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I hope you are doing well today. Everything's good on our side. This week, we made good progress on the Chalet, a house that we're building in the game. We'll have some progress updates and concept arts to share with you soon! Meanwhile, we have a lot to say today regarding our current and next community brainstorming sessions.

Personality Brainstorm Recap  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Hey there, Christine here reporting for the monthly brainstorming recap! Last month, we decided to tackle a big topic for the community brainstorming session: identity and personalities. And as always, you Patrons, as well as members of our Discord and Reddit were up to the challenge!

We knew that identity and personalities would be quite a popular one as it encompasses so many things that most of us care deeply about: traits, lifestyles, gender, culture, likes and dislikes, goals, attraction and the list could go on and on. In a game like Paralives, the opportunities for personality and identity to influence gameplay are practically endless.

However, identity and personalities are such complex concepts that while we want to create the most complete system possible, there are some things that will ultimately not make the cut. We are still brainstorming about it all as a team! No official decision has been taken yet regarding the presence of traits, sliders, etc. One of the main goals of this brainstorming was to get a better idea of

the elements considered as interesting by the community in order to see how they could potentially fit into the game and other systems we have in mind. We were also very interested in how personality could be presented when it comes to the interface of the game.

Enough rambling, here are some of the community ideas we received for the identity and personalities brainstorming! These are elements that we are considering but, as always, nothing is confirmed yet since we will have to see how they can be integrated with the rest of the game.

  • Separating traditional personality traits from lifestyle choices (such as vegan for example). This was probably the most popular suggestion!
  • Static, non-changeable traits for the core personality (you as a player would choose those in the Paramaker) combined with dynamic traits, which are basically other traits that would appear during gameplay, depending on the socialization of the Parafolk with family, friends and others. 🌱 You are a product of your environment, after all 🌱
  • Overall, traits could have an impact on: skill learning, time needed to become close with another Para, specific needs, goals, happiness level
  • A system combining sliders for predetermined, core traits (as an example, nothing confirmed: practical-spontaneous or reserved-sociable) and the ability to choose additional traits upon all of that to allow for more individuality
  • Availability of traits (and lifestyle choices as well) depending on the lifestage. It’s kind of hard to know if a baby is spontaneous at such a young age, but it is quite easy to figure out if they are playful / aloof or calm / cranky 😉
  • Disabilities and neurodiversity cannot be represented as a single trait, but some more precise traits, as “hypersentitive to lights” could be interesting to add for representation purposes
  • Lifestyle choices to represent main interests and life philosophies. These are the things that your Parafolk could go to naturally when on autonomous mode or when they’re stressed and need to recharge their battery
  • Some cool lifestyle choices that were suggested: vegetarian / vegan, cat / dog / horse person, music / art aficionado, foodie, workaholic, night owl / early bird, eco-friendly, spiritual, minimalist / materialistic
  • Likes and dislikes for specific style (clothes, decor, music, art), weather, meal, color
  • Suggestion of specific aspirations / goals based on the personality traits and lifestyle choices. The player could choose a long-term goal in the Paramaker and have shorter-term goals related to it (or not) appearing during gameplay
  • Possibly more sections for the personality in the Paramaker: fears, special talent, learning method, level of social battery…
  • We didn’t forget about gender and attraction, don’t worry! However, most suggestions seemed to go along vision points that we established throughout our LGBTQIA+ community survey and relationships community brainstorming
  • And of course, the ability to randomize all of this! 🎲

Do you recognize something you suggested? Is there an idea here that you find particularly interesting? Don’t hesitate to share your feedback in the comments!

Our Goals for Personalities in Paralives  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

It was great to read everyone ideas and I hope you enjoyed Christine's recap! Now, here's an overview at the top design pillars we have established for the personalities in Paralives. These core principles will guide us during the development.

  • Every Para should be unique and feel unique
  • The identity of your Para should be easy to create through different customization options
  • Players should be able to recreate their identity and personality in the game
  • The personalities of your Paras should impact the interactions and various aspects of the gameplay
  • Some aspects of your Para's identity and personality could change as their story progresses

We are designing the core systems with the above vision elements in mind. Our goal is to make sure that everything works well together and that it contributes to making a fun and interesting life simulation experience!

New Monthly Community Brainstorming: Careers and Jobs

With the personality brainstorming coming to an end, it's time to announce the new theme for the next monthly brainstorming: careers and jobs. Ask yourselves the following questions and feel free to share your ideas in the comment section! Next week, we will announce and open this brainstorm to the public on Discord and Reddit.

  • What are some of the professions and jobs that you would like your Parafolks to have?
  • How should the job of your Paras affect their lives?
  • How should career progression work?
  • How would you like to see you real life job represented in the game?
  • What do we need to know to accurately represent your job and career in Paralives?

Keep in mind that at launch, you won't be able to follow your Parafolks to work and actively manage them there. It would be a lot of work to add active workplaces at launch for a small team like us. It's still a possibility for updates after the initial release though!

Poll: Careers and Jobs  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Following the new community brainstorming theme announcement, we're curious to know: what are the most important features related to careers and jobs that you would like to see in Paralives? Please vote in the poll below!

Thank you!



Kiya Averhart

I'm excited!!!! You guys are doing so well with your updates.


Maybe the opportunity to have some kind of "random encounters" in career paths/challenges that encourage you to go down different paths? Like getting recruited into a different job or you Para finding that they are actually really unhappy/unfulfilled in a career and are considering a drastic change


I do small business consulting and web design. I would like taxes and and ability to hire other people for gigs like paperwork or logo design etc. It would be cool if we could pick the tax system of the world (like 4 choices and a slider for each). I would like if we could negotiate and outsource and hire others for freelancer/gigworkers/business owners.

Daniel Asraf

I just marked ✅ at all the things!! This is perfect!

Lena Marie

I'd really love to see a "work from home" option for SOME careers, because it's really helpful for family gameplay and also becoming more and more important in the real world


I love the idea mentioned that the items/styles that Parafolks like can be influenced by traits/personality!!


It would be fun if the job you have affect the overall mood of the para based on their personalities. Fx. if they are a hyperactive jog they might not be very comfortable at a desk job, but if they had a high activity job they might be happier overall. I know it's hard to implement, so I don't expect it to make the cut, but it would be nice if they weren't just neutral about the job they have :)


Please have lots of virtual jobs available for work on computer!!!


I'd like to see some kind of "blue collar" career path. I work in an industrial setting and haven't seen much representation for that in other life sims.


Something I dislike from certain other Life simulation games is that it's too easy to do well at your job, even without trying. Having some way to not get promotions all the time (which makes rag to riches stories way too easy) while having your Para be able to get promotions if desired would be great. Also, I tendo to like variety in realistic jobs, even if they're kind of dull haha, but I know some people don't love that.


I'd like to see it be genuinely difficult to reach high promotion levels in certain careers. Also, the ability to reach different branches of careers is good. Like, okay you want to be a chef. Celebrity chef or local-grow-grassroots-chef? It would also be neat to be able to shift back after. Always annoyed me in other games when you had to choose between director and actor and could never switch without totally cancelling your career.


I'd rather see raises than promotions as they're much more common. I can get promoted maybe 4x in my career, but can get raises every year. Maybe overtime pay can be added that get prompted by textual events that extend your time at work that day and/or special tasks outside of work? And if it's an hourly job, you get 2x pay for the overtime hours, but if it's a salaried one, they get no overtime, but it increases their chance of a bonus?

Michelle Lovette

I think having most of these things are important, realistically we know we can’t get all of them. I wish we could pick like 3-4 of these. Getting little decisions through a school and work day are important i think, teenagers being able to have part time jobs and after school activities, choosing the schedule I also think we should have some at home jobs, babysitter, daycare, nail tech from home. I also think in general when having a job promotions should be available but maybe no so easy, and say someone who wants to play as a less wealthy family or “college student” needs more than one job to survive, wether that’s one full time and something on the side from home or on the weekends


I'm honestly surprised 'customizing your work schedule' isn't higher voted. One of the things I don't like about sims is the inability to even remotely choose when your sims go to work out side of a few part-time jobs. Even the ability to pick from a small set of like three or four would be nice.


I think there should be an ability to the boss at a particular workplace


*to be the boss


I'd like to see barbers and hairstylists as a career option. Problem-solving and workplace/coworker drama could also be fun to deal with.


About personality for early life stages -- look into temperament perhaps! The personalities of babies in real life are more based on their general kind of mood, and it tends to persist throughout life too! It could be interesting to have something that impacts personality from a young age, and reflects real life!


I would also like to be able to achieve all possible career paths in a chosen field and not just one. This is very common in the work industry.

Michelle Lovette

Also, back to the promotions, like I said maybe not making it as easy especially for certain higher skill leveled jobs, you have to work harder as in your on call, if your a doctor or assistant you have to go do work things out of nowhere


I want to see perks/actions available only to Sims in a certain career... Teacher Paras can have an action to help their children review for a test, Veterinarian Paras can have more interactions with animals and train them better, Doctor Paras can help their sick family members get healthier faster, dancers can have extra dances they know that impress other Sims, etc. But these special interactions/perks are only available once your Para has reached a level of expertise in their career

Jacqueline Davis

I would really love to see freelance or gig-style jobs that would still be rabbit holes but maybe have random(ish)ly generated schedules. I.e. This para is a photographer. Last week they worked at big wedding on Sunday from 7:30am to midnight but this week they have a sprinkling of smaller 1-2 hour portrait/engagement/maternity gigs on Monday, Friday, and Saturday.


I would really love different progression systems for different jobs. (ie: a musician isn’t going to have the same linear career progression as someone working in business)


Also, promotions aren't super common IRL. Like, I'm a teacher. I got a degree and went right into teaching, at my chosen level. I didn't start as a recess aid, or whatever, first. I'm not going to just get a promotion. If I want to level up (like, to be a principal) I'd have to get an additional degree. I think level of education should influence what jobs Paras can get.


It would be awesome if we could submit a rĂŠsumĂŠ and go to interviews! Instead of just getting the job right away. Being able to start your own business, brick-and-mortar or online, would be really fun too.


Another thing for the sliding personalities would be to do some self help and be able to change the slider. Like reading a self help book to be less aloof or more calm. Or going to therapy or life coaching

Christine Harvey

I would love a wide array of job options, including blue collar and trades. Work from home options would be really cool, but I'm totally ok with rabbit hole jobs. I think it would be great if there was a dynamic aspect. If someone is part of a politics career path, maybe they need to prep for their speeches or campaign. Perhaps they win and then their popularity and reputation in town increases (if they meet all their work goals - unsure of how work goals will be measured in game). If they lose to maybe it's to an NPC. Teens having part time jobs would be good since that happens frequently in real life. Part time jobs should be available to adults as well. Maybe they work as an office clerk or secretary during schooling hours, whereas a teen would work after school. I would love to see pop up text that makes it feel like you're involved in their career and have the options you pick impact what happens to the Para.


Yes, this! Bonuses, or raises based on years of experience, rather than promotions.

Alvar Rayne

i think it would be awesome to have set fields but also the option to freelance and run your own business for things like graphic design, art, animation, or coding/programming. a profession like this may not make as much as others in their field especially if their skills are lower, but they’ll have the opportunity to pick their schedules more easily. i don’t know how easy this would be to implement but perhaps it can be an option for a few different career paths instead of a regular 9-5 basically


I'm going to piggyback onto this by saying that it would be awesome if you could send a request for certain days to be changed and have either your boss or HR department get back to you with it was accepted or rejected. Thereby if another Para in town is your boss you might, deadening on your personality, feel offended and have a different relationship with them.

Lisa Sarver

I really enjoyed the Freelancer career option in the Sims. It would cover the "multiple jobs" and "choose your own hours" options. Maybe you can bid on the work you want. Maybe there's a percent chance you will/won't get the highest paying ones if you don't apply early enough.


Amazing! As a wants-based player, I desire a robust system of continually updated wants based on aspiration / personality / lifestyle to guide my decision-making and control of the characters. PleasantSims on YouTube is a great example and proponent of this play style.

Elizabeth Gonzales

Being able to choose your work schedule is awesome! This is something I've always wanted! Can we also have a choice of part-time AND full-time for the same career? I know not all careers can be either or, but a choice for some, like being able to reduce our increase hours would be awesome.


I think a Para's personality should also affect their drive to excel or even job opportunities. So someone who doesn't really care about making money or "living to work" shouldn't want to have a high-demand job and just have a job to simply to have money and not for self-improvement or interest. Or Para's who are more independent don't like working for others and want to work for themselves


Looks amazing!! Just really worried about having opposing traits. I hope you can find another way of doing that one. Other than that, super excited! Looking forward to the next brainstorm!


I'd love to see not being able to just get every job, but needing a particular education for (some) jobs. And if you want your para to get a job they're not qualified for, they could maybe follow courses online or at a school so they can get a certain job (think: if a para chose to study history, but wants to be a teacher, they need to get a teachers certificate to show they are qualified to actually teach). I think it would be fun to have to need to follow courses and trainings, even for promotions, and to see al the diplomas and certificates your para has.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I suggested the difference between lifestyle traits and core traits so I'm very happy that's being focused on! As for career, I think it's important that even if we can't follow our para to work, their position in their field holds weight in the world. Example: if your para is a barista, and you're playing a different family and decide to go to the local coffee shop with them, you should see said para working behind the counter if it's their shift. If your para is a criminal and living with another para that's a cop, it should actually be an issue where the criminal para has to hide their career and their wrongdoings or their roommate can turn them in. Or if you're playing a different family and someone gets arrested, it should be your cop para who arrests them. Makes the world feel more real and connected. A career has to hold more weight than just what skills are required for promotion.


I would love to see my real job. Agency for artists. ;)


Please include self employment and freelance careers!


I would love a generic tax system (with simple adjustable values and options). I think it would be cool if the taxes flowed into a town treasury, and that money can be used as funds to build community lots. PleasantSims on YouTube plays the Sims this way


Something i would like to see is the "npc job" also be job for Paras (ex: maid, postman babysitter ect...)


I would love for for their to be a finite number of Paras that can inhabit a certain position. It never made sense to me that more than one person can be your boss or major like where's the drama? The intrigue?! Not to mention I call bullshit on you being able to start whatever job you like anytime or wait a day or two for it to become available. If I have to suffer on the jobmarket so do my Paras. In relation, though I'm not sure how it'd work in relation to players seeking more difficult gameplay, perhaps also a welfare type system where you can apply for jobs, but don't necessarily get them thereby having to live on benefits.


I love the idea of having multiple branches in a career; that makes it a lot more interesting when you play those careers again with different sims. Promotions based on skill level as well as work performance feels really balanced to me, to make sure you don't get promotions immediately after promotions. Even better if certain traits/personality types can either benefit from or struggle based on traits (a workaholic might see work performance boosts where a "lazy" or underachiever might feel a hit to their work performance.) I do love having the "standard career types" - teacher/education, cooking (fast food(fry cook)/5 star chef/TV personality lol branch opportunities), doctor/nurse/etc. To allow more room to create even more job types later after launch. Some careers are definitely worth waiting for them to be playable career types, I think, as long as there's a good variety of already existing jobs to make up for it, you know? I do like them being able to socialize and skill at work tho! For a lot of jobs, you're basically learning and improving on the job, so it's always nice to see that be possible! Ultimately I think the most important thing is being able to have career possibilities for different personalities and the ability to make the experience feel different (easier/harder promotions, career branches, random events, etc) so it doesn't feel so stale.

Captain SebT

I would love careers that you could do independently but it's harder than getting hired. An example that I'm sure the creators can relate to is a game developer could be an indie developer or work for a company It would be cool if there were different upsides and downsides. Like maybe a character who works for a company has a more steady income but an Indie developer could make more money in the end but less money during development an they have no guarantee of being successful. Other fields I can think of for a similar concept is Artist, Writer, maybe even a white hat hacker. Other cool careers would be if you could buy, renovate and flip houses, own a restaurant, own a shop or start a web based buisness. Each with their own challenges and I want to feel like I worked for success not like the sims where you can't fail making a shop. Maybe like location could matter too for example selling old antiques in a modern city wouldn't be as good as selling modern furniture.


