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Clothing Brainstorming Recap  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Anna here. As always, A LOT has been brainstormed during the past month! This clothing brainstorm was full of ideas, from clothing styles and Paramaker features to cool gameplay ideas. As we’re still working on the Paramaker, it really fueled up with ideas. Thanks to everyone who participated in this brainstorm, and don’t forget you’re always welcome to share any clothing related idea you may have in here, on our Discord or Reddit!

Apart from the massive list of styles, outfits and accessories that have been suggested (with a lot of reference pictures!), here are some ideas that standed out:

  • 🧣 Granular customization options for clothing: the ability to layer clothes and accessories, different states for the same piece of clothes (a sweatshirt with sleeves rolled up, wearing a cap sideways, tucked-in shirts, dirty clothes), mix and matching colors and patterns for any piece of clothes
  • 👨‍🎤 The possibility for a Para to start a trend (randomly or because of their fame level)
  • 👩‍🚒 Having uniforms and dress codes for schools and jobs, or even special events like a dress-up theme party or a wedding
  • 🔍 A tag system (good news, it’s already in the game!) to allow for easy searching and sorting in the clothes catalogue
  • 😎 A fluid outfit selection: possibility to add accessories like sunglasses or belts without changing the whole outfit, having multiple outfit options for the same purpose, the ability to choose specific outfits for activities (like cooking, gardening or painting).
  • 🎁 Secondhand, hand-made and gifted clothes (also, the ability to borrow clothes from other household members!)
  • 🍀 “Lucky” clothes and clothes with a sentimental value
  • 🧺 Doing laundry and laundromats!
  • 😲 The ability to react to clothing of other Paras based on their personality, likes/dislikes, and situations. To some people, going to a funeral in your pyjamas shouldn’t go unnoticed!
  • 🧥 Different types of clothing affecting your mood or your stats, like a comfy sweater that would keep you warm and cosy!
  • 🔒 Special clothing items that are not available until a certain skill or job level is attained (or a certain quest is fulfilled)

Special thanks to Axart again, a Patron and Discord user who made a summary of his own during this month.

New Monthly Brainstorming Theme: Weather & Seasons  (For Patrons only! Please don’t share)

Finally, autumn has come! Here in Canada, seasons drastically shape the landscapes and common activities that people enjoy (or not!), even in the city. I can’t wait to see more of these bright autumn leaves colors! 🍂

Without further ado, here is the new brainstorming theme of this month: weather and seasons! Feel free to start brainstorming in the comments of this post. We’ll also post it on our Discord and Reddit for the public to see on Monday!

Here are some questions to get the brainstorm’s flow going:

  • Would you like to customize seasons and weather? If so, how?
  • What visual changes would you like to see through seasons?
  • How would seasons & different weather conditions affect your Para’s daily life?
  • Which specific interactions or activities would be unlocked only on certain weather conditions?
  • Which seasonal items would you like to see? (I really have to try those pumpkin spice lattes)
  • Any other suggestions regarding weather and seasons!

Poll: Weather & Seasons  (For Patrons only. Please don’t share)

In real life, I find weather and seasons really affect my mood and energy. How do you think it should affect your Paras? Please vote in the poll below and feel free to tell us more in the comments!




I think it would be a good idea to have the regular clothes section in the parameter of articles your para bought and such, but also have an inventory section where your para can put on clothes from their inventory so borrowing and gifting clothes would be easier!


Glad I can pick multiple options. :) Such an exciting brainstorm. Cannot wait to see what people suggest. P.S: Snowmen please!! :D

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I think setting custom weather in a town you created would be perfect for realism. Like if you make a tropical setting, you don't want it snowing there (or perhaps you do idk). Paras having a favorite season would be fun too! They could get extra excited about holidays in that season or prefer clothing with tags for the associated weather and colors!

Maiden Minnesota

It's hard to answer this question not knowing if we're going to have different "worlds" and climates. I don't want to see it snow in the desert the same as it does everywhere else. I love having weather affect my Paras, as it affects all of us in real life. I also get inspired to knit when it's snowing, so I like the idea of the weather affecting creative hobbies.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

On the topic of clothes, I think setting a general wardrobe for your para in paramaker and that being the only clothes they can choose from until they buy more would be good gameplay

Jaxon Mia Escontrias

i would like the weather to affect my paras, but i would also like to be able to turn it off, as far as customizing seasons or weather i would like to select how many days each season are, on my game, as a canadian loving american i would like to see those canadian landscapes through the game! thank you paralives!


I think being able to change the weather & season quickly in the game options could be very useful for storytellers/film makers! I’d love for Paras to have a favourite season & favourite weather as well. Other Paras in the town should change their clothing based on the weather and season, I don’t want to see booty shorts and flip flops during a rainy autumn day! It would be cool if clothing could directly impact how hot and cold out Paras get as well without having specific “outerwear” set for them. I’d like to have radiators, air vents, space heaters, air con units etc. to be functional and help keep our Paras homes temperature appropriate!


If there are moods/fealings in the game, rain has many possibilities. Listening to the rain can have a soothing effect. Watching the rain, when feeling down. Dancing in the rain, when elated. Jumping to puddles, when feeling playful.


ACTIVITIES ❄Winter: Ice skating, skiing, tabogganing, snowmans... 🌼Spring: Flowers, gardening, bees, colour in trees 🍁Autumn: Leaf piles, halloween, community events ☀️Summer: beach, pool, watering gardens, bbq's, waterplay, vacations IN WORLD 🌲trees change as per season 💧Lakes and rivers are more full and rapid and then less full and calm or even dry 🌗In game lighting changes from more bright in summer to more dim in winter Oh and if the trees do change every season....If I turn off weather mode: In build mode i would like to be able to purchase all four varieties of a tree and choose which version of it to place on my lot. I dont want just one default tree available if i dont use weather mode. 😁😁😁


Idea for Autumn: Kids could take their toddler siblings to go Trick or Treat in the neighborhood


Imagine your parakids having an unexpected snow day and your para had to find a babysitter. Or so much snow you can't leave the house without scraping the ice of your car windows and snow shoveling the drive way! Dreams! And like someone said above: Building snowmen!!!


I think we should be able to set the climate. In some parts of the world there isn't something like summer, but in the other there is summer all year and we should be able to set it this way. Maybe like in The Sims 2 where some towns didn't really havs summer and had 2 winters? It would be cool if this would be customisable like that


The clothing options sound exciting!

Celena Colegrove

☀️Summer time: pool parties, carnivals, camping, swimming, going to the beach. 🎃Fall/Autumn: Halloween, drinking hot apple cider, cuddling up to watch horror movies, haunted houses, going to the PUMPKIN PATCH, apple picking, playing in leaf piles, going through a corn maze. ❄Winter: drinking hot cocoa, building a snowman and/or igloo, Christmas/Channukah/Kwanzaa/Yule celebrations, New Year's parties, looking at holiday lights, ice skating, snowball fights. 🌷Spring: spring flower festival, Easter egg hunting, flower picking, gardening competitions, fairs, cook-offs.


I think weather and seasons are very varied things, and how Paras react to it should depend on their personality— maybe a trait that defines which season(s) they like the best! For example, a Para that prefers summer will feel happier in the heat, and love summer activities like swimming, or going to the beach; but will despise the winter and be more prone to getting sick, or will dislike baggy clothing. While a Para that prefers winter will love to play in the snow, drink hot chocolate or coffee, and won't like wearing lighter or more revealing clothing in the summer. And of course, everything in between, related to seasons and weather: good experiences like playing in the rain, building a snowman during winter, having pool parties, picnics in spring; as well as bad ones, like allergies, sickness, sun burns, frostbite, etc. Either way, weather should definitely affect the gameplay, not just the visuals. At least that's my opinion!


I love the idea of customization, that I can make my autum more dark, with a lot of fog and leaves falling from all trees, and the other day rainy and cozy to be at home with my Paras, and then in Halloween create a great Ambient for the whole city to look like Gothic city with fog going out off the sewers, and all Paras dressed up and ready for the night. OMG just imagining it make me so happy 🥰🤩


I love the idea of being able to customize weather to go along with the type of location your Para lives in. In reality winter in the desert is so much different from winter in a coastal area, in the mountains, etc.

Michael Green

I definitely would like the temperature to affect paras especially with clothing. Paras that are out in the cold with shorts and tank tops should definitely be negatively affected by the cold and paras with layers on should be negatively impacted by the heat. I would love if we can also make the seasons as short or long as we need with the option to choose what seasons we want in our worlds as well as weather. Also i want to see the weather have effects on the para like a bad rainstorm can cause flooding or a thunderstorm can knock out the power.


