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Hello everybody! Jérémie here!

This week is pretty calm at the (mostly virtual) office, Alex, Alice and Anna are on vacation at the moment, but the rest of the team is still hard at work on Paramaker features and bug fixes! Most people will be back next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more news and posts every Friday!

Speaking of vacations, do you think that Paras should be able to take some time off outside of town, even if such features would most likely be in a rabbit hole at first? (We do have a lot of things to do for the initial release!) You would have to ask a neighbor to feed your cat, make sure you have enough time off available at your job, maybe even plan some vacation activities beforehand and book your lodgings before you leave, but taking time away from the daily grind could really be a good experience for your Paras!

What else would taking vacations entail for your Paras? Tell us in the comments below!

Have a good one!



Paige Fletcher

Thank you for all your hard work on this project 👏🏼❤️


NO! They need to be active I think rabbit holes and emptiness should be avoided as much as possible

Emilie Hand

Excited for all the things you guys want to add to the game!

Charmen Young

I wouldn't mind a mix of both. Maybe sending parents off for a getaway while I have the kids throw a party or sending the kids off to their grandparents house and I play with the parents who are having a little "me time" without them. But I would love the option to send them to a rabbit hole and then still play with them at their vacation if I feel the desire.


I agree with the approach (also think this should happen with university). I would rather have a menu of selectable options and you pay some fee to have your para leave home for a week and come back with a degree than to not have the feature at all. I think this concept for vacation and uni works well as a placeholder and will allow easier integration into the game if they are ever made into active game features.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I have a vague memory of my sims in Sims 2 or 3 automatically going on a honeymoon after the wedding. It was a rabbit hole but the animations (and possibly cut scene) was absolutely wonderful! Stuff like that would add so much to gameplay


Absolutely! I love the idea of calling a friend or friendly neighbor to house or pet sit. I love the idea! The Para can talk about planning a vacation (family vacation), and a pop up can appear on screen where you click on either yes or no or check finances first.. I hope in the future the vacations will be game play and not just rabbit holes. I’m okay with waiting!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

And in Sims 3 when parents would go on vacation and leave the teens at home alone, giving them the opportunity to do mischief! Vacations, even as rabbit holes, offer great gameplay opportunities

Alice Green

That would be great so that for example the parents leave and the teens throw a secret party etc

Laura Burchart

Some paras could own day care centers for pets or even for plants!? 👀


LOVE having to ask someone to watch your animals and booking lodging beforehand. i would also love if we had like an itinerary we could set. like just a little list where you can check off things like “riverboat dinner” or “museum tour” so if it is a rabbit hole, you still have an idea of what the paras are doing!


I would love, love, LOVE the idea rabbit hole vacations. I would really love to play them eventually, but I get that active vacations are too much for the initial release and I'd much rather have rabbit hole ones than none at all :) As a side note: I'm so happy the team are taking vacations. I would hate if you felt pressured to work on the game all the time to finish ❤️


Road Trips. I'd love to follow my family or circle of friends in a car or jeep across the country and explore different places. Being able to sleep in cars or motels along the way would be awesome to set up the road trip mood. Getting a coffee at night at a lonely gas station in the middle of nowhere and paras taking turns in driving while the kids or paras in the backseat are asleep. Maybe a deer crossing the country road by night. Taking breaks in between to wake up their feed, take a pee in a bush, maybe even find some lost places along the way. Edit: Just to clarify, my idea includes being able to be and see inside the car

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yes I was thinking the same thing about university! Like maybe their traits determine the grades they end up getting when they eventually return and they can possibly come home with a romantic partner or a new taste in style, stuff like that


They should bring Souvenirs with them home 🙂 paintings/postcards etc.


How about the option for both??? So maybe one para can go off on a rabbit hole holiday which will give them perks but you continue playing any other paras in the household


I like the idea of vacations, even if it's just a rabbit hole at first. It'd be cute if they came back with a random souvenir too


I would love this option. Would also be great to have some members of the household go and others stay (like work trips or weekend getaways). Would be great to have babysitters for kids/older teens being left unsupervised for the first time!


I'd rather have rabbit holes at first than nothing. They can add updates and additional features beyond initial release.


I think it has a great potential for storytelling, especially if you want to play as Paras who stayed behind. Like cheating spouse or teenager throwing parties when the parents are out of town.


I think an initial release with vacation could be rabbit holed which would allow your dev team the opportunity to be able to build out more direct involvement as a future bonus package to the base release. Frankly, the amount of work that it would take to do build places for a Para to go and interact with those places would be more akin to alternate versions of the base game. So, rabbit holing the vacations would at the very least set a stage for future development of more involved/interactive vacation scenarios. Also, building in interactive vacations would significantly extend the release date of the base game IMHO.

