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As you may know from a previous Patreon post, we are currently focusing on features and improvements related to the character creator module of the game, the Paramaker. We got A LOT of stuff done in the last two months and we’re taking a bit more time to finish some important tasks before we move on to other parts of the game for a while, mainly, the live mode. Meanwhile, today, I’m gonna be explaining some of the work we’ve been doing on the Paramaker. This post is for Patrons only so please don’t share it, thank you!

Slider Interface

In Paralives, you can change different body sliders on the character itself. Now, we’ve added the ability to also browse the sliders in an interface panel. It’s a second way for players to edit the shape of the face and of different body parts. What’s great about showing sliders that way is that it’s easier to know the exact value of a slider and you can even edit the numbers manually and copy-paste them.

In the Eyes section of the Paramaker, you will be able to change some specific eye sliders to mold them as you wish. This interface is still a work in progress.

Body Presets

In many games, including Paralives, you can change specific sliders to edit the size, position or shape of a specific part of your character’s body. It can be the height of the nose or the width of the hips, for instance. Games also often have what we call presets: a list of different pre-made shapes for a specific part of the body. You could have, for instance, a list of pre-made nose shapes to choose from, a list of pre-made body silhouettes, etc. We’ve worked on the design of this whole feature which is trickier than it seems and now we’ve started the code to get it working, hopefully next week!

Mouth presets (left) and face presets (right) as seen in the character creator of the game Demon’s Souls. We’re currently working on having features similar to that. Presets are great to quickly create a character. Of course, after selecting a preset, you will also be able to edit the sliders in detail to create the exact look you aim for.

Clothing Improvement and Fixes

When changing the different body sliders, it changes the size and shapes of your Para but also its clothes. This is quite tricky because the clothes do not always follow the body properly when changing the size of a body part. We explored different solutions to fix the different issues we had related to that and we’ve made a lot of fixes. It almost works perfectly now, we’re getting there!

This is another issue we had to fix. The shirt looks torn but in reality, it’s just not displayed properly. Jérémie changed the skin color to make it look like Hulk!

Other Tasks We’ve Done Recently

  • Adapted the skin textures automatically depending on the fat and muscle levels
  • Created more animations for characters when they are being edited in the Paramaker
  • Added more body and face sliders
  • Added more skin texture details
  • Created more basic clothing
  • Added an interface to create and delete Paras

What We’re Still Working On

Here’s a list of other features that are still being cooked:

  • Creating features and interfaces for skin recoloring
  • Making sure the camera controls work well in the Paramaker, regardless of the zoom level and height of your character
  • Creating sound effects for the different actions you can do in the Paramaker
  • Fully supporting undo-redo of actions done in the Paramaker

Once these are done, the plan is to move on to working on the live mode for a while. This doesn’t mean that the Paramaker will be completely done and ready to be played. We will still need to add more features later, improve the interface and mainly, add a lot more content to it since we only have a few of these items for now: hairstyles, clothing, makeup, tattoos, etc.

That’s it for today, have a great weekend!




exciting stuff!


Super exciting things!! I was curious, and I know this isn't at all a fantasy themed game. But will there be a way to make elf ears?


so excited !!!


Will you be able to save the presets?? That would be cool if you're trying to make a family and want them to look similar.

Aaron J Levesque

Question? Will there be genetics Buttons such as creating children of parents and stuff that automatically have some similar genes? I know this must be a hard process to create in game for you guys.

Victoria Garcia

This is really exciting news! The team is doing some amazing stuff! Can't wait to see what else is to come! 💕


creating characters is always my favorite part in a game, I'm so excited to see what it will look like for Paralives!

Anastasija Duk

This looks amazing! Honestly am impressed by the work you’re putting into this.


Is the paramaker gonna be available as a demo, like CAS? It would be great to play around with it when it's a bit more fleshed out.

Bri Prichard

This sounds awesome!! I so wish I could be part of the development team, its like a dream come true! Keep up the great work guys :)


Very exciting to see more of this feature! Big YAY for sliders! A suggestion though, can you please make some kind of toggle for the animations in paramaker? I always find the constant moving around very annoying when I try to see how my character is looking and it would be great to not have to wait for/find a mod that makes my paras stand still.

M13Vulpecula XIII, ruler of Vulpeculand

I really like having both click & drag AND slider options. The on-Para dragging options are great for getting the general shape done, whereas the sliders are perfect for the little tweaks and adjustments.


Yes, sliders!!! Thank you! As someone who doesn't enjoy the TS4 CAS but loves the TS3 one, I'm so excited to see you give us more control over how we want to make our paras! <3

Ella Pilchik

looks good! also i would prefer if the para doesnt animate too much during paramaker, its harder to see everything that way


A while back, Anna suggested (not confirmed) the option to make parents or offspring for your para(s), including different ages within the same stage or identical twins.