If a Para is affected by weather, I would love to always have the ability to activate specific actions or object-functions to soften the mood or act a long with it. Examples: - It is a fine, cold snowy winter day. For your Para to even get a better mood boost you could perhaps: make a cocoa and light ut the fireplace which could add a boost to hapness or "feeling cosy" or something like that. -If a thunderstorm occured, and you became uncomfortable or scared, you would be able to turn this bad mood to something good if you: lit candles, gathered the family to tell stories around the fireplace, the kid hugged its favourite teddybear, hugged your spouse a friend, etc. -Rain could cause a gloomy mood with some Paras, but it could also cause an inspirational boost so that Paras could paint, daydream, enjoy music, play guitar – gaining more skill, creating better products and Paras gaining more satisfaction for doing these things. -A beautiful autumn day could be even greater if the Paras went out for a walk, picked some mushrooms, took photos in nature, walked their dog, baked an apple pie... -A hot summer day Paras would want to eat ice-cream,. drink cold drinks instead of hot beverages, swim in a pool or the sea, play outside games, sit outside at their favourite cafe. Some actions could only be available when particular weather/seasons appeared, but other actions always available, but would give certain moodlets only when the performed at the right time. Another ting is Paras etting more sick at winter-time. And also adding the abiliy to act sick. You would be able to use thermometer, wipe your nose, drink hot tea with honey, receive chicken soup from friends, lying in bed binge-watching your favourite shows. You will also be able to care for another sick Para with simple actions. Performin certain actions when sick will help the Paras to get well sooner then if they ignored and just went to work, school, pretending to be well.

Michelle Lovette

Snow days are super important to me and actual summer vacations, with weather comes shoveling the snow, making hot coco, fireplace, holidays like Christmas, fall comes raking the leaves, playing in them, also sickness and it being more than just a buff, your parent might have to stay home and make you soup and take your temperature, and your parent calls you out from school and makes your doctors appointments and continuously checks on you while you nap ect

Madi Crouch

I would like to be able to turn snow off and change the timing of the seasons so for example New Year's Day occurs in summertime. Essentially, I want to be able to recreate Australian seasons and weather. I also think it would be cool if there was a cheat to set the temperature to X degrees. And I want to be able to plant evergreens like gum trees (eucalypts) because we don't have many deciduous trees here.

Sasha R. Jones

Since we can change things like the sun / planetary bodies (still a feature I'm blown away by!), what if we could change the latitude of our town, resulting in more drastic seasonal changes in day length? Dealing with the midnight sun vs the long night could make for some interesting storytelling variables.


I am dying for ice skating on a frozen over lake. It would be a dream for lakes and bodies of water to freeze in the winter seasons.

Charmen Young

I'd love to see Paras actually catch simple illnesses like colds or the flu. Nothing serious like cancer or covid, of course. If they catch a cold, I would have fun having a Para take off work. If the Para is a child, have them stay home and have a parent stay home to care for them or send them to their grandparents house. Seasonal vacations and breaks would be cool, too. Summer vacations, winter breaks, that would be great.

Diamond Nicole

All suggestions so far are absolutely wonderful ❤ having certain actions during certain season like summer vacay, seasonal allergies, raking leaves, getting cozy by the fire ect. are great ideas for in depth gameplay! I think it would be a good opportunity for weather woman/man profession to be both active and a rabbithole too! I would really like to have the option of natural disasters in game (hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons ect.) and players can enable or disable natural disasters. I think it would give a layer danger/difficulty for players to keep their paras safe. When different worlds are introduced they can have their own specific natural disaster and the steps paras have to do to keep safe (such as going to a bunker or shelter, boarding up doors/windows, gathering food ect.). I know it's a lot but it would be really interesting to see in game. 😊❤


I love a good challenge, especially those that are unpredictable and ruin your vacation or events! (Perhaps I'm just evil) Anyway, I would love to see things like power outages during thunderstorms where only candlelight works. Sunburns would be a great addition and don't have to be even near as detailed as the ones EA added in TS4; you could make them simply overlay the whole body (even if your para wore clothes) if they skip the sunscreen. Certain personalities might autonomously slather themselves in sunscreen to prevent this, while others won't care and will burn and tan as usual. Perhaps with genetics, paras with a lighter skin tone can burn easier and those with a darker do not burn as easily? Also I would love if weather was dynamic! It's really important to me that there's not just one level of rain, but instead several levels with varying intensities. Also, perhaps unusual weather could be possible like a thunderstorm with sunshine. Also different weather for every world that is added, like they have different climates! It would also be very cool to have degrees like in real life, with options for Fahrenheit and Celsius.


The ability to choose weather is very attractive to me as there is a big difference in various locations. Living in California, we have SoCal beaches that are always temperate and rarely see any weather (last season say only 5"). Then you can go north to San Francisco where there is w wider temperature range and some actual seasons. Keep going north and you get more rain. From any of these locations you can head inland and start seeing more temperature changes and you start getting snow as you reach the mountains where we have some of the most gorgeous forests that can make a winter wonderland. Point being, some of these places can feel similar, but have completely different climates, so to be able to choose which one to have, would be a nice touch.


I want BOTH customization and challenge with gameplay and weather is a good example of that. A simlulation game needs settings that you can change that changes the challenge and preferences as much as possible, because I change how I play all the time. Sometimes I might not want much challenge, other times I want ALL the challenge.


I live in an area of Texas where we get a lot of severe weather, like huge thunderstorms and tornadoes and such. It would be cool if we could get power outages and notification pop-ups from the weather station saying that the area is under a severe thunderstorm watch or what not. And during the power outages we could use things like candles and flashlights for our Paras to see!


Besides everything already mentioned and kind of intuitive (i.e. building snowmen, snowball fights, gardening, ice skating, etc.), I would love to have the ability to send a para on a walk to admire the season--go and smell flowers, look at changing leaves, stroll around town with a cup of hot cocoa and admire lights, etc.! Or go for a bike ride. Some kind of autonomous action where you can send your para outside to enjoy the weather. I also would love to have special pet-specific activities/actions. Splash in puddles (also for humans!), maybe throw snowballs for dogs to catch, a cat lying in the sun vs not wanting to go outside in the winter, maybe dogs having specific traits to want to stay outside in the snow (I'm thinking like how huskies and other dogs refuse to come inside when it's cold out), maybe pets refusing to go outside when it's raining.


Where I live we only really have two seasons - a hot dry season and a cold rainy season. It would be cool if I could change the weather/seasons in the game to reflect this for my Paras!

Fran Smith

I'd like to be able to play southern hemisphere style. Christmas for is for swimming and cool drinks and ice-cream and camping and beaches! Christmas is part of our summer school holidays. We're usually forced into the whole northern hemisphere Christmas snow experience thing, which just isn't a thing in the southern hemisphere at all. For once it'd be just nice to make our brand of seasonal activity. I'd also like to see longer seasons than a week. Week-about is too short for changes of seasons for me.


- If Paras can have preferred seasons and it causes moods depending I'd want there to also be an option to not have a preference. There are, of course, people who hate the cold and people who hate the heat but there are also a lot who like having seasons and variations in weather and all the different activities they bring, so I don't want all my Paras to have to pick - If you can set the climate/seasons for the town you make I'd almost want a slider for how likely different things are for different seasons, not just binary on/off (e.g. "never" snow in summer, "rarely" snow in autumn and spring, "often" snow in winter). Obviously on extreme ends of precipitation you have rain forests and deserts, but there's a lot of middle ground between. - similarly, being able to set "standard" ranges for temperature (e.g. -20°C-0°C for winter, 5°C-20°C for spring and autumn, 25°C-40°C for summer) , or set how likely ranges are for seasons (e.g. "never" hot in winter, "very rarely" warm in winter, "sometimes" cool in winter, "usually" cold in winter) - I'd like some special events based on "time of year" instead of "seasons", and others based on "seasons" since, like someone else said, Christmas is during the summer for some parts of the world, but something like a tulip festival would only make sense in the spring. - I'd love if some special activities like hiking, gardening, sledding, etc. were unlocked by temperature/weather more than season. Where I live we occasionally get 5°C days in late winter, and I'm a lot more likely to go hiking then than during the -5°C days we have in early spring, and of course you can't sled if there isn't snow, even if it is a cold winter day. - if clothes for certain weather affect mood I'd want to be able to set my Paras tolerance for different temperatures. I live in the Midwest USA where it's not unusual to see people wearing shorts even when it's -15°C outside, but it's also not unusual to see people pull out heavy sweaters and coats for 10°C


Read all the comments so far and haven’t seen an idea I don’t like!! One thing I haven’t seen, and tying back slightly to the idea of clothing, is maybe the option to set certain clothing for certain seasons (or weather) only? I’m not talking “outerwear” when you go outside. I know I have a box of sweaters in the attic labeled “fall/winter” that I need to take down because there is no way I’m wearing a thick, cozy sweater when it’s 98F outside, nor am I looking at tanktops when it’s below 0F. I’m also probably not going to wear a raincoat and boots if it’s bright and sunny outside. So setting outfits for one or more seasons/weather conditions (fall/winter, rain) would be neat. I also think the weather should be able to affect what you’re wearing, for example if it’s raining you clothes get soaked unless you’re wearing a raincoat/using an umbrella, or if you’re in a hoodie and it warms up during the day, taking it off and tying it around your waist for safekeeping. I feel like too if Paras had certain fears revolving around weather/seasons. Like being afraid of lightening, ghosts (which could get worse on Halloween or foggy nights), or Santa Claus. There are some super interesting phobias out there.