Jérémie Tessier

Haha yeah, I don't think you'd need to send the whole family at once! Maybe they could get jealous?


Both would be great! I think that vacations can be stressful because having to plan it out to where they're "relaxing" can be difficult for me. But for others who are really story driven, it would create so many interesting stories. If it is a rabbit hole, I think random encounter pop ups should happen to keep it fun and interesting.


Road trips would be awesome and could add so much gameplay to the game. From family road trips, to moving across country, to college road trips, etc. This would be fun and exciting gameplay along with some minor mischief of maybe losing wallet, taking a wrong turn, and/or getting a flat along the way.


I think it would be cool if there were little updates while they were on vacation like “Your paras were enjoying a nice dinner at their hotel until the waiter accidentally dropped a plate of spaghetti on one!” And maybe a choice or two like “get mad at the waiter” or “forgive the waiter, these things happen”

Sophie Goodman-Merel

YES! I've always wanted to be able to play a character who was a babysitter and actually have them babysit for other families, whether you're playing them or one of the families


Maybe on holidays Paras can meet and perhaps fall in love with new people too


Yes it would be good if certain things needed taking care of before you could go on vacation, but I'd like if the para family was wealthy enough they could pay a housekeeper or personal secretary to take care of arrangements for them (and therefore for the player too!) I want to have something to aspire to, a reason to help my paras become rich


I’m starting to feel like there’s too many things that are so specific and the game isn’t even close to being released. I worry there’s going to be too many things being looked forward to and too many things becoming a disappointment. Just kinda want to see a basic playable game at this point with characters and design elements. Idk I get that there will be more elements to the game I just also feel like it’s moving extremely slowly

Diamond Nicole

I already love the suggedtions Jeremie said ❤ having the option for active or rabbit hole and choosing where they will spend their vacay would be nice. Its understandable if at first vacays are rabbit holes. Have teens react to being in charge or calling a family member or family friend to watch the kids/pets. Setting ground rules for teens/sitters while parents are away and consequences if they get caught breaking a rule. And when parents take time off from work, they have the option to choose how many days.


I would love the idea of vacations, especially planning ahead of time of what to do and where. I don’t mind it being a rabbit hole at first, because I understand there’s so much that you are creating for the game! I find it so great that you are going to do free updates to potentially make rabbit holes into something interactive. I love the idea of school camp, band camp to improve your instrument skills, workshops you go to to upgrade your skills faster/learn new things like robotics, work taking you out of town, taking a foreign language at school means going abroad with your class (depending on school and money), trips to investigate flora/animals/fossils etc, and choosing several countries to hop to like in Europe!


It would be nice if only some Paras from the family could go and the rest would stay at home. For example, a grandma is staying with her grandchild when their parents are out of town. This feature could be also reused for out-of-town trips from work that would happen in some careers. A Para would go for a day or two and some chance cards showing up during that time could impact the career performance!

Alex Agustin

I honestly think I prefer a rabbit hole vacation. Especially if it can split the household. If you get a lot of folks in one household it can feel overwhelming. I like the idea that there's a chance they can bring back souvenirs, skills, friendships, etc. "Chance cards" could be a fun way to make it interactive. Perhaps one day the ability to travel with the paras could be added but I think I speak for the majority when I say that rabbit hole vacations is more than enough for a base game, IMO. If it gives you more space to work on the things that should be in a base life simulation, like weather, pets, and family, that's great.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yes! That would give us more control as players even while they're away and it can give different results


I'm all for both. If active vacations aren't avaiable at first that's fine. Like others have said it's great for storytelling to play a Para who stays at home. That and both versions of vacations would allow great backbones for other opportunites like University, going to places like zoos and museums, or having Paras leave town for one reason or another.

Lane Brettschneider

At first I was going to vote they should only be active, but then I started thinking about what I would do while my Para was away on a rabbit hole vacation and I remembered that I don't always play with a single lone Para and the storytelling possibilities opened up lol! If I'm playing with a family, maybe Mom needs a little me time, or she goes to visit some extended family, and I stay and play with the rest of the fam. Or perhaps the kids go off to visit Grandma and Grandpa and the parents get a little quality time at home. While of course I would love to have active vacations (and that might be on the docket for an update later on) there is certainly a lot of value in a rabbit hole vacation!


I think having both options would be amazing. Sending paras on vacay to family members would also be a great feature. Having the option to go with the para or manage paras that are staying at home is AMAZING. Hopefully you can make it work this way.

Jérémie Tessier

Hello Kristina! I understand your sentiment, but keep in mind that this is not a specific brainstorm for a feature we are actively working on at the moment, it's just a nice thought experiment about vacations, since we have people in the team taking one at the moment! As for the speed of development, we aren't a huge team and there is a lot of stuff to do. We have done a good push on the build mode, culminating in the chalet video and now we are working on the PAM. The project is built brick by brick, and be assured that we work on the most important ones first!