The one thing that I really want to see is having different careers in the same field. It always drove me insane that Sims is so linear: you start at the bottom, and then go through a variety of careers until you reach some "pinnacle of success" at level 10, which is not how things work in real life at all. I'd want to see some careers that only have a few levels, others which take longer, and a more modular career plan with lots of branches and crossovers. For example, take the medical field. Maybe everyone starts as a bed cleaner, but the next level you get to choose which path, and it starts branching out from there, with maybe nursing being the first main branch. And then later after "Residency" or "Fellowship" or something, you could choose sub-fields: surgeon, doctor, maybe even more specific like cardiologist, family practitioner, etc. I also hated how lifetime goals were always linked to careers, and if they weren't, they were half-baked and weren't really worth pursuing (Education in Sims 3 anyone?). If there is going to be an aspirational career, I think a general wish would be better than a specific, like "Become a doctor" and it applies to any job at a certain point, also maybe allowing further career progression past that point. I think it'd also be cool to have the option to switch careers within a field, but be put back at the start of the new branch since the para already has some skills/knowledge in the field so they don't need to start over entirely. I would also love the option to be able to stop progressing at any point. Again with another Sims 3 example, but the Education career track took you from school crossing guard and school monitor (which would be GREAT part-time jobs for paras with kids in school who still need to earn money but don't need to worry about childcare), then eventually to a teacher, then to a superintendent. Instead of the forced progression, I'd love the option to just choose "elementary school teacher" or whatever it may be, and stop the progression. And maybe later have an option (maybe a checkbox?) that would allow them to progress to a middle school teacher, or high school, or something. In general, I would love a lot more part-time options, or part-time jobs that could be full-time. For example, a teenager could have a part-time grocery store job which they can continue once they grow up so they have time to start a family or focus on a passion, or they can go into it full time and become a store manager at a later promotion. It might also be cool to have some job/life conflict. If a family-oriented para is working a lot and doesn't get a chance to see their kids or spouse, maybe they could start hating their job, or having a lot of negative moods. I just love giving my Sims jobs that reflect their personalities, so I have lots of items on my wishlist! :D


Free lance and starting your own business being your own employer should definitely be up there


Yes I like this a lot. Freelance careers could still work with rabbit holes. Also think having a basic calendar feature in the interface would work really well with this type of job


Being able to freelance and work from home. Having Paras be able to start and run their own business. I think the most important part of gameplay here is going to be needing to constantly achieve goals for our paras. Having to problem-solve random issues that arise or work my way through a series of goal-oriented tasks is part of what makes games like this fun for me.


My dad was a health inspector and my mom was a food critic and they would travel a lot. I know the game will most likely start off with rabbit holes but having jobs like food delivery, mail service, health inspector, etc actually go to real in game places around town even if it’s a rabbit hole would be cool. Good way to check out different places


Social worker, counsellor, and other careers related to psychology and social services would be something I would love to see.

Sara Rocha

I'd love if our Parafolk could be independent workers and be their own bosses. I'm really into horses and lately I've been playing the Sims 3 a lot and I'm loving having my Sim work as professional rider ad go to competitions. I'd definitely understand if something like this is too big to be done at lunch but maybe with updates later on


Not everything should be a 9 to 5. Some extreme hours like 9 to 2am which gives you almost no time to catch up on needs could be a challenging gameplay element for some careers at certain levels, like a residency in a medical career or an investment banking analyst


As a professional musician and composer, boy howdy I can confirm! A linear "traditional" career progression makes no sense for those types of jobs. It doesn't exist in the real world.


I’d love to see some more jobs directly related to the places/events in the world like librarians, meter maids, landscapers, news anchors, etc. things that make a local impact that we could (maybe?) see.


Echoing what someone else said about not having every job available when you go to get a job... having to check for new postings everyday, "applying" and then waiting - maybe even getting rejected from a job if a para's skills are too low, or having it be randomized with better chances the more skill level someone has. Also, having different companies to choose from with different promotion requirements, moodlets, etc. like working in accounting for a non-profit pays less but maybe isn't as stressful, or you could choose to work in accounting for a big corporation where you make a lot of money but the para is more likely to come home with negative mood or depleted energy.


I would like to see different careers in the same field. Like it bugs me in the sims 4 that for entertainer there is comedian or classical musician. And a lot more varied jobs in the arts like dancer, choreographer, rock star, etc.


You keep blowing my mind by just thinking of things to incorporate thatI hadn’t ever thought about! I’m so impressed by everything you’re doing. As far as jobs, what about having some sort of buff-type benefit from working the lower paying jobs that are socially beneficial (like working non-profit jobs irl - we don’t make as much money but we like being able to help people).


Absolutely love this idea! And, just to add a little bit, perhaps fleshing out the artistic careers in general would be a good idea too. You shouldn't be able to just sell a book to a publisher or a painting to a collector. You should have to work for it. Maybe even have some randomly generated stakes in the code that determines whether or not your Para, regardless of their talent, is able to succeed in that field even if they were to create what some would consider a masterpiece.


Even as simple as having to choose between Public Sector and Private Sector when you join a job!


What about needing to have the right social connections to get promoted in certain fields or for certain positions in a career? Like, maybe you wouldn't need to know many people to get hired as a dishwasher or court clerk, but you would if you wanted to progress as an entertainer or politician. Instead of just "I went to work x number of times in the right mood and now I'm promoted," add things like having to make friends with other Paras in the same field or related fields, or building enough public clout to get ahead. For instance, a scientist really just needs a good education and higher logic skill to get hired, but movie composers have to make friends with filmmakers because that's how they get work. Things like that, depending on the job. Make it different for each field so they don't all feel like identical rabbit holes.


Different jobs in the same field is so needed! Doctors are not the only healthcare providers! Registered Dietitians, nurses, PT/OT, SLP need some love, too!

Maiden Minnesota

I don't know what the distant plan is right now, but it always bugged me that in The Sims any old schmoe could simply become a doctor with or without a degree. I think certain professions should be locked until a degree is earned for it, like medicine or law. Also, I'm a homemaker, and was a stay-at-home mom while I was raising my kids. While I don't earn any money, there is a dollar amount fixed to what I do by insurance actuaries. For example, they calculate that if I should die, my husband could find he would need to hire out a lot of the work I do (i.e. cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking, etc.). So, it shouldn't be ignored as a "career". It can easily be included without pay, but for example, perhaps the better a homemaker (male or female) gets at cooking the more that affects the relationship with their partner though appreciation or something. Same with parenting. There could be little side jobs that would need to be accomplished, like "Take kids to dentist". Those could go off-screen. The completion of side jobs could also add to life satisfaction for the Para, instead of pay.


The first part sounds to me like perhaps some kind of, I don't know, University should be implemented? Or at least a basic degree system so not just any Para can go in a get the job. Not every Para is made to be a doctor after all.


Thoughts on this: Being able to do the same jobs in-game as irl goes hand in hand with the ability to have more than one job, imo. Also, I’d love to see more challenging promotions. My para should not be ~25 and already the chief of medicine (disregarding college/med school/a European medical training through university)


Side gigs. I'm not a fan of hustle culture but it's a big part of life these days. Plus a random client base. Will it flop? Might it grow into an actual business that could have premises? Maybe incorporate the concept of stress. When am I gonna sleep while I'm working fulltime and my business is on the verge of blowing up?


I'd very much like for parafolks to be able to work at different companies, while keeping the same job. The related features I have in mind would be : job interviews with various difficulties depending on the company's fame ; different salaries and the possibility to negociate it ; different work environment (stressful, relaxed, tense with other colleagues etc) depending on the company...


I'd like to see the jobs or work the paras do interact with and have an effect on their skills or traits somehow. For a few simple examples, a para can't do well at a vet career unless you love animals, or can't be a good engineer without a high logic skill. However, doing those careers would also improve the related skill or trait over time. And maybe it would have other unexpected effects, as well!


I don't mind if the original jobs/careers start out as rabbit holes, but I'm hoping that over time you can improve them and add more gameplay, not just add new jobs/careers that are more interesting than the original ones.


I would love to have the choice to go to work with my Para and help them with their job throughout the day with required activities. And I would very much like an architect career!!!


Office romances effecting job performance positively or negatively!


Oh and I almost forgot : to be able to influence your career path, with actions like negociate a promotion or a raise, offer new ideas to the company, get involved in trying to provide a better work environment etc... It would be great if the job/company could influence the parafolk, but also if the para could influence the company he/she works at ^^

Clara Rose Elliott

I think there's a lack of skilled labor, trades and utility work in simulation games (plumber, postal worker, electrician). I'd love to see more representation in those areas. Opportunities to turn hobbies into work from home gigs would be wonderful. I'd love for the job system not to be as focused on prestige jobs (medical, creative, business) but to offer a wide range of jobs that are perhaps less visible.


I’d love if for higher positions in certain career paths, paras would have to be reachable around the clock (i. e. i work in law and lawyers, by contract, must always be available for emergencies). Like maybe paras could occasionally receive calls/“e-mails” from work even after having returned home or in the late evening :)


thank you so much for mentioning this -the unpaid work that (mostly women) do is very important and has a dollar value. Being able to have a stay at home para have a "working on kids/cleaning/etc" notice that actually makes them do work would be amazing, especially if they were able to autonomously leave for an activity like "getting groceries", filling the household's fridge when they get back. Also agree we shouldn't be allowing paras who never did more than basic education be doctors, I hate that about the sims!


We need to get out of the Sims paradigm of a linear 10 level career. Point blank. It's our frame of reference, but this is an opportunity to think differently. Careers that only have a few levels, advancement caps based on education level, certain "hidden" careers that you can't apply to but get referred as an opportunity, careers with crazy hours, part-time work with a few hours etc. Don't make everything an open book. The real world isn't. Make careers probabilistic (chance) rather than deterministic (repeatable and predictable). Hide from the player how to get access to certain careers. All the wiki editors and fan sites will have a field day documenting all of these branching flow charts of career paths. Allow the online community to share their findings with how they get career change or advancement opportunities and promotions My final advice is to make careers an easily moddable programmable "object" with specific variables that can be tweaked to allow many variations and types


Architecture! Random client hissy fits = having to stay late or be less likely to be considered for promotion. Pretentiousness and wearing black/turtlenecks as traits. Work jargon making other Paras confused/alienating them. Work demographics and work culture, e.g. company cycling trips (architects have a thing for cycling). Holiday events, e.g. Xmas parties. Running into and socialising with a boss after work and getting a boost towards promotion.


Freelancing and the ability to work from home would be so cool! Obviously it would have to be for jobs that make sense, but I like the idea of being able to transition to freelance work or open your own business once you have a certain amount of experience in your job field. I also like the idea of having a family business, where teens can help their parents after school, etc.

S&M Gonzalez

I think all the choices you’ve listed are everything I’d love to see haha :) but I think it’d be cool if some paras chose jobs that paid well and they love the money but not the work itself or career, they could even excel in it but they don’t love it and may long to go to another profession. I’d like jobs to have affect on life and family too if they’re constantly at work or bringing work home and not spending time with family. But I’d really like to be able to have paras be able to work at different companies and maybe the potential to work at rivaling companies and be forced to choose which ones they’ll stay with. More service jobs would be nice too and maybe getting to see your para spawn at work around town in these service jobs. Service jobs like mail carrier, trash pickup, groundskeepers, police,fire fighter, etc, even restaurant jobs paras don’t own


I’ d love to have the choice to work outside or at home.


Though I'm not super crazy about necessarily needing social connections for promotions I certainly like the idea of, in some fields, needing to have made a good impression at a previous job or a connection to get into into the business. I certainly feel, as a past performer myself, that most entertainer jobs (actor, singer, dance, comedian etc.) should be freelance only thereby forcing you to think of part time jobs, auditions etc. It could also occasionally trigger an offer from previous employer if you did a good job.


Maybe more of a process for getting a job - some could require degrees (not sure if higher ed is in base game or not), others could include an application process. Paras could be more likely to land a job with previous related experience. Internships (perhaps not paid, or not paid well) could be stepping stones to landing a Para's dream career, instead of just getting in immediately. Perhaps they could also work on their relevant skills before applying.


what would be really cool (and ties i to the trait system) is if a para’s personality affects their job. and not just “workaholic equals comes back happy” but i.e. a people pleaser gets upset bc an angry customer while a para with diff traits feels victorious; “child lover” is happy working with kids while “hates children” gets irritated and annoyed. i would love if you could choose options for what they do in the workplace and it affects their mood either based on their traits or furthers the trait system (adds/strengthens/weakens/etc. already existing traits.) this honestly sounds super exciting and i cannot wait. i also think having jobs like panda huggers and “sister for an hour” or “family for an hour” would be really cool. like unusual jobs that exist in our society.


I would love to see something like being able to choose your principal instrument if you go into a music career track. I appreciate needing to build a skill for a job but it's so frustrating in (redacted) that you can learn all sorts of different instruments but have to play the guitar specifically for the music career.


Medical is an obvious choice, but can we have something other than doctor or nurse? There are Xray techs out here ready to play too!


This is my favorite comment, especially the part about having moddable career paths. I would love the option to be able to outline careers that the team may not have time to add or think of. I work from home making stuffed animals, if I could outline what that looks like for my Para and mod it and specific items like a sewing machine into the game, that would be so so cool.


I feel like career progression shouldn’t be automatic or even really linear. Some people don’t WANT to move up in their career (for example, I an currently very happy as a shift supervisor and have zero desire to be promoted to a store manager). Some people climb up the ladder, and some people in management are external hires who never worked the lower levels of the company. This varying degree of progression depending on work, drive, education, and experience just feels more natural. On the note of education, I think (if college/universities are ever implemented) that trade schools should be included. This could give a nice and realistic variety to the classic idea of higher education. I also feel like there should be varying degrees of work ethic maybe in personality? Like, even in my own work place there’s a wide range from “cares way too much always stays late and self worth is closely related to perceived performance” (guilty) to “yea I’m just gonna go hide behind a dumpster talk on my phone and get upset when asked to do anything in my job description”. This could also tie closely with work relationships. The hardest working generally don’t tend to get along with the people riding on their coat tails.


I don't want my Para to have to climb a generic corporate ladder to be happy and successful at their job. There are lots of different functions people can fill in any company: working with people, with customers, with product, with numbers, with data, with paperwork. I want to feel like my Para is a part of something rather than following a preset path where the end goal is money or game completion. Perhaps players could create their own businesses for Paras to work at. All types of businesses need different types of employees. Sports teams need accountants, manufacturing needs engineers and managers, banks need security, and everyone needs janitors. If a Para starts their own business, they can name it and pick what kind of business it will be (manufacturing, sales, lending, teaching, etc) and hire for positions. It would create a small work community for the Para and could give the option to either be managed in detail or set up with presets. This could easily start as a rabbithole (do the presets and hiring but manage it all from an interface) and then later transition into a physical office or location. This way, players could be creative with custom jobs and careers (less work for you to try and include all the jobs yourselves) but anyone less interested in career play can get a premade job. Paras can also set their own opinion of what career "success" is. Do they want a specific position? Do they want to make a certain salary? Do they want to do something that they enjoy doing or are good at? Do they want the best-paid or highest level job in their company? This would also give Paras the chance to have or belong to a small business and then grow it into a major corporation. (Though I'd hate if that were required. Small businesses staying small is still great.) More employees, more management required for the owner, more moving parts. (You hired the wrong accountant and now you have an embezzler, oh no! Or the VP keeps taking wasteful trips to Cancun. Or two employees with a poor relationship can't work effectively near each other, you have to move one of them!) The career system could be its own challenge, community, and way of life for a Para, with the option to just choose a low-pressure premade job with enough hours to make ends meet so the Para can focus on other aspects of their wee electronic lives. It also matters very much to me that Paras be required to qualify for certain high-skill jobs and not just hop right into being an accountant with no training (even if it's just a few night classes at a rabbithole community school, or good grades in math growing up). It's a bit more in-depth, but skill or training at things like math, writing, and people skills should have an effect on ability to perform and rate of pay. Speaking of pay, in this build-your-own-business scenario the business would get a certain profit and if your Para owns it (or is the accountant, maybe) then they have to balance pay for employees with profit margins to make sure the company won't go bankrupt. If a Para worked in another position, the company could auto-balance itself, as if the owner and accountant are doing their jobs independently of the played Para. There could also be an option to auto-balance even for owned businesses so long as an accountant is employed. As for transitioning businesses to let the player join the Para at work, each business could have a type of work space: office space (with options for a cubicle farm), retail space, classroom for teaching skills, and service locations like for a hospital or spa or beauty salon where Paras working there can use their special skills on patrons. And the space and type of business informs behaviors of employees and customers.


