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Hi there, happy Friday!

This week, I wanted to update you on some of the work we have been doing so here it goes.

Paramaker Progress  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

As you know, we’ve been hard at work on the Paramaker lately. A few things we did this week:

  • Make sure every interactions in the Paramaker can play a sound effect
  • Research the style of the sound effects that we will have in the Paramaker
  • Improve the body hair textures
  • Design and rework the feature that let you wear mismatched socks and other clothing elements
  • Generate small thumbnail images for every piece of clothing so that you can see what they look like before selecting one
  • Improve the skin coloring math so that Parafolks can be good looking in any skin tone
  • More secret things!

Poll: Skin Coloring Interface  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Speaking of skin tones, consider these possible ways of selecting the skin color of a character:

Which of these do you think you would use the most to select a skin color for your Para? Please tell us in the poll at the end of this post! We’re currently working on that and would love your input. Note that this is a very important feature and we’re aiming to do as much research as possible to make sure that it’s done properly.

A: Complete list of a wide variety of skin tones for every ethnicity  (do not consider the skin tones in the above image “A” because the list of colors hasn’t been built yet)
✅ Easy to use, will cover 95% of the most common skin tones if done well
❌ Might not offer a specific skin color that you are looking for

B: Special color wheel made for skin colors
✅ You can select a very specific skin color
❌ Somewhat harder to use for unexperimented players

C: Full color wheel with ALL the colors
✅ Offers any color that you can imagine
❌ Hard to use for unexperimented players, hard to select a realistic skin tone when all colors are available

Protecting your Saved Games in Paralives  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Have you ever played a game that you love and then, one day, your save file no longer works? That fear makes me stay up at night! To protect your precious saved game, we are building a little system that will make sure that it’s always updated and working properly. This system should also work with mods so that means mods shouldn’t break after you update Paralives to a new version. Fingers crossed that no one will have to suffer from broken saved games or mods!

Left: In Animal Crossing New Horizons, the game updates your save data so that it still works after you download an update for the game. Right: A very frustrating situation that could happen if the game doesn’t update your save data to make it work with the latest version of the game.

We’re Now on TikTok  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

We’ve created a TikTok account for the game! Follow us there if you’d like to see anything that we might post in the future: tiktok.com/@paralivesgame. To celebrate, I built the following floor plan using our wall tools. It’s pretty cool that we can create almost anything with them! Please don’t share that floor plan until we share it publicly next week, thank you!

The TikTok logo built in Paralives with walls (left) and the original TikTok logo (top right)

That’s it for today, have a great weekend!




this poll is hard to pick because if I pick A or B am I locked out of bizarre skin colors like blue or green? the poll doesn't make it clear 🙁


Love the idea of skin tone wheel. I think all colors is too much. Maybe have it unlockable through a cheat code??

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Maybe two color wheel options? Like the default color wheel will be the skin color one but if you wanted to make a funky skin color from the rainbow you could switch to the full color spectrum wheel


I think B would be best as the default option, though I'd like to have the option to bring up the multi colour wheel. (C) How else will we recreate Springfield from The Simpsons? :p


I agree, I do like the idea of a colour wheel for skin tones, but would it be possible to have a selection like A for random/odd colours like greens and blues? Or have both options B and C available to choose from?


Technically a full color wheel wouldn't be what I would use the most often because it wouldn't be as easy to use as the other two options, but I'd really like to have the option of all colors, incase I want to make more unnatural paras!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I think A would end up being a disappointment for someone no matter what because it's very limiting. Having preset options along with B or C would be ideal.


Loving B, but will it exclude every other skin color? I'd love to change between B and C and maybe have the option to create our own color pallettes for specific species like elves or orcs for example


why not the 3?

Katie Bellissimo

I think the skin tone specific color wheel is definitely the best option for realistic Paras, but it would also be cool to have the full color wheel as a possibility for people who like making fantasy worlds. If possible, do both? Like, the default is the skin tone wheel but there's maybe a switch that changes it to full color wheel mode? I think that would satisfy the most players!

Sara Rocha

I think a mix of A and B would be the best (although I understand if that would be too ambitious). Have pre sets for skin tones but still be able to change them if you what you chose is close to but not exactly what you are looking for.


I would like A so I can make other paras with the same skin tone ( like parent/child) but the option to open B if I want to make the color slightly different


Definitely B, however, maybe an option to go to all colours as a future addition after release??

Lena Marie

I would really not like Option C because, as you said, it's so hard to find a realistic looking skin tone. For that same reason I also wouldn't want it for eye or hair color, as I always struggle with finding a good shade of brown or something that looks like blonde and not yellow on there. If there's a color wheel like C I would always like some pre selected typical colors, like different shades of black, brown, blonde, red / orange, as additional presets :)


I'd love to have the option to choose between A and B - I think it's good to have all the options as in B but I'd also want to be able to choose from some presets


I chose Option B because I like the level of customization that offers but my big concern with that is how do you create a genetic mix for children of parents with different skin tones from the Option B selector. Genetics is super important (at least in my opinion) for a realistic life simulator so I’m just curious how having such a huge range of skin tones will factor into the genetic selection for offspring.


I am voting for B. But it would be great if we can save favorite colors that we created, so we can choose them next time (for example for a family member)


Also about save files, I'm really happy that protecting save files is a priority. Of all The Sims games, The Sims 3 is the only one that's ever given me save errors, and since it's open world like Paralives..it is something that makes me worried about save errors in Paralives.