Constance Guin

Things I'd like to see about seasons and weather: - the ability to costuming the length of the season - the ability to throw parties according to the season but also more customizable parties (eg: in France we have a memorial day where we celebrate the dead) - season festivals - the ability to have a preferred/hated season/weather and moods getting affected by it - tempature! - visual depth for each weather (puddles, snow depth, falling leaves, wind effect, heat effect etc.) - different set of activities that maybe would be only available for each season? Eg: winter sports during winter or fall recipes during fall... - realistic climate depending on the places the paras are living (if different worlds are coming to the game) - don't know if it blends with the whole aspect of season/weather but moon phases? - a calendar! Customizable? Here are all my thoughts for now but I may get other ideas later on!


As long as we can also set what kind of weather the Paras prefer, I would enjoy it affecting mood. I personally like spring time, mild weather and pretty flowers, but my best friend is a fall girl, she likes rain and the changing colors of seasons. So having preferences for liking sunshine, rain, snow, etc would be nice.

Elizabeth Gonzales

I love this, and this was what I was waiting for! So, I have high anxiety, but when it rains or snows, I feel at peace! Maybe that's something you could give to a para! Also, something I love is watching the rain, it's inspiring! Maybe, if possible, show raindrops and the streams rain makes on windows that are exposed to the rain! I would love to see this effect!


It'd be cool if seasons/weather affected different paras differently. For example, a lot of people find rain really depressing, but rain is super nostolgic for me because my dad would wrap me in a blanket and read a story to me whenever it rained. Or another example, most people love the sunny weather because you can go to the beach and swim or whatever, but I'm not a huge fan of it because I sunburn like nobodies business. Things like that.

Ruth Baines

My favourite season is autumn and the colours. When the leaves fall and change its really comforting. I would really like to see attention to detail to how the environment looks and changes with the seasons. So defo the colours of autumn; yellows reds, orange and brown. Even getting to see the leaves on the tree gradually changing colour getting less and less toward the end of summer/beginning of autumn.

Ruth Baines

When it's cold weather I often crave hot drinks, comfy/warm clothes and do more indoor activities/hobbies. It would be cool of paras could reflect real life and have wants/wishes to those things.

Ruth Baines

Getting positive moodlets from having hot food and drink in cold weather and vice versa

Elizabeth Gonzales

Oh, also, I think having the option to decide weather or make it a challenge would be nice. Always having a choice is nice. 😁

Ewaka Flaka

Love love love every aspect of the clothing, even better than I expected! Cant wait to see weather be a fun and interesting thing! I would love to see “climates” too, maybe specific like paraworlds are snowy regions or desert regions that don’t necessarily get some seasonal changes, but still would love to see the options to click on or off! I would also like to see seasonal outfits and love the idea of them affecting the world as a whole! I think weather should def be something that could pose problems for your paras, as well as offer alternatives and fun solutions! (Like the roads are too slick or snowy to drive, so you skate or snowboard to work!) I think warm and cold temperatures would be fun to play with for your paras as well! Maybe not like something you have to micromanage, but something that could cause your paras problems if they aren’t addressed. All in all there is a lot to do with seasons, like fairs and holidays and warmly cuddling by the fireplace and drinking a nice hot chocolate could all be fun things!


Snow days from school, having to shovel out your car, sledding on hills, certain outfits for certain weather conditions, raking leaves, seasonal plants, the ability to have northern vs southern hemisphere seasonal holidays or to completely customize the holiday schedule, the ability to set the type of weather that's most common for the season for example somewhere it rains all summer or somewhere it doesn't get cold enough for snow in winter,


Maybe I'm alone in how difficult and challenging I want life to be for my Paras, but I think it would be really cool if there was a very low percentage chance for like hurricanes or tornados or floods in game that would potentially cause damage to your Para's home and would require fixing (handiness skill??) or replacing. I don't know if that is even something that could realistically be added, but realism and challenge is something seriously missing in Sims 4 that I would love to see in Paralives.

Raelyn Rosenhart

As someone who loves sitting on my porch when it’s raining and reading or having the nice autumn breeze on my face while I’m sipping a warm drink. I would love to see the seasons effect them depending on their preferences. Everyone favors one season over another!


I feel like Paras who enjoy certain seasons should want to do things unique to those seasons, like knitting when it's cold outside or outdoor sports when it's nice. I'd like for my Paras to want to do activities based on the weather. If it's raining some Paras will want to stay inside and watch movies or paint. When it's nice outside I want active Paras to want to go hiking or roller skating. Also what if there were particularly cold winters or hot summers and Paras had to work harder to stave off any negative effects a season has. Like if a Para had something bad happen like a death or break up, winter could give a boost to their skills and adversely effect other parts of their life. Basically I think that when I have stuff going on the weather really has an effect in how I get through things. I would love a story mode option for like birthdays and weddings that take place in adverse weather that prevents Paras from dying from temperature effects. I really really want toddlers to teens to be able to have unique interactions with weather. Like all the neighborhood kids staging a big snowball fight and teens pulling pranks and finding igloos to make out in. Kids love walking through forests and stuff when the weather is different. Seasonal school events like marching band and recitals and theater. Dances and prom! Even if they have to be rabbit holes that layer of detail is really engaging for me.


I think a good start for weather customization would just be chances of each weather type per season. As long as there's many types, this should be fine. Rain and snow accumulation should be fine up to a point. They should both be consequential to the environment and gameplay. All weather types should affect paras in the outdoors. Weather should also have financial impacts, as the costs of heating and cooling should change provided they exist in a para's house/property. Playing in the snow or rain should be a thing, as well as removing snow from walkways and roads. Seasonal items should be a constant addition during the game's life - there's no amount of things one could add, but as long as they are all added in sufficient quantity and quwality and mesh with the whole game - it'll be fine. Weather and seasons should be all consequential and consistent - and be a source of fun and interesting content. If people want to turn things off, simply provide toggles for the logic and effects.


Seasonal affective disorder, rainy/cloudy day blues, etc. would be cool to see. If possible, I'd love to see climate zones such as "arid desert" and "moist subtropical", with seasonal patterns in temperature and precipitation varying from one zone to another. (For example, I live in the desert southwest, which means I get brutally hot summers and full sun around 300 days a year, whereas someone in Wisconsin would get brutally cold, snowy winters and relatively mild summers.)

Sean McDorman

I suggest making weather a fact of life that players need to plan around, but also provide a cheat that makes Paras immune to weather’s various effects, for those who don’t like the challenge that weather provides in real life. There should also be a cheat that summons certain temporary states (rain, fog, cloudy, sunny) for screenshot purposes. If you build a haunted house, you naturally want to show it off in autumn, at midnight, with spooky fog. 👻

Arlet Canales

I have a suggestion about winter, if it's snowing too much it should pile up outside ur house and stop ur paras from opening the door


Choosing a climate would be a cool way to customize the weather. Could be temperate, tropical, desert, etc.


OMG all those things sound wonderful :D I especially love the idea of Lucky clothes with emotional value. ...But if laundry is in the Basegame... could there be an option turn off laundry for gameplay so it doesn't become too chore heavy? :)

Megan Santucci

Combo of 1 and 2 for me - I want the weather to affect my Paras (can't go out in a blizzard in your underwear!) but I want it to be balanced, so either give the original world a relatively mild climate (and bring season editing later with the CAW tool) or make it editable/give us the ability to toggle off more severe weather.

Megan Santucci

IIRC they're planning to have one world at launch and release a create-a-world/world editor tool after the initial release.


It would be great to see severe weather like Blizzards, Droughts, severe thunderstorms where warnings are issued so the para's can prepare for it.

Megan Santucci

Of course you guys are smart and wouldn't release a game where the characters spend a whole season being useless because they're scared of thunderstorms or something.


I think weather should be customizable. If I want my parafolk to live in a world where it never snows, that should be possible - because there are places in the world where it does not snow. Players should be able to decide what type of weather and what intensity of weather a world can get, then the parafolk who live in those worlds have the challenges associated with that weather.


back to clothing real quick, there should be clothes that are only available at shops and not in PAM to give incentives to have your para go out and clothes shop


100% on the customized seasons. Mostly because there are places in the world where it never snows, and places where it snows like 70% of the year. It’d make it super fun to role play a world where it’s winter all the time like in game of thrones beyond the wall

Bethy Grace

100% yes please for customisable seasons. I live in Australia in a place where Christmas is in the middle of summer and winter is cold but the chance of snow is about 2% on a nearby mountain and 0% everywhere else. It would be so amazing if the maps could have topography and we could set a climate and almost see like a "heat map" so it would be possible to get snow on the top of a hill but nowhere else. And if the game ships with some kind of calendar, or some kind of basic "year" system with events like Christmas, Easter, or whatever holidays we want, I'd like to be able to choose what season they are in. Id also like for clothing and weather to be intertwined - clothes could have warmth stats or something, houses should need effective temperature control to keep our paras comfy. I'd also like the challenge of things like a heatwave or a cold snap, but taking care to make sure this is rare and not literally every other couple of days. Thanks for all of your hard work as always!