I think the ability to work from home is pretty important as well. But also for jobs our Paras go to, yes I'd love to see them actually meet their co-workers and bosses outside of work and have those interactions have an effect on their job. Dating a co-worker could have a positive or negative effect. For instance if your boss is jealous of you for dating a co-worker they were interested in this could cause career setbacks! But what if you're dating the boss' son or daughter? Could be sweet promotions around the corner if the romance goes well...or you could be fired if the romance breaks up! Parties for coworkers or meeting at the local pub or coffee shop for drinks should also be a thing. Miss one and your job could be negatively affected. Make the boss angry at such a gathering and you could be in trouble! Freelance jobs like writer, artist or blogger that you can do from home should also require interaction with other Paras. For instance your artist should have to do a gallery showing of their work. A writer might have to attend a workshop. A blogger might have to go to some sort of convention. These could be rabbit holes with a series of choices made via text boxes that will then have an impact on the Para's career and other Paras who were "there" will either have better or worse relationships with them after this event. It'd be kinda cool if, after a gallery showing, the artist meets a new fan of their work and can become friends or even romantically involved with them.


I think it would be interesting to find out a way to incorporate personality traits to how much you like your job. For example, if you’re “lazy” you would hate a job that has physical labor or a big workload like a Construction Worker, but you would prefer a job as a Librarian because you only had to check out books for others and organize the shelves.


This has been said already but seriously -I just want to see normal jobs. Plumbers, mechanics, firefighters, HVAC people, lawn mowers, gardeners, construction workers. Maybe your para is friends with an electrician and gets a happy buff because their friend came in and fixed a flickering light in exchange for a 6-pack. Or go even further and paras can get discounts on select household items because they work for a company that sells them. Or maybe your para just finished their fancy 4-year CS degree only to find out their buddy from high school is making 80k a year working at the post office. I'd also love the inclusion of jobs that require paras to be gone for longer periods of time, like long hauling truckers or politicians.


I consider it is important to see how careers and jobs affects paras daily life and relationships. I mean, I think it's important to see what happen with family relationships if a para past too much time at the work or if they are (or not) able to get a promotion. Maybe the family feels so proud about one para success and it affects their relations. Also could be great to get a job like a npc job :)

Emma Pelletier

I'd love to be able to start a career as an independant (writer, painter, etc) and make money with my own production. ☺️


On the topic of degrees for advancement when university isn't in the base game... I think we need some planning in anticipation (if) it gets added. Maybe for now it's ultra simple: you pay $X admission and your para gets sent off the lot outside of the town for N number of days until they receive a diploma when they return. Just make a placeholder for now so that the career system doesn't become broken if there's ever DLC that creates a simulated university or schooling experience.


Everything mention above is good and i would like to suggest if a bulletin can be place where a para can look for jobs. Also, for it to have some jobs come with requirements and others with none also the options for self employment, or if your work performance is really bad and they dont want to fire the para yet, they can be on probation of some degree. Also i know we not not talking about schools but boot camp should be with that too, for disobedient kids.


I would love to see more music or art related career paths. I myself am a working musician, but I also teach voice lessons. So I think it would be incredible to see that aspect. People who teach others out of their homes or studios and aren’t going to a 9-5 job as a “musician” because that’s just not a real thing. You have scattered auditions, rehearsals, and sometimes a studio of students. And this applies to actors, singers, and basically all instruments. Plus, some variety of what kind of performer would be awesome. Are they an opera singer? Or maybe they just do bar gigs. Maybe they play in the pit of a musical theatre company, or they’re on the stage singing and acting. Ballerina vs. breakdancer. Classical pianist vs. jazz pianist. Street performer vs. busker. Wood carver vs. potter. Painter vs. sketch artist. Just more specificity in the art they pursue, and more variety to their gigs.

Anna TjernstrĂśm

I’d love to be able to live out my dream to become a filmmaker/director through my para :D!


I don’t know if someone said so above, but I think it’d be really amazing if uni was a part of the base game. As a rabbit hole (similar to elementary school and high school) even, because certain jobs require uni education or a specific degree, and I believe it’d add a lot to the realism aspect Paralives’ aiming towards!


Kinda random but I'd LOVE movie theaters as a place to go (even if just a rabbit hole) with the ability to work there, attend premieres and special events, etc. Different types of films could put them in different moods.


This is one of those aspects of life sims I think about frequently, so apologies if I ramble! I would love to see more of a career web than separated career paths in Paralives. I think Sims rightly identified the fun to be had with the branching career paths, but I think the most satisfying thing (to me) of these games is the ability to take multiple routes to get to a common end point. I guess my archetypal concept of this is the generic "office" job, where I might work in advertising if I'm artistically inclined or R&D if more mechanical, but either way could lead to an eventual promotion to CEO or something. Also, different career "paths" that intersect could make for interesting decision points in a Para's life. Maybe an office worker could make the jump to white collar crime. This would also, I hope, mean that the sort of formulaic 10-tier model for promotions could be done away with. Some careers just don't have that long of an arc, but with a job web, relatively simple careers could still be slotted in without feeling too lean. Speaking on promotions, I would also really love it if they were a bit harder to get, and more unique to their jobs. For instance, maybe to advance in the Politics career, a Para would actually need to secure votes and win an election, or to advance at an office might require a sitcom-style dinner with the boss, or to land The Big Account, etc. Would also honestly just love it if as career gameplay options expand (go to work, work from home, etc.) they could apply to jobs that makes sense! Lol it still bugs me that the Military is a potential work from home career. Sorry for the long-winded response!


I would very well want a "professional retail" career. Some people see retail as a "lesser" job, but with the right mindset could CAN climb the corporate letter. (Also if there later could be a "own a busines" part of the game retail could be very well the "endgame", but then like a "Mom&Pop-Store"-variety.


The worst thing in TS3 for me was waiting for my sims to come from work, because I often played as 2-3 adults. Creating unique and witty scenarios via text messages really helped so for me this is one of the most important aspects. Of course some time after launch I would love to go to workplaces and decide on what is happening in there.

Kara Braun

I want the ability to not have a job! I want to be a para homesteader and grow my food and trade/barter for items.

Katie Bellissimo

Idk if anyone else had suggested this, but I would love if there was a college/graduate school option that worked the same way as k-12 schooling. I don't need interactive university content, just make them leave for school part of the day and come back with homework to do. Make it part time so they can have part time jobs too. This might be too complicated but maybe make certain part time jobs tied to schooling? Like a para who can get a research assistant job that pays alongside with being in grad school. Or an internship that relates to some major they picked. Like, they can't move up Past entry level career unless they do part time college at the same time. Probably too complicated, but as a grad student who works in a lab and simultaneously takes classes I'd love to be able to replicate my life!


As comments keep rolling in, and I continue to refresh this page, I noticed that someone has yet to address that you probably need to figure out the political system with regards to worker's rights and business affairs. What is the minimum wage? Can you get unemployment benefits? What about vacation days? Maternity leave anyone? Does unions exists and can a strike occur? Since I live in a country built around the welfare state this will definitely have an impact on how and, perhaps even, whether I want to play the game. That said a system could, though probably complex, be implemented in settings with regards to certain things. (Or I suppose the mayor/local politicians could get to chose both in the background and during the gameplay).


As well as big time careers that we all aspired to as kids, I would like to see more specialty trade jobs. I.e. Plumber, Builder, Electrician.


I would like it if there was just the ability to have multiple places with the same jobs! this would probably be for the future where you have more worlds, but if there was an office job you could potentially have a rival with someone in a rival branch!!


One thing that always bothered me in the sims is how the promotions work. Like I start off as a candy striper, but with some hard work and elbow grease, I can become a surgeon without every going to school for it. So I'd say I would like more realistic career paths. Like a path to being a nurse and a separate path to becoming a doctor, even without having college in the game. Maybe the path to doctor can start off at resident with different pathways to being a surgeon, virologist, general practitioner, etc. And for the nurse, maybe start as EMT or technician and then work your way to being an RN or CRNA, or CNS. I would like regular jobs that don't have prestigious upward movement, but an everyman career path like working retail, construction, or in a factory. I'd like some office drones. And most importantly, there should only be one boss or head of whatever. If there is a mayor careen branch, there shouldn't be able to be 2 mayors in town unless they live in different towns. Same for leader of the world - there should be only one and possibly one trying to take over and oust the other.


Normal jobs, please. Also, the ability to advance in a given position without a formal promotion. ie. Technician lvl 1, lvl 2 etc. In sims often getting a promotion meant having a completely different job


What about a personality trait (or slider) that determines how much of a paras self worth they attach to their job/work. So paras who are high in this trait would have a low mood whenever they're doing poorly at work or they craft something of poor quality. (Like creating a painting or baking a cake)


Oooh, also: temps! Paras who are temps could be called in to fill in different jobs for X amount of time. (Again, I would like Paras to be qualified for the jobs they get. A math Para filling in at accounting and teaching jobs, a physically fit Para filling in at physical jobs, a Para who likes kids filling in at kid-related jobs, an unskilled Para filling in at unskilled jobs, etc.)

Kara Braun

10000% I don’t want this to be a game about work. Work shouldn’t be the focus of day to day lives. Personally my job is just a thing I do to get money. But it’s not my life.


Considering gameplay I would like to see paras from other families, that get better with every lesson, when there is a way to teach abilities.


One of my most requested/wanted idea for jobs in life sims is having as many jobs open for players as possible - by which I mean in the Sims, jobs like maid, butler, landlord, postman, gardener, repairman, bus driver, makeup artist, paparazzi, and other NPC careers are not playable or accessible to the player and when an NPC is added to the household, they lose that job. I've always wanted for these NPC careers to be opened up and as well as providing a larger variety of jobs to choose from, it makes it more realistic to play many of these basic kind of careers and for paras to continue the job they have rather than losing the job! I would love for multiple (even more than 2) career tracks for particular careers and having specializations for ones like healthcare like general family doctor, surgeon, optometrist, otolaryngologist (ENT). Likewise for freelance style careers such as photography, where a para can be a general photographer, scenic or travel photographer, fashion photographer, and paparazzi. Lastly, I would love for opportunities and chance cards similar to Sims 2 and 3 wear you have options for be promoted, demoted, get a raise, get sacked, gain skills and friendships, and go to work-related events around town. For example, I'd love for writers to get an opportunity to sell their published book at the bookstore and do a book-signing or book-reading event for money/volunteer time/fame. It would be awesome to specialise in genres and read your children's book to little paras!


I would love a good music career. Choose to be a performer(Choose to be a singer/play an instrument, which instrument/genre), go more for the management(Public relations manager for a band/artist, tour manager, maybe start your own label), or go for a more technical route(music producer/recording engineer). Piggy backing on that. BANDS! Start a band at the teenage stage and later. Start in your garage with your buddies annoying your parents with the noise. Play at the school talent show. Play at local venues (by invite or convincing your friends dad to let you play at his bar.) Until you can get a record deal.


I would like a mailman career, now that you mention it! 😀


I saw someone suggest once that the company that employs you could be separate from the job title. I think it would be a small way to add some variety to the game, so it's not like all office workers are employed by the same place at the same building


Yes! In the sims I try to base a later trait after the toddler one. It would be cool to have a very basic 'disposition' trait that lasts for all lifestages-- cheerful, anxious, thoughtful, grumpy, melancholy, etc


Something I would really like to see is trades-related jobs! For example, being a plumber, a construction worker. I like the idea of having vastly different wages for jobs as well, for example, you may never make as much money as a teacher as you would a business executive. Something else I would really like to see is options to take a raise that could be significant versus getting a big promotion, as well as wages increasing as your time in the job continues, that way Paras who may like their job level get regular raises. I think this adds a lot of realism and could be fun!


I'm sure it's been said but the ability to work from home / bring assignments home to work on after work hours would be neat <3


Also I think it would be cool, rather than just getting the promotion. You apply for it.

Jo Landers

As a cook/aspiring chef, here's my thoughts about the cooking career in the game: The sims series has a tendency (at least in sims 3) to have career paths in which sims start at the bottom of the chain (with a title akin to coffee runner) and work their way up to a CEO position. Cooking is one of the only careers where this model is actually very common in real life, where people can start as dishwashers and work their way up to become chefs. College education is helpful for those who wish to work in fine dining, and definitely gives people an advantage, but isn't required at all. Experience is valued over education. I would absolutely love to see family owned restaurants in this game. The head chef is in charge of the menu, so it would also be nice to see paras with that title be able to create and title their own dishes for the restaurant. Edit: it would be nice to have a baking career too, that mimics the cooking career but has early morning hours rather than the typical afternoon/night hours of a restaurant cook.


I guess it doesn't matter so much since careers/jobs will probably be easily moddable but while I agree that most of the base game jobs should be "normal" ones, I don't think having some more out there or wacky ones would be that bad either. It's all about variety.


I would love it if, for example, a para works for the FBI (or similar comparison) that they could choose to be agent, informant, assistant, tech analyst ect ect. Or if they work in a restaurant they could be manager, chef, server, disher ect. And that that's not necessarily a promotion thing, but you choose specifically what job you want in the feild.


On another note, if getting a job ends up being more complicated in Paralives versus The Sims....maybe it would be a good idea to have a lot type where paras can go to try to get employment, and maybe someone will help them get work. (like Job Recruitment offices)


Maybe some branches of jobs could have shorter promotion ladders not resulting in a major step up from the original employement. Like if your para is hired at a restaurant to do the dishes, they could later on be promoted to waiter (and maybe after that to some sort of waiter with more responsibilty). After that, the para can keep working at the restaurant of course, but they will not get promoted anymore. I feel like that could be realistic for more simple jobs, like baristas, janitors, cleaners, cashiers etc. Some people are just not interested/have the oppertunity to pursue a career.


Not just for jobs, but I have a suggestion: I would love to be able to unlock more options as rewards. Like in the Sims, you're only able to build certain objects if you have advanced in a career. I would love to see this in traits, careers etc. For example, you're only able to enter the "Startup Career" if you ever maxed logic with a Para.


Something I was thinking as well, it could be interesting if careers could have some level of synergy with each other. Like.....for example there's a Youtuber called "The Legal Eagle", he's a lawyer but he's also a Youtube personality. I think it would be interesting to have perks for being a multidisciplinary para.


Like going beyond just "careers" and into the realm of disciplines that can merge and head in unexpected directions. (sorry for clogging up the messages, I'm getting into the topic now. :p)


Yes! And that for each of them you could get a promotion, but that it would still be that job. A server would get paid more because they would develop their skills and get better at their job = more tips. If you chose teacher, you would get a promotion each year because your union negotiated a pay scale with wage increases each year (or you took courses to get another degree). Or maybe you work for a law firm as a legal assistant and you have to develop your skills and then negotiate wage increases!!


Only being able to do certain jobs or accept certain promotions after receiving some sort of certification. This could be where your para would have to do a day course, go through a training program, or if university is an option, get a degree. Always found it weird that in the sims you can just become a doctor without going to school. Certifications as a whole could be an interesting game element


Though many of these propositions are appealing, the one that got my vote is "textual events". I don't mind rabbit holes at all, even if that were to be the way Paralives is played in the long run. But I need to feel like I'm in control of where things are going, even when I'm not in control of what's happening every single minute. Plus, when all your characters are at school/work at the same time, there isn't much to look at, let alone do. So textual events sound really great, and the more the better. They don't need to all be game changers (if a game makes it possible, without any cheats, to get a raise almost every day, I question its vision of what gameplay is...), but they can at least nudge you in a specific direction. I don't necessarily want A LOT of things to read, but I want a question to be asked every time my Para goes to work, maybe depending on how the Para is feeling on that given day ("Camilla hasn't gotten enough sleep lately, and is too tired to focus on their work. Should they pretend to be sick to go home earlier, and lose a sick day ? Should they nap at work, with a non-zero chance to be caught in the act ? Should they soldier through at the risk of having an accident at work ?"), or relationships with coworkers/boss, or career-specific tasks. Even mundane things like watercooler talk, coffee break-related drama, could be fun ("During his break, Luis spilled coffee on his clothes. He cleaned it up best as he could, but the stain remains and it's embarrassing to have around the office. What should he do ?" and that only affects his mood when he goes home, or how early he comes home). It's the kind of thing that really requires a writer, more than a game designer, because the mechanics can be simple as long as there are enough chance cards for me not to see the same one during one single playthrough. This being said : including sick days, childcare days, parental leaves (regardless of gender of course) and other such things are quite important for me. More broadly, I think Paras should negotiate contracts (especially when they're not at entry-level positions) that have different balances of salaries, advantages, and specificities, so that even playing two Paras with the same career will never quite feel the same. Surely a shy Para would not negotiate a better contract than a social one.


I would love to see my personal career back in the game! I work as a "specialised pedagogical worker". To put it simply, I work at a daycare and after-school daycare. But there is so much more to it than just "caring for and playing with children". If you do the work we do, you start observing children from a young age and support their development with different activities, learning moments and through one on one care moments. You cater to their needs daily and in a very intimate way. We really are another "parental figure" in the child their life. You work closely with parents to give the child the things they need to grow and develop from baby to toddler, from toddler to young and older child... Al the way until they will leave primary school onto higher education. The organisation I work at sees children be brought in at infancy and walk out of there at 13 years old, ready for their next step... Yes, I am proud to be a pedagogical worker and am passionate about the job!