I think the best way would be the possibility to switch between the three options (could be realized with tabs). Maybe while switching from Option A to B or C the selected colour could be set so it’s ready to manipulate. Btw: Will there be an option to paste Hex-Codes for skin colours?


B looks amazing!


It might be asking too much, but I'd love the option to toggle between B and C - maybe it could be an advanced setting in the control panel?

Maiden Minnesota

B, if it has an RGB# option so you can save the numbers to repeat the exact same tone on other Paras without having to eyeball it, otherwise A.


Congratz on finally making a TikTok and the logo made with the walls is a spitting image of the actual logo!! For the skincolors, I would love to have both option B and option C available, so that I can make both skintoned Parafolk and colored Parafolk. If we can have both, it will be the best of both worlds.


Definitely A if it can cover 95%. Too much choice is just overwhelming.

Alex Agustin

I understand this is a huge ask but, ¿Por qué no las dos? I think A is great. For the regular player that's probably all I'd think they'd want. But as we've seen before in the settings, it seems anything is possible. Maybe there could be an option for someone to input the hex code if they want something beyond that 99% that A provides. (I have no idea about programming or anything so I don't know if hex codes translate into the plans here but just a thought.) Be it A or B I'm sure it will be accessible and highly customizable. I don't think the mechanic of B will be too hard for anyone to learn. Not sure if a tutorial is planned but I'm sure it could be easily explained with just one gif lol. I like the idea of C since I like to make characters with unnatural skin tones, but I also think it would be a pain in the butt most of the time when I'm trying to make a Para with a realistic skin color.


I think it would be nice to let us choose the color of the skin we want too because we can create all kinds of parafolks. Thank you for this post continue your fantastic work.


I feel like Option A should be the main one visible, but then you can expand it and go into detailed edit mode for option B. I wish in the B option included a red/pink undertone that some white people have


Sure but then those in the 5% missing won't feel represented


I think B with the ability to save custom swatches would bring the best of A with the depth of B.

Maxayn Henderson

How about a mixture of A and B. So you can pick the skin tone and save it. Can also have the buttons to pick like in A and then use the slider to customize more if wanted.


While C would give people the most options, including alien/witchy colors for storytelling, I know that it is very hard to pick a good color for the skin from that entire wheel. So I opted for B, but like many here said, a combo of A and B would be great. Presets for people that want to quickly pick something, a wheel for people that want to be more specific.

Candy Buckley-Russell

I love B but am concerned about not being able to recreate that "perfect" skin tone once I make it. It would be super great if there could be a way to save that color choice. I am just continuously so impressed with you all and I'm SO excited about this game! =)

Victoria Garcia

I like B and A, A would be easier for genetics. Maybe combine them, and have it where you select a "color range group", and then you can adjust up or down in that selection


Hm... hard to make a decision between B or C, but I think B might be the best way to go. It's a happy medium between the two choices as long as you have a "big swatch" for every color of the rainbow. I think it wouldn't be too difficult for players to figure out. You may want to offer either A+B or A+C so that there's always some predetermined skintones for the player who doesn't want to fiddle too much with customization (and maybe for autogenerated townies if that's going to be a thing)

Trinity Smith

When are you going to start working on live mode


The poll is just to ask people which way they think they would use the most but it's very possible that we will add more than one of these ways to the game!


I'd go with A and C, or perhaps all three being options. I'd like to create paras with nonhuman skin tones (and people could create alien worlds where nonhuman skin tones are what everyone has), but I'd imagine human skin tones should be the default. Also, pasting in whatever hex code you want should be an option (for both skin colour and anything else), and saving custom colours to A.


C, because most of the characters that I will create will not have human skintones.


I'm voting A. Color wheels are hard to use and I know I would waste so much time trying to get skin color I want and still I would finish with something I don't really like :(


I like the B option for selecting realistic skin tones, but it would be great to also have the option to access the full colour wheel for fantasy skin tones too! Not everyone plays with those kind of skintones but some do, so the option would be great.


Good question! We have considered that when building the genetics system and we're confident that we can make it work even if the full color wheel is available for skin colors

Callum Brunt

I personally think that there should be A, with the ability to them go into a more detailed section like B to adjust the skintone to be exactly what you want it to be. So its good for everyone


I also second what others said, that with any colour wheel option it would be nice to be able to save them once you’ve nailed a perfect shade.


Having the possibility to switch between those is something we might do! Yes, like we did for the full color wheel, we could have the option to copy and paste the Hex-Codes if we end up doing the skin color wheel!


I lean strongly into A or B. My skin tone is one that's usually hard to match cause it's in between as well as my fiance's, so I would LOVE B. However, I think A has a good range and I could do a "close enough"


I believe B and C should go together, but A is not bad as well, so I would actually opt out for A B and C together.

Zach Speight

I think out of those three definitely B as you can get the exact skin tone you’re after, but it looks easier than C. Ideally a mix of A and B would be great


Honestly , I think B gives some balance so that both experienced and novice players can pick/adjust skin tones


I voted for A because I would use it the most, but I think C is required for creativity's sake, especially if there will ever been more fantastical elements in paralives.


I agree, it would be great to have all 3 options of selecting a skin color! We're currently looking into what we can do and we wanted to ask people which way they would use the most. But it's possible that we will add more than one method to the game


B is by far the best, I'm happy most others agree with that. For fun purposes I'd really appreciate a "full colour wheel" option somewhere near the skin colour wheel tho!


For the color wheel, I think the option to choose B OR C would be the most convenient solution. 🤔 Like B is the standard and for advanced skin tones C could be optional.