Korina Mills

I really like this idea and it seems easy to program. For example with a desert climate it never snows, but has extreme heat in the day and extreme heat at night. Tropical it's always warm/temperate and also never snows but has rain/thunder a lot. There are pros and cons to each climate, too.


Definitely need the level of season length customization that the Sims 3 had in the game! I would always the winters and falls longer because those were my favorite seasons in the game. I would love days off from school for kids too because of heavy snow fall, that’s so cozy! And also because of heat in the summer of course. I would also love if the snow muffled sounds like it does in real life, so that the world feels a lot more quiet and serene in winter. If the town has beaches on a lake or shore, I would like for them to be filled up with Paras in the summer! Beaches in the Sims always felt empty and sad, so if Paras just all gathered to go swimming in summer (in public pools too), that would be so engaging. In turn, I guess townies should feel inclined to stay home in the darker and colder days of fall and winter I think. Although, they should of course go out when snow has just fallen and have snowball fights and stuff! I would love if Paras reacted to the first snow or it would even be like an event called „first day of snow“ or something. With weather forecasts that would make sense! And Paras could get excited for it and be disappointed if the snow was announced but didn’t actually happen. I hope pets react to the weather a lot too. They should be able to play in the snow and enjoy the warm sun chilling in the backyard!


For input regarding traditions from other countries. In my home country there isn't trick or treat in autumn but have "Martin's processions" for lack of a better translation. The main event is where people go around town with their kids in one big procession and carry their own handcrafted lanterns. The kids usually make them at school beforehand and bakeries sell little pastries in the shape of a little man with a cloak and small pipes made of plaster. At the end of the walk there will be a reenactment of St. Martin on his trusty horse, parting his cloak with a sword and sharing it with a freezing beggar. But the original non-Christian meaning was to scare away ghosts and demons during the long winter nights with light and by being lively and coming together as a community even during/in spite of the long nights of winter/autumn. As a kid it's awesome because you can show off your lantern, stay up late and it really does give you a new perspective because it takes away the scariness of the night. As an adult the sea of lanterns are a sight to behold.


Thought I'd make a second post on Christmas traditions. In my country we really emphasize the whole season from the first of December til the 24th (which is when we celebrate it in the evening, that is also where the kids get the gifts). The gifts aren't brought by Santa Claus but the 'Child Christ' (in a more or less lose translation) which is always portrayed as a woman in a golden gown with curly, golden hair. Santa Claus comes on the 6th of December where all kids look for their biggest, highest boots, put them outside (or just the stairwell) overnight where Santa Claus fills them up with sweets, nuts and little toys over night or some families go out with their kids (we'd always visit our grandma) and in the meantime Santa Claus had been there. That is if you've been a good kid, if you haven't his helper Knecht Ruprecht (basically the Krampus) might tell him to leave your boots empty. Oh and we count down the days with Christmas calendars.

Stacey Dunnachie

I live in the Southern Hemisphere, and would love to be able to customize the seasons and holidays to match what I have, such as a summer Christmas and autumn easter


Would be cool to see some consequences of the severe storms. Like broken windows, damaged trees, houses etc..


I'd love to set weather preferences based off the Köppen climate classification. Ex., I live in Seattle, which is a warm-summer Mediterranean zone according to the Köppen climate classification. Maybe I want my world to match my real-world climate so I set the game to Mediterranean. Or maybe I want something different and choose, say, Hot desert climate. ETA: As for weather-specific actions, I think it'd be fun to have a general "gaze out window" action that has different animations depending on the weather. In the sun the Para can shield their eyes, in the cold they can wrap their arms around themselves, and in the rain they could peer up at the sky.


Yes!!! Weather and seasons is my favorite. I know my ideas have probably all been shared, but having certain food items to purchase at only times or year or season would be cool. (PSL, fruit cake, watermelon Popsicles, caramel apples, etc). Also, maybe ice cream trucks that only happen in the summer, or community food events like a fish fry, or chicken gravy and waffles.

S&M Gonzalez

Will assigning clothes tags be extended when making our own lots? As what clothing items are sold there?


ahhhh seasonal allergies and you could a little negative buff if you forgot to take your meds >.<


I’d love more options for favorite/least favorite weather. I really like thunderstorms and the occasional rainy day where you can stay in and be cozy!


Weather changes our mood, what we do , what we wear and many other things so it's important that if its raining some people love it some hate it, some stay in some start signing in the rain

S&M Gonzalez

Weather and season ideas Customization for CAW - I’d like to be able to assign the duration of weather in days, seasons,or permenant weather (which could be changed within settings) for a world or towns. - Being able to pick the number of chances weather has of turning into serious like blizzards, hurricanes,t-storms. - Being able to customize the type of weather conditions per category and the amount of tiems it happens per season(s). - I think a customization setting for how severe weather is for a world as whole would be nice. - Being able to pick a world’s weather by hemisphere if we don’t want to customize down to the nitty gritty. - Choosing more or less clouds and cloud types per season. - Another idea i think would be cool is being able to pick a color gradient of what color sunrises and sunsets you’d like to see per season which would effect the whole world. Because every sunrise and sunset color isn’t the same. Overall Weather and Seasons: - Weather in other worlds that paras are used to may not be used to weather in other worlds they travel and not like their stay. Such as a para from a colder climate might not like a place where its a much hotter climate. - Weather to delay events or even cause events to be cancelled. - Paras can be affected by weather either by it making them more happy, sleepy, sad, or depressed. Paras being affected by seeing weather forcast as either good or bad. - I think seeing gradual changes leading into weather. So take autumn for example, more rainy days that will lead into pretty sunset evenings. Cooler nights vs warmer daytime. Then as it gets closer to autumn, more windy days, leaves fall, leaves changing color gradually, then trees as it gets closer to winter will become bare. With rain and snow it could be light then it’ll be picked up into heavier falls, which would last (this could be at random) all day and night or a short while. - I think it’d be interesting if we could get surprising weather like snow in the spring time or coldfronts during summer, a hot front during winter for a couple days then return to being normal weather again. - Having more gradual ornamental elements of weather such as fog, drizzles/sprinkling rain when it’s sunny, hail, light flurries, ice cicles, patches of snow being left behind as it melts rain puddles still being left behind over days rather than they disappear instantly. - Weather causing more or less paras to come out and be in town - Paras being able to say no to going somewhere if its a certain weather they think isn’t safe or they don;t like in particular - Paras having a favorite weather. - Seeing more or less animals depending on season ncluding birds. - Weather could cause paras to be more or less creative depending on their hobbies and interests. - Humidity having an affect on paras hair would be interesting and fun! Rain - Seeing puddles when it rains. - Rain having an affect on crops, plants, and flowers too much overwatering will kill them. - Rain can cause paras to be more sleepy or more relaxed. Snow - cars taking longer to get to work - maybe cars get snowed in and you cant get out so paras have to call out of work or walk if there’s public transit. School being cancelled. - Ice being a feature that can give and bring caution to paras traveling and also on foot traveling. Sunny and heat - I think heat should have not only a phsical affect on paras but emotional. Like some paras could become aggravated if its too hot and be irritable. - it’s harder to stay hydrated so they may not want to workout or go out until evening. - it can cause events to be less fun or more fun - heat affecting food and frozen items like ice cream - I think having temperature changes happen gradually would be nice or change by hr. I will add part 2 of the later questions ideas later


In winter I want para to do winter activities like ice skating, something like the winter Olympics, skiing, etc. Also there should be certain foods bakes that you should be able to have one of them fruit cake and eggnog, also hot cocoa. So there should be seasonal activities and drinks, like iced coffee, latte, swimming in the summer, festivals at different times. Concerts. Rollerskating in spring or summer. Outdoor movie theater.

Sabine B

Fellow Aussie here too! I live in North Queensland, our "winter" is about two weeks of what most of the world would consider spring temps. We don't really have "autumn" or "spring" as most would know them. I totally agree with you about being able to switch holidays and events to opposite seasons. I find it super annoying that in Sims 4 I have to manually delete and recreate the holidays, and (for once) Sims 3 is worse, you can't change it at all without mods! A simple drop down for each holiday or even a checkbox for northern or southern hemisphere would be fantastic!