In terms of promotions, it’d be nice if it had a more natural progression. For example, you can see that there’s a new position available within your existing workplace, but it has certain requirements, maybe a certain skill level. You can attempt to apply for it, but maybe you don’t have the required traits or mess up the interview and don’t get it. Or maybe it goes well and you do! But if you got the job without the required skill levels, maybe you struggle and can get demoted again. So on and so forth. The promotion system in the “other game” always felt rather abrupt and unrealistic. You’d start at the bottom and suddenly you’re a space engineer because you played a lot of chess; it didn’t make sense.


I'd like to have more diversity in sciences job. Oftentimes, it is very typical of white robe wearing chemist or tech (or doctor!), but there are so much more disciplines that could very well help flesh out the relation the Para have with their body and he world around them. As an example, in medecine, there are doctors but also nurses, radio technician, ostheopath, physio, acupuncture, etc. And since we live in a more climate focused decade, jobs in environmental and earth sciences could be great! Often times, those kind of jobs requires you to be good in pure sciences but also in human sciences. Another way to mix specialties would be that someone in a certain career could apply in politics and become a health or security minister, etc.


I love this idea! I don't mind rabbit holes either but I still want to control my parafolk while they're off to school/work. This idea is really cool


I'm an auditor. While I don't necessarily need to see my job portrayed (it's not that fun lol), I think that having a general business/financial career path could be fun! There could be opportunities to make good, bad, and neutral choices. Do you want to become a leader in the org through honesty or backstabbing? I think that while it's great to have a wholesome game, adding options that morally shape your parafolk either positively or negatively would be fun too!


Kinds of jobs I’d love to see in the game would be Landscaper/Renovator where after launch you can see your Para teleport to a vacant run down house or one that needs a touch up and watch them auto fix it over the course of a few days (or if you did want to add manual task this can be manual.) Another is a work from home set of jobs, and you depending on your home set up and environment (distractions and decor) is how you perform. Another would be some sort of commission based job like a door to door salesmen or a car salesmen where charisma and or prep work can determine the rate at which you sell, and determines how much you get paid. I would also like Teachers as well.


I agree wanting to see my Para be in those jobs(like baristas, janitors, cleaners, cashiers) and storywise I want to see them struggle to make ends meet because we would have that option.


So many things to say... but I will only pick a couple. i love this: Suggestion of specific aspirations / goals based on the personality traits and lifestyle choices. The player could choose a long-term goal in the Paramaker and have shorter-term goals related to it (or not) appearing during gameplay. Careers: 1) Nursing is not a stepping stone to becoming a doctor. 2) I want the option to not accept a promotion but to still keep getting pay rises. Not everybody wants to be a manager or the CEO. Some people are quite happy to sit in the middle. :)

Lucy McClean

I love that paras environment will change some of their traits! That's very cool. Jobs - I would love progressions that make sense and branch off. For example being a doctor could branch into medical specialisms - pulmonology, gynaecology, neurology, surgery, general practice etc, which can develop experience, become a senior doctor, consultant and so on. A nurse career could branch into medical specialisms in similar ways. With opportunities to develop specialist skills like phlebotomy, or social skills towards different aged patients. But realistically without further training a nurse is never going to be promoted to doctor... That kind of thing, where it's kind of expansive and there is always something new to do even after hundreds of hours played 😍

Samara Stanleigh

I would LOVE to see more than just “actor” in the entertainment industry. The process to create TV and film is so complex that it would be nice to see jobs in the game such as filmmaker, screenwriter, Production’s assistant, producer, casting director, all design branches (set, costume, lighting), etc. Same translates to the theatre world but jobs specific to that!


I'd like there to be a goo mix of job types and career ladders: Some careers that allow for a lot of growth, and some that are more dead-end. Blue collar jobs like mechanics, house cleaners, gardeners that your paras can enter and then be hired to do when you're playing with a neighbor. (I'm not suggesting active jobs here, but I think it would be neat if, say, my para needed to call an exterminator, and another para of mine from a different household who happens to be an exterminator showed up rather than a random NPC.) Some jobs might not allow a lot of room for advancement re: job title and duty, but still have the potential for your para to earn raises and increase their income with experience, like a mechanic for example. And for progression-based careers, I'd love there to be an element of difficulty. To me it's boring if my entire neighborhood easily reaches the tops of their careers and becomes wealthy; the struggle to manage time and money is a big part of the fun. Maybe it's easy to advance a few levels, but after that it gets a lot more challenging, as it does in real life--your para has to qualify by earning skills, sucking up to the boss, completing extra training, etc, and the very top levels should be somewhat difficult to reach, not something you can just accidentally slide into by going to work every day. Oh--and I would love to see relationships have an effect on work performance and opportunities. Not just with coworkers, but say if a para's parent works in a certain career, that para could start in the same career a few steps above entry-level. Or a very negative relationship with the boss could get your para passed over for promotions even though they're qualified in every other way.

Lucy McClean

I like those last two points - nepotism and the relationship to your boss. They really should change the game dynamic. But not every time. It would be cool to have that in a business type career, or even police etc career but not where it's requiring actual qualifications like a doctor or therapist... or if so then it happens only in the higher ranks.


One of my biggest issues with careers in The Sims is that if I want one of the standard careers, I will eventually get extremely rich and be bored. I would love a way to be able to control the amount of money that comes in from careers so that it's customizable to however someone wants to play. When it comes to socializing with coworkers, it would be cool if for some careers there were after-work events, like a company party or careers where people have to come in on the weekends to work extra hours. It would be nice to see special interactions with your coworkers. If you run into them in public, you can talk about work, or you just altogether have a different relationship with them than you would with a friend. It would also be cool if you could choose your para's starting level. You can either enter the workforce at the lowest level, or you can interview for a higher level, but you need skills that qualify you in order to pass the interview. Earning skills just by being at work would feel realistic as well. Instead of actively building a skill, your para can gradually grow a skill that relates to their career. Maybe these can be a separate skillsets from ones any para can access, and they are only unlocked through careers.


totally agree, especially in Sims 4. It's way too easy to get rich lol

Lucy McClean

Love that last point! Yes. Especially in careers like teaching where people often go in to teach, not just to become a headteacher where they end up as management and fundraising.


Ooh, I love this idea! Actively having to "apply" for promotions would solve one of the issues I have with how Sims does jobs.


i love how the sims 3 firefighter career worked, but i would like options and choices after you choose a job .


I think it would be nice to be asked about promotion instead of your para automatically being promoted, because some people don't work well as managers or would rather just have a raise and stay in the job they have. Jobs in other life simulation games (cough cough Sims) felt way too linear and not everyone aims to be the top person of a company you know?

Diamond Nicole

I would like to see psychologist/counselor as a career. It world be great if we could specify what kind ok counselor/therapist our paras are such as: play therapist, family/couples therapist, trauma specialized, eclectic, ect.. For psychologists/counselors, I dont think promotions are really a prominent thing (other than practicum, internship then residency) especially if they own their own their own private practice. Instead, maybe popularity could be a way for paras to thrive in this type of career. If they get good reviews from their clients/patients they can earn a raise or raise their price. A lot of counselors/psychologists are interviewed for journals and magazines, and often write books as well so maybe that could be a way from paras to climb towards a certain goal for this career?


I am a midwife which I think would be a fun career in the game. My job does not just involve delivering babies (both at home and hospital BTW) but also doing antenatal appointments at a clinic and doing postnatal visits at home. I don't know how fun this would be for other people but I know I would love it, and I also think it would be an interesting addition to any maternity system in the game.


For careers, I would think it interesting if instead of just opening your phone or computer or newspaper and choosing a stand alone job, if there could be multiple listings for the same career. For example, if you are a chef, maybe you could work at a Michelin star restaurant( where you would have a higher salary, more difficult requirements, longer hours, and more stress/ pressure) and then later, choose to work at a small vegan place with fewer hours, less pay, but more creative freedom or autonomy.


Or maybe if you get to a high enough level in a certain career, or you are above the requirements, you could receive offers from competing firms with more benefits and salary.

Cali Ann Y.

Love seeing the progress and that you guys are constantly asking for feedback. You’re creating such a lovely game.


The thing I hate the most in the Sims is that there is no challenge in getting any job. You can go into the teaching or medical careers without any extra education or experience. On the flip side, there aren't many options for standard 8-5 "joe jobs" either. The setup of starting down at the bottom and rising through the ranks as you work is unrealistic for a lot of professions. You need training, you take workshops, get certificates, or go back to school and get more degrees. There should be SOME difficulty. You shouldn't be able to play chess for hours and then suddenly have the skills to become a doctor.


I agree with a lot of the comments above especially on careers path and progression. But one of the thing I want to see the most is the impact of jobs on the city. For exemple, an author that sign in a local publisher could been seen at the bookshop for a signing events or other para could buy is book. Maybe after some time you could find is work in library.

Trinity Smith

I would love if paras had some forms of passive income. They would never have to get a job because their passive income covers all of their expenses. This could include stocks, patents, dividends, book royalties, music licensing, owning a business, etc. Not everyone has to work to pay their bills.


I’d love to see a normal office worker job, like a lot of people have IRL. I’m already imagining a para with a special talent working a 9-5, whose dream is to quit their job and make a living from their talent - I think that would be so cool!


I think it would be cool for paras to be able to have their own businesses. From thinking of an idea to starting the business. The challenges that come with starting the business and keeping it going or possibly failing to keep it running due to having no money or not enough attention. I think that would be awesome to have as a career path😊


Keep us involved via text, there can be events outside the rabbithole, like boss coming over for dinner, meetings in public places, or parties, and helping co-workers. I'd love to make my boss a casserole and get a promotion boost.


I love most of these ideas, I just want to make sure that my Para can tell me what job they want, and I can work them towards that job. Or if they want to own their own business and what type of business it is, or if they want to be a student in college, what do they want to major in, etc. i want them to tell me what path they want in their lives, based on their personalities, based on their environment and how they grew up, their memories, based on what their parents might want for them, etc. and then, I can either choose to do just what they want (this is how I like to play) or I can create my own story for their lives.

Makayla Boyko

I definitely love this idea! To kind of add on to that, when paras get pregnant, they can choose to do check-ups at a hospital or have a midwife come in and do at home check-ups as well as choose where the para should deliver. Keeping up with regular check-ups could play into traits for paras as well. So like there could be different benefits for different paras based on traits and which option they choose (more home-body paras or introverted paras feel more comfortable with having a midwife instead of going to the hospital, while more extroverted or travel-loving paras would prefer to get out of the house and go to the hospital), but it could also play into traits for the baby so like if they don't keep up with check-ups or choose bad habits during their pregnancy there could be a potential that they lose the baby (But I think I'd make this a very forgiving percentage) or the baby comes out with a weaker immune system. I don't know, just something to spice up the pregnancy stage!

Makayla Boyko

I will say one thing I did like about the sims was the wacky career choices they gave, like Medium, Paranormal Investigator, Potion Brewer, stuff like that so I'd love to see some "taboo" jobs like these in the game. I'm personally in love with the investigator career tracks and I hope down the line if there is an idea to expand that we'll have the choice to help out our para-investigators and solve crimes with them! Maybe have like small story lines where one case leads into another and they build off of each other to kind of shake things up from time to time.

Roe B.

How about: if in a platonic or romantic relationship with a superior (someone in a higher level of the same field), and your work is slipping (or there are rumors going around, or really for any reason), then it could cause some level of tension between you. On the same note, there could be little "easter eggs", such as if a parent is a teacher, then if their child is in their teaching grade, the child might be embarrassed by them or They might gain grade level faster. I'd like to be able to have my sim do any job an NPC can, as well as basic everyday jobs, maybe some jobs that take us away for days at a time (or even work trips in higher levels of certain jobs (this could be optional), and job-specific interactions for outside of work.

Fran Smith

I agree! And I also don't think a Para should always GET the job. If a Para applies for a job that they are not qualified for or don't have the experience for, the should actually get rejected, and perhaps there should be a chance for rejection anyway (people get rejected for jobs because someone better applied). This opens a much more INTERESTING gameplay! Perhaps relationship with the employer/boss might influence it. Perhaps Paras can compete with NPCs for jobs. That opens up roleplay. Jealousy when they see who got the job instead of them, depending upon personality, of course. Celebration when they DO get a job they applied for! The chance to get fired if they don't cut the mustard. And that means SO MUCH MORE roleplay for Paras who maybe can't get jobs. Maybe if they can't pay their bills they end having to move into a smaller, cheaper house, or share a house, or even end up on the street.

Fran Smith

Yes, promotion should be a Para opt in choice, not an inevitable thing. And it should be a challenge for the Para to accomplish. How difficult that is could depend upon the Para's personality/traits/actions etc, and should have some tasks and challenge gameplay attached to it. Although, promotion is not really much of a thing any more. I really hated that other game's system of every profession belonging to a string of linear promotion tracks anyway. It's totally unrealistic. I think for Paralives, that system should be totally trashed. I'd like to see Paralives go in a completely different direction in this - start at the drawing board with a blank slate and make their own system of how Paras get jobs/keep jobs/get promoted or not. The other game's profession system was NOT a good one.

BooDotBoo .

I know people hate us comparing, but I’d really like something like Uni from Sims 2 involved. There should be normal jobs you can always get, but then some jobs you MUST go to uni for. Or some “secret” jobs that you can only get from interacting with certain Para. Like, for example, you can’t normally work at a factory, but if you meet a specific “townie”, who happens to work at the factory and you reach a certain relationship level with them, there could be a pop-up, saying they have a position available and they could put a good word in for you, if you like, and only then do you get access to that job.

BooDotBoo .

This is true, but if you’re a writer or inventor or something, technically, you’re still working. You just aren’t working all the time.


If you have career promotion in the game I would like it if it felt normal and challenging to only reach middle level over the course of a para’s life. This feels real to life in a way I enjoy and, in my opinion, makes generational game play more fun because it takes longer to amass wealth. This would mean that if there were things, for example doing well in school, that could boost your starting level it would really matter. Also, if you had a para that was able to make it to the top of a career it might have an impact on other game play aspect. For example, maybe the player doesn’t have time to maintain their para’s friendships and, idk, the para gets sad about that on their birthday. I’m also supper interested in unique elder game play. What if a para that has worked at one career their whole adult life could get performance bonuses once they age to an elder? I know this is an unpopular opinion but I would like it if your paras could have unexpected game play related to careers. Both positive and negative, but for example a para could lose their job.

Fran Smith

Yes! And I'd love to see my Paras take up ACTUAL positions within the town. They could compete against NPCs for positions. There's a SLEW of roleplay in that. What happens when they don't get the job? What happens when they see who does? What happens if the Para has to take a lesser job to make ends meet, like working at a takeaway instead of teaching? What happens if they can't get a job at all? Limiting the number of jobs for each profession, so that there are not 10 Mayors in a town, so that there is some competition. Perhaps the players can choose in the settings for each building how many of each job is available there, so that Paras looking for jobs get a choice of REAL job postings, rather than a 'choose from all the professions the game has to offer', which is pretty unrealistic. That would also allow people to play the old way where their Characters can get any job and they can have 10 Mayors if they want (just set the number of jobs in each build to a high number).

Fran Smith

Yes! Indeed! It never made sense! I only want one Mayor in my town! Not 10. Paras can compete for jobs (traits, experience, education, relationship with the boss/employer etc). And the mass of gameplay that gives also! Job jealousies when your friend gets the job you wanted (or with random NPCs), happy celebrations when you DO get a highly desired job, what happens if an educated Para has to get a job at a Cafe to make ends meet, what happens if they can't afford their big house and have to move to a smaller one, share a house, or even end up on the street. Endless gameplay possibilities just with this alone!


