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Hi there,

I hope you had a nice week. It was a good one here in Montreal, even if we had a surprise snowfall which is unexpected at this time of the year. It was an unwelcome event for some of us but summer will come!

What We're Working On  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Here's an overview of what we're up to these days:

  • Alice, our character animator, recently made some studies regarding the animations that Parafolks will perform when using their phone. She's also working on various reaction animations and improvements to the structure of the skeleton used for animations (the rig).
  • Christine wrote a summary of the personality brainstorming and launched the new one about careers and jobs. She's also preparing future social media posts and replying to everyone's questions on our various platforms.
  • Léa and Sonia, our 3D artists, just made some concept arts for the Chalet video and are now creating the missing furniture and objects that will be used in that video.
  • Jérémie and Étienne are both working on improvements to the build tools and fixing some bugs related to that. One of the things we've done recently is adding animations and sounds when connecting walls as well as making it easier to snap walls together in a grid less environment.
  • Anna is designing the interaction system that will define every action that your characters will be able to do in their house and around town. For instance, this will determine the sequence of animations to play when cooking a meal.
  • I (Alex) am working on the general interface style and the one for the item catalog, as discussed in a previous post. I'm looking to make it easy to use and pretty to look at.

Chalet Update  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

We've worked hard on making sure it's easy to build a house in Paralives. To showcase that, we're preparing a video where we'll build a house from scratch in the game. The style of the house is Canadian Chalet, as chosen by you Patrons. 🏡 We're making good progress on the furniture and deco of that house and today we wanted to share some of our sketches and inspiration. Please note that this Chalet does not confirm that there will be hiking,  camping and other outdoor activities in the game. "Chalet" is just the style of this house we're building!

On the left, we have the dining room and on the right, we have the living room. Both of these are in an open area with a split level so you can have a good view at the huge window (not pictured). With the texture of the walls and the furniture, we aim for a cozy, natural and stylish look. 

Then, upstairs, we have the bedroom. That's were couples who come to this retreat will relax after a long day outside. Using that fireplace is a must during the winter!

In the Chalet, there's also a kitchen, a hallway and a bathroom. We'll show more of that soon. Right now, we're creating the missing furniture as well as reusing some of the objects you saw in our previous videos. Our goal is not to create a ton of new objects for the game just yet but to have enough of them to build a full house and showcase our build tools. We should soon be able to show in-game screenshots of the results. Stay tuned!

Have a great weekend 🎉



Cali Ann Y.

The concepts look so good! You guys must be working really hard!! Be sure to take plenty of breaks ;-;

Brandi Werthner

This is so awesome! It’s still amazing to me that you guys accomplish so much with the size team you have! Will you have room/building presets that we can use and change to our liking? Or will everything have to be built by us?


It looks amazing!! Can't wait to see the build video.


You guys are doing such an amazing job!! This is looking so good so far!! So excited for the build video.


Soo excited to see the final build!! For my part, I was happy to see the snow this week because working at home and seeing the same grey clouds outside had become a bit annoying. It was a nice change of pace of the past week or so! (I really like winter so I'm not really a reference)


it’s gonna be so amazing 🤩


I’m so excited!


I'm really courious how the actual gameplay(building) and interface will look like. Also, am I allowed to talk about the mobile phones? I really don't want the phone being constantly glued to the para (like it is in a certain game that should not be named), as losing/ forgetting/ breaking your phone is a part of life, also what type of phone you're having is a status symbol and last but not least phone addicted people can get anxious when they misplaced their phone. (Battery angst is not strictly needed, though. XD)


Love seing updates on the chalet! 🤩Looks really good! 🤩 Also very fun to know what you are currently working on! I always look forward to the patreon post on fridays! 🤩

Diamond Nicole

Looks like it's going to look amazing! 😍❤


Applauding the teams passion and perseverance in the creation and implementation process of Paralives and so looking foward to everything ahead!! Go team, go!! You guys are awesome! 🎉😁🎉


I love this update, I'm an 18th century Simmer, but this is my personal favorite furniture style, everything with tapered legs. I'm a real life Mod man.