Vera Ohlsen

Or if they do animate a bunch, give us a "calm down please"-button, so the Para stops moving so much.


I love how the green Para looks like Piccolo in that Dragon Ball Z episode when he tries to get a driver's licence 😆


You mean to tweak the sliders of the mouth and save the results as a new mouth presets, for instance? It's possible using the mod tools, yes! We do not have that feature planned yet for players who do not want to use the mod tools but it could be cool to be able to save new presets directly in the Paramaker, I agree


It would be great if you had a checkbox in the paramaker allowing you to remove animations as it can get in the way when you are trying to compare body/face changes or outfits. It would also be great if you could cycle through a few expressions, so you could see how a certain face looks when smiling or sad.


Thank you! I totally agree about characters moving, we are taking this into consideration to make sure it won't be an issue


Brilliant process! We all appreciate your hard work and dedication. I am looking forward to your phases and con’t process along the way. This isn’t within subject, but is the character look finalized, or will there be an update and a bit more on realism version ( a bit less cartoony)? Thank you again!


Awesome work. Thank you. Have a good weekend you and your team!

Katie Bellissimo

Oooh I LOVE the addition of numbers so you can make different paras have the exact same sized features without having to just estimate! Such a great idea, I'll definitely use that a lot


Thank you! We're still working on the style of the character but we do not aim for a very realistic look because it would be a ton of work for a small team like us. We are keeping the current style but adding more interesting details so the characters feel very real and unique: body hair, freckles, blush, scars, etc. We are also still tweaking the skin texture and colors


Loving the updates and progress! You guys rock!! 😁


Are we going to be able to create our own presets?


Looks great! Yay for sliders! Appreciate the hard work!! I love being able to put numbers in.. I'll likely use that a lot.


Love it!


Looks promising!

Jaxon Mia Escontrias

are you guys sure we’re not getting closer to alpha stage? also, will there be different eye shapes? 🖤


I just want to thank you so much for having the sliders also correspond with a number we can edit! I use a random number generator primarily when I play and would love to just be able to input the number I’m given

Sabine B

I actually gasped when I read that we can copy/paste the numbers for the sliders! Presets... I love the idea of them, but I never use them in sims (3 and 4). They all look weird and ugly to me. I think the problem with most of them is that they look alright as a single part but don't fit with the rest of the face? I don't know if this is helpful info, sorry. All the paras we've seen so far look amazing, I have high hopes for your presets! I would love if presets were able to be saved and shared on the workshop. That would definitely help me with creating more diverse paras. I am but a plain white lady and struggle with creating accurate and non-silly looking faces 😅💜

Sabine B

This seems like such a simple idea, but what a gamechanger that would be!

JossGun Shipper

can't wait to recreate my favs from instagram in this game! <333


A combination of push and pull with sliders for extra precision? Yes please! 😃

Akasha O'Connell

So excited!!! Please let us be able to turn the animations in Pam on and off. I hate when I'm trying to edit a character and they won't stay still.


The combination of the push and pull and sliders looks very inspiring! Can't wait to see what kind of design will be found behind "the identitity" button. :3 A bit off topic but am I the only one who got hyped when noticed the slots for the facial and body hair in the picture? So delighted they will be unisex from the start. Lastly, I'd like to know more about the customication of Paramaker. Might it be possible to create any kind of custom sliders to the game? Has there already been discussion about this? I'm asking this because modders have usually created awesome sliders for character creation. This may decrease the pressure to create very nyanced sliders for those who like to create replicas from fictive and realistic people.

Anna Wendel

Loving the updates! Keep up the good work guys 😁


Please please can we have an option to turn off animations in the Paramaker, as well as blinking etc. Sometimes when I am concentrating I just don't want them to move at all. I'd like a row of buttons so for example if I want to get their smile just right I can click "smile" button and they will freeze with a smile on their face so I can edit the mouth while smiling


I have an idea! 💡 So in TS4 I find it really tedious to scroll through near hundreds of mole/freckle swatches. Maybe in Paralives you could use a unique slider for each one, allowing it to automatically cycle through many swatches going from few moles in different locations to more moles and eventually lots of them. This could add gameplay too, as maybe you gain moles when you age? Same with freckles—starts with very subtle cheek freckles and eventually goes all the way to intense full body freckles! Maybe a checkable side option (if you plan to add suntanning and burns) to “Never tan only burn” which instead gives them more freckles and a burn if they spend too much time in the sun? (For all my gingers out there!)


Orrr this can all be solved by adding the slider to everything with swatches? Like if you scroll your mousewheel it rotates through them or something? A VERY big QOL improvement!

ranine hay

will push/pull on different body parts still be part of Paramakwr?