Something that would be great is having the ability to set holidays in different seasons based on whether you are in the southern or northern hemisphere. For example I live in New Zealand and our Christmas is in Summer so there could be an option to choose ‘Southern Hemisphere’ so my paras Christmas would be in summer too

S&M Gonzalez

Seasonal Items - seasonal food produce that your para will only be able to buy or sell during certain times of the year. Like pumpkins in different colors: orange, yellow white, green. - autumn themed cafe drinks: pumpkin spice lattes, autumn inspired muffins, - seasonal inspired perfume paras can buy although it’d just affect their mood or it could also effect their appearance and give a boost when around others. - autumn and winter themed decorations and candles for home including the vintage candles you get in candle sticks in autumn and winter inspired colors including black candles. - Spider webs appearing in homes outside on the corner porch column or ceilings inside homes. - scarecrows, barrels of tied hay, corn husks, - idk if this will be a thing or not but being able to buy special knitted blankets paras could wear, it could be an object you put on a couch but if clicked paras can wear it around the home. - Seasonal nature items that could be collected to make items or decor: pinecones, leaves, sunflowers, acorns, different flowers that can be dried - Owls appearing in the evening time or night time - Maple syrup - ice cream trucks riding around neighborhoods and italian ice/snow cone stands in town - hot chocolate booth that appears in town during winter that can sell other winter time snacks - Mistletoes that can be hung in homes or on public lots Unlocked Activities - I think it’d be really cool if there was a community pumpkin patch where paras can go pick out pumpkins for carving not just for halloween but autumn in general. Canning pumpkins for food would only be able at stores or if your para grows them. - a community Christmas tree farm where paras have to go pay for a tree during Christmas they can put in their homes - Unlocked feature could be costume parties - winter sport activities: skiiing, snowboarding, ice skating, sledding, ice fishing, snow tubing, mountaineering, - maybe a rabbit hole haunted house attraction you have to pay for - corn mazes - laying in leaf pile and being able to read a book in a leaf pile - christmas caroling, tree-lighting, hosting fireworks show, snowball fights, - holiday parades - Spring time activities: visting a public flower/botanical park like the Parc floral de Paris in France, hosting garden parties, - Cherry blossom festival - Decorating the home and lawn - night time stroll through the snow or an evening stroll in autumn either alone with someone else - horseback riding under the moonlight (reference the movie stepmom) - discounts happen more during seasonal sales like clothes or lodging for example Note some these actions/activities could be available all time but paras could want to do them more as certain seasons approach.


Why does my post gets constantly removed? ;-; It's the third time I send this. Besides the possibility to customise the amount of the seasons, I'd really like to see fully customiable climate and weather conditions for each seanson: ▪the length ▪the average or standard range of temperature like Hannah Carrol suggested ▪the average amount or standard range of rain (also like like Hannah Carrol suggested) ▪the average range of the humidity (thinking of this because it affects the time needed to dry laundry) ▪the odds to be foggy ▪the odds to be cloudy ▪the odds to be windy ▪the type of average rainy weather conditions like monsoon, blizzard, shower, drizzle, snow, hail, thunderstorm... ▪a colour adjustment sunrises and sunsets like S&M Gonzalez suggested (this is way epic way to create the unique touch for the worlds in CAW of TS3) ▪the likelity of harsh weather conditions for which should be prepared (optional; can be turned on/off) ▪the option to choose the specific climate and hemisphere for those who prefer not micromanage the weather conditions In fact, everything suggested in the previous comments are absolutely lovely ideas! There are some I'd like to second: ▪different ways to heat up or cool down the house/apartment: fireplaces, air conditioners, fans, radiators... -> using them affect the paras' economy and a state of mind ▪little details in effects: - the winter/the cold season: frost flowers, icicles, deep snow, hoarfrost, frozen water - the autumn: falling leaves, mushrooms♡, berries, harvestables, puddles - the spring: the soil transforming from brown into green, growing flowers and leaves, chirping birds (sound) - the summer/the warm season: (more) flowers, chirring grasshoppers (sound), buzzling bees, butterflies, dragonflies, (if there was drought, the nature would transform into brown) (These came first to my mind. Sorry for having the northern part of the northern hemisphere -centric suggestions because I haven't lived anywhere else. Every kind of effects are welcomed!) ▪power outages during thunderstorms, blizzards and other harsh weather conditions ▪paras' customisable reactions (part of personality) to the weather and seasons ▪a possibility to catch a flu if not wearing warm clothes in the cold weather ▪fullt customisable calendars, festivals and vacations ▪basically every idea for season-related activites and hobbies! :3 Some suggestions which I haven't still noticed: ▪snow shouldn't melt in the day but little by little ▪ice fishing ▪ inspired by the Sasha R. Jones's comment, gardening might depend on the climate and day length. Let's say if you want to grow bananas in the/northern-hemisphere-like/"taiga" conditions, it's impossible in a bare vegatable garden - you better have a proper treehouse for that. ▪the amount of raining might also have impact on gardening like in the dry conditons, paras should water their plants more often.


If the weather gets bad, I hope Paras will have a day off from school and work (a snow day). It would also be nice to have power outages due to weather! Side note, I hope there are standing fans and desk fans to cool paras off during heat waves. The noise that fans make is so calming and I rarely see them in games. I hope there is a wind mechanic so the Parafolk can fly kites or open their windows and enjoy the breeze :) ALSO FOG PLEASE!!! AUTUMN FOG IS SO BEAUTIFUL 🍂

Mikey CJ Dean

I’d like to set the weather for each house I play. If snow is included and you can’t disable it I would like an instant melt tab setting. It would be cool if Parafolk notice weather and react accordingly. 😊


I would like to adjust the frequency of types of weather and the amount of rain and snow. If possible have the visual changes progress rather than an instant change. Such as the leaves start to change colors over time rather than immediately change all at once.


I think it would also be neat (tying into last brainstorm, clothing) if, rather than have "cold weather clothing", the paras just throw on a jacket over their current outfit for cold weather and save the "cold weather clothing" for those snowy days. And maybe throw on a hat on sunny days


If the weather affects the paras mood then it would be great for them to pick their favourite season/weather. Some people love winter and snow and some absolutely hate it. Maybe some are just ambivalent and it's more that if they're already having a bad day then stepping into a deep puddle and having wet feet makes it worse.


Still make it an option though to turn on and off certain weather types, seasons, disasters, ect.


What if there will be... skimpy clothes (i hope it's right word), "sexy", you know, and everyone would react to it )


Especially if you live somewhere rural or on a hill/valley, weather should affect how hard it is to get to work or school. Can't go anywhere if the streets aren't plowed or the city floods too easily!

JossGun Shipper

I know some people who turn off electronics during a thunderstorm cause they fear they may be struck by lightning. Some are even too paranoid to sleep cause a storm could also turn into a tornado ( i live in the midwest united states). Could be a thing to add to certain personality traits.


I like that idea, but I think for me personally I'd only want that if clothing tags were editable. That way it's accessible across cultures - outfits that are considered sexy in certain cultures may not be in others! Also that way it's customizable to player preference as well.

Jennifer Huber

I like the idea of the weather affecting my parafolk. But I want the ability to turn that off if possible. I don't want my parafolk to be walking around depressed or terrified all of the time just because it's the rainy season. Hope that makes sense.

Hoff Fondue

I sort disagree on customizing weather, In a game perspective might make sense, but Weather is one of those life aspects you can't fully control, it should affect Para's live, and routine a little, and provide bunch of events related to Holidays and Gatherings. The Customizable should be in the side of "normal/low" related to changing gameplay, many might not want to clean Snow of their houses, should not be a big deal, since specific traits would exist to minimize Para's attitude towards Seasons. Ex: Hating Outside, Snow, Seasons, and that would make those para less affected by the gameplay changes.. but at the end my point is that, something shouldn't be fully customizable, and if so, not super easy access to it.


May I suggest that they instead make the laundry system less tedious so that we don't need to turn it off, because if I have the option- I WILL turn it off, and that feels a bit like cheating to me and makes the game overall less enjoyable. Doing laundry in the bathtub (or laundromat) could be good for those without the equipment, and then perhaps a washtub, or doing laundry in shallow rivers?


I think it should affect their mood whether negatively or positively depending on their favorite weather :)


I love the idea of Parafolk being affected by weather. My wish is for this game to have some challenges and not only simulate "life". This is why Sims 4 is incredibly dull - because there are NO challeneges in the game and no gameplay, it's barely even a game. Parafolk should freeze, sweat and get affected by what's going on around them - not only by weather, but interactions, needs and so on :)

Ella Pilchik

i really want customizable holidays like they did in sims 4 seasons, also i want a harvest festival in fall where you go apple picking, carve pumpkins, eat cider donuts, drink cider, etc


I would like to see if somehow by the parafolks body language depending on the type of weather. I know I get super excited when Autumn/Fall comes. My whole mood is different. Also side note, it would be cool to see how the change in weather/season could affect parafolks such as allergies.

ash czasz

if there's anything that i would want is the ability to add glasses/accessories/makeup etc. to all outfits EASILY!! it's a pain in the sims to go through every outfit and add them, and though it's a minor feature, it's very convenient and it saves a lot of time

comprehensive galaxy

I don't know that I'd want weather to be a "challenge". Influence moods, sure, but to a moderate degree at best.

