a tire, etc. Things that aren't expert-level but are required to make life smoother. This affects how quick and effective the Para is at these skills. Someone who has practiced changing tires often will get it done pretty quick, whereas someone who's never done it before would have to call for a tow. In this way, hobbies can fall under the broader umbrellas to be affected by a) the Para's overall umbrella skill and b) the amount of time spent on that specific hobby. Essentially, my wishes are this: that my skill list is not so long that it's overwhelming, that I can pick which skills I want to view in the interface, that I can toggle the skills I specifically want my Para to pursue, that I can toggle some skills that I don't want my Para to EVER learn (a rock-and-roll Para might say "never" to knitting, for example) and they will then refuse to learn that skill (and if forced to pick up knitting, the yarn will tangle and the Para will automatically "fail" at the effort). I don't want my Para picking up random specialty skills, nor do I want skills to feel like "well, I've started it, now I have to become an expert for visual symmetry." Not 100% on how to do that, but perhaps having "Preferred" on some skills and hide the progress bars (if you use progress bars) of all the others. Perhaps have levels that go from Amateur to Expert. Maybe a mix. Preferably not a percentage or bar to fill, though. As for what hobbies should be available? I prefer for hobbies to feel well-fleshed-out, so I'm cool with waiting for them to be available when ready. My one pick would be gardening. I like gardening a lot. Farming, even. :) Fields, farm animals, and all the trappings. I don't know why, it's just my favorite. Maybe it's the fact that it connects to so many other parts of the game: grow or gather your raw materials to create meals, feed friends or pets. Management, creativity, practicality, and social aspects. It's just fun.

S&M Gonzalez

I agree I think would be amazing, I like how Skyrim does their leveling up and it can be versatile because you can not only level up with books but doing different activities beside a set task

S&M Gonzalez

paras refusing to learn a skill because it doesn't interest them would be really neat feature to have i love that idea, all paras do not have to be a jack of all trades lol


I second all of this. I also love the idea of a skill tree so you can pick specific perks or interests for your Para.


It would be nice not to have every Para turn into a five-star chef just because they make dinner every night. Maybe Paras could perfect specific recipes instead of generalized cooking skills.


I also agree with Beth Anne.

Joanna Hinds

I disagree with the poll, I think having a variety of different skills and hobbies is more important than having just a few detailed ones. I think it would get boring after a while


I agree but I think they mean for when the game first comes out. Then they'll add more complex and developed hobbies and skills as they release patches for the game.


I think less, but more developed skills/hobbies at launch is fine, but I'd like to ultimately see a wide variety of them :)


It depends how you see it ! If you wanna start with a few well made skills and hobbies to expand in that way, that's great ! But I think it's important to have lots of possibilities, because that's what makes our sims special, and if there are only a few hobbies, it would feel unrealistic and unpersonnal. I think there could be big skills, like sports, and into it, smaller ones, like clinmbing, football, etc ... So some para thet's awesome at running, is not the best at basketball, but it's still easier for him. So I think this could combine both of these options


Some things I would like: <ul> <li> Skills are hard to master. I like it if you cannot get to the top of every skill with one para. Instead, maybe they can only have two skills at master level or instead have five skills at decent level. </li><li> Paras have hobby preferences. These are randomized at birth and may be influenced by positive/negative experiences, more strongly influenced the younger the para. </li><li> Wanted hobbies/skills: Tabletop games, making clothes (knitting, sewing or crochet), gardening </li><li> Weekly rabbit hole outing/classes for a hobby </li><li> I know this isn't super related to hobby's, but I would love it if there are multiple languages in the paraworld. It could be a feature for when/if you make holidays. The foreign language would be a skill. If you meet a para from out of town you have to use your hands and feet to try to understand one another. </li><li> Subskill mechanism: </li></ul> It would be cool if every skill is a set of subskills and most subskills are needed for more than one skill. For example, if you want to play the piano (piano skill), you have to be able to 1) either read music or play from hearing; 2) process information quickly 3) you have to have fine motorskills; 4) sense of rythm; 5) put emotion into the music. So the piano skill would have 5 subskills (maybe more). If you learn to play the piano, you will slowly improve the needed subskills. For each level of playing the piano, you will need to have the subskills at a certain level, e.g. for piano lvl 1 you need at minimum: reading music lvl 1, piano motor skills lvl 2, rythm lvl 1, emotion lvl 0. These subskills could be hidden to avoid information overload for the player and maybe to give the skill mechanism a sense of mystery. If you try the violin for the first time when having piano lvl 5, you can use some of these subskills, but will miss the subskill to translate a pitch to finger position. To reach violin lvl 1 you only need to level up that subskill, which will go faster because you can focus on it, skipping the subskills you are already adept at. With this mechanism the boundary between skills is fuzzy. For example, the sense of rythm subskill can be used for the dancing skill. Fine motorskills are handy for painting or knitting. Quickly processing information can be used for gaming (tabletop or computer) or surgery. It would be cool if the para's character influences how quickly they learn certain subskills.