This is more on the side of businesses...but I was thinking it would be cool if para owned businesses in the town would advertise by themselves while you're playing another household. So for example Sebastian starts a bakery business and then whenever you play as Maggie you might see ads for his bakery show up on billboards or bus stops. (those ads could also be custom images that you upload as well, like posters)


It would be cool, when a para open a business, that he’d have to work on its online visibility, like create a « facebook page or Instagram » to have more customers, and then he can post photos or videos of its actual work and staged food etc... The more he shares, the more customers he gets, but beware, some customers can put negative/mean comments depending on their experience with the business (mean waitress, long queue etc..) that can lower the number of customers and vice versa ! (sorry for my English 😅 )

Michelle Lovette

I’m also about to get a little of topic here, because well, I just like to ramble about all my hopes and dreams for a simulation game even though some may unrealistic, I would like a lot of realistic options for after school activities and have families be apart of that. Football games your family shows up, recitals, musicals, talent shows we have the option to show up and support individually and if one parent doesn’t it alters the child’s feelings for a few days. I want realistic discipline and parenting, actually sitting down and talking for longer than two seconds, I would love for divorces and parents fighting to really have a family affect, and let each individual person have very different feelings, and to be able to have kids ask about it, cry about it, act out because of it. Piggy backing off of divorce, I’d like to be able to set schedules for who gets who when and be able to easily go back and forth between households unlike the sims where you have to manually move one sim to a different household for a few days and then if they go to their moms they aren’t allowed to go in the fridge, cook, eat or sleep, like that isn’t their child regardless you’ll get kicked out for being there. Options to stay at grandmas and grandpas for the weekends and also sleepovers to be more realistic, I’m completely off topic about jobs but I did leave a comment about that too. Just a whole lot of wishing of course


You could add the paralives team like NPC and add the possibility to work in paralives compagny.

Michelle Lovette

Basically what I’m saying is I want as much realism with gameplay, and character development as possible, of course it is a game and can’t be exactly like real like I think conversations, and actions, and things to do and not do should be kind of realistic

Michelle Lovette

I’m not sure if anyone else said this either but stay at home parents is a job in itself, although unpaid, it’s a job, and would be cool to have tasks that need to be done on different days not the same thing, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning kids rooms, folding laundry, taking animals to vet and groomer, looking over bills, takings kids to the dentist, to the doctor, to after school activity, being the soccer mom, hosting gatherings and birthday parties for your kids and actually having to plan them because maybe you’re husband has extremely long working hours or travels,

Michelle Lovette

Also, apartments would be great because not wveryone can afford to pay for a full house. As well as actual mortgage and going through that process and having it be a big accomplishment, it’s so unrealistic in the sims that we have to be able to afford and pay off in one sitting a furnished or unfurnished home

Macanon Snow

Were at personalities? That's so awesome! This will help a lot through story telling and see Paras getting to know each other in DETAIL! Also, I never thought of having jobs in the game that could represent the one's in real life, but that's fascinating! 😄

Alaina Barnes

I would love a career based off of the beauty industry. I'm an esthetician and it would be fun to play as a character with a job something similar to mine. Even if it's just hairstyling. Tattoo artists and piercers would also be fun career choices.

Alaina Barnes

Same! The firefighter career was my favorite in the sims 3. That and fortune teller.


It would be so fun if instead of having a daily income like in Sims, there was a weekly or biweekly(depending on the job) paychecks, that way it would really make the player consider what they can afford atm and to strategize and plan their next haul! It would help just in terms of immersion, I can't think of a job off the top of my head that pays out daily aside from tips : ] Oh and I guess I should recommend a career: psychologist/therapist! It's always been my dream job lol


I'd love to see things like farming, ranching, plumbing, ac repair, mechanic... more vocational options. In the Sims it seems like you either get crappy part time gigs or all of a sudden you're an astronaut. I'd love to see a happy medium as well with trades!

Sabine B

After reading through a lot of the comments here, I noticed a lot of them reminding me of Bitlife's career options. I think there are actually a lot of features in Bitlife that would work really well in a full life sim game. I recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I'd also recommend having a look at Zer0's Sims 4 career mods, like certain careers needing a Uni degree and job interviews or resumes required to get hired. NRaas Career mods for the Sims 3 could also be great inspiration. I think mods in general for Sims are actually a great way to see what people like and dislike about the games, career or otherwise. I find complete overhaul mods really interesting, it's like someone saying "This is how I would design a game if I could/had time/wanted to." Off topic but I'd love to see NRaas/MC Command Centre options built into Paralives. I don't think we should need mods to have that level of control if we choose to.


"I think mods in general for Sims are actually a great way to see what people like and dislike about the games, career or otherwise." I completely agree with this. To your list, I'd also like to include Zerbu's Ultimate careers mod for TS3 which changes all the rabbithole careers to be semi active. Of course, the active careers are not intented to be included in the initial release but it's a recommendable way to leave the choise to the player which careers they desire to be active and passive. (And big YES for the integrated Nraas' Mastercontroller options in Paralives! Integrated Nraas' Storyprogression options would be so neat, too.)

MrJaron93 .

I would like to see more careers with fewer promotion levels than other games. Instead of having 10 levels in one career path that covers many jobs, I'd like to see more career paths with maybe 3-5 promotion levels. For example, I work in field service repairing equipment. In my field realistically there are 4 vertical promotions possible before moving to a corporate level.

MrJaron93 .

I second vocational careers! I've always hated that sims would use these jobs as entry level when in reality these jobs are pretty highly skilled and require. Slot of working knowledge.


I like this idea. It always seemed unrealistic to be able go from cleaning latrines to being an astronaut through one career path. Having more separate careers with less promotions would make things more interesting/realistic I think

Annemarie Leunissen

For the core trait sliders it would be nice to have them based on the Five Factor Model of personality. Which basically says that someone's personality varies along five dimensions. These dimensions are abbreviated with the acronym OCEAN. Or Openness to new experiences, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.


One note on the school suggestion, I think it would be funny if, honestly, primary schooling and uni grades (degree would obviously still be required in some circumstance) didn't have any major impact on the the chances of getting a job or its benefits. As an A student once I feel the pain every day of knowing that I worked way harder than was necessary.


Can we please get more trade jobs? I would love to see the different pathways and options available starting with the education part! I can’t speak for all trade jobs but from my POV as a Licensed Massage Therapist; My trade job requires a 8.5 months of schooling to earn a Certification/ License and it requires a certain number of “CE” or Continuing Education credits or hours every X number of years in order to keep/renew a license. Personally, once I had obtained my license, the amount of pathways available to me where endless. I could go spa/ therapeutic or medical/sports massage. Cruise or country club. Pain management or spiritual. I could work for an employer/ franchise or work for myself as an independent contractor. There’s even therapists who work specifically with animals and injuries. There are therapists who work with athletes, even Olympic athletes, before and after practices or events. And being a massage therapist can have positive and negative effects. We gotta know our anatomy, keep clients happy, keep the place sanitized and cleanly, while also trying become recognized by the medical community as a necessity and not a luxury and fight of the beg reputation we get from the sleazy massage parlors that give “happy endings”. As long as my Ted Talk is, some of these real world experience/choices in the game would be freakin cool in my opinion. Each choice would have a pro/con and cause and effect to life, financial status , etc. I know this may be hard to implement but thought it would be a nice idea :)


I think lots of freelancer jobs should be included such as painter, writer, sculptor, photographer, farmer etc in which you had some target task to do but doing them at home.


Definitely blue collar jobs! I don't even see enough representation for them in real-life (in work-related articles for example), nevermind in games. And if there is, it's like one narrow field or a side job. Some of these jobs could be easier to get (warehouse, construction, factories, cleaning...) whereas others would require a degree or a training course of some sort. And as a lot of people have said, not all jobs have a long path of promotions and different titles, and in these fields especially raises are a more common way to advance in your career. In general I think promotions shouldn't be this automatic thing that happens, at least after a certain point. On some careers, some promotions could be easier to get and be mostly based on time spent there, but there could be a set point for each career after which promotions would take extra projects, maybe education etc. And yeah, some careers just don't have a lot of high positions nor do people generally go after them. Forced progression feels dumb when in real life so many people have the same job at a same level until retirement and are completely happy with that. I also second the idea of personality and work being connected. An antisocial para would get uncomfortable being a pushy salesperson. But I think even in jobs that the para's generally enjoy, there should be bad days, personality-wise. Like if a shy para is an author, maybe sometimes they'll have to do a presentation at the bookstore which makes them anxious. This could also be a choice, like will you keep your para happy in their comfort-zone or push their limits for a possible reward? One smaller thing I'd find worth exploring is if careers can be "passed on" from parents (or other skilled workers, master and apprentice style). This is such a big thing in agriculture for example. Maybe parents could at least teach some skills from their jobs to their children which would make it easier to get the same job.


I'd like to see an interesting variety of jobs. Jobs that are very involved careers, jobs that are just for paying the bills, gigs, part time work, vocational training / apprenticeships, freelance work. Also the ability to have multiple jobs and to be able to have some influence over your schedule would be AMAZING. Then we could schedule having three jobs, or jobs around school hours, or only night shift work (very important for vampires, dunno if there’s vampires though), or balance your work hours with your partner’s work hours so you (a) have time off together, or (b) have alternating time off in order to take care of kids maybe. Also, in terms of realism vs funny, I’d like both kinds of jobs. As in, I'd like some science jobs based on reality but I'd also like some 'weird science' opportunities or career paths. Things like being a ghost hunter, a mad scientist, an MIB, a secret agent, a cryptozoolgist, a ufo chaser, a robot engineer, a superhero / supervillain, 90s style hacker, exorcist, criminal mastermind, etc. as some fun semi-real semi-silly job ideas that cover the kind of thing I’m looking for. (But since I know there’s a number of people who don’t like silliness in their ‘very realistic’ gameplay then maybe an option to select which careers are ‘active’ in your game, to avoid scenarios like finding out the neighbours are supervillains or something.) I also liked in The Sims 2 how only a few jobs were available at any given time and sometimes you’d have to pick something that wasn’t your dream job or even your best qualified job, just needing something to pay the bills. I think it’d be compelling gameplay to have to ‘job hunt’ and not just be handed the entire dropdown list. But maybe a nice quick cheat code to make all jobs available if so desired. Also qualifications are an interesting element: needing a certain level of education, skills, and experience to qualify your para for certain jobs (or give them a boost in those jobs) and then perhaps sneaky ways around those qualifications (bribery, hacking, nepotism, lying) leading to scenarios where the para gets negative work performance as a result of their not being qualified for the job they have, or something fun. I don’t know if there’s going to be a university element or a trade certificate element or such, but it could be implemented initially in an ‘online class’ kind of way where a para just interacts with their computer or goes into a rabbit hole, and then later expanded into ‘active’ gameplay later, same as the idea for jobs. I’d appreciate jobs that in real life need a whole lot of training and expertise (being a surgeon, for example) to actually require a fair deal of ‘effort’ for a para to get into in the game.


i'd love the opportunity to do different kinds of freelance work, like odd jobs here and there that belong to different fields. like, one day you'll repair your neighbour's washing machine, the next you'll dogsit, write an article, fill in for a friend who's suddenly fallen ill, etc etc. just lots of freelance opportunities that don't tie you to a specific thing, but are connected to the kind of skills/hobbies you have :D


The other thing I wanna talk about is a level of customisation for jobs. What I mean, I suppose, is I often see in games a job like 'scientist' or 'athlete' but in reality those are specialised fields covering a variety of different kinds of jobs. So maybe a para could pick 'athlete' and then you can select customised flavour text (for your own narrative amusement) to pick what kind of athlete and what happens at their job. Are they playing tennis or are they surfing or figure skating or what? Same with scientist - is this chemistry or geology or theoretical physics or 'weird science' or Nasa? This kind of specificity may not matter on a larger gameplay level but it matters in terms of representation and in terms of story telling. I feel bored if "I have four paras, all scientists" but I feel excited about "four paras, all different kinds of scientists" and then I can imagine their hobbies and conversations and so on based off of that.


I would really love to see diversity in the way the careers work. Like some careers are 9-5 jobs and you don't need to work outside of these hours - like working in a store, or teaching in some cases - others require a lot of work outside normal hours - like being a manager where you are on call all the time, or a researcher/scientist where you have to apply for funds and keep up to date with research - and some require other things like networking - perhaps if you're in some sort of business career where you have to have business dinners with clients or in fashion where you have to participate in events and parties and make connections. And I think the way promotions/raises work could be well incorporated into this so the careers feel distinctly different. Perhaps I want my para to just have a regular 9-5 job and relax when at home, or perhaps I want them to have a career where they need to work their butt off and get rewarded for it by promotions and recognition.


I love this post and every conclusion you drew from the brainstorming! This project is really teaching me to be patient. As for the questions: I would like normal jobs, which doesn't exclude eccentric ones: nurse, doctor, teacher, astronomer, police, firefighter, veterinarian, store clerck or manager, plumber, electrician... And, if possible, a way to specify further. I would like my paras to get experience at their job that could help in everyday life. A plumber fixing their our plumbing, a teacher knowing about a subject and talking about it or helping with a specific age, a nurse or a doctor being able to help sick paras... Maybe along with the perosnalities and likes and silikes aspect you could set a para to admire certain professions too. Or some specific ones being considered as heroic by other paras, like nurses, doctors, firefighters... I am a teacher, but I teach teenagers and can't deal with kids in general. I don't think it would be ok to think of my career as a promotion from a primary school teacher, so I wouldn't like that.


Don't know if it was mentioned but I had the idea of being able to ask your boss for a raise, this can either turn out well if you have been doing a good job, or it can turn out bad (obviously if your not doing well at all). So for ex. two paras working in the same field could be earning something different when one is slacking and the other is working hard? But I guess the slacking para shouldn't earn less than the regular paid loan, that would be wrong. Raises shouldn't be mandatory for a promotion, but I think it could add a nice boost if you really want / need it. (Also how would a slacking para get promoted?) I feel like promotions shouldn't be a main goal either... sometimes I would want paras to work the same job. I don't want all my paras to be rich / successful. I would also love to be able to have home owned shops / businesses! Especially if your para is a crafter of something, it would be nice to be able to sell it from your home to other paras. A shop doesn't have to be big, it could just be your para putting stuff on a blanket outside. It would also be neat if paras who bought stuff really owned those things and would have it in their inventory!

Camilla Fontana

I'd love to see more detailed careers. Like for example, instead of a "scientist" career, the possibility to be a biologist, a chemist, a physicist, and engineer. They are all sciences, they all do research, but our job is incredibly different and it would be so fun to be able to see this represented! ♥


I know it's not a profession but some women have chosen to stay home to raise their children, it will be great if you can put stay at home mom status in your game.


I hope that jobs can be created in a way that allows the player to address them with total ease or as a difficult game challenge depending on their play style. If you don't like the career aspect of the game or just don't want a struggle, maybe there can be a special 'lucky at work' trait or a slacker trait to let your para not mind haha, then they can happily stay in a low level position or get raises and promotions without really trying. However, if the player wants the challenge, careers should be able to really be a tough game element. Require extra hours to get ahead, make the para choose between social time or more work, let them get burnt out and need to recharge, make it a heavy grind with the reward of potential big payoff. I just hope the creators won't dumb down gaming because some people might not find the challenge fun.


Paras will be able to find work thanks to friends or acquaintances. I find it boring to quickly find work on the Internet without having any education or experience.


For me I think the most important thing about careers is having a wide variety of fields to choose from that I'd view as essential jobs, for example: Public jobs like: Police, firefighter, military, law, daycare, kindergarten teacher, schoolteacher, professor, careworker for the elderly/sick, nurse, doctor, surgeon, dentist, psychologist/psychiatrist, social worker, sanitation worker, scientist, politician, librarian, journalist. "Gathering ressources" jobs like: Farmer, angler Skill-based jobs: Chef, IT, electrician, plumber, bricklayer, carpenter, gardener, butcher, blacksmith, woodworker, tattoo artist, hairdresser, tailor, stylist, veterinarian, zookeeper, athlete. Creative jobs: Dancer, singer, musician, actor, producer, model, fashiondesigner, photographer, artist, internet personality, author. Private company jobs: Engineer, businessman/salesman, HR, retail. Unskilled jobs (Some of these could be accessible to teens as well as older paras): Waiter, dishwasher, contruction worker, receptionist, cleaner, security, carrier, taxi driver, delivery, babysitter. Self-employed: For many of these jobs, where it makes sense, it'd be nice if you could choose to be a freelance artist/angler/babysitter but also choose to be employed by a larger company. And lastly: owning one's own business, like a delivery business, nail-salon, carpenting business or shops with various functions (selling thing you made, clothes, food, collectibles). For some of these it'd be nice, and very realistic, if you could choose a branch within the field, like the military being split into the army, the navy, and the air force, or if your para works in law they could be a prosecutor or a defense attorney with judge being a possible promotional possibility. Also if you're a teacher or a professor you could choose a subject like maths, language, arts, PE, or science teacher and for professors you could be a historian, mathematician, physicist, linguist or so on. But as long as I can have my paras work as a wide variety of things, it's not too important to me that the field I choose have a big impact on my para's life. I'd just like to know that they work as what I want, but I don't have to see it - I mostly use careers as labels I guess. If any, the only gameplay I'd like to have an effect on my para's career would be that they have to have a certain education to become certain things (you can't become a proffessor or a surgeon without higher education) and that they need to work on their skills to progress in skill-based careers - Like they have to be really good at writing to become a successful author.