Rabbit hole vacations to start sounds great! Maybe they can also have things that happen and we choose from 3 different options and get an outcome. Also, like others have said, souvenirs or photos would be nice when they return.


I think both options are doable:the player can either choose to follow the para(s) going on vacation or stay with whoever is staying at home. 1. PASSIVE/rabbit hole vacation : If the player chooses option to send their paras to vacay without following them to monitor/control their activities, they can pay fees of different levels. Depending on the paid fee, the paras could have randomized cut scenes in different places. For example, the higher the paid fee, the higher the chance of getting a cut scene with them in a different country, wilder/more expensive activities, etc. after they come back, the paras come back with random souvenirs in their inventory depending on where they were randomized to go. This way, players can control remaining paras who did not go on vacations such as the kids or pets. 2. ACTIVE vacation: this option allows players to plan their paras vacation, from location and lodging to their activities. This can come later as the game develops, and will give players a chance to explore different worlds/towns.


I think it's better to polish up the base game first and later add active vacations as a bigger dlc.


As someone who likes to play with one or two in a household, I would be left without a majority of the household. Although, making it a staycation with tasks designed to take a load off would negate that.


Sending the parents on vacation could be an opportunity for some fun teen gameplay


The idea of Paras going on a vacation is amazing. I would like to be able to decide where & what to take on the vacation... I would like to have rabbit holes into the place where the Paras are deciding to go.


Omg I would love to have the option to ask my neighbor to feed my animals while I’m away on vacation 😂 it’s the simplest things I swear


I would love for it to start out as rabbit holes and then later on down the line have it be a live expansion or update for certain types of vacations. But rabbit holes are fine as long the process before and after is somewhat detailed. Other activities things like camp for kids and field trips could be a cool thing to have in the rabbit holes as well.

Shelby G.

Yes! And depending on how skills/personality works, maybe some activities would give them skills (swimming with Dolphins gives fitness skill) or alter their personality (example: parasailing they become more into active or daredevil things)

Shelby G.

Oh also summer camp for kids! Which would help with skills and making some friends


I like rabbit hole vacations… even if there are active ones too. Imagine sending your grandparent paras on holiday so they can enjoy their retirement! 🥺


But then I can still play their kids and grandkids actively while they’re away.


Honestly I love rabbit holes? It takes a load off the stress of managing a big household and it's really cute to see them go off to do their own thing


If there’s not a cut scene, coming home with a vacation photo or memory would be amazing from a rabbit hole vacation!

Charlotte Stevens

Rabbit hole vacations for the base game (kids going to camp that increase skills or make friends), work trips (which increase performance), city break with friend (increases fun and friendship), couples on honeymoon (increase romance) and hopefully DLC in the future with different worlds.


I think my main question is, if we send our whole household on a rabbithole vacation, are we just staring at an empty house until they get back? That'd be boring. I do like having rabbithole vacations for when only part of the household goes on vacation though! The overall framework of extended stay rabbitholes could be extended to other events, too. A para goes to visit family, or they have a business trip, or your kid goes to your divorced partner's place for the weekend, that kind of thing.


I wonder how other people feel about Paras possibly having a dangerous vacation effect sometimes and could possibly risk their lives. Like if it’s a rabbit hole about adventuring and you choose the wrong option. 🤭


I would love to be able to send away my Paras. I also hope that, when and if active vacations are implemented, they come with an option to not follow the Para.


I dont mind if the base game has rabbit hole vacations. But I would really hope for expansion or update that would include active vacay.


I dont mind rabbit holes for day trips but for proper holidays i dont want to be staring at my screen for a para week waiting for them to come back. I would prefer holiday destinations you could go to.


I would like the vacations to be active eventually :) even if they can't be from the start. Maybe to have that as an option? Active or not.


You could watch your neighbors take care of your cat 😂

Anja Hoffmann

Vacations may be active or rabbit holes, but I want for them to have an influence on the paras - like getting stressed when they're not vacationing for a while or coming back with a boost to their usual mood.


I think the rabbit holes would be fine but only if there are plenty of events that pop up where you would have to make a decision such as "Alex met a man named Jona at a party and has invited Alex to join him at their hotel" "what do you do" and events like that where you can create storylines based on your actions.

Vera Ohlsen

I'll be fine with rabbit hole vacations if the para brings home a collectible as a souvenir. For instance, it could be a case of one (1) of your paras winning a vacation, but not the others, so only one para can go. I won a trip to Disneyland as a teen, and I went on my own - it was a big collective trip for youngsters, so plenty of strangers. It was both good and bad, I enjoyed Disneyland and the hotel, but my room mates were in a completely different mental state of puberty compared to me, so I couldn't relate to them at all! They just talked sex and boys until 3 AM, argh! Lord save us from chatty teens and four-bed rooms. Maybe our para(s) could have similar experiences - a lucky break only given to one or two individuals. I could totally see it being a thing in Paralives, and it would help break up the monotony of daily living.