Miesha Smith



Ability to have winter without snow.


With regards to weather and it affecting Paras, first thing I'd love is the ability to choose their favourite season. This will influence their mood and reactions. Summer - heatwaves, thunderstorms from heat, brighter colours of the environment Autumn - rain, fog, warmer colours, sun is less strong Winter - cold days without snow, days when a snowstorm prevents Paras from travelling to work or school, power outages Spring - everything is in full bloom (possibly causing allergies to some Paras) It'd also be interesting to customise the length of days for each season, such as having only a few hours of sunlight in winter, longer days in summer.


How about regional weather presets based on the real-world. Like a polar setting gives you long snowy winters, short summers or a tropical setting gives you a hot and humid environment with lot of rainfall, etc..


Not sure what to click when voting. I want it to affect the paras but not in an overpowering way. I'd love to be able to customise the seasons, because I'd love to make various different places. It would be nice to be able to make places where winter isn't that cold and maybe is just wetter. Or there's areas in the world where the seasons are different, like instead of spring, summer, autumn and winter, you have things like monsoon season.


I think it would be really cool if the paras get mood effects depending on what activity they do during certain weather. Things like reading during a thunderstorm, sitting in front of a fireplace while its snowing outside, going to the beach in the summer, etc.


I think weather challenges would be fun such as power outages during heavy thunder/snow storms. Having to huddle around a fireplace or put on outdoor clothing to keep warm and engaging in group interactions with other household members to keep themselves entertained. A generator could be bought for players that find it annoying. Even rare weather disasters would be an interesting way to interrupt the normal gameplay loop and not at all out of place in the modern world. Say a hurricane comes through and damages some of the property. It could definitely throw a wrench in some of the player's neatly laid plans. Being unable to travel if roads are too flooded. Maybe town citizens could come together and help rebuild after a devastation. Not the lightest topic I know, but if handled correctly, I think could be uplifting more so than depressing, seeing communities come together for a great cause. And it's a nice challenge for the more town-centered gameplay. And of course an on-off toggle for all of it. In short, I just want weather to, as in real life, throw a wrench into the everyday day-to-day routines of our paras, providing unforeseen challenges.


Just got an idea! (I tried to doublecheck the thread and think nobody hasn't suggested this so far. Please tell me if somebody has.) This might be challenging, or time-consumning at least, to be done but I was thinking how cool it was if paras could cool down their houses by opening doors and windows during the hot day.

Samara Stanleigh

It would be really option to be able to customize the weather from the default settings and have the para react to different weather patterns based off their personality (SAD happens during winter, for example)


Idea for winter season: it would be really cool if there's a random chance for snowstorms during winter and paras that go to school can have the day off (irl school CAN be cancelled during heavy snowstorms), or have the electricity go off for a whole day or a few in-game hours to make it realistic (if you live anywhere where it snows a lot, you know what I'm talking about). That's a seasonal challenge I would really enjoy.


OOH FOR WORLD CREATION the ability to set the frequency of storms/ weather events would be awesome. You could create a dry, drought-ridden rinky dink town in the middle of nowhere, or a rain-heavy mountain town where it's always storming and sunny days are a WONDERFUL rare occasion. OR a beautiful oceanside town with lovely warm weather.


Interactions unlocked with certain weather: - Snowy - skiing, sledding, tubing, snowball fights, igloo-making, snowman-making, snow angels. Also as a child when I was living in colorado I would always go out when it snowed and I'd play "survivor". Ahhh such nostalgic sentimental memories. - Rainy - Playing and dancing in the rain, mudman/muddie buddie-making, SEARCHING FOR WORMS (something I'd ALWAYS do when I was young and it would rain) - Sunny - Bug-hunting(ladybugs, roly-polys, praying mantis, crickets, fireflies, etc), sunbathing, moonbathing, etc


One thing that would be neat to see is weather only affecting a portion of the map. Especially with large town maps, this could be really cool. (Pun not intended) There's multiple ways I could see this happening. Perhaps a light rain in one part of town but it's sunny elsewhere. Precipitation is snow over the mountains on one end of your map but rain on the lowlands on the other side. Fog that covers the coast but not the whole map. As for challenges, I'd very much like to see weather cause things that actually require the paras fix or work around. Power outages causing all electronics to not work and food in the fridge to spoil. Flooding or severe storms damaging property that a para must have repaired (or replaced). Trees falling (maybe even onto the house!) Activities being cancelled or rescheduled because of extreme heat, extreme cold, or rain. Traffic being slower (or just impossible) because of snow or icy roads. Needing to shovel snow off sidewalks and driveways. Of course, smaller reactions will be nice too. Things like a para reacting with happiness or disappointment when they notice it's snowed overnight. Or changing clothes based on temperature and weather. I'd also think it would be neat to see some natural disasters. Infrequently, of course. Severe weather like hurricanes/monsoons, tornados, earthquakes, or wildfires could be an interesting thing for paras to deal with. And if there were cheat codes to make them happen, I'm sure people would use them to spice up story telling or create specific challenges.

Lane Brettschneider

I'm sure this has already been said, but it just occurred to me how fun it would be for a Para to stop what they're doing and chase down an ice cream truck! Kids, teens, and adults who are young at heart and/or love food/sweets might hear the music and get some kind of desire for ice cream, which you could act on or not. They might wait for the truck to make its route past their house, or pop on a bike and chase it down! It could be a fun challenge, like in real life, to see if they can stop what they're doing and run outside quick enough to catch it :D

S&M Gonzalez

I think it'd be cool for visual affect if rain can make the streets look slick and windows of homes and cars have rain droplets or rain rushing down it, then some could also fog up if its cold weather same for cars

BooDotBoo .

I’d need to see what “challenges” the weather would present for the paras to say I’d want that. Like, if it’s raining and my para hates getting wet, will my para refuse to go outside without full rain gear or will they refuse to go outside completely, meaning if they don’t work from home, they’d miss work or miss school? Or if my para doesn’t enjoy being cold, does that mean their mood will be low all fall/winter, meaning I’d have to keep up with their needs more? Because, if so, I’d be into that.

Charlotte Stevens

I like this idea :) It would be nice if you could pick which paras's are scared of a thunder storm, for example.


it would be cool if weather effected driving conditions.

JossGun Shipper

Winter depression is a real thing. I hope they explore things like this in personality traits.


I'd love for dynamic weather and climate that is able to be edited and specific to the different towns (when we get to multiple worlds). I'd love for us to choose a four season climate, as well as choose how starkly different or mild each season is - for example, designing a town that doesn't see snow often, and heavy snow rarely, with mild Autumns and Springs. Another example is to create a season cycle similar to Southeast Asia with the Monsoon seasons and dry seasons as the main climate, so being able to edit the weather per season in such a way to resemble any part of the world or a fictional one would be the best. I want different levels of weather and a temperature gauge inside and outside buildings, so that the clothing and activities affect the para. There can be heat waves and maybe even a distinction made between dry heat and humid heats that affects paras differently and is determined when editing the world (a coastal town will have higher humidity than an inland desert). THE dream would be affects in animation like frizzy hair, sluggish walking, wiping sweat, and airing out shirt action. Likewise, there can be cold snaps and ice on roads and bodies of water, different depths to snowfall, frost on windows, icicles, and a cold breath animation when paras are outside. Wind will have different levels too from nothing (dead air that worsens a heat), to a breeze, to windy, to great windstorms that could knock over rubbish bins and pelt debris on paras. Maybe even knock down a tree onto a power line and produce a black out. Similarly, rainstorms that advance to thunderstorms could cause a power outage, or simply be intermittent sprinkling or a rain shower. There can also be hail and sleet storms that pelt paras with ice balls and add a bit of difficulty every now and then. For paras, they should have favourite weather types and temperatures, with cowardly/paranoid paras being terrified of storms. Pets also should have weather preferences. Their favs should make them happier and give unique animations and dialogue, while if they have disliked types of weather, they could be more miserable. If extreme weather were to be added, I think it would be interesting and most functional if only particular areas of each world could produce the extreme conditions. For example, only a large empty and flat piece of land will create a tornado that could whirl paras up and drop them down battered and sore (maybe no deaths?), or only on mountainous terrain in heavy winter worlds will blizzards and avalanches happen. There could be a toggle when editing each world for earthquakes that can occasionally shake and break items and cause fires. Near bodies of water, there could be an area where flooding and storms are particularly frequent and severe to resemble floods, monsoons, and tropical storms. For large empty and flat expanses on desert terrain, a dust storm can occur that makes it hard to see for a bit and stings the eyes. I'm not sure death should be possible except through multiple lightning strikes, prolonged heat exposure (heat stroke), and hypothermia, but paras can be annoyed, deterred, and also require rest or medical attention after extreme events. This would be the challenge of such weather types.