I'd like that they could talk about their work, especially if they met up with another para from the same line of work. If the other para enjoys work then it will make their relationship better, if not, the other one will find your para boring and it will reduce their relationship

Christina Ozeki

I would like to see something related to palaeontology, since this is a very underrepresented career field, but is also my career. The job begins with having the opportunity to go on fossil hunting field expeditions and then when being promoted having the option to take a pathway of either working as a university professor or a curator in a museum. THis would also allow for the option in the future to develop destination expeditions.


I am working as a developer and we have on-call service for when some servers fail. Would be nice to have that possibility. It brings more money but at the same time nobodys happy getting up at 1am to work. This should be optional ofc. I assume that system would work for a nurse, firefighter or policeman as well. Another thought of mine was that someone that really loves animals might have trouble working as a vet. Also some jobs require you to stay fit and healthy or to be strong. If youre working in construction your para will most likey gain muscles. If your para is only sitting in the office you might have to hit thy gym. Also if i had a rough day i might sill be stressed at home. Maybe i am frustrated because of somethign that happend. So if events are implemented they might effect the mood of the para.


I hope we can add some qualifications for some career or career progression, aside from skills qualifications there would also be like mini challenges or requirements to acquire a certain certificate/license, pass an exam, attend additional classes or equipment you need to buy . I think this is what's missing with the other games, the challenge to actually earn money. The game gets pretty boring quickly if you can buy and build everything you want because it's so easy to earn money. Amazing job with the progress so far can't wait for the game release.


Possible Improvements/Opinions: I think the most important thing here is variety, even if its feigned variety. So what if theres no real tangible difference between the barista and the gas station worker? The fact they are options means more than the differences between them. I do think this can be a double edged sword though. Those are great examples because the actual work doesnt have much to expand on, which is fine for some jobs. Not so much for the doctor/engineer/lawyer/scientists etc. I feel like in order to encapsulate replayability (WHICH IS VITAL and one of the reasons sims is dying) there should be a kind of grouping mindset of sorts. (that being said, i do think the grouping would work well across similar professions, of course. Like biologist vs chemist or whatever.) Some paras dropped out of high school and ARENT ever going to make 10000000k a minute. Thats OKAY. No, more than that, its IMPORTANT. Some work a desk job and are okay off. Some are rocket surgeons. There being different DEPTHS to the jobs are what is going to make them stand out and matter, in my opinion. You work at a coffee shop, how likely are you to be the CEO of starbucks? Honestly? Life doesnt work like that. The Sims fail hard with their over idealistic view of the world. Everyone cannot be amazing, famous, and rich. If everyone and everything is amazing, nothing matters. I think there being poverty is something that would be interesting as well. I also think that slums or poorer areas/neighborhoods is a great idea. After all, the point is to mimic real life (to a reasonable degree). I dont think it would be hard to implement a government support system through a rabbit hole interaction on the phone/computer either. There are sims mods that already do it like this, and dont seem to be very labor intensive. There also should be a point of entry. The entry point of being a doctor or scientist are not the same as being a security guard or bank teller. I think you might be able to get around the complexity of college (at least until expansions) by just including the education as part of the career. i.e. you wanna be a doctor? Okay, get the job as you normally would, then the first step of the job is called "pre-med education" or whatever you want to call it. Have the "pre-requisites" be part of the default process, until you have the time and man power to pump out a proper education expansion. Whatever you choose to do with careers, i do hope you dont take the sims path of being a millionaire as a barista with a small garden on their patio. Money matters. Like it or not, its the treadmill of life. Were all here, running in our wheel to keep our lights on. After all, the reason youre working on this game ultimately boils down to money. It drives more than we like to admit. Life isnt equal. The doctor and the gardener are not equal.

Sean McDorman

“ We were also very interested in how personality could be presented when it comes to the interface of the game.” Can you say more about this? I don’t understand.


I made a list of Careers/ professions you may or may not have. I’m super excited for this game and I’m sure I’ll love whatever the team and community come up with 😁 Architect/ Archaeologists/ Attorney/ Aviator Banker/ Bookkeeper/ Bartender/ Bus Driver Chef/ Carpenter/ Chemist/ Custodian/ Counselor/ Child Care Dancer/ Designer/ Director/ Dispatcher/ Doctor Engineer/ Editor/ Esthetician/ Electrician/ Educator Farmer/ Finance/ Firefighter/ Floral Designer/ Flight Attendant Geographer/ Geologist/ Greeter Hair Stylist/ Housekeeper/ Hardware Illustrator/ Inspector/ Installer/ Insurance Agent Jeweler/ Journalist/ Judge Kinesiology Librarian/ Lifeguard/ Landscape/ Machinist/ Manager/ Mechanic/ Merchandiser/ Military Nanny/ Nurse/ Nutritionist Operator/ Optician Painter/ Paralegal/ Pharmacist/ Physical Therapist/ Police Officer Quality Control (water plant? Electricity plant?) Real Estate/ Receptionist/ Recruiter/ Researcher/ Sales/ Scientist/ Secretary/ Security Guard/ Supervisor Teacher/ Technician/ Telemarketer/ Teller/ Tester/ Travel Agent Ultrasonographer/ Underwriter/ Upholsterer Valet Attentant/ Veterinarian/ Vocational Rehabilitation Warehouse Worker/ Webmaster/ Welder/ Writer/ Wildlife Biologist X-ray Operator Yoga Instructor Zamboni Driver/ Zoo Keeper

Jaxon Mia Escontrias

itd be nice for like the barista job you can make coffees like a little side game or for retail jobs the clothes get messy and you actually have to clean up and fold the clothes again lol, or idk, the jobs and owning a business is one of my favorite things about these simulation games, also what do we have for homeless people? or people that just want to travel and not have jobs but also want to make money? like odd jobs?


Having different branches for the same line of work would be really neat! Like for a cooking career you could choose to be a chef, a baker, or even a food critic! I kinda hate how in the Sims you needed to have a certain amount of friends to advance in a career path, even if they have nothing to do with the job at all. I get being freindly with co-workers and kissing butt to the boss, but how does being friends with the paper boy make or brake my promotion lol!


In a similar vein as having multiple jobs at the same time and having teen paras able able to take on part time jobs, I think it’d be great to have college/university students able to also take part time jobs if/when post-secondary education is added to the game. I also think, in the future, that working from home for certain jobs would be awesome and add some realism (not just because of the pandemic; my mom has worked from home since I was super young and I think it’d be cool to see that in the game lol). With this, there could be an option to work from home with some regular careers, as well as maybe some careers you can *only* do from home, similar to the sims 4’s freelance jobs and the sims 3’s professions like daycare and stuff. Another thing that I realize is probably better for last week’s topic but still fits this one too is that I would love if aspirations that were tied to jobs either 1) weren’t tied to a *specific* job (eg a “computer whiz” type aspiration tied to any cs career) or 2) were specific enough so that each career has one tied to it (eg one aspiration tied to a game dev career, another one tied to a comp engineer career so that you can have a career-focused sim for any job you choose).


In Sims for example, it always bothered me how my Sims got promotions very fast. I find promotions important but it should be more balanced (or maybe something like a "hard mode" where it's trickier to get a promotion). I also like when careers have different branches where at some point my para can choose and specialize.


I think that while all of the Paras should have a chance to succeed I don't think it should be easy, in real life we have people in what is classed as unskilled jobs without ever really moving up, they never become these high flying CEOs and I think that's ok, some people are happy with that, I myself have only really worked the "unskilled" jobs like factory worker, picker and feeder etc. it kind of annoyed me that in sims for example that you can only ever really move up, you could get demoted but it was a lot harder or you just plain didn't go to work but I'd at least like the option of them asking do you want to go to the next level? For people playing storylines with their families they might want them to have a low job but keep it that way for sake of story. I would like to see a large range of jobs though and little side jobs based on hobbies, I do genealogy and make and research other peoples family trees for them when I get time


I'm so excited to see what the personality system ends up being like! For careers, I'm substantially more interested in there being increased depth rather than increased breadth. Some ideas: Each career field having multiple firms would be cool, each with different pay scales, specializations/skill requirements, and hours, with overall upward mobility requiring some lateral movement. (Like yeah, you could technically stay with the same company for your whole life, but tons of people switch workplaces throughout their lives). Different firms having different reputations, both in terms of prestige and worker-friendliness would be awesome. I wouldn't even mind there being fewer career options if each career had more branching paths and diversity like this. Varied requirements for jobs depending on the career. For example, as a musician, how well you get along with people heavily affects your success and how hireable you are (and the higher up you go, the more important it is to have a good reputation and many connections), but my actuary friend has described getting along fine with not as many people skills and decided to get a Masters degree to attain upward mobility. Different fields being coworker relationship-oriented (e.g. musician), general relationship-oriented (e.g. politician), knowledge-oriented (e.g. research scientist needing a set number of skill points), or experience-oriented (e.g. carpenter; system would keep track of how many hours they've clocked in), or some combination (e.g. knowledge + experience for doctor, general relationships + experience for teacher) would be cool.

Brandie Haynes

Occupational therapist assistant, massage therapist, vet assistant, peer support specialist, interior designer, game developer, engineer, kindergarten teacher, certified nursing assistant, blog writer, waitress, landscaper, police officer, informant, zookeepers, hair dressers, volunteer work at animal shelters, nursing homes and soup kitchens


It would be very cool if for a certain job (doctor, veterinarian, it-specialist) you had to have a special education (or a certain knowledge base). A little more about career growth: it would be great if, according to the degree of career development, Parafolk was offered work in new places. For example, if you got a job at a newspaper to write on the back page but eventually got promoted to a full-time journalist, you are unlikely to become an editor-in-chief. But you may be offered a better position in a new place, then in another, and so on. It would be great to see this in Paralife as well.


It’d be cool if professions that could be considered as self-employment or freelance came with a degree of flexibility. For example, if a para is a freelance writer, artist, potter or sculptor they have the ability to accept commissions to do work for clients with specifications alongside the stuff they make and sell as independent projects. I like the idea of an online shopping site for makers (like Etsy in real life) where paras can sell the things they make and other paras can buy them, as well as having the ability to set up a little table/tent at local markets or festivals to sell their wares.

Jaylene N

I would love a baby sitter career or more home based jobs. Everything that reflects some realism


About the identity brainstorming: very promising sounding principles for the core designing! I'd also like to suggest the self-esteem as a one possible parameter for the system because it popped up in the discussion about the mirror-related interactions. Encouraging and prasing enough environment in a childhood (and, perhaps, an inherited personality) would establish the ground for the good self-esteem. It would help help for the paras both believing in themselves (skills, a professionality in order to success in a career, an ability to cope with the life and so on) and protecting them by the insults and other harsh words said by the other paras. And vice versa, of course. Oh well, I managed to write an essay-long text once again. If anyone is interested in reading my massive and detailed suggestions about the professions and business, you can find it under the cut. In a nutshell, there's a few new suggestions in my list I haven't noticed in this thread yet (sorry if somebody has already suggested these). They are: ▪thoughts about careers for pets and children ▪master-journeyman kind of system as a one way for getting the profession and employed ▪thoughts about the capital system for opening up the business ▪brief thoughts about the importance of marketing, PR'ing and a reputation for the business


About the professions... Many have already mentioned about it but I can't stress enough the following: please don't make every career available for every para who simply accepts the job offer seen in the newspaper or in Internet. Para should have specific requirements in order to get employed. Thoughts about different career paths: ▪basics part 1: it would be very nice if different employing options were available for as many careers as possible. With the few expections like politician + workers in byrocratic and certain other institutions, it would be up to the player if para was employed in the institution or company, or as freelancer, self-employed or entrepreneur. Of course, certain option(s) would be prefearable and more benefitical to certain careers. ▪basics part 2: it would also be really nice to have many different specialising options inside of the career paths. Like surgeons and doctors of certain organs, subject or general teacher, different kind of academic researchers and so on. ▪basics part 3: getting promotions shouldn't be easy. It was up to the player and the para's personality if they aimed at them. ▪basics part 4: part-time jobs for the students, too, please! Let's make their ends to meet! :D ▪basics part 5: having former working experience should be benefitical to getting employed. 1) Careers which the degree/profession/licence gained by studying is the absolute requirement for employing. ▪Examples: medical worker (doctor, vet, nurse...), teacher, psychologist, engineer, logistic worker (drivers, captain) architect, physicist, chemist, academic intellectual and researcher, firefighter, police, librarist, archeologist, paleontologist, juridistic (lawyer, judge...), bank worker, social worker, mechanic, plumber, curator, critic, pharmaseut, journalist, day care worker, senior worker, meteorologist, editor, therapeutist. 2) Careers in which the high enough skills, talent, knowledge, socialisation and marketing yourself*, and the support** would be the main priorisation in the employing and successing in the career. However, it would be up to the career's charasteristics which factors were prioritized. ▪The education would give paras benefits like getting employed easier. Besides, it would allow them to teach about their profession in educational institutions alongside giving private lessons. ▪However, not having the degree/licence doesn't prevent experienced paras to teach about their profession privately. ▪Children could start a hobby related to the certain careers. They might get employed via that way and work as "a child star". They could also be found by the talent searchers or competitions. ▪ Examples: arts and crafts worker (painter, designer, taylor, smith, craftman, artisan, photographer...), literature (writer, comic drawer, lyricist...), performancer (dancer, magician, acrobat, musician, actor, singer, DJ...), composer, coder (software developper, game designer... ), bodyguard, culinary (bartende, cook, baker, waiter, caterist) fortuneteller and other paranormal stuff, businessman/seller/tradenomic, secretary, receptionist, beauty and wellness worker (barber, massager, tattooer, make up artist, stylist...), IT assistant, construction worker, travel guide, lighthouse worker. * For the reserved but talented paras, being "hard reachable" would be the conscious marketing strategy so the personality would not prevent them successing the career. :D ...and of course, the socialication would be up to the career's characteristics how important it actually were. ** I was thinking a kind hybrid system which consists of a reputation and an "audience's" (and "a govermence's" finacial support in art-related careers) support. 3) The path where basically everybody with the required skills and enough talent and interest in the career can get employed. There migh not be a way to get a degree for them, though I know cademic agronomics exist. This was a bit difficult to separate from the section 2... ▪Successing in the career depends on the same factors like in the section 2. ▪In some cases, the paras could get employed by choosing the tasks in a platform software or answering to job offers. ▪ The para gain experience by working and developing the required skills. ▪Examples: factory worker, politician*, athlete**, butler/maid, nanny, stevedore, (food) deliever/curire, taxi driver (requires a driving licence), social media influencer, private investigator, criminal, cleaner, military worker, miner, roadworker, inventor, moderator, postman, model, sailor, PR worker, gardener, farmer, fisher, (hunter), volunteer work, charity. * Successing in as a politician would require the experience from the other career(s) and sosialicing. However, if the player desires their para to be a populist, it would also be possible. (More about) opening the paras' own business: (I've already written about, sorry about repeating myself.) ▪Per se, every para could open the business which doesn't require the degree/licence (like a private clinic). However, there would be different factors which would affect the business success like those mentioned in the section 2. ▪A tiny business company would just need the para's effort but in the other cases like enlargening it and hiring co-workers, a capital would be required. There would be different ways: 1) the para's own money and property 2) a loan from a bank 3) startup money given from "the goverment" or collected from the financiers, 4)donations/patrons 5) via charity 6) printing money xD This choice would affect the business model; for example, the para should pay dividents for the financiers, please the patrons (sorry about this), and so on. ▪Services, crafts, art, food, meals, performances, harvestables, fowers, pets, collectibles, inventors, videos, photos... I really hope the freedom for the player to choose what kind of products to sell. ▪Different ways to sell and making profit: online, in the own physical shop/market stand, getting the products to the shops to be sold, by renting property including buildings (thinking of the landlords as the reference) and via royalties, copyrights and patencies... ▪Selling valuable second hand products and antics would be very neat to make profit, too. ▪Marketing and good PR'ing would be very benefitical for the company. ▪.When having the physical shop or a restaurant, the paras should keep inventaries, order/prepare the purchasables and (re)stock the stuff when necessary. ▪The certain businesses would benefit significantly if their workers were professionals or had studied the field. I give restaurants and bakeries as an example: even though anybody could set up them, making them successful would require the knowledge and experience about culinary, cooking traditions and hygiene requirements. Besides, getting "the hygiene document" from studying would prevent the customers getting food poisoning and thus, maintaining the reputation and sales up. Some other random ideas: ▪There is a system in the country I live which allows a person to get a profession by working and learning in a school at the same time. If somebody knows a (historical) master-journeyman system, it's very similar. The main differences are the student studies theory in the school and the graduation is not not up to the guild but the school. Would it be one way to get the profession, perhaps of the section 2? ▪Pet jobs, anybody? In the entertainment careers (actor, performer...), the para could particape in their career by being their manager and teaching them the required skills. The para could also breed and raise the pets, let's say dogs for law enforcement, sleigh dogs, guide dog and library dogs (to be listening to reading). ▪Really like the idea of nepotism and the importance of social relations and the relationship with the boss. These would make easier for the certain paras with no actual skills to getting employed and proceed in the career. In the same vein, it would also make these paras more dependable on their supporters and thus, vulnerable to get fired when the supporters are absent or turned out to be their enemies. ▪Unemployment would be a choise, too. It was up to the politic environment if they got mone ▪It would be very nice if the player could choose the education for the para-children: either attenting a public or private school, teached by their parents home or not getting education at all. Dropping out the school shouldn't mean the social worker to take them away.