What if you send away your whole household if time just skips? Like so you're not staring at the screen waiting for time to pass?


Would be super cool if you come back with a friendship from a Para from vacation!


It would be nice to have a teenager and parents go on vacation. ALSO HONEYMOON!!!


I would like this *if you can send just a few paras from your household or time skip if it’s the whole family*

Megan Santucci

YES PLEASE. Also business trips and things like that? If your para is in the paramilitary (lol) they go on deployments? It would make the world feel bigger even before we have the CAW tool.

Megan Santucci

Seconding ideas above like having vacation chance cards (can we have work chance cards too??), bringing back souvenirs, making new friends, etc.


It seems like the real key is if you're a micromanager immersive player or are satisfied with a static pop-up playing for you


Yes! It would also be cool for the parents to go on vacation and leave their teenagers at home and they can throw parties and stuff :)


Hi Jeremie, id have to pick option 3… personally I’d like the choice wether to follow or send them through a rabbit hole. To me.. I see it as time spent, if I want to give my para’s a holiday, or they win a holiday for example.. sometimes I may not have time, or want to play with another Para family, that I don’t want to constantly interact with them and the holiday world. But then I may have lots or time or enjoy playing that particular family, that I want to spend time with them on holiday and interacting with the holiday world, just to see how they react in the world.

Maxayn Henderson

I would love vacations. Also, mini-vacations would be good too like a weekend away. Honeymoons would be a great feature as well as school trips. If we have a kid's club they can go camping. Have the parents go away and leave teenagers home for the weekend.


I would be down for any kind of vacation! It would be cool if there was a way to get like vacation photos - so like if it is a rabbit hole just have like a photo booth set up with different locations and poses and depending on the rabbit hole you get that location picture.


I definitely want my Paras to be able to go on vacation, but I can wait until the team is able to release interactive vacation venues. I will so enjoy going on vacation with my Paras to explore vacation destinations, participate in vacation actvities, and just plain have fun times! It's almost like being on vacation myself with them to worlds I know I'll never visit in IRL. Me and my Paras can patiently wait on the Paralives team creative brillance for vacation gameplay.


It's kind of like how honeymoons in the TS2 base game were a rabbit hole, but when Bon Voyage came out, they made honeymoons an actual vacation trip. I can see it working


Maybe they could have different mood boosts or decreases depending on if the vacation was good or not (possibly related to preferred destination options, city vs. tropical). Or work trips/ travel that have different outcomes for promotions, mood, relationships, etc

Giammarco Victor Venturi

Yes, this is a good way to sent the parents somewhere and to organize a teenager's party!


I love the upkeep/responsibilities around vacations that you mentioned in the post


Vacantion much needed...even in real life 😁😁😁


Would be great to also be able to do a staycation, or just take a mental health day or something!

S&M Gonzalez

I love the idea of vacations for paras and hope we can have the option to follow them to a destination or not. Maybe some vacations don’t have to exactly take place in another venue if we don’t want, the para could just stay home and relax? I like the idea of paras having to make preparations prior to their vacation though! Maybe after launch we can invite family or friends along with our, like maybe 5 people or so, pick which ones act as npc and which can be played with. On thé topic of vacations not going to a different venue but local vacation spots could be a thing too?


Yes to vacations! I'm fine with rabbithole vacations at first. When you can spend a little more on this feature, it would be great to also get the possibility to own and run hotels and resorts. Different kinds of vacation is also a great idea, like honeymoons, kids summer camps, adventure destinations etc. I would also like the ability to own extra homes, like vacation homes. And I would like the option to have that home off the grid, here in Sweden it is still quite common to have an old cottage like a summer house, and those rarely have running water or even electricity. Perfect escape!


I've never found game vacations to be particularly engaging. Though, if I could design my own destination, that would be very different. I'm not super interested in someone else's idea of a vacation, but if I could make my own version... that might be cool. A tiny touristy beach town I can edit and tweak?


Kids summer camp would be really neat. Job opportunities for teens as counselors, and kids can do camp stuff!


I would like a mixture of both. I don't want everything to be a rabbit hole.

Maiden Minnesota

I'd be okay with rabbit hole vacations only at the start. Sitting there watching empty rooms while you wait for your paras to come back from vacation (or work, or school, or anything) isn't very exciting. I prefer everything to be a bit more active. I would like to see more variety in vacation destinations, however. Camping/RV-ing, hotel/resort, kids camp/exotic destinations, or camp/RV anywhere on the map off the grid (called boondocking) with the option of portable solar power/generators and water tanks that must be filled before departure.