I know it's a bit controversial, but I'd love for mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, and raking leaves to all be possible but perhaps not necessary? Like toggleable or cheatable to not have to do those chores when one doesn't want to, but available for added realism for the rest of us. There can be particularly plants that can be placed that will require mowing grass or trimming hedges (like in the Sims 2) that can affect how neighbours paras treat you. A snobby para will hate a weed-filled, unmowed and untrimmed neighbour's garden while a sob will not care at all. Either as a toggle or depending on the tree, they can turn colours during Autumn and drop leaves that are raked into piles. The piles can be played in, burnt, or bagged and placed in rubbish bins. Different levels of rain will lead to puddles in varying amounts and sizes that paras can avoid, splash in, or try to hop over. It will also determine when the para pulls out their umbrella, and wind and lightning could also hit the umbrella based on chance. I'd love for wind animation on clothing and hair, as well as objects like flags, signs, and leaves. Snow depth would determine when paras can throw snowballs, build out of snow, shovel to let cars out, make snow angels, go sledding, snowboarding, skiing, and ice skating on any body of water. I'd also love a lot that can be designated for seasonal festivals based on the seasons of the world. They would feature markets for in season produce and products like apple cider and lemonade, activities for kids, and some activity for fun (like a haunted house or hayride in Autumn) and some activity for prizes (i.e. a competition). This could be bake sales, food-eating contest (could be pies, hot dogs, or spicy foods), produce or food -rating contest (best pumpkin or pie), pet training competition and pet show, art or craft show (judging of artwork or crafted objects), sports competition (community or school sports team play, different sport each week), chess tournament, and talent show (for many different skills). That way, your para could go to chill and have fun or actually get paid or earn fame or recognition for their skills. It would be great for many different events be held each day for the entire season and your para can learn about the current day's or week's events from the newspaper, TV, or computer under the community news section. The festival lot could be the place for flea markets and occasional events like drive-in theatres, film festival like, or entertainment such as concerts, choir and band playing, comedy and acting routines, and community theatre performances, or dancing (either by professional dancers or by locals having fun to live music). The cultural hub of each world and the community events that make worlds feel alive could be centred on festivals of which parts will vary per season. I'd love for the lot type for the festival to not only be a park but also a town square, a lot allowing only foot traffic but surrounded closely by other lots like restaurants, coffee shops, museums, and the like if you want to make a more urban type world but still have the opportunity for festival activities.


Bonjour, Les saisons seront certainement magnifiques dans le jeu. Et comme dans la vraie vie, elles influenceront les Paras. Par exemple, par temps de pluie, les flaques d'eau pourront gêner les Paras, les mouiller. Les voitures qui passent à côté pourront les éclabousser. Les chiens et les chats seront sales, mouillés et boueux. Les Paras pourraient avoir un moral plus bas que d'habitude à cause du mauvais temps. Sans oublier la possibilité de prendre et utiliser un parapluie, évidemment ;) , mais de manière logique, si cela est nécessaire (seulement s'il pleut beaucoup). Lors du printemps, les inévitables crises d'allergies pour certains Paras, avec les yeux qui coulent, le nez rouge, les éternuements, les démangeaisons, etc. Les fleurs qui poussent et qui apportent de la gaité et de la bonne humeur aux Paras ! Ils pourront sentir leur parfum et ... éternuer, bien sûr ! ;) Les animaux qui piétinent les fleurs et qui se font réprimander par leur maître / maîtresse. Les tulipes et les coquelicots qui poussent au début de la saison estivale. Les papillons qui volent par ci, par là, autour des Paras. Les écureuils, les oiseaux, les abeilles qui butinent les fleurs... et qui produisent du bon miel (miam !). En bref une ambiance animée, variée et colorée ;) L'été, le soleil chaud avec ses coups de soleil sur la peau, ça brûle hihi ! Les vacances d'été, la crème solaire, l'anti-moustiques avec la citronnelle. Les séjours d'été, à la mer, ou la montagne, avec les valises ! Les barbecues (au bord de la piscine, c'est cool !), en famille ! Siroter une bonne citronnade...Et faire attention à ne pas se déshydrater !!! En automne, Halloween et ses citrouilles, qui pourront faire peur aux enfants Paras ! Ils devront remettre leur veste, pull, pantalon... À l'approche du froid imminent, au risque de tomber malades, avec, dans ce cas, la possibilité d'appeler un médecin et/ou de boire un grog, ou de la soupe pour se soigner en attendant. Et aussi, bien entendu... Les feuilles qui tombent des arbres. Le jour qui dure moins longtemps et le soleil qui se couche plus vite. Les paras pourraient peut-être ramasser des marrons, châtaignes, champignons, etc. pour les cuisiner ensuite ? Et l'hiver, il y aurait le feu de cheminée ou le poêle, le chocolat chaud au coin du feu, des chutes de neige, les fêtes de fin d'année. La neige qui empêcherait certains jours les enfants d'aller à l'école ;-) . Le bus scolaire ne pourrait pas passer, et qui bloquerai aussi les voitures, qu'il faudra dégivrer. Passer la pelle devant les maisons pour dégager un chemin dans la neige. Et en général, les problèmes climatiques passeraient au journal télévisé (ou journal papier) pour informer les Paras des risques météorologiques à venir). Merci beaucoup :-D


Thank you for the detailed message! Sorry for not speaking any French (I used Google translate for reading) and for that reason, answering in English. I really liked the idea of getting wet and/or muddy in a rainy, wet weather. If we ever had the cleaning and household chores in Paralives, uncareful paras could mess the floors with their dirty clothes and perhaps umbrellas. This would also make laundry more meaningful gameplay.


I like this idea a lot! but please please include backup generators as an option sometimes people wont want the power just suddenly going out !


Coming from a warm place that only has sun and rain (mostly sun); ☀️I would like it if I could give my paras the chance to like and maybe seek the sunrays on cold days to warm up, and to dislike and possibly avoid sunrays on really hot days (where being outside is awful though it also makes things like a soft breeze, the cool that comes at night-time, standing under a tree's shade, eating icecream, having something cold to drink, remaining indoors with the A/C on much more enjoyable) 🌧 I'd also like to give my paras the chance to like rainy days for things like taking a nap, doing something creative and/or artsy, meditating, relaxing with a book or in front of the tv, or the contrary, they could be the kind of para that gets sad or moody on gray, rainy days! I'd also like it if we could have different variations on the 'sunny' or 'rainy' days, for instance: ☀️Sunny day and clear skies 🌥Varying degrees of clouds on a sunny day 🌦Mostly sunny but with a bit of rain and possible rainbows🌈 🌧Gray skies, and varying ammounts of rain (really soft and intermitent; soft but constant; heavy rain; a mix of these) ⛈Really heavy rain with thunders and the like, the type where you don't feel like you can go outside and it could be scary to some! 📺📱Lastly, maybe a weather channel or an app where your para can see what kind of weather there'll be that day? (Doesn't have to be 100% accurate 🤣)


Aww that would cute especially with them being able to put on rain boots, carry umbrellas, or have a rain jacket. Also if they play in the rain too long they should get a cold.

BonaparteBardithion .

I think fogged windows would be pretty doable since it's a non-animated texture change. It would just be a lot of work to apply it to all windows. If possible, it'd be cool to fog up bathroom windows when a shower is occuring too.


seasonal items and activities for autumn: collecting chestnuts and leaves and crafting something out of it. The item could then be used as decoration or as a gift (which adds extra points and happines because its selfmade). This could be a cute activity for toddlers and their parents/grandparents. Children could have to do it as a homework schoolproject thingy. Also collecting mushrooms and of cours later on cooking with them could be a fun family activity for autumn. And I think a hedgehog living in a pile of leaves is definitely necessery.


Weather creating challenges for Paras' sound cool, but I don't want to have to worry about a given Para dying to the weather when I wasn't look. Personally I would wait to implement weather till latter™.

Vicarious Human

I am seeing great ideas for chores like raking leaves, mowing lawns, shoveling snow, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, washing pets that roll in mud. I can understand how it could get tedious if those actions were frequent, but if the build-up to do those actions were seldom and at slightly different paces it could be fun! For example durring summer your para neglects the lawn and weeds for a while and the seasons change causing the leaves to fall too. On their off day your para could knock all that yard work out in one day. I think this would be a lot more fun than maintaining EVERY day.

Vicarious Human

I like the idea of seasonal festivals with different participation entries available, as you mentioned, but most of all bake sales!!! Love it.


Has there been a poll on careers yet?