I'm in love. Looking forward to see more update pictures and can't wait to see the final result!


I’m loving the updates on the chalet!!! Keep it up 😄❣️


We aim to have premade rooms that you can place and premade houses, yes!

Heaven Moore

oh I can’t wait!!


Hehe! We're thinking of what we'll do with phones and the kind of interactions we'll have. Maybe not every Para will own a mobile phone by default

Brandi Werthner

To go back to the premade rooms/houses comment from earlier, what if there was also a way to have an architect type of job in the game, and you can build house designs and sell them so your parafolk can make an income like that? Players can “buy” designs made by other players to place on lots with the currency In the game, and that can build the para’s resume and such. Maybe receive real ratings and reviews. That could be cool.

Katie Bellissimo

Love this! Are the exposed beam/angled ceilings like in the concept pictures something that will be possible in the game I wonder? Not a thing I had ever considered but would be awesome!


Wow, it looks A M A Z I N G!!!! I cant wait to see and hear more! Thank you Very much for all you're doing and all the updates!!! Speaking of hearing, I really loved the sound of the wall connecting and the clicking sound when you drag the wall! I've watched the clip 10 times in repeat just to hear it!!! So cool!


That would be cool indeed! It's not planned at the moment but it could nice

Mario Miravalles

Love the concept arts! Can't wait to see the final results 😻

Vicarious Human

I am aready in love with the upstairs bedroom's look of the fireplace in particular. It all looks great, nice job!


Please please please add in the window seat with the bookshelf.


so cool to see this attention to details.. there's even moodboards ahhh *o*


Roof windows through which to gaze at the stars like in the reference picture? They might be rather tricky to create but so cool and useful. ♡•♡ Anyways, the concept art looks very promising; it really catches the cozy atmosphere. The perfect place to hide from the evil world. Well done! Really willing to see the final video!


I hope the ceiling is gonna be open like that, with the huge window, and not just flat! I also hope we can color the ceilings just like floors!


Eek, I failed in replying. Sorry folks! Here's the original message: Colourable and open ceiling would be so awesome indeed. It would be something never seen before without mods in the life simulation genre.

S&M Gonzalez

I really love that roof style in the last pic on the right! I’d love to see this in the game and build, and be able to recreate this style for paras viewing the night time sky and or moon 😍 and I love the open concept and how it’s broken down into layers with leveled flooring


Are vaulted ceilings going to be possible ? Not sure if that’s been decided already.


Loving the concepts! I’m very excited to see the final result 😍


Hope we can color the ceilings


I think these designs look fantastic and would love to see how it turns out! Looking forward to see the design on a unique and "Mont Tremblant"-esque build. Speaking of which, would it be possible for the team to showcase a little neighbourhood setting inspired by Mont Tremblant as additional content to the base game? Always been meaning to go and it would be a nice little mini retreat from my day-to-day.


I love it so much and am really exited to see everything come to life! 😍 Now that I see those inspiration pictures, I instantly thought of two things I would love to see. First, the ability to paint ceiling tiles, so they match the aesthetic of a build. Like wood ceilings for a log cabin, stone for medieval castle builds, but also for ceilings of porches - its really annoying when white ceiling tiles are visible on exteriors where it does not make any sense. Second, attics with visible sloped ceiling like in the inspiration pictures, with windows, beams, maybe the ability to put posters and fairylights on those ceilingspart. I would adore that and build SO many cozy attic rooms. 😍 But those are just suggestions. Like I said, I love everything you are showing us! :)


Not sure where to put this as it’s not exactly build related, although while I’m at it, will we be able to build rooms with slated walls attic style? But my other thing is I would love to have the ability to send my kids to sleepovers or just like spend the weekend at grandmas house or something.


Can’t wait to see the build mode! One of the things I wondered for it was the camera. I’ve always wanted a way to have a cutout for the room or wall I’m working on but leave all the other walls up. I found it always a bit difficult to navigate the camera into a small room to put things on walls without being blocked by the wall closest to me.


who else will be building the chalet from "until dawn" once they get the game? lol


I'm so excitedddd!!!!