Maiden Minnesota

I loved that! Booking your honeymoon before the wedding, then when the wedding reception ended the game automatically loaded the honeymoon destination! Really miss that gameplay.


I love that you're thinking about how vacations would work, but speaking for myself, I wouldn't use the feature of a vacation that I can't experience with my paras. It doesn't have any appeal to me, and I'm fine waiting until you have time to create real vacations later. But that's just my preference.


I'd like a mixture, for example, that one of the family members can go on vacation while the others stay home. But I'd like to be able to play on vaction, too! 😊


Everyone needs vacation :)


As a time management feature, yes because I can spend time with other Paras I make while some are on vacation. That being said, I would love to see Paralives have a feature where vacations are also active.

Elizabeth Gonzales

Yes to vacations, but only if we can follow.


What would there be to do for the player if we couldn’t follow them on vacation? I’d rather wait for active ones!


Eventually, I would hope we could follow them on vacation, but in the beginning, it would be nice if after they go (rabbit hole) they can come back with positive mood buffs or new random skills learned abroad. =D

Naomi Vincent

I think it would be great if other paras in the neighborhood can go on vacation, too. So if you're friends with a neighbor, they may invite you out on vacation!


Sometimes I’d like to have a break from taking care of their needs or to send a para off when I’m bored with the character and want to focus on someone else, so I think this rabbithole vacation idea would be really cool


I would like two kinds of vacations. When you go on vacation with your character, and when you can send characters on vacation. I like this option, for example, for a big family, so you can send part of the family on vacation and take a break from them 😅


I don't like the idea of having limited vacation days but otherwise I love this concept


I voted Yes, vacations would be lovely, even if I couldn't follow my Para, but I would like to add an addendum to that: The tradeoff of not following your Para would have to be a major Moodlet of coming back relaxed, and if they go on their own Additonal moodlets like "I finally read that book I was planning to read, it was awesome", or that they come back with a NPC as a friend or potential love interest they can call or write that could come visit in the future. Or maybe just weekend days away or retreats, that they come back with a happy moodlet or skill like: "I went to the baking course of my B&B's Hostess and now I can finally bake a loaf of bread" while baking bread wasn't an option before going on the holiday. It'd have tons of opportunities to explore. I'd also love it if my Para's could go on a honey moon and possibly come back pregnant without any chance of interference on our part or with the desire to buy their own home jacuzzi, or the desire to go hiking together and maybe explore nature in the Open World we can explore. This definitely has opportunities!


Bonus points if you can later on choose to send your Para off on a rabbit hole vacation while concentrating on the other Para's on your lot, or actively play with your Para's on vacation.

S&M Gonzalez

Different theme ideas for vacations: girls weekend, boy's weekend,bachelor/bachelorette party vacation, honeymoon,family trip,family reunion (you can invite up to 10-20 paras who will not be playable), solo trips, summer vacation, winter vacation, spring break, anniversary trip. It would be cool if every now an then a family member could buy tickets to a vacation place to give as a gift to others. Having your place of work pay for paid expense trip somewhere you can choose or it can be pre-selected for you. Having friends from vacation venues/other worlds invite you to come stay with them.


IDK what to think of that. On one hand I think that the rabbit hole vacations are some of the laziest ideas you could think of. But on the other hand it could be a decent feature. Like you get tired of some Parafolk but don’t want to kill them off. Just send them out of neighbourhood for a while. You could also send parents away so that teens could throw parties. Or send kids on a “field trip” to leave parents some alone time. If I think of the word “vacation”, I expect it to be a fun, non-rabbit hole experience. If anything, the rabbit-hole experience should be called “Leave neighbourhood” without any special effects rather than “Go on vacation”.

Michael Green

Let it be both. I’m all for playing my paras while they’re on vacation but truly I am lazy and would rather have an option that allows my paras to call for a taxi, grab their suitcases and drive off the map. Or maybe they could buy plane tickets and go to the airport. It would be cool if there are random pop ups every now and again dictating certain actions like them finding treasure or money, or getting hurt, meeting a random local or getting pregnant.


I think that would be a good Tier 0 implementation of vacation. Sometimes you may wish to have a para just relax, build socials, maybe make new friends at semirandom, and simply not have to manage them while still playing with their same group of active paras. A rabbithole vacation would be a great way do let the game do some gaming for that para while you focus on other tasks.