It would be really cool is parents could disapprove of specific outfits. And then the teen could get a buff like “stick it to the man” and the parent could get a negative buff like “teenagers am I right?” Lol


Definitely the top one, it would be nice to see the realism of a mum or dad dragging their kid to school in the rain, with the kid scared of the weather etc


I think we should be able to tweak how extreme the seasons are - for example, where I live we get hot summers, very few deciduous trees, and no snow in the winter -it would be nice to be able to replicate the climate of home and different places too!

S&M Gonzalez

I think having bodies of water both small (rivers) and larger bodies of water (lakes and ocean parts even) should freeze in extreme cold weather. Including having icicles, frozen tree limbs that could snap and cause power line outages, houses and cars getting snowed in but could be shoveled through

Vicarious Human

As far as outdoor activities autumn makes me want to forage and collect. In my opinion, this is one of the most fun activities in games. Like a scavenger hunt of various items that don't stand out, so it's not overly obvious. I'm hoping if this aspect makes it into the game that the spawning locations are random, making the whole difference of keeping it fun.


I think it would be cool to customize it to fit where you live. Maybe winters are more rainy than snowy or summers are milder. It would be cool to have a setting to determine what kind of plas and produce could grow during certain seasons. Having changes gradual as the next season is coming up would be great as well instead of abruptly just changing over. Like at the very end of the summer a few leaves start to change their color but most of the tree is still green. Then the days get cooler, the leaves start falling and then we are in full fall! I know we can’t see the sky but for me I love seeing the different constellations per different seasons so maybe if there’s stargazing they can search the skies or “check for xxx” to find constellations they can note in their memories or collections journals (if there is something to keep tracked of stuff like that). It would be nice to have the para have a favorite season that adds effects. Fall is my favorite so when it’s coming up I getting giddy in anticipation. So maybe some glow around their favorite season coming and when it’s finally here. Then anything associated with that season like decor or a flavor (even if our of season) could make that glow come back briefly. Some people thrive in the cold and hate the heat, some are the opposite. Instead of all paras frowning at a snow or rainy day, it can depend on their preferences. If snow days bring them joy, being cold may not have as much of a bonus drop when it makes you so happy you’re outside playing in it or same with being wet dancing in the rain. I like the idea of being snowed in (Michigan memories lol) having to shovel out your driveway or your car! Here the mail may not get to you if you didn’t shovel and salt your walk up. Random ice slips would be funny (though maybe not for the para). For other seasons maybe seasonal allergies and mosquito bites. Having to rake leaves up (and pleeease being able to get help from family members!!) Power outages from storms happen a lot here so that could be something. Interactions/activities unlocked during weather: Mowing lawn when it’s not raining, raking leaves only when there’s a lot (also maybe when it’s not raining), shoveling snow when there’s snow on the ground. Snow: snow angels, snow men building, snowball fight, taste snowflakes (only when actively snowing), snow challenge (remember that challenge everyone was jumping in the snow), skiing or sledding Ice: ice skate, ice fishing Raining: dance in the rain, splash puddles, collect rainwater, taste rain (we all do it) Windy: fly kite Outside of winter: bird watching, big catching, swimming outdoors, camping, fishing, water balloon fight Clear weather: stargazing, roasting marshmallows over a bonfire, Seasonal items: Spring: colorful egg things, botanical, floral stuff, farmhouse decor, Summer: splash pad, slip n slide, pool noodles Fall: since you mentioned it, pumpkin spice lattes. But other pumpkin things, leaf decor, spooky themed stuff Winter: gingerbread flavors, eggnog, cocoa, peppermint flavors, holly, All: gardening and foraging certain things, flower picking and foraging, season festivals, farmers markets with different availability, appropriate holidays/celebrations, county fairs, seasonal/solstice parties Season/weather extras - things it would be nice to have but didn’t fit in the other areas The start of outdoor school sports, baking contests, going on vacay, please a period where school is out or some breaks, spring cleaning (super clean everything), picking apples and berries, sipping cocoa in front of the fireplace


I don’t need much wether customization, but being able to select what kind of climate the world has would be really great


As far as the clothing recap, I’d love it if it were possible to have clothing items be interactive items in the world too. When you step out of the shower you grab a towel off a nearby rack. Or leave your sweatshirt over a nearby chair that you can pick up later. I don’t know how reasonable that is but it would be really cool


I might be the only one but I really dislike additional challenge in game like this. I am a story teller and the game making it difficult for me to tell the stories I want the way I want is incredibly annoying. So I would vastly prefer to be able to customize weather preferences.


I get very annoyed with games where there's a snow blizzard and it does not affect your character negatively (like in Skyrim for example). I want my Para to be cold if it's cold, to actually have the need to dress warm and comfy if needed, or wanting to walk around naked if it's too hot but they can't because it's not socially acceptable. It would bring more life to the game and could result in some really funny scenarios and put the game apart from other simulation games out there a lot. :)


I wouldn't mind being able to customize weather and seasons. Like changing the number of in game days a season lasts and being able to set weather patterns in created worlds or even pre-existing ones. Like maybe I want to create an island world and it feels like summer basically all year round. Winter temps may get as low as 16°C and no higher than 25 but when it's summer temps are no lower than 22 but can get as high as 38. Or maybe someone wants to make a world that's always foggy and cool or that has snow all year round. I also think it'd be nice to have different levels of rain/snow like from the occasional rain drop or snowflake to full on downpour or blizzard. Maybe if it's raining or snowing hard enough you paras boss calls and cancels work and depending on the boss' personality it may even be a paid day off. But depending on a para's personality or preferences the time of year or weather could be their favorite or their most hated. Like paras who don't like the cold are more prone to feeling a little moody or hesitant to leave a warm place when they're about to step out into the cold. Paras who love the rain may like to play or dance in it, sit on the porch and watch it, or splash around in puddles. Stuff like that.


As much as it is frustrating when a weather does not impact a character in a game, I think it is equally annoying when you're trying to enjoy some kind of game, and something becomes an obstacle or a challenge. I think you'll make everybody happy by keeping options opened, for example : - In the menu - Option : Do you want to activate the seasons ? - Options : If yes, do you want the seasons to impact the game/paras. And if it's not too complicated to instore, well bam ! There you go, everybody reaches/manages their own level of comfort/challenge. Anyhow, It would be cool to be able to manage the seasons and their length. Some places have no autumn, and some places have no summer. Also, some places have a winter duration of 156 months, and a summer during 51minutes. I guess what I'm trying to say is, would it be doable to have in the menu controlling the season, something looking like that ? : _ Spring : 0m x Summer : 4m _ Autumn : 0m x Winter : 8m The "x" representing which seasons are activated (so we can create storylines in the desert for example, or on the Northpole, ya know ?) And the "8m" representing how many month during the year, this season would last. On the same matter, if the option has been activated that the seasons are going to impact the game, then on cold weathers, Paras would be cold, would have to dress well, would enjoy warm places and drinks. If they love the snow, they would rather be outside and find a winter activity like snowboarding or cross-country skiing. If they don't like cold, they'd get a negative type of mood as soon as they get out the door and tend to get the flu, and have a positive mood as long as they stay inside. Vice/versa for summer and people enjoying the heat, or falls or spring. BUT, i DON'T think liking snow would mean disliking heat, etc... I also think it's important that some events be included in the changes of seasons... Like the snowstorms, occasionally at the beginning and end of winter, or cyclones and hurricanes at the end of summer, or rain during spring, or allergies during falls haha... Some not so brave Paras would be afraid during thunderstorms Some Diva Paras would mad during rain if they don't have an umbrella and their hair get wet. Some Playful or Immature Paras would love jumping in autumn leaves or in puddles. Some Chef Paras would be super happy when spring starts, meaning they'll have plenty of ingredients in the garden. Some Dreamer Paras, would be ecstatic during winter, thanks to Christmas and Santa Claus, and trying all season to be good people and feel good when doing chores - to get more presents. Some Artistic Paras would love any kind of beginning of seasons, helping with their inspirations and feelings. Some Nerds Paras would not be impacted too much by the changes of seasons, and would simply be impacted by the big things - like falling ill, or having allergies, or being too hot during a heat-wave.


I’d also love to have the option to set dawn and dusk times, since that’s a big feature of winter vs summer - how long or short the days are! It would feel that much more realistic to have very long summer days and long winter nights too! Maybe even being able to create a wintery Arctic Circle world where there’s a polar night and midnight sun!


If there’s seasons please let kids out of school for summer and winter break and if the snow is too bad the possibility to cancel for that day. I wanna see the snow stick like inches. I want the news to give a notification about the amount of snow. It’d be cute


I think it would be nice to be able to set their preference for certain types of weather, like some people who love thunder storms or who hate if it's too sunny, etc. Thinking of Sims 4 how every sim is afraid of the rain.. not a big fan of sweeping generalizations like that.


Just thinking I don’t know if you’ll have different towns but if you go down the route of having season specific activities and festivals etc then having slight or extreme variation between the towns festivals would make it more varied in terms of living elsewhere. Example Halloween stuff might be more corn maze and pumpkin patch in rural areas whereas it’s different in urban.