It would be great if in the "create a para" that some skill level is awarded based on chosen interests and on age level. For example, artistic, outdoorsy baby would have collection (rocks, insects) and some "design" at like level 1 or 2, but a teen could have levels 3 or 4, adult 5 or 6, and elder 7 or 8, etc. [sorry, went on longer than needed, I'm sure]. The lack of pre-assigned skills always bugged me in the Sims games. If I create an adult, they should be more than Zero in everything, right?


I think it would be really cool to have something like a para being born with natural inclinations towards certain hobbies, like there is something they are naturally gifted in giving them a boost in one area. I also think hobbies should be more difficult to learn than just picking up a book or practicing, some hobbies should have paras needing to go to a class, or being taught by someone else. I also think it would be neat if your para is practicing a certain hobby or is good at it other paras who are also interested in the same thing would be more inclined to get along with them better


I would love to see gardening as a hobby, with the options to grow flowers and vegetables. I'd personally like "hobby" hobbies that are separate from work to be that Para's thing they like to spend free time on. It would also be interesting to have communities made around these groups, like being able to work in a community garden and meet others through that. It would be interesting if adult Paras could pass on knowledge to their children which could possibly lead to them doing it together or the child developing the same hobby preference.


I would really like if paras didn't get stressed or bored by doing a hobby, unless it relates to their hobby preferences


I would like something similar to the Sims 2 where the Para could have either a preferred type of hobby like arts and crafts, however I think it would be even better if they had a "true" hobby where it is their favorite thing to do and want to use any excuse to do it. Like knitting being their favorite in arts and crafts if you do both ideas.


You may guess what I'm going to suggest. Yes, powerful modding tools for creating custom skills! Ta-dah! If I understand correctly, creating the custom skills are usually those more difficult to mod to life simulation games. Since we are able to add custom animations and 3D meshes to Paralives, there might be create-a-skill tool in the options/debug/etc. which allowed players to customise different aspects: ▪accessorie(s) linked to the skill and its animations (like paras holding a needle when practicing sewing) ▪special costume linked to the skill on/off ▪object(s), material(s), ingredient(s), eatable(s) etc. linked to the skill ▪animation(s) linked to the skill ▪skill levels ▪learning a skill requires attenting a course/meeting a tutor on/off ▪abilitie(s) (like cooking a certain recipe way more faster than newbie) ▪products when practicing a skill on/off (like a poem when practing writing poetry) ▪multitaskable with interaction... ▪decreasing a skill level if the skill is not practiced on/off ▪single/group/both activity (like playing alone or in a band/orchestra) ▪interactions which raise the skill ▪audios linked to the skill and its objects (like a song linked to a musical instrument when para is playing) ▪interests linked to the skill (if there is this kind of system in the game) ▪giftnesses linked to the skill (if there is this kind of system in the game) ▪link to the umbrella skill caregory (if there are main and sub skills in the game) ▪etc. The reason for this kind of tool is simple - it would do a huge favour to the inclusive representation. Let's say, I've always found the musical instrument selection way too narrow in the life simulation games. The tool would enable adding ethnic, historical and rarer-heard-in-a-western-popular-music instruments like sitar, koto, ocarina, marimba, and hurdy turdy. It might also enable to add different sport activities, art and craft tehniques, and literature genres which can be written, for example.