Michelle Lovette

Piggy backing off of the work pay for paid expense if work trips could be a thing, right now obviously a rabbit hole with some messaged popping up in between days with choices to make could be cool, and just a rabbit hole for now but maybe full on playable in the future


Enjoy your vacations ! I never take vacations myself because my parents rarely took us, and now I'm poor anyway so I can't go (but thankfully I almost don't miss it) XD So I think it'd be nice if Paras WANTED to go on vacation or not, if that was somehow something that, depending on their personality, they are more or less likely to wish for. That way, if they wanted to go but couldn't, or wanted to go and could, or didn't want to go and went (for instance because someone else in the household really wanted to take a few days at the beach), it'd have a different impact on their mood. You know how in each tourist group there's always someone who keeps complaining ? I want the opportunity to play THAT Para :P Or a homebody Para who's perfectly happy with only looking at other people's Parastagram account. As a player I could cultivate that by making my Para watch documentaries, read brochures, buy equipment (even if I don't see them use it in a rabbit hole, the emotion of packing skis or sunscreen cream for their vacation would have an incidence on their mood), talk to other Paras about their own vacation and be jealous... or not ! Maybe the more my Para stays home reading books, watching shows on Paraflix, or cooking in their kitchen, the less vacations is attractive because they clearly have found other ways to relax. And of course ideally I'd like different types of vacations, some more expensive than others, more relaxing than others (hopefully we get "chance cards" that can make it a bad trip, like having an accident while skiing, getting a sunburn, missing their flight, having a fight with the other people there, getting conned in a country where they don't speak the language, etc.). In general I like having bad stuff happen to my characters in a game, because that forces me to find solutions so that I overcome the obstacle or simply deal with its consequences :)


I had to really think about this one, but I think having both options would be a good idea. I wouldn't mind if the rabbithole option was the only option at first, that way it could give you guys more time to make it more in depth after the release. :) Enjoy y'all's vacation!!


I like this idea. Seconded. I love playing out vacations in other games.


I believe having the option for both in an update later on would be good! Sometimes I'll want to follow them and experience the vacation with them, but then there may be other times I want to send some Paras away and just focus on a specific Para for a while.

Madi Crouch

Let the parents go on an anniversary trip while the teenagers stay at home. What could go wrong?


I'm for the vacations, even if they start out as a rabbit hole. Maybe they could come back with souvenirs, gifts, a tan, stories to tell, photos, something that showed they had an experience.


I voted for both. I’d love there to be an option to join them on vacation so i can take photos for the homes to make it more personal, but if I’m not feeling like it I’d like that to be an option too. Like “Your family is going on vacation! Would you like to take a break WITH them, or take a break FROM them” having the option would be awesome

Sharmaine Arguilles

I voted yes atleast for the mean time but def need to be active after release! ♥️♥️♥️

Julia Samantha

Yes at least for the meantime and then perhaps patch in active holidays in the future <3


I would love non-active vacations or, indeed as suggested above, the option to choose active vs non-active later on. Preparations would be great for either option! Some ideas: - Packing suitable clothing (maybe with negative moodlets or memories or something if they packed winter clothes for a sun vacation etc) - Option to take other household members along (all or few) or go solo - Option to invite other befriended paras/relatives (with option to split costs or not) - Option to find babysitter (professional or relative/friend) for the kids staying behind or asking friends/relatives if the kids can stay at their household - Meeting other paras from same town on vacation and meeting up with them afterwards and reminisce - Planning daytrips/activities beforehand or from main household for non-active vacation (with consequences if they don't match their personalities/fears etc) - Paras choosing their own activities on vacation - Themed vacations (sun, romantic getaway, wintersport, cultural trips, adventure style, etc) - Cheaper last minute vacations vs more options while planning in advance - Having to take time off work (paid or unpaid, player's choice) - Vacations during school breaks - Summer or winter camp for kids/teens - Other households asking your paras (adult or kids) along on their vacation - Option to buy mementos/souvenirs (perhaps even choosing which ones as a player through pop-up screen, while on non-active vacation) - Paras returning with some photographs or souvenirs in their personal inventory - Paras having favorite vacation destination, possibly influenced by family vacations from a young age - Teens/young adults choosing a backpacking vacation after graduating high school but before starting college/work - Parents allowing late teen/young adult offspring to take their romantic partner along on the family vacation - Teens (16+) asking parents permission to go on vacation with their friends - Weekend getaways vs longer vacations (player's choice for duration?) - Option to breakup/separate/ask for divorce while on vacation - Option to cheat on partner/spouse if it fits personality


For me also, it's completely alright if the vacations are rabbitholes with the chance cards in the initial release, and may be expanded to be active in the future (and if expanded, the both ways could be optional). Just hoping we may have different kind of vacation types for all ages and preferences. Business trips and commissions mentioned in the previous comment would be really nice and never seen. For the future updates/expansions, I'd really like to see fully customable vacations, and the ability to create and design them (destinations, hotels, services, activities...) from the scratch. It would also very neat if the player could run the (family) business like owning a hotel, inn, camping area restaurant, souvenir shop and/or travel agency. Ability to create the tourist attraction like amusenment/water park, historical ruins, museum and/or renting equipment for activities or other necessities would be so cool, too. Just imagining different kind of groups there: pupils learning about history, nature or culture during the field trip, newlyweds enjoying the honeymoon, retired seniors having time of their life and so on.