Michelle Lovette

I agree and also the option to turn down a promotion, maybe not everyone wants to be a CEO it’s unrealistic to have everyone reach the same level and maybe being able to have pay raises too instead of promotions as well as demotions

Michelle Lovette

I completely agree with this, promotions should be harder and I think you should be asked if you even want to be promoted so you could turn it down, I think pay raises without promotion should be a thing,

Tom Lu

My one request relates to how promotions work. In other games in this genre, characters enter one career and follow a straight path up to the position of greatest seniority, but along the way they jump between jobs that would in real life require very different training and career ambitions. It doesn't make sense for a kindergarten teacher to be promoted to an elementary school teacher, then to a high school teacher, then to a university professor, and so on. As a secondary school teacher myself, I'm not working my socks off so that I can become a uni professor! If anything, I would like a higher salary, shorter hours and more holidays, but I'm not expecting my hard work to somehow turn me into a college dean or school principal. So when it comes to Paralives, I would like some realism when it comes to promotions. How about if paras have to undergo some training as well as have good work performance in order to switch to a different role? And if they want to stay in their old role and just gain more seniority within it, "promotions" could be replaced with bonuses, holidays, shorter working hours and better pay. Of course the player can decide whether they want their para to climb the so-called career ladder or focus on perfecting one job.


In response to the personalities recap: 1) I really love the idea of having fears. It's something I went into a lot in my survey answers about disability representation as a way to portray disordered anxiety without cheapening it. 2) I would like to propose that maybe instead of specifically special talents, that there be a system to choose "aptitude for..." and "struggles with..." that would be linked to skill gain and mastery of specific things. That paras who struggle with reading, for example, maybe need to do more reading than other paras to become bookworms in a traits-awarded-by-lifestyles-system, and take longer and/or get frustrated more quickly with school work and learning from books-- as a way to create an extra level of difficulty in a specific area unique to different paras. One that struggles with math may have the same reaction to homework and have a harder time with things like programming and paying bills/taxes. Meanwhile, a para that has an aptitude for art may get more enjoyment out of art making, make skill gains faster, and be able to do special artworks and/or have a higher success rate when they've reached a certain skill level, may get a boost in an art-based career. A para that has an aptitude for coordination may do better learning to walk, make faster gains in sports, dance, and other physical activities, be more likely to win at video games, may be able to preform trick moves or learn to juggle. In this way, you could make the game slightly easier and/or pave the way for a para to be extraordinary in a particular field. I think it would be really, really fun both as a way of making paras very individualized and keeping the gameplay constantly fresh, but also because it would be really cool to be able to play where a para has to overcome a natural predisposition that makes something more challenging for them to do in order to accomplish their goal. I would propose categories could be: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Art, Music, Coordination, Physical Strength (having to do with the ease of gaining and maintaining fitness, good for manual labor and athletics, etc), Charisma/Social skills (effects forming and maintaining relationships, professional networking, political careers, sales and marketing careers, etc), Memory (could effect all skill gains and skill retention) , Cooking, Organization (effects cleaning, job performance in general, managing stress), and Visual-Spacial Ability (effects art-making, engineering, building, inventing, and model-making). Could also maybe use this kind of system for other abilities, as a light-handed way of adding more representation into the game.


Maybe you have not a 9 to 5 job, so one day you work 10 hours, one day 7 for example. Or you could take work with you home, could also end in homeoffice.


I agree with a lot of commenters on making promotions more realistic and adding other kinds of career-growth besides promotions like switching companies, getting a raise or bonus, earning benefits, etc, to help with that. I also like the idea of having volunteer work a lot, and being able to do that in conjunction with paid work. It would be cool if there was the potential for volunteers getting offered paid positions with enough experience, skill, and volunteerism under their belt. I think one of the major things for me though is avoiding having too much of a hierarchy. In the game that shall not be mentioned-- even though they didn't even have higher education in the game for many years-- most of the jobs that do not require an advanced degree IRL in that game were relegated to part time jobs. I would love to see full-time jobs in things like manual labor, trades, manufacturing, services, and retail that are given the same general treatment as other careers. I especially like the idea of different companies within the same career path, specifically. I like this because it gives the potential for having things (either now or down the road) like: 1) having to apply to these different companies and they're looking for different characteristics your para may or may not match 2) companies having different values, impacts, and/or levels of success within your field that make you want to work for one over another 3) a company doing poorly and your para getting laid off even if their job performance was good (maybe an option that could be turned on or off) 4) having different co-workers at different jobs means moving between companies could grow your social circle 5) different companies assigning different tasks, giving different pay/benefits/hours, and/or requiring different skills and experience levels for the same jobs


It would be cool if in the game, there was an option for Paras to take an like an aptitude test (as an option on the computer and/or phone) to show what jobs the Para might be suited for based on the Para's personality/trait(s)/lifestyle. Also, having the option to choose which ever, you the player, wants. That way it can make it seem the Para "wants" those types of jobs without closing off the "anything is possible" premise of a life simulation game. I remember in high school, in junior year or so, I took this quiz that was supposed to point you in a direction of a career path and what major to study in college/university. For the rabbit hole careers, i do enjoy when I get the little pop ups with choices that effect my character (either negatively or positively). Makes it feel more realistic, unplanned events happen and you never know if its a good or bad thing.


All options should be available


I am in love with the idea that your Paras can obtain and change personality traits throughout life!


For me, being able to see the typical schedule of a job before a para starts working or being able to adjust hours occasionally when it fits a profession.


It would also be cool for certain jobs to have different hours that you can choose, or that vary depending on the day of the week. For example, medical jobs where you can choose to work which shift you want to work, or choose a variety of shifts where maybe one day is early morning, another is graveyard. Obviously it doesn't work for all jobs, but it'd be cool to have an option for those jobs where it would work.

Akasha O'Connell

I really liked the chance cards in Sims 2. It always added an element of risk that kept you on your toes. As long as we have an option to back out, I'd love to see something like that in Paralives.


love this! think it would be cool (and aid in representing disabilities etc) if there was some “job” for paras who cant work which would function as benefits.


Can we make it possible for adult life stages to have part time jobs too. Sometimes I like the idea of a stay at home parent having a part time job while the kids are at school or to help make ends meet

Sasha R. Jones

Something that usually bores me about careers in the Sims is that the differences between them often comes down to flavor text. I don't know if y'all have decided whether all careers will be rabbit hole or not, but anything that can be done to create greater differences between career options would be nice! Even if it's just certain bonuses in how other paras react to you-- maybe if you are a teacher then other paras who have children (and the children themselves) will know you and will already like or dislike you more based on personality and reputation. I love the idea of impacts like this which you aren't always aware are happening beneath the surface until you encounter them. That element of surprise can really help keep a game feeling fresh long into play. As to your 'whats your real life career like?' question... I'm a full-time independent artist, mostly a painter. I've worked in a multimedia studio (you dont need me to explain this one since it's basically what y'all do now!), done freelance work (private and commercial commissions), and nowdays I mostly focus on things like Patreon, conventions, and selling originals and prints directly. Something that I think is pretty constant in the self-employed artist experience is fat and lean times. Right now I've got some great client work so I'm making a healthy income, but in a couple of months the project will be done and I'll be back to just waiting and hoping to sell originals and whatnot. This is pretty stressful in real life but in the context of Paralives I think that it would be an interesting gameplay element-- that pull of want vs need and having to plan around unknowns! You could potentially get yourself into trouble by scaling up your lifestyle too much after a nice windfall and then realizing you should have saved more of that money. With the old example of the Sims, once you finished a painting, you could basically just sell it instantly, and the price it sold for scaled with skill. This is.... convenient, I guess, but boring and also makes me feel a bit resentful at how easy they make it look, haha. Most of my paintings do eventually sell, but sometimes that takes a year or three of showing it both online and in person! But that added challenge in finding a buyer does make each purchase a very special and wonderful experience. If paintings had to be displayed somewhere to be sold (and/or you could 'list' them for sale online while still hanging them in your home, for an existing but much smaller chance of them being bought) then that would be a really interesting option for a work from home career option, I think.


I think making a promotion tree will be fun, just like the skill tree, for more options of promotion. Career is important in a life simulation game! With a developing and changing career, players will be more interested in the game instead of just having the career system as a money making tool.

Caelem Swift

Please do special tasks and assignments! Like giving us things we actually have to do after school/work

Bethy Grace

On personalities (I know that isn't the subject of this brainstorm), I'd love it if you guys looked into the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) types for some ideas on different base personalities that can then be customized with lifestyles and traits. On careers, I'd love to see all of the above options. - I think promotions are something the para's should have to apply for or work for, so that if you don't want your para to be the top of the career, they won't get auto-promoted once they have skills or relationships. Maybe there could be a text bubble that pops up if they are in a position to be promoted that could say something like, "A position has opened up in xxx, would you like to apply for this promotion?" - and then maybe there's a chance they don't get it, or do. - I think that life aspirations shouldn't always tie in with being the "top" of a career (like in the sims) but sometimes just to be a certain thing - like a nurse, or a primary school teacher, etc. Not everyone wants to be the big boss. - It'd be cool for the Para's to have a side hustle, or to be able to work multiple jobs if need be to pay the bills - Eventually I'd love to see open careers, but until then, definitely get us involved in textual story-lines if possible, - Absolutely the paras should be aware of who their coworkers are, and either want to be friends with them or not (depending on their personality and goals) - Some different careers that are based from home, or having the option to "work from home" and have the para be on zoom meetings & working on a laptop in the house, would be fun. Maybe they could have the option to work from home 1-2 days a week. - The more career paths and choices we have, the better - Part time jobs for teenagers, a must! Also I'd love it if a teenager was registered as a baby-sitter, if other paras around the town could hire them and you'd see them turn up to baby-sit. That'd be cool. That's all for now!

Vicarious Human

I would love busking musicians and the ability to have a nonprofit like a soup kitchen or animal shelter, which could give extra satisfaction/happiness points that last longer. Parafolk lacking appreciation and compassion could have a chance to gain a new outlook on life by being exposed to both the giving and receiving end of volunteering. I'd really like the ability to bring a plus one in order to influence others!


I would like to see more health and social careers. I would like to see my life in this game, with careers like a nutritionist, therapist (physical and psychological), social worker, etc. As a social worker, working in a multidisciplinary team for people with disabilities, I would like to see this in the game. I would also like to see some other jobs like teachers, kindergartens because I think that's a lack in some simulation games.

Vicarious Human

That would be the MOST rewarding experience! Hopefully we get an expansion specifically for homesteading. Including an indepth amount of harvestables: river/rain water, lumber, honey, maple syrup, crops (fruit/ berries, fungi, veggies, grains, nuts). Livestock: fish, meat, beehives, worm compost and animal products (eggs, milk, wool). Byproducts: candles (from wax), jams, juice (from fruit), cheese (from milk), bread (from grains), pickels (from veggies), compost (from organic trash, dirt and worms).


1. I've always thought it would be really wonderful if your career could reflect within the world, IE you're in politics - so you are able to actually write laws into, or do campaigns, etc. Even just having it be mostly text events would be really cool. 2. Having the ability to self employ/freelance like The Sims 3 is a big one, but it would be really cool if you could improve on it and make it even more realistic, kind of like Sims 4 having an "Etsy" type deal, having auctions, being able to sell stuff online, etc would be really cool. 3. Lastly Pet careers would be very cool as well, imagine having your para train your dog/cat and enter it in pet shows? Training your dog/cat/horse for acting would be cool, etc, similar to the sims 2. Anyway, thanks for all that you guys have done. There isn't even a live mode yet and I am obsessed, wishing you all the best luck and happiness!


I think this would be interesting, I love skill trees in games. What I'd like to see is the branches of the promotion skill tree influencing how you develop your para skills. For example you could start the game with a small number of entry level jobs. Let's say that one of them is glass cleaner at a restaurant. The career then branches into three of four different paths, one that takes you down chef route (where you develop your para's culinary skills and creativity to get promotions), one that takes you down mixologist route (where you develop mixology skills and creativity), another route would be server (where you develop your people kills to gain promotions). As you go further up the tree you can branch into management etc. I suppose what this would mean is future DLC that is more about "workplaces" than simply careers. You could have rivalries for promotion with other Para's at your work place, or you could have mentor mentee relationships with para's in your workplace too.

Lane Brettschneider

Being able to customize your schedule is a great idea I hadn't thought of before, which would work great if a Para is able to work multiple jobs. We can decide if they work the morning shift one place and a night shift somewhere else. It would also add a lot to our storytelling abilities to be able to customize - and even change - the work schedule. A Para who works at a hospital or restaurant for example might have changes in their shift schedule all the time. Maybe that's a little too detailed for some people but it's an idea! What I think would be a really great feature to have is for Paras to be self-employed. If they can craft items and/or teach/mentor other Paras, or other activities, and monetize it - they could work a day/part-time job to support that other activity until they get really good at it and get more customers and then can support themselves just by being self-employed. That would give us a lot of flexibility with what our Paras can do. I'd like that a lot.


I was also thinking how cool it was if the choices made in the politician career had the real impact on Paralives' world. Want the artists to be supported by "the public money"? How about companies? Unemployed? How the health care system - how should it be funded? And the environment issues? When done logically and meaningfully but lightly, it would be very fascinating layer to the world. (Trade unions would be very cool, too. And academical researches to change the world.) Platform tasks and commissions in the places like Etsy where paras accept and schedule their work would be something never seen before. Also, putting handicraft for sale online would add a nice way to make a profit. How about rummage sale/fair? If you ask me, yes please. Yes for pet careers, please, too! Entertainment, rescue, law enforcement, sports like agility and riding, finding pricey intregidents and lost parapals... Many fascinating opportunities.


It would be nice if there were different ways to make a profit in the careers where they made sense. Meetings, conferensses and educating came first to my mind. In the first two's case, paras might accept working opportunities in which they either traveled around the world in otder to attend to them. Then, they might also attend via "Zoom" - as long as their Internet connection were stable enough. If the meetings were successful, it would increase the company's profit and capital for the future, and employes' salaries a bit. Having enough capital would whereas protect the company from the bankcrupt. Paras might also build business, friendship and even romantic relationships during their trips and gain valuable information and knowledge which helped them to develop the products of their company. They might even get more working opportunities and commissions from people met in the meetings. Maybe there were very special intredigents, other sellable products and commodities which were locked until the para managed to import them by trading to the country (and in the case the player prefers this kind of gameplay)? If it was the part of the para's job description in the company and/or it was part of their , they might also arrange their own meetings and invite people to attend in them. In this case, it was the invitator's responsibility to take care of their comfort: offer them good food and entertain them by taking into the account their personality. A coctail party in the hotel? Fine dining cuisine in the 5-star restaurant? Going to see sports or even playing football together? Or just cozy hanging in the chalet? Should the avec be invited, too? Will the teenagers arrange their own party in that case? How will the nanny cope with two rascal twins? Or can the children go to sleepover and be watched by their grandparents or their friends' parents? Many interesting details to the gameplay. Educating could work with a similar way with a few add-ons which I focus on descripting next. In pedagogic studies, a life long learning is the important term to understand. In Paralives' context, it would give nice variation if the professionality was recommended to keep updated by attenting to the lessons and conferences. The employer could also claim this if the employee desired to keep their job; participation in them, however, shouldn't affect their salary. (: Besides, if the para had communicative skills enough, they'd have the opportunity to "sell their professionality" by offering lectures and courses to another companies fot the profit. Like "WWF" of Paralives could give the lecture to the company B about recycling and why keeping the environment clean is important for paras' society and world. This kind of action and accompanying might be good PR for the company B which thus, would increase their profit. Personally, I wouldn't mind if some of these like the educations and thr conferensses were text-based events; there are so much to do in the other aspects of the game. In fact, textual chance cards would quite nicely work in the meetings hold abroad because they would give the player the chance to influence in them and also, to increase the feel of danger, as somebody has already described. Besides, just reading the texts might be too passive on the long run. (And to be honest, I have zero knowledge about the companies' logics and anything about commercial science. If done lightly and carefully but not too shallowly, it might be fun way to play anyway. Of course, it should be 100 % optional for everybody who prefers not to include it in their gameplay.) Another suggestion which I haven't come accross into this thread yet is taking care of the employers and employees' wellness. If it was important principle to the company, the empoyers could offer free movie, gym, museum, concert etc. tickets to their employees. They could also have wellness days in places like spa, gym, park or forest where they exercised, played team sport games, took yoga lessons, ate healthy food and relaxed together. These kind of days would give a boost the team spirit and the relationship between co-workers, and relieved the stress. (Sorry if I've been confused with the words "employer" and "employee " in my previous comment. I think of having so.)