Maybe this is too much to ask, but I feel like ideally it could be a mix of A and C. You could have some default skin tone swatches beneath the color wheel that the user could click which would show where the skin tone is on the color wheel. Then you'd have a clear starting point on the wheel for adjustments... or you could just stick with one of the defaults if the wheel is too confusing. Or you could even have a mix of B and C where you can toggle away from the human skin tone wheel to something more extra. I feel like I've also seen individual color-family wheels before that you can toggle between. I officially voted for C, and B would be second choice. Option A would be similar to S!ms 4, which we were all pretty disappointed with. Regardless, it'd be great too if we could save custom swatches for later too.


We're currently on the Paramaker but we're planning to switch to working on the live mode in the coming months! We're finishing up the essential features that will allow us to create all kind of characters and then we will be focusing on having a first version of the live mode that we will be able to show you guys

Tato E

I voted C, because everyone would get what they want here. We could get strange colored characters (such as elves, vampires, specific book/game/movie characters you'd like to recreate) and normal skin tones. Makes the most sense. Though maybe not the easiest. Maybe have a normal skin wheel, for convenience, then to the side, the larger color wheel.

Bre Indigo

I like C bc I have non human OCs? Even better, a blend of C, with a list of quick select skin tones like A, and then also bonus slots for personal favs. I hope that makes sense. But ultimately they're all great and all benefit different player styles. Would it be selfish to ask for all 3 options? 👉👈


I like the idea of starting from an existing skin color when opening the full color wheel to make it easier to use! Saving custom made swatches would be great too


i’d love the b option but also maybe an option for c for fantasy skin tones.


yes this!!! because i know my dumb ass would somehow end up with a greenish brown para and i’d be mad. 😂 but we definitely need some fantasy colours.

Nicole Penny

C is the best/easiest, gives u a colour hex code, so u can get the exact colour u want, plus it's limitless, u can have a town full of multicoloured people if u want!

Danielle Ellis

If I have a magenta para and a baby blue para, what color will the child be? Would it be a mix of those two or would one color be more dominate than the other? These are the important questions and that's why I chose C.


B is perfect. Skin colour is super tricky and there will always be someone unhappy about something. Even in real life founding your ideal foundation is impossible, some of us have to mix two and even three different colours to find the perfect match. With that being said, B is perfect. ,One thing I might have missed, it will “also” be nice to have an (A) option as well for if you want an easy and quick choice of colours. Have a great weekend!


As someone who has learned to use the full color wheel over many years of using different art and design software, I know that it is very hard to use at first and casual players could get frustrated trying to get a specific color while playing a game that should be laid back. That's why I think option B is the best for accessibility's sake. At the same time, I'm thinking about aliens in the sims and think that there could be very funky things that could be done with the colors. For example, recreating the characters from Avatar. Something to keep in mind is that finding a shade of blue to create an Avatar-like character (or green for aliens, etc) is way easier as a newbie than finding a skin tone on a color wheel as skin tones are in a very narrow color range. Taking that into consideration the RGB color wheel would work well for those use cases, even for someone inexperienced (from my experience at least). So, my solution to get the best of both worlds would be to have option B as default with a little checkbox to activate/deactivate the full RBG wheel. That way, the default is easy to use for casual players, but the option is still there for more in-depth customization and fantasy characters.


tldr; option A is too little and Option C is too much choice. I think one of the real setbacks of Sims 4 that people noticed about that game compared to Sims 3 is that they removed the colour wheel for hair and skin and replaced it with limited block colours. C i think runs of the risk of all sorts of funky and weird colours being spawned and generated by the game and harder to find/create "realistic" tones. For that I prefer B. And hope something similar is created for eye colours.


We're still working on the genetics system but since these would be both unnatural colors, none of them would be dominant. The game would do a mix of both colors with a random chance of being closer to one of them


I would say b as the default with c as an "advanced" feature. I definitely want to be able to create paras with non-human/unnatural skin tones.


I think a mixture of A and B would be best personally. You could use the interface you’re using with the build mode colours where you can add colour wheel ones.


I like the idea of C because of the crazy colors people could have. I'm with everyone that suggested having a preset of skin tones but the ability to modify using the color wheel.


I'd like C with a few swatches from A we can then customize. That way it's easy to use realistic skin tones as well as 'weird' ones :)

Camille B.

I would go for B as the main thing and C as a secondary wheel, like an optional one. A will quickly be annoyingly restrictive. Only C will be annoying for making realistic Paras, and though I love being able to make like a green skinned fairy or a blue skinned alien, most of us will still mostly make humans, or at least Paras with humans looking skins

Michael Green

I’m for using a mixture of all 3 systems. There should be the preset skin swatches in option A and then after choosing which skin color we want, we should be able to choose, if we want, a range of that particular skin color. Then an additional option that we can choose to lock or unlock, that includes the full color wheel for those of us that want to have unnatural skin colors.

Camille B.

It could be less of a problem if more, or better, rules are applied to the creation of random Paras, such as "Human Paras can only use B wheel for skin"


B all the way. But I think there should be options for odd colors (red blue green etc) as well. Would be great if you have a default option of the skin tone wheel and then choose a limited palette of unnatural tones

Megan Santucci

I would use something like A the most often because I'm lazy and don't wanna fiddle with a color wheel every time. 🤣 But I'd learn to deal if I had to for everyone to get representation.


I originally picked C because I like fantasy races, but upon reading some of the other comments, B with an advanced C (or maybe just the ability to punch in a hex code) would like be the better option.