I chose Rabbit Hole vacations. But in time I would love the option to follow them. I hope that point where they "disappear" makes sense. I do not want them to walk out their front door and vanish. I would prefer that in the case of a 'local' vacation like camping or similar, that they drive to the edge of town and then vanish. Or in the case of a long distance vacation like travelling to another country, they drive to an airport rabbit hole.


Not sure how possible it would be. But it would be cool if when they go on their rabbit whole vacation if there was a randomized potential of them making a friend. So when they return they would have a new penpal or something. :)


I would rather wait for vacations to be a complete experience than be a rabbit hole, but it would be nice to have both options too.


Stay-cations would be a fun and probably easy thing to implement :)


Hum… I vote for both ! if at first I don't have a choice, I would go with it. On the other hand, it would be fun to be able to put the parents on vacation and only play the teenager and his little siblings. Or conversely, put the children in summer camps and play the parents

Vera Ohlsen

Oh! That would make a nice detail - if a para wins a trip, they could get picked up by a special vehicle - like a purple/pink/orange cab covered in tropical imagery, or a big bus full of happy kids for summer camp. It wouldn't take up a lot of "real estate" in-game, and it would be a fun surprise for the player.

Stephanie Cutler

I would love for the paras to go on vacation, they can take the kids with them but they can also leave the kids home and the older siblings will take care of the lil ones or if the kids aren't old enough, you can hire a nanny to stay there until the parents come back. I know this isn't really on the vacation side but I would love to see them travel for work as well and it would kind of work the same way as going on vacation.

Christina Ozeki

Although I prefer to have the option to go on a vacation with them, I am happy if we only have a rabbit hole in the beginning. I think other people's suggestion about having the option to go or not go on the holiday with them is a great idea. Plus the business trips, summer camps, road trips and the option to hire a nanny so the parents can go alone and you can either stay playing the children or join the parents are also great ideas. Someone also mentioned having the option to buy momentoes and souvenirs, that would be a nice option too. I also like the negative moodlet idea if you pack the wrong clothing. Perhaps in addition to that there could be a negative moodlet if you choose too cheap a holiday/hotel and the experience is bad. For instance, the hotel has cockroaches or you get food poisoning or there are no suitable activities/places to visit on the holiday, or the weather turns bad and you can't do anything. When the Para returns home they are exhausted and need to recuperate to build up their mood again. Also, there could be the alternative positive moodlet for having a fantastic holiday, eating a tasty meal or new type of food, experiencing an exciting adventure/activity or visiting an interesting place; all of which leaves the Para refreshed and eager to experience another holiday/adventure in the future.


Enjoy you guys vacation and be safe !


Yes I would like option to join my para on vacation or send the off . I would like something similar to the sims 3 when you have kids and one them become teenager . And at certain time in the game it ask do the parent in household would like to go on vacation . And the para could ride in a car to the airport and the character will disappear until the vacation over .


Bonjour à toute l'équipe :) J'aimerai beaucoup emmener mes Paras en vacances et planifier la garde du chat ou du chien. Mettre de l'essence dans la voiture. Planifier la réservation du lieu de vacances, même si on ne peut pas les suivre, ça serait bien d'avoir des notifications pour les activités. Les Paras partiraient avec leurs bagages en taxi ou avec leur voiture. Et ensuite, ils pourront avoir des souvenirs de leurs vacances, et cela développerait leurs centres d'intérêts, leurs passions. Quelques idées de destinations de voyages : randonnée, ski à la montagne, baignade et bronzage au bord de la mer, balade à la campagne, avec, à terme, la possibilité de loger dans un hôtel, une maison d'hôtes, une maison (secondaire) de vacances. La possibilité de travailler dans l'hôtellerie. Voilà pour mes idées ;) Merci beaucoup et bonnes vacances à vous :-D


Vacations would be a nice thing to have, even if you could not follow. If fact, even after the vacations become an activity it would be nice if there were still rabbit hole type vacations as an option. Sometimes you want a givin Para to have time off, but don't want to pull everyone else in too; Like an uncle or roommate going off on there own for a few days.


I'm torn, because I love me a good rabbit hole. But it would be cool to have an "out of town" option. Like, going to visit family for the holidays and staying over for the duration (or at a hotel for that family you would rather not. Ha!)


Everyone should have the possibilities to have vacanties, even Parateams. Please have the most beautiful vacancies, then you'll be burning bridges for the game. Have a good one!