Alex Agustin

Incredible work, so grateful to be a patron and cheer you on!

Anouk Geelen

Everything is looking great so far! Any estimate on when you’ll start working on the different life stages like the teens or children?


so we will have push and pull and sliders? thats so sick!

Christina Ozeki

Looks fantastic, well done! Also, I love the testing image with the green skin tone that looks like the Hulk haha funny! The idea of being able to have clothing that looks torn would also be cool though because in reality, people aren't always perfectly dressed. Will there be an option to have raggedy clothing for our Paras?

Callum Brunt

Omg yeeees! This would be amazing. Idk hoe many times ive been trying to make a character, im trying to focus on details like eye colour or freckles or what not, and they wont sit still for 5 seconds so i can see what it looks like! I hope they add this as an option too


"Created more animations for characters when they are being edited in the Paramaker" but please don't do too heavy animations, they drive me nuts! *cough* I'm looking at you, spellcasters from Sims 4 *cough*


or better, have quirky animations optional, with some way to select expressions from normal to emotions, to silly.


You guys are seriously doing an amazing job, can't wait to see more ;)

S&M Gonzalez

Will there be a slider for eyelashes and a way to make lips be fuller/thicker without the shape being distorted greatly? Also someone on discord talked about being able to save paras we make as a preset and also option to make them appear in town as an NPC would this be something you would want in paramaker?

Jérémie Tessier

Since everything we do is done through the mod system (including presets), players should be able to create their own presets as well!

Jérémie Tessier

Hello! There is still a ton of work left to be done. But yes, there will be different eye shapes. Have a great day!

Jérémie Tessier

Our sliders are done through the mod system, so I bet there will be a pretty extensive range of things that modders will be able to do when they get their hands on it. Thank you for the comments! :)

Jérémie Tessier

Thank you for the kind words! We are currently doing a boost on the PAM tools, afterwards we have a few options on what to work on, I'm not sure if it'll be life stages yet, so I can't give you an estimate right now. Have a nice day! :)

Joanna Hinds

I love your take on in depth/ detail mode with the sliders and the exact values!! YES YES YES YES YES! God level para making officially unlocked! My twins can be twins but still unique like one having slightly lower eyebrows or a slightly wider mouth but it would still be *accurate*… I could give my kid paras exact features of their parents that I want them to have. This is really exciting!

Jérémie Tessier

A good day to you! We haven't finished adding customization options and features to the PAM, so I cannot say at the moment how things will work for eyelashes and lips. As for saving Paras as a preset and use them to populate the town, these are neat ideas! While I can't say either how this will work in the game, the fact that we will most probably use the mod system to populate the town with default characters means that it might be possible to use characters you create to that end. Thank you for the questions!

Megan Santucci

oooh I love that idea especially in conjunction with a "create child/sibling/whoever" feature. Like maybe I want all the kids in the family to have their mother's nose shape or something.


Really love the addition of sliders to the existing push-pull mechanics. Each method has its pros and cons, so this is a best of both worlds solution! Also, is it me or does that one "Hulk" para have larger hands? Finally, we can scale the hands to match the body size! I'm continually impressed by the body proportions exhibited. The only criticism I have is the lack of a trapezius muscle. It's very apparent in the muscular character.

Amanda Shafer

This may be my most random idea but I miss how deer used to run around the sims 3 world. In paralives open world you should also have some big wildlife. Like idk maybe a moose😂. And if you have a high horse riding skill you can tame and ride a moose


you know how in ts4 there are stylized looks? i wish we could save our own in paralives, and makeup as well but separately! Maybe we could even save presets for bodyparts and bodyshape in-game as well?


I hope we will be able to layer clothes in the Paramaker, such as a shirt over a t-shirt, sweater over a polo shirt and over the sweater a leather jacket etc.


I love you for putting the actual numbers up next to the sliders. I cannot express in words just how happy this makes me! I 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 not knowing what each slider is set to in TS4!


As someone who uses mods in The Sims 3 and has tried in vain to get the slider number right when creating children or parents for sims and as someone who likes sliders and being able to click on the character and change features, I greatly appreciate the things we'll be able to do in the Paramaker. 😌


Guyyys ! well thought to include the possibility on typing the values ourselves on the sliders. On the face sliders, could we have the possibility to change the length of the eye-lashes please ? I realize they are kind of not visible on the model's face. (But I wouldn't want it visible on every para either)... As well as for the hips slider, could it be possible to add a slider with the hips' height ? It would allow so many more body types to be created. Same for neck's length and type of posture (arched, crooked, straight, etc...). Anyhow, possible or not possible, we love you all and can't wait for new videos of Paralives ! Peace !


And have the option to customise ears as well