I believe I would prefer a skin coloring interface that was a mix between all the options. You should be able to easily choose a skin color from a list, much like in option A, just maybe a bit shorter of a list. From there you should be able to customize the skin color by opening an interface like in option B. To be able to offer more customization and some fun options, some of the preset skin colors could include blue, green, purple, red or yellow 🤷🏼‍♂️


For colours, why not A (or B), AND an [Advanced] button that can take a user to C.

sm duta

hmn... will the skins have texture? is this possible in the future game? for me that's the most important thing. edit: because texture brings it to life. as for color, a full whell with color codes would be perfect. thank you for your hard work and passion! ❤️


I like the look of B, but it would be nice to have other options for less experienced creators, as well, if possible! It's all looking amazing and I'm starting to see the light at the end of a very beautiful Paralives tunnel!! Awesome team work!! ❤😄❤


Something like this is easy to overwhelm a player with options. It would be best to have a basic system, like option A, for basic mode; And a complex system, like option C, for advanced mode.


personally I'd prefer A, because I just know having to use a color wheel for skinstones everytime I want a different one (way too often tbh) would get me frustrated. unless we can download presets as mods, because then even players who don't like or don't want to use the color wheel can have all sorts of amazing and maybe uncommon swatches. idk if that would be too difficult to arrange, but if it's not I think it'd be really cool🤩 anyway, I'm super excited and I know you guys will make the best choice for the majority of players😍😍

Pedro Lima

I'm not gonna vote on this poll because I sincerely think we should have a combination of them. We need all these methods and the ability to choose on the go for each Para which method we want. I say that because sometimes we want to create a Para straight from our imagination, so we have an overall idea of their skin color and the method A is perfect for that. There is no need for precision, we just want our imagination (and cursor) to fly to the nearest pertinent color. Sometimes we want to create ourselves or a friend, or a family member, or a celebrity, and they all have human skin colors, so being precise is important but too much freedom can make things unnecessarily complicated. The non-human colors would only get in the way, so method B would be perfect for this scenario. But sometimes we want to create Uniqua from Backyardigans because why not, so we need method C too.


I don’t play with fantasy characters and C is also overwhelming. I B the best, but I think the top solution would be to have main color swatches in A and then B as an extra detailed mode for the intense players

Dechen Tsechen

Why not have it function the same way as the color picker for the clothes? Like there would be a panel of normal human skin tones that fit most people, but with the option of adjusting the HSB as needed and the ability to save new skin tones.


I think it'd be nice to have a list of predetermined skin colors in addition to a skin color wheel, maybe as an "advanced mode." Or maybe being able to save colors you've chosen on the wheel


I can't pick a specific one because I think a combo of all of them would be best! First, you'll have A if you just want to pick something quick and simple. Then you could go into an "advanced" menu if you want to customize it yourself!


Have 8-10 swatches for super common skin tones, have the skin tone color picker for more customization, allow switching the color picker to all colors for aliens and fantasy.


I’ve seen the option B color wheels but with different versions of under tones! Ex: pink, yellow, brown, etc.


Like many others, my preference is... all of the above. But I have voted B because if we have to start with only one of the options, that's the most flexible without being overwhelming.


I think B is the best, but I also like the idea of C. I find systems like A hard because it can be difficult to choose just the right shade. Wondering if there's a way to have B be the default with an option to switch to C for the adventurous?


I think having a user-friendly interface that displays a wide variety of skin tones at once with the option to add in new ones is the way to go, that’s why I chose A. I think the other two feel a bit less intuitive. I’m a more experienced player when it comes to character creation, but I appreciate easy to use interfaces as they allow me to be creative without too much hassle.


I'd love a mix. With B as the main one - the ability to use C when needed and something like A's layout for most used/favourite colours


Also, having a variety of presets laid out before me that can be adjusted to my liking often prompts me to create more diverse characters. :-)


Let's start with B, until more can be added


i haven’t looked through the comments so I’m sure someone has said this already, but I LOVE B! It would be great, though, if there was a small section similar to “A” where we can create and set our own skin tones!


I feel like a mix of A and C is the right way to go; a set of common presets with the option to override them. It’d be especially nice if you could designate favorites and add them to the presets.


I feel like B for the more natural skin tone colors. Maybe we can also swap to C for more otherworldy and fantasy type of skin tones.

Toffy (Monique)

I feel like A and C. Maybe in a way of switching between modes like A would be "Normal Mode" and C would be "Expert Mode". So players can choose the way they can get along with. And C would be also nice for fantasy characters.


skin tone presets should be editable and creatable by the player. The edits should be within those master settings you showed in your last post so that we can upload and share them

Sabine B

I agree with everyone saying a mix would be best but if I have to pick one, I love option B! It reminds me of the 'flesh cloud' tumblr post for artists to help them branch out and draw more diverse people. I imagine it might do the same in game and help us make more diverse paras :D Edit: here's the link to the post by shiroxox https://shiroxix.tumblr.com/post/105332174867/it-is-not-the-prettiest-but-here-is-a-little-chart

Luciana Keil

maybe A as default with B available as an advanced option?

Juanjo Jiménez

I would like to have a mix of A and B. Sometimes you’re lazy and don’t want to spend time looking for a specific skin tone so you pick from the presets which have the most common ones. Always make sure to include two types of UIs for the features, one for beginners or lazy players and another one for more experienced or creative players!


I kina want B... IF I CAN SAVE SKIN swatches... for the entire save. So I pop into one house I can still access that preset I made earlier. If not. - bleh option A . A mix of A n B would be nice - if possible.