Hoff Fondue

I loved the great amount of traits that sims3 had to offer, some might seems unnecessary, but when you have that many you can really create very different a sims, and that helps with better representation, I'll never forget my paranoic sims checking the stove and being worried about it. But for Hobbies, I guess it's fine, if we have just a few amount in the launch, and maybe you can add more in expansion packs or actualizations


Bonjour :) Pour ma part, les passe-temps devraient avoir une progression lors des conversations entre Parafolks, on pourrait consulter ces passe-temps dans leur panneau de contrôle. Exemple : nature et plein air, la faune et la flore &gt; avoir des emplois en relation avec ces centres d'intérêts (fleuriste, jardinier, soigneur animalier, randonnées pédestres...), et pourquoi pas des magasines de lecture qui permettraient de se former et/ou d'augmenter ces compétences ou centre d'intérêt. L'atelier de confection de bouquets de fleurs pour la fleuriste. Les parafolks pourraient bien s'entendre entre eux en fonction des intérêts et compétences communes ou pas. Le cuisinier pourrait avoir une cuisinière pour apprendre à créer des recettes, et développer sa créativité culinaire, en ayant un centre d'intérêt gastronomie / pâtisserie / boulangerie. On pourrait avoir aussi la possibilité de faire ses courses, d'aller au marché et d'y tenir un stand de fruits et légumes qu'on aura récolté avant, selon les saisons. Un autre centre d'intérêt qui serait la danse / musique et l'art, qui pourrait se développer avec le chevalet pour la peinture. La danse avec la chaîne hifi, ou la barre de danse pour la danse classique. Il pourrait y avoir des groupes de sorties, ou d'intérêt(s) communs. La poterie pour fabriquer des vases et autres objets en terre, et les parafolks pourraient ouvrir des magasins de vente de leurs créations. Le journalisme pour informer et rapporter l'activité d'un quartier ou d'une ville, et avec des interviews des parafolks, et également le journal télévisé qui pourrait être attaché à la compétence charisme et à l'écriture, et la possibilité de devenir écrivain. Egalement, pour les centres d'intérêts : la mode, les voitures, les animaux, la politique, la criminalité (le policier devra protéger les parafolks et avoir une bonne compétence sportive pour accomplir sa mission). Voilà pour mes idées. Merci beaucoup et bon dimanche à vous ;)


frustrated when sims 4 packs add separate skills for activities that could have expanded the base-game 'handiness' skill.

Matilda Lindholm

While I would love to have a lot of skills, I would prefer for a singular skill to be more in depht than have a lot of simple skills without a lot of features. It would also be cool if there were some simple "base skills", for example: fitness and then that would branch out to more specific skills like swimming, cycling, playing football and such.

S&M Gonzalez

Weaving skills for fabrics and yarns, like if we get more farm animals like sheep or goats etc. We can cut the fur to weave into blankets, clothing, or rugs. Maybe being able to raise silkworms and weaving silk, growing cotton and weaving yarn for knitting or fabric, etc.


How about. You guys focus on making a few very detailed hobbies. And then make it easy for modders to add their own hobbies with their own activities. That way we get a detailed but limited set of hobbies at the start, but will eventually get ether through modding or through future content updates more stuff to play around with

Aaron J Levesque

Would definitely prefer a few very detailed hobbies and skills! With time you guys could slowly release updates with the game where hobbies and skills can be further developed!! That would be amazing!


I would like to see main skills with little sub skills. Like music but just because I can play the piano doesn’t mean I can play the guitar. Or just because I can cook doesn’t mean I’m great at baking.