I would be happy with rabbit-hole vacations *for now* and interactive vacations in a later expansion pack. But if it was only-rabbit-hole forever I would dislike it.

BooDotBoo .

I’d love to be able to follow Paras on a vacation and hope that may come in time, but if not, I’m fine with us being able to choose the location and lodgings and activities, then we get some pop-ups, kind of like Sims 3, when Teens went to the prom. It’d also be cool if we got a few photos from the vacation that we could place around the house.


Good thing about rabbit hole vacations is that you can leave your teens behind to cause mischeaf!


Love the idea of vacations. I would love to follow them, however I would be happy with a rabbit hole at first. That being said, once you can follow them I would love a lot of family activities. A lot of the vacation gameplay in other simulation games was more geared towards teens and adults. I would love to have things for kids to do as well.


It would be good to have both options. The parents could go away while the kids stay home and get up to trouble. Or the kids could go on a school trip, or summer camp, or something similar to give the parents time to themselves. And as the missing party returns, you could get a snapshot slideshow of events from the holiday, like eating ice creams on the beach, having your chips stolen by a seagull, taking photos from the top of a mountain or volcano, standing among ruins with a guide, sunset photos from clifftops, the Northern Lights, on board photos taken during a cruise, etc. And the Para would return with either a tan, or even their arm or leg in plaster from having a bit too much fun on the ski slopes or from mountain biking. Loads of possibilities!


I wouldn't mind it being like in tomodachi life. Where the paras talk about what they did and we see a montage with all the vacation photos. (Sorry for my English I hope you know what I mean)


At first it’s fine if it’s not active but would like to see it active in the future. I wanna live through my para :)


I'd love that too, would be so cute. Like little random snips of activities (in the form of pictures )your Paras might have done while on their trips ?

JossGun Shipper

I think rabbit holes are fine at launch. I hope to see post development dedicated to making some rabbit holes more active. Going abroad for vacations, going to school, visiting the grocery store etc (the latter two i feel has not been done well in life simulations before). The experience of browsing through a store is something we all do in real life yet not represented well in gameplay.

Anastasija Duk

I think at launch a rabbit hole is fine and maybe then updating to having both. Maybe? :)


Rabbit holes would only be good I think if we got given the ability to make choices from on screen pop-ups


Honestly either one is fine, if at some point in the future there are Hotels/Resorts added so we can send them to a hotel/resort or just a rental vacation property/campground. Like for a quick weekend getaway, it can be a rabbit hole where we get pop ups that will give us a choice it will either postively or negatively effect the Para like how Sims Medieval did. Or the outcome is based on the sims traits, personality etc...just like in real life not everything goes to plan and not every decision has an outcome you expect!


Honestly I think vacations are a good opportunity for an expansion pack in the future because you can really add a lot of depth into that topic. I wouldn't worry about something more than rabbit holes for the base game. I also think its nice but not necessary initially. I would rather have polished depth in other areas and see this added in later.


I really like the part of planning beforehand what your vacations will be about! And I also join in on the idea of getting pop-up notifications so we can make choices even if our paras are in a rabbit hole!


I would love it if the parents could send the kids to spend that time with some relatives, and maybe we could play with the relatives' household which now includes the kids, for the number of days the parents spend on vacation!


I think rabbitholes is totally fine at launch, but maybe making the vacation/holiday experience playable and interactive in the future, such as going to a airport etc.


I want to follow my paras to the vacation, it's so nice to be able to follow them and not do the "everyday" life for a change and explore new content. However, I do not need it in the base game. I would rather pay for extra content and have the ability to play the vacation with my paras than not being able to join them.


Eventually following them will we cool, but initially, simply a rabbit-hole would be nice. Knowing that they're going on a shopping spree in Paris, on a casino weekend in Vegas or on an adventure week in Himalaya, that'd be awesome !


Why are people not voting for active vacations?!


Rabbit hole vacations could work fine if you get a little photo book when they return of your sims enjoying themselves


I want the option for either one tbh


Again both sound brilliant, like a work thing conference thing could mean rabbit hole popping away whereas a holiday holiday might be directly controlled


At first I was surprised too😅 but if the team is going to add active vacations later, rabbit holes are ok option with its benefits) better than nothing at all! Active vacations just are not the first priority:)


Both options would be amazing. Paras just going off for a few days would be amazing for storytelling purposes (having work fields, for example). Still, I really hope that (at some point) we'll be able to actively go on vacation with them. DLC's related to vacations in the Sims were one of my favorites and I always enjoyed exploring new worlds, so I really need that in Paralives 🥹(Of course, I know this won't be possible at first, but at some point it'd really be amazing!)


I prefer the push-and-pull that's in the game now.