Yes this would be amazing. ALSO - once you selected option B, bring able to create a skin swatch that is saved for later use in that save. 😀

Elizabeth Gonzales

I would honestly like both B and C, two separate wheels. 😓


Agreed. B is where we'd likely make most of our characters, but C when you've got some creative alien or other special characters in mind. I think there's room for both options here.


I really like the look of option B, but I think realistically I would get the most use out of A, with C as an option for more experienced players.


If I had to choose just one of these three choices, I would prefer A (assuming a lot of swatch choices) since it is most efficient. However, it looks like B is winning, and I guess that option would be fine if you can get the color number or save swatches (lots of them) to easily repeat a color without having to guess where it is. But in any case the ideal outcome would be to have a good list of preset colors (like option A) and also a skin color wheel to add custom color swatches, with color numbers so you can share them with others (like option B). It would also be ideal if you could see where the preset swatches are located on the color wheel, so you could easily pick something between the two or three you like best.


I feel like a bunch of preset skin tones with the option to use the full colour wheel would give the best variety while also being easy for unexperienced players!


Can we have all three? But then have a switch option? I want a color wheel no matter what.

Diamond Nicole

I really like b and c. I chose b because it is a bit easier to manage than C, but I would be ok with C too! I dont like A because it is very limited customization and sometimes the swatch does not match on the body


I agree with my fellow Paras. A as a default with B for the advanced option would be exactly the flexibility you guys are looking for! Plus, I love C as the optional color wheel when it comes to customization i.e.hair color, sock color with a specific design/pattern (you choose from Nike looking socks in all swatches or those knee high argyle socks in all swatches) as well as maybe Build/Buy items.


It's not even out yet but I already love this game. I only wish that I will be able to play it before I get blind bc of my forkin disease ;-; I wish you guys luck on making it and of course selfishly, for you to make it relatively fast X'D And about the post Ugh I love option B and C, with that combo making a character would be amazing 🤩

Alice Taylor

I’m really wondering how the genetics will work with skin tone. Will the children have the same skin colour as one parent or will they be the upper and lower bounds of a randomiser. Either way am very excited to see how progress is coming along ❤️ hope you have a good fay


A mix of A and B. Or B with our saved presets! :)


I believe that with a color wheel you can make your character ANY skin type of any skin shade is the best choice of all three. Keep up the great work.


I think I'd use B most often, but I also like the option to make supernatural-looking paras

Paige Fletcher

I really like the idea of the color wheel however I would prefer choosing a realistic skin tone to be easier. That being said, I would like to have non-realistic skin tone options for something like berry sims in The Sims.


I prefer A. Option B does provide more variety and the ability to choose any shade, but I always find that if I am looking for a very specific shade it's hard to find on a color wheel.

Andrew Montgomery

A as the primary option with a way to jump into an advanced mode (double click/extra "customise selection" button?) that brings up option C with the colour already configured from the selection in A.

S&M Gonzalez

I like option B I feel it will give the most control over color selections. I really like this skin color color wheel <3 and that way we could save a specific skin color that we like. Will there be an additional slider for undertones for skin colors as a whole? Like how people have warm and cool undertones?


A to start with, b available to open with "more options" button or something

S&M Gonzalez

Yeah! I would love to have undertones to give a more variety of endless looks to paras you know?


please PLEASE include both B and C. B is wonderful for creating realistic and accurate skintones, but I also want to be able to create fantasy paras with alien skintones!!


Also, the ability to create our own skin (and probably other stuff like hair, eyes, etc.) swatches is a MUST with a wheel like this

S&M Gonzalez

I do like option A as a way to see all colors saved but not default. It could be a way to potentially click & replace with our own colors, add to by saving new colors, or even delete colors as well. It'd be cool if we could have multiple charts that can be saved and named by groups we could always refer back to

Akasha O'Connell

I like option B as long as there will be someway to choose undertone and save tones we like. Or even a mix of A and B, where there are presets for people to quickly choose, and the wheel for the more advanced user. Also, I think we should have the extra option for the regular colour wheel as well for unnatural skintones.


Definitely B! But there should be the option to switch to C when you want to create a special/paranormal para!


I would like to have B with the option to switch to C and the possibility to save favorite tones. :)


personally I think it would be great if you could toggle between B and C


A or B with the option to switch to C


I'd love option B with swatches/presets like in A! I know people would want fantasy skintones too so I dont know how it would incorporate that. It may be too much to include all three lol


This all looks great! I would personally like an option to have option b and c because I’ll probably sometimes Iwant to create unofficial aliens and elf’s with unrealistic skintones


I think it would be great to have a combination of the swatches and the skin colored color wheel


Option A seems most reasonable, also because it will make generating random paras easier, without the fear of going to extreme/weird skin colors when someone doesn't like them.


I think it would be nice to have option B by default but also the option to click a button like "Advanced..." which enables option C for when you want to make some kind of a fantasy creature or an early Star Trek-style alien.


Option B for natural skintones, no questions asked. C for unnaturals


B plus C for alien tones... But I would like to see A in there for some quick selections.


I would use option B for specific skin color with the option C for unnatural skin color. Also Option A for some presets to make it quicker.


While I would kind of like to have option c for personal use, I'm somewhat concerned how well it would work with genetics (for paras born in game rather than made in paramaker) and random townie generation.