Lucy McClean

I realise this is a few posts back but something that fits between seasons/weather and skills I wouod LOVE to see a foraging option! And things like collecting leaves in the autumn or pressing flowers in the spring. Could have a fungi specialism they could work on to find edible mushrooms and a risk of getting sick if the skill isn't high. I would absolutely love to be able to make goblincore 😍😍


Can we have both? 😅😂😭


I could be wrong but it seems like the easier way in the long run would be to start with fewer, highly detailed skills, and add more skills in future updates; than it would be to try to update existing skills to add more detail to how they work in the future. I would like to see skill trees with base skills that extend to more detailed skills. It could relate to developmental stages of paras, where ex. babies/toddlers start building basic mobility, children learn basic fitness which can branch out into kid friendly sports or physical activities, and adults can develop a firmer grasp on fitness and further develop the sports they learned as kids but the grown up version.


I would love that as a hobbie, I would also like to be able to capture bugs and either keep them as pets to take care of or you can frame them!


I definitely want a robust amount of features and activities for each hobby or skill. I’d also like a good balance of solitary activities the Paras can do relating to them, as well as some social activities so they can enjoy them with people who share their interests!


Honestly… I want to see skills that the sims never paid attention to.. golf, tennis.. even playing with a yo-yo… just things that are simple in every day life. I want things like adults playing on slides with their kids. If there’s kids on this game. Playing hopscotch. Skipping rocks.. the stuff people forget exist. I want to sit on my roof and watch the stars.. I want to roll down a hill. Or lay in the grass. Sit on the ground or floor… anywhere. That kind of freedom… when I can’t do some things anymore would give me life. I miss out on a lot.. life happened…


For skills I think it might be interesting to have them more broadly named but over time as you add more features in the game they get more specific like skills within a broader skill. Like let’s say a para has the musical skill check marked as something they’ve dabbled in but you click it and they’re a highly skilled at guitar but lowly skilled with piano. Then maybe down the line you add a saxophone to the game and that’s another music skill they could try. So the music skill broadly isn’t necessarily something that can be maxed out unless they max out every skill in that category but they could max out one of the skills in the category the basics of it help make it a little easier to learn other skills under the same umbrella. Skills also double as hobbies sometimes, maybe often times, but I’d love to see musical skills and hobbies like the ones I mentioned and more so guitar, piano, drums, flute, saxophone, singing. Artistic skills and hobbies like drawing, painting, sculpting, clothes designing, jewelry designing, writing. Performance artistic skills and hobbies like tv or movie acting, theater acting, modeling, dancing. Athletic skills and hobbies like running, basketball, football, hand football (American football), rugby, dodgeball, baseball, tennis, biking, swimming. Developmental skills like learning to sit up, crawl, walk, talk. A few others I can thing of right now are riding a bike, driving a car, cooking, baking, gardening. I’ve seen some comments about skills deteriorating but I’d personally rather it be that paras who haven’t used those skills in a while get rusty and for a certain amount of time they work on getting the hang of the skill again, but not that the skill deteriorates completely. Maybe it depends on certain personality traits, the skill level their at in the skill in question and how long they haven’t done anything in relation to the skill that determines how rusty they are and how long it takes them to get back into the swing of it. I think depending on your skill or hobby that should make jobs and schooling easier for a para if it’s similar or the same. So a para who’s hobby is science and likes doing experiments would find a job in the science field or pursing a degree in the science field more fulfilling and maybe easier than going for a degree in a skill they know nothing about. And if we want to get more detailed maybe chemistry is easier than psychology for them but they do better in the science field more than others. With relationships they may get along better with paras who they share similar skills and hobbies with. Reading up on skills, classes, tutoring or guidance from a para knowledgeable in the skill, and practicing the skill hands on could all be way to learn and improve skills. And maybe their interests in a skill or hobby could help them a bit, like give them an extra boost when learning the skill because they’re interested.

Sherri Small

I sew alot in real life. So I'd like my para to sew too. I sew both on machine and by hand.

Linnea Bärzén

This seems like an awesome idea!


I would love if pets were realistic!! Not just dogs and cats but guinea pigs or rabbits and hopefully reptiles and fish :))) Totally understand that it might me a limited aspect but as an animal lover/keeper id love to see that represented in the game!