B for humans, C for the Alien breeds later on if they will be planned in the game for the alien form only. As I remember from TS3 they have two forms (human-and alien) and they are shape shifting. 😊

Anna Wendel

Maybe there could be some kind of presets, like A (only a few) and then you use B in all its glory to get the skin tone exactly how you want it. That way you don’t have to start completely from scratch. As someone else mentioned here, it would be cool to have like a ”Advanced” or ”+” option that, if you want it to, shows something more like C so you can do non-realistic Paras as well! 😁 Great job so far guys! Always so much fun to see your updates ☺️


Though it might be cool to have 2 colors : one for the base skintone and one for the body blush/ shading tones so you can make those cooler or warmer? Since it looks like Charlie has a slight red hue to their face, shoulders, elbows etc it might be nice to change that to more of a magenta or orange hue for a different para.


Actually. A to start with, and both B and C open up with advanced options, side by side (Or a button that toggles between b and c)


B is my favorite. However, I think a hybrid of the options would be nice, like some other other comments already suggested. "A" could be the default for players who are either unexperienced or who are more interested in gameplay than in creating their parafolk. "B" could be an advanced option for all the other players. "C" could be the option if supernatural characters should ever become part of the game. Another option would be "B" as the default with some presets and the possibility to save my own swatches to re-use later.


I personally would prefer A (with a lot of swatches) for ease of use, and then an advanced option that brings up the colour wheel (C). Or even an option where you get all 3, starting at A, but with more advanced settings each step.

Anja Hoffmann

Like the others here, I'd like to see a mix of all three ... a specific colour wheel with the skin tone, a few presets for quick choices (or the chance to make one, so you can choose the skin tone quicker, if you prefer a specific one), and the possiblity to make 'unnatural' tones from a regular colour wheel, if you want.


I think a mix of A+B is good, like having presets like in A (maybe less?) and then being able to edit further with the color wheel. The third one doesn’t seem useful to me, unless for supernatural paras in later expansions


Voted for B but like many others, the hybrid system of these would be the best. Imagining the same kind of colour settings seen in image editing programmes could work in Paralives, too. It means there may be two pages: the first for the presets ("A") and the second for advanced tweaking ("B" and possibly "C"). If the player picked the preset on the first page, they could tweak it for the more unique skin colour on the second page if desired. Alternatively, they could straight go to the colour wheel to tweak the colour and save the presets for the first page. If there were undertones in the game, the second page might also have several skintone wheels for them.


Genetics are very important to me. I like to have my virtual people pop out lots of babies so I can see what features get passed from generation to generation. SO I would like to see whatever skin color system offers the most flexibility and representation, but ALSO works smoothly with the game's genetic system. Maybe all would work seamlessly, in which case, yay! But when I'm playing the game, I want two paras' offspring to have the option to have either of their parents' skin colors, or a skin color that falls somewhere on the range between the two parents'. What I don't want is what happened with That Other Game, where parents with different skin tones could pop out a baby with a totally nonsensical skin tone that didn't relate to either parent's genetics at all.


To my mind, the skintone wheel save will be much more economic than the mere presets for both players (less likely need to download a bunch of custom presets) and developers (less pressure to use resources to add more missing presets in the future). That's why, I hope from the bottom of my heart there will not be just "A".


a mix between A and B would be the best thing ever !! where basically you can click on one of the premade colors and adjust it !


I don't really use unnatural skin colors (in That Other Game™ at least) so in this case and this case only, a full color wheel does not appeal to me. But I know it'll probably be of interest to people who don't play like me. Isn't it possible to have the B color wheel, while still using the hex code option for unnatural colors ? Actually, hex code is still a vital option (on your pictures it's only available for the C possibility), because when you create a family, for instance, you might want to use the same color (exact same or to use very similar variations of the same) for different siblings, for instance, and it's much easier to copy/paste a hex code than trying to find the exact same shade on a wheel. Believe it or not, but mods/saves breaking with every update is a big reason why I don't use mods in a lot of other games, including That Other Game™ 4. This is no small detail for you to work on this, thank you :)

John Bergstrom

We should be able to type in numbers to get specific skin tones.


I imagine the special skin color wheel would work best with the genetics system, otherwise it'll always be the color from parent A or B or something in between with preset colors or something wildly different with the general color wheel (like what kind of color would a baby get from a parent with normal skin color and parent with green skin color; one or the other or something in between like yellow?).


Those skin colors are all so beautiful 😍 I’m just glad they don’t look super washed out / ashy like the other game ! I hope it is like this upon release 😁


B is ideal for human skin tones, but toggling to a full color wheel for supernatural skin tones would be my ideal options!


This is a really good point! Skin color wheel would be really good for genetics I think too

Hoff Fondue

Both A and B seems great, but I also read in the comments about changing maybe the secondary color of the Para's "Highlights", maybe you want an Orangish, Pink or darker 2nd tone to your skin, would be great to include it


So it'd be more work for your team but what you guys could do is offer both A and B as an option for players to choose and switch between - I've seen other games do this and I think it's great. Option C is cool and all for when you want to make unique looking characters, but personally when I've used that it's a pain in the cupcake to get realistic skintones as you pointed out. But some people may want the color wheel as an option too for when they feel like creating their unique purple-skinned Para. But if there really only has to be one option for now I think option B is a perfect middle ground of ease and skintone variety.


Also, if you really want to go into depth you can add support for "layers" where you can add undertones for the skin. As you know everyone's skin isn't one single tone. There are layers and depth to the tones with various warm and cold hues. Two different people can have light skin but one could have warm undertones to it and the other darker undertones, making their overall skintones look different. Just another idea I'm throwing out there!

Amy Wallis

I chose B because it offers more variety to skin tones while keeping it easy enough to make a realistic one but I do once in a while like to make an outrageous character with wild skin tones…


I really would like A for selection then have a detailed mode similar to how you changed Sebastian's chest hair and that would incorporate B


I want a wide variety of colors, but also the option for fantasy colors like blue and green. I chose B as long as fantasy colors would also be an option.


Definetly B!!! Cool vs warm undertones with light to dark is PERFECT! Squash the last colour wheel. Maybe that could be something in expansions or unlockable things later on? Using the B but for different colours like green for aliens/fairies/ zombies? Rather have a clean not so insane world and have the extra colours as a bonus later on for those more fantasy playthroughs.


Maybe have both A and B available, A as the "simplified" option and B as "advanced"?

Genesis Llanos

I think for me A and C would work because I a lot of the time want to create fantasy sims and would the option of using any color and shade I want.


Option A would be so much more simpler, the color wheel always makes me anxious… too many choices, I like the game to offer me a few skin stones where I would be sure to always have the exact skin tone I want if I need to repeat it on another para. But I can understand how option B could be great for people that like very detailed stuff. So maybe both of them?


Please include the ability to save a particular shade for re-use


I choose B because I think it would be easier for me to make human skin tones with it than C where I would struggle to find the right one if I could not save a skin tone.


I think a combination of the presets and the skin tone specific color wheel will suffice for most players. Personally, I will probably always use the wheel as I am very particular about skin colors and am annoyed when a preset is just a couple shades away from what I desire. Of course if you include all of these systems as different options for skin color selection, I don't see how anyone could say it's too limited or too overwhelming! Also, I'm interested to see the solution you guys came to in order to get an endless number of skin colors to look good! (such as with the skin textures, shading, etc.)


It's be nice for option C to come around if a supernatural pack ever gets added But B is for sure the most open option, hopefully I can save skin tones as presets for future use


The second option. But I think that players should be given option to have unrealistic colors, so maybe we could have a one natural color wheel and a few color wheels for different colors (blue shades, green shades, red shades etc)


I had always used a preset colour then used the colour wheel to fine-tune to what I was after. So it would be great to have the option for both.


I know this is asking too much, but how about all 3? Have the swatches as the "main thing", the skin color wheel as an option to the side and then the full color wheel as an advanced option. The swatches give quick skin colors, the wheel for a specific skin tone and the full wheel if you want a weird color like red or purple


I think b would be good but I still would want the option for unnatural skin tones some how

Samara Stanleigh

I kind of like the combo of all three, if possible! Makes it easier for the less experienced players but still allows experimentation

BonaparteBardithion .

Second this. Even if they pick option A or B I'd like to see a full color wheel as an advance option. In general I like the skintone wheel, but I think there should at least be a small selection of presets that start you in the right area on the wheel.


maybe not a full colour wheel, but a variety of presets for quickly getting a skin tone is a must, I feel. if there's also an expanded colour picker that would just be a bonus :) and again not necessarily a FULL colour wheel, like something in an art program, but a selection of unnatural hues that you can adjust the shade/tint/etc. of would be a lovely bonus as well and perhaps give players the option to add presets from their mods/game files ?? idk

Vera Ohlsen

I like the help of having a preselection, as some tones don't well work with certain types of shaders/blenders (the lighting/shadow stuff on the 3D models), so having a pre-made set should help avoid weird combinations, if those could occur. But, if the groundwork is solid enough to allow for greater variation, I would like a skintone colour wheel, where I can tweak the skin tone in an easy and (for me) intuitive manner. More "fantasy" skin tones might be kept optional for later DLC, or even "unlockable" by modders - you guys did state the first game would be fairly realistic. I think the full colour wheel would be helpful for those who plan on modding the planet/sky box to look like an alien world.


a mix of A and B would make sense. you select a specific color on A and can edit that colors intensity/tone/etc with a slider like B

Christina Ozeki

This is once again fantastic :). I think I like the full-colour wheel idea is my preference, but I would also be happy with the special skin colour wheel. I prefer colour wheels in favour of just selecting some pre-made skin colours, but I also see the sense of having pre-made ones for people who don't want to select their own. Anyway, thank you Paralives Team for all your hard work on your game. I am so excited to see what will be the final released version.


Would it be possible to set gameplay preferences based on basic, intermediate, or advanced knowledge of colour wheels upon initial set-up of the game for character creation? If so, perhaps that might be an optimal solution for all players.


Yeah, A as the basic but then have a little button one can press and you get up both B and C as alternatives. B is best for me personally but having pre-made skin tones could come in very handy so both would be absolute best. C would be very annoying if that was the only option, pain in the ass to make realistic diversity

Matilda Lindholm

I feel like it would be best to have A as skin tone pre-sets of sorts, but be able to click and choose any color from C. NPCs and pre-made paras should probably have skin tones picked from A.


Having all three options would be nice, as A and B would be easier from players perspective to choose the color from, but if they don't have the right color their wanting, having access to C would be really nice as well.


I prefer B honestly. It would be so much easier to create a Para with my exact skin tone.


I like B but it would be nice to have a cheat for C as well


I would love to have B with the option to jave a preset of skins and the ability to save custom tones


I think maybe you could do a mix of A and B? Like maybe you pick from a list like the A option, but then you can have an option to go to the color wheel form there and be more precise? For example, you click from the list (A), but then you can double click the option you picked and B would pop up for further customization?

Amy Joscelyn

As others have said, if it's possible to have all three in the Paramaker that would be awesome! It's so difficult to get realistic skin tones from the full color wheel, but sometimes it's fun (and necessary, based on the world you want to simulate) to be inventive with unusual colors. Maybe if there's a dropdown or something that let's you select the selector you want, that could be handy. Option A is perfect for more advanced players who want to make Paras quickly, and it also seems like the best place to save custom skin tones.

Emily Price

I feel like the best option, if possible, would be to be able to switch between B and C. Option B would be the easiest to use while still being highly customisable, and I'd probably use it 90% of the time to create human-like Paras. But I'd still love to have the option to occasionally switch over to Option C so that I could create fantasy races as well, like elves or aliens.


Can't wait for the game to come out!!!


Option B I find is the best option for me because option C is hard to find a skin tone and I know this because I’ve tried in other places like photoshop etc.. I’m terrible with skin tones and end up making people that don’t look realistic and realism is important for me


I like option B best, but I would also like option A to save my most frequently used skin tones as favorites. Option C could then be accessible via an extra button, if you want to get a little more extravagant.


B but please with the option to safe specific skin tones.


I like A for simplicity and C we can made funny thing.. Maybe both ?


I like swatches for ease but it would also be nice to have advanced options with a full color wheel and be able to save custom swatches.


I'd say B by default with a little check box to open up the wheel with all colors


I honest loved some of these comments with great options. I think there should be a base amount of skintones for those who aren't seasoned creators, and then by clicking on your chosen skintone from your para's body, a cutomizable tool of the 2 other wheels could pop up for those of us who want more customization. Does this sound more appealing to other's?


I was thinking you could do swatches with a B attached, so like you pick a brown, and then a B menu pops up and you can adjust it, then you could have like a brown, red, green, yellow, purple, etc swatch that is adjustable. Maybe a warm - cool slider too


Swatches would be nice and then having a color wheel with the ability to save custom swatches. Maybe even add a few unnatural swatches too instead of having the full colored color wheel!


I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like option B is the best to be used for HUMAN skin tones. However, I also tend to create SUPERNATURAL creatures like aliens, vampires, demons, etc. and, for that purpose, I feel like option C would be the best. If I had a say in it, we'd have option B as the color wheel but with a toggle to swap the colors on the wheel from option B to option C if needed, so we could have the best of both worlds.


B and C! Why not have both?


As Ada Bless said, I'd also love B and C. As someone who has brown skin and makes a lot of brown skinned sims and any other character I can design through a character creator; I would love to have the freedom when picking the tones because variety for me might look different than for someone else. But it's also nice to have swatches for a more streamlined approach for those who prefer it. So I'm Team B and C.


Bonjour :) Pour le choix des couleurs des peaux, je préfère le mode "A", car pour moi, la simplicité est importante. De plus, il y aura moins de potentielles erreurs pour ma part. Merci pour tout ce super travail accompli :-D


I like them all but if I had to choose I'd pick B personally. If possible maybe B with C or B with A. A could provide different colors we could click on from average skin colors to purple, green, and blue and from there B becomes the more advanced option to select the perfect skin color for your para. Or B to select more realistic skin colors but the option of C for those players who may want different types of paras in their game.


Both B and C

Erika Roberts

I like the skin color wheel with the ability to save a few that you especially like :)


I'd really like to see a system where B is the default, but C is maybe behind a "more" or "advanced" option. That way we get the simplicity of B if we want a realistic skintone, but the options of C when we don't


Very late to this question but I hope the Paralives team is still reading suggestions! Honestly, I think the best way to satisfy nearly everyone would be to have a sort-of combination of all three. So, I think in the UI, the first thing we'd see is a list of maybe 12-16 skin tone swatches ranging from porcelain to very dark. Good for players who want a list of options but don't care about precision. On the side would be two tabs: "More Skin Tones" which would open up the color wheel labeled B, and "Full Color Wheel" which would open up the color wheel labeled C.


It'd be awesome to have a color-wheel of skin tones ! I just think it's important that we have a way to re-using certain previously used skin-tones (for some family members for examples) - whether it'd be a selection of saved skin-tones, or of recently used skin-tones :) !


I believe having both color wheels as an option would be great. I know I love to play humanoid non-humans, and modding usually doesn't let those colors pass down to offspring correctly. I believe the swatches would be the least effective option, since no matter how many color options there are, there is still likely someone who will be left out.


I think option B would be nice for the default colour wheel that shows up when you're changing the paras' skin colours for convenience, but then maybe there could be a "show all colours" button to switch to a full colour wheel, that way there's ease of use and complete customizability all in one.


Having both b and c would be great 👍🏾


I would like A so it's easy to make my Paras, but some extra slots that open option B and C to create your own colors. Always using color wheels gets tedious pretty quicly.


To be honest, it would be great if there was a selection of basic skintones, including not realistic ones, plus a colorwheel to be able to choose more precisely


I'd start with the skin tones with a colour wheel first they are much fewer skin tones document globally whereas if you have a colour wheel for the para's skin tone, everyone feels included from all skin tones in the world


yeah, like you could have 10 open slots to save colourwheel skintones you create

Jasper Rose

B, but with the ability to create swatches of skin tones, and 10 or so "default" swatches that allow the user to pick a starting point to make it easier for them to find the exact one they want.

Holly Kinglund

B, but an option to make special colors like blue or pink! :D


Can skin tones be added to genetics?


If we can create alien skies, we should be able to have alien skin tones :D. Full color wheel for me.


OMG You're already thinking about solutions to the dreaded Error Code 12. You are a godsend.