Heaven Moore

All these people are askin too much 😂 I’m perfectly fine with my Para just havin a job.


I love the getting involved in stories through text, it is one of my favorite parts of (the sims) and I wish more text gameplay would pop up while at work, I think a large variety of these text gameplay popups would totally fulfill any of my needs to fully control the character at a job (which you said will not be available at launch)


I’d love if certain careers opened up exclusive social interactions outside of work! For instance someone on the medical career path could “tell gross ER story” at parties- or other Para’s could have an “ask about mole/pain/stomach problems” option when talking to a nurse/doctor; or a Para on the legal track could have a “threaten to sue!” option that pops up during arguments with other Paras. Most people carry their jobs with them outside of work at least a little bit so even small things like that would help make jobs/careers feel much more substantial- even if they’re all rabbit holes on release.


I agree with this 100%. I would like to add, however, that I would very much hope that the text popups would not be super repetitive. More than just the same few events/cards for a career.


I really like having text events/popups for the jobs. It would make it feel like your para is still active even when they're off and uncontrollable at their job. And it even could add a little control if some of the text events had choices to make. I think it's important that the majority of these events have consequences in order to make them feel important, but those consequences don't have to be significant. In fact, I think it would be better if they're usually not. I think that a lot of little events with small results/consequences is better than only having several events with really big consequences like promotions or raises. It could be an event about meeting someone new (as a coworker, customer, or something else entirely) and your para actually adds them to their known people or events that raise or lower their relationship with another para depending on the choice you make. Perhaps something good happens and the para comes home in a good mood or something bad happens and they return home in a bad mood. Maybe the event gives them a new goal or want (assuming that's a thing that exists), from bigger things like wanting a new car because a coworker got one or smaller things like them getting a sweet text from a loved one during the day and now they want to hug that loved one. Or the text event itself could be the consequence. Maybe your para goes to work after getting no sleep and there's an event about them struggling to stay awake during a meeting. If your para has a bad relationship with their boss than they're more likely to get an event about a bad experience with their boss. Overall, I feel like there's so much opportunity with text events to make even rabbit hole jobs feel like they're a part of your para's life that has a real and frequent effect on them.


Building on the work inside normal hours vs outside, it would be neat (though not necessary) if some careers had variable options for such things. Like, as a teacher, I have a lot of grading and lesson prep that I need to do outside the normal school day. Mostly I get that done before heading home for the day, but sometimes I leave early and take that work home or go in at an unusual time to get it done. If careers have work that can be done from home, it would be cool if that work can be done by choosing to stay late or go in early or by taking it home. This could also be applied to things like special projects or extra work that can happen in a lot of careers.

Rin Abedi

Running their own business. All the steps like building an online platform and sourcing resources. BOOTHS! Booths at fairs. It'd be nice if people could trade goods. If people could list things secondhand. If they could throw things to the curb for others to pick up. Just as an option but not the only way to get rid of furniture. I've always liked having the option of following a character to work or school, but I like the vignettes.


I personally would love to see a wide variety of jobs. From like FBI/CIA/Cops to wedding planning/youtuber/self employment


It's not asking but giving various thoughts. :D They can become very rich and fruitful when people get inspired by the topic - that's the idea of brainstorming. Having a bunch of versalite ideas give the team a good glimpse what kind of aspects people see important and meaningful, what the base principles should be like and what to create and develop by updates in the future. ;)


Non-conventional sources of income like commissioned artists/writers/freelancers/Bloggers or those who buy and refurbish items/homes and resell them.


I know the job options could easily get overwhelming to pick from! I'd personally like a broad category (say scientist) that then is broken down into several possible paths - paleontologist and astronomer would be cool ones that aren't included often enough. I'd like to see a wide diversity of job options, even if it's mostly just textual in-game. Functionally, jobs are probably all going to be similar (ie, Para disappears to work for several hours). So having more job titles would be a simple yet fun way to make each Para feel unique. Maybe they gain access to a special item or outfit related to their career? Unique interactions, again most likely simplified to general field so it wouldn't be overwhelming to program into the game. Maybe an artist could draw a friend? A medically inclined Para could be asked health questions. A psychologist could give mental health advice. And you could even include bad/funny outcomes to some of these requests!


I think it'd be nice to have a way for Paras to stay at lower levels of careers, because not everyone is a CEO. I'd like more normal, everyday jobs that aren't necessarily "dream jobs," like waitress, retail, office assistant, etc. Or alternative ways to make money, like freelancing, and lots of remote options. You guys are doing so great, thank you so much for all you do!!


I fully know and understand that this game is not the sims but I will be using them as a reference. One thing I absolutely hate in the sims is that they do not work around a work schedule. And if they have a job and study at the same time working and studying often overlap at the same times during the day/night. It would be nice if when you got a job and say you were also studying that it could automatically put you on days you don't study or times that you don't need to study and vice versa. It would also be nice if paras could leave on a sort of scheduled time as to avoid being late. There is nothing worse than having a sim be late to work just because they have a big house and chose to leave at the exact moment they were supposed to begin work. I would just like jobs to be a bit more flexible so nothing overlaps. If that makes sense.


Thank you for sharing your thought, Rebecca. Your point how weirdly coded the system in TS is makes very well makes sense. Good you pointed out the problem! Maybe there could be an inner calculator in Paralives which gave information to the player how much it takes time to travel to work by walking, riding a bicycle or a horse, using a public transport or driving a car. You know, the same kind of system like Google Maps. Player should arrange their paras schedules according to traveling times. If they didn't arrive by the given time, they could call their boss to tell about the situation. More the para comes late without any real excuse, more likely they'll get fired in the future.

Alice Taylor

First off, you guys are amazing. I love how connected you are and how good you are at making us feel involved. My biggest worry about jobs is having them all feel the same with different titles. I understand that they will be similar because... they are jobs 😂 but I would just like emphasise making them feel unique whether that be through text box events or something else. A suggestion would be having a end of day summary like: ‘what did Emily do at work today? Oh well David spilled coffee over all her work’ so her relationship with him goes down. Or finding out things about coworkers like if David is having a baby. It’s just something to think about 👌 hope you all are having a wonderful day. Thank you for all your hard work


A little off this topic but I think something that could be awesome in Paralives is having trains. And being able to have a career as a Train Driver.


Awesome suggestion for story progression with finding out your coworker got engaged or is having a baby or adopting a pet. Makes it feel more real


Some jobs should be dead-end, I believe. Like customer support. You may get to be promoted to a managing position, but that's it. Some jobs should require work experience, certain skills. And since initially we won't have universities maybe certain fields (like medicine) could require doing some "preparation courses"? For me it never made any sense like how a person with no education becomes a doctor in a few years :) Also, it would be nice to be able to apply for a higher position if you already have the necessary skills/experience. Say, a level 9 military person would not go for level 1 police work. Maybe you could choose what to apply for, and then get either accepted or rejected. Another thought that I had: it would be nice to have a "rabbit hole office building" where there would be a few business companies (and specify them, that would be fun), a few IT companies etc. Not too many, but for some fields it would be nice to have options. And make them slightly different - one could have better pay, but less holidays; another - more freedom and flexible schedule, but fewer chances to get promoted. Ofc, some fields don't necessarily require any choices - like governmental work, police, public medicine etc. But it would be cool to have multiple businesses. And maybe in the said office building we could start our own business one day? In an expansion of sorts haha? Also, what really bugged me in sims was the fact that when you work somewhere you gonna get to know your boss, a few colleagues etc. But if you choose to play as them, they most often are not hired even in this company (especially in the get to work expansion). If the program could appoint someone at the position, give them the necessary skills, it would be perfect! So that if I play for that character later, they would still have that job that the game chose for them. Talking about companies, there could be numerous positions opened (let's say we would have 3 companies in the game). They would need a lawyer, a marketing specialist, an accountant, a designer etc. And sometimes there is an open position, and sometimes there is none! In the sims 2 if you remember you couldn't get any job you want on any day possible. And that was fun! Now that I can't find a job, I find that relatable haha


Work is such an important and such a huge part of our lives, we should have many options, challenges, problems, surprises for a fun gameplay experience. The sims 2 with expansions was quite great at that. Endless choices, fun text notifications (maybe when game updates, they also could be updated not to become repetitive, even fans could offer suggestions to make the process maybe a little less tedious). I just hope it's not going to be boring:) And that it's more than 5-10 options :) I was also thinking about specific careers, and that's what I thought would be fun for me (at least before any updates/expansions): - essential jobs: medicine (private and public maybe?), police, education (including daycare), service (waiters, chefs, management, cleaning personnel, delivery etc.), drivers (taxi drivers at least), emergency services (like fire fighters) - business (a few companies with various positions, some positions are dead-end) - creative/ performance (it would be nice later to make them open, but it also could be a rabbit hole) - my dream is to play as a drag queen :) - sport (but maybe instead of career levels we could have competitions that you have to train for?), and that's how your status and salary grows, and after a certain amount of years you could become a coach? Such a logic could work for the entertainment sphere as well, also for sales, for other stuff. Sounds really fun. - maybe some fun/not expected options? I was thinking some criminal positions, or idk a psychic XD Sorry for long answers, I got inspired:) And if you ever want to localise the game for the Russian-speaking audience, let me know, I'll do a great job :D


Okay so I've seen some people mention having careers that start with something more general and you can choose a path to become more specific. I just wanted to mention something related to that. I would love to see a Nurse path that's separate from becoming a Doctor! Like I know a lot of Nurses and I don't think any of them are aspiring to be MDs. That's just something really specific that's always bothered me. Thank you for everything you're doing!

Brandi Werthner

I think the option for real players to do actual jobs for other players and get actual reviews and such. for example, a real player can put out a “job request” kinda like a Craigslist ad, and players can view the ads and can contact the person and do the job for them. And depending on your para’s skill level depends on how well the work actually comes out. And whoever hired you can leave real reviews based of your “service”


Can we have work parties (crazy and normal ones, etc) and have like company rivalrys.. I think that would be so kool :)


As many already mentioned text based gameplay for "maximum varity" and multiple paths in one area sounds nice." Dead end" jobs or just not looking for promotions as an option would be nice too. Some jobs that could be intersting: kindergaden teacher or generally working with children/teenagers, zookeeper, more specialised sports paths (football, basketball, heavy lifting , dancer, ice skating...), interior decorator, architect, maybe even dance teacher. Im not a big fan of choosing a path but each rank is quite different especially in the early ranks, and its kinda expected that you need to be promoted.


I think it would be really cool if the money between your Paras are separated so that every individual Para can earn and spend their own money, it would be really helpful if you’re playing as roommates or if you want you teen Para to earn some pocket money on their own. Then you could have family funds where you could transfer money to pay things like bill, furniture, etc. I could understand if it could be a bit complicated but I think it would add a lot of realism to the game. :)


I agree that paras having their own separate bank accounts would be great! "family funds" never made a ton of sense to me. Maybe spouses have the ability to combine bank accounts if they want to, teens can open their own accounts if they want jobs, etc. I wish I could think of something that would reinvent the wheel in terms of careers but I think I'm just going to echo others saying having more than one job choice in a particular career path would be cool. I think there's a lot of possibility there. i.e. "Education" could be elementary teacher, high school teacher, college prof, "Medicine" could be nurse, doctor, physical therapist, counselor, etc. Just something for variety that also feels like an organic progression. Early career paths could be education courses even, as a way to incorporate higher ed without having to resort to a conventional 4-year college expansion pack...

Luther Duncan

Ultimately I think jobs should effect your parafolks lives due to the promotions giving them a sense of fulfilment - overtime changing the way your Parafolk behaves and feels long term. The type of job you have could inspire an offspring or friend thus creating stronger and new ways to form relationships? Its hard not to base progression off of something we have seen before, however if I was to lend an innovative idea it would be Micro tasks outside of work which would allow for more engagement and a sense of control over your progression - how much work you put into your chosen path will reflect and you could get 3-4 pay rises or more on any level within your chosen Profession before then getting a promotion ? however this could be an optional thing for those who want the very best out of their jobs ? There should be a better representation when it comes to career paths - being a nurse doesn't always mean you aspire to become a Doctor ? this shouldn't ultimately be your path for example the medical field could be split Nurse path or Doctor as they are very different. As a Registered Nurse you could crawl up the ladder to becoming a Certified registered nurse anaesthetist ?


I think these are the most important aspects to have a immersive/realistic career system: 1) Different skill requirements for applying for different jobs. So a para could have lower skilled job and in free time study to get more skills to apply to specific jobs. 2) Not all job choices promote to high paying jobs. It's annoying how in a certain other lifesim game, you can start as a toilet cleaner and "move up" to neurosurgeon - doesnt make much sense to me. 3) With that said, maybe paras with good overall performance can be offered opportunities for raises.


I agree, imagine if we could have modded "job chance cards" written by the community - it would be very fun I think.


I don't have an overall idea for what careers and jobs should be like, but, as someone studying medicine in university and with hopes of becoming a psychiatrist, I would like for that career progression to be different from the Sims games, in which you can become a doctor without proper education. Also, in those games you can become a nurse first and a doctor in higher levels?? Thats not at all how real life works, nurses aren't some "low level doctor", they do a different and well needed job and we all work as a team! Also, you don't go from being a radiologist to climbing the career ladder and ending up as a neurosurgeon. If you want to have the option for a doctor career, please consider allowing paras to choose their specialty like surgery, paediatrics, psychiatry, neurology, et cetera. Especially if we're not going to see them do it, we can just choose it for our own narratives :)


So like an rpg at first, lol, but a simulation version. And then a static build off of that? The "rpg" could be based off personality types you see when you look up personality types. And then going into the game, how you interact/react would affect ____(blank etc).


This would be awesome! This could even be implemented afterwards so there is a stream line base for the game and then expand


Yes! I'm hoping they can do a base for each job, schooling etc and then build off of a base that has room for them to implement pathways. Also maybe there would be days you could choose to go with your sim instead. Say there is a presentation, finals tests, midterms, etc that are important. You would follow them that "day", just to that event. But imagine your character in elementary school having a presentation on an animal they choose and you follow them! I'm high school you follow them to the science lab for an experiment everyone is doing. School field trips etc


Yes! I honestly hate how the sims team made certain jobs feel demeaning. I don't have any ideas on how you would make them feel more rewarding. Maybe after shifts with how your sim is feeling mood based, (picture of para in the corner or their name)," I had a great day at work!" + buff or maybe their skill for the job moves up a bit.


The only thing is I feel like things like the political career can be so much harder than the other careers. Which is fine, but then we should make the other jobs more inclusive as well. Also their are other parts to the political career too, activism, being a board member etc. This also makes me think about a hospital career with pchyologists etc. I think this could work with certain jobs but if I want my sim to be a therapist, I don't want to be the owner at some point, but we could have an option to. I don't want that to be on a career ladder. Maybe more promotion heavy + benefits. So their is a choice to climb if wanted. So example: Therapist could have salary + promotions. Benefits: vacation days, paid days off, holidays off could all be given. Not that I don't like to climb the ladder, I just feel it is overused sometimes. So the option would be nice. Because if you want your parafolk to be something specific it would be weird to end up an owner of a business or corporation when you can be well off just being an employee too. I never liked how the job ladder worked in the sims, it could also help eliminate demeaning any job just because it seems "lower". (Not that you said that but it helps round everything out to a more happy experience. Like setting the mood for the game)


I would love to see a banking, medical, military, law, and education career. I would love if the medical career had different branches like nurses, doctors, medical administration and etc. Also, I would like the ability to lock a career level. For example, If I wanted a para to just make it to being a lawyer and not to the judge level, I could lock their career and they would stay a lawyer until I unlocked it. That would help with story telling. Also, I would want careers that require an education or require it for advancement. The ability to change a specialization would be nice. For example, my para is a crimnal lawyer, but now she wants to practice family law. I would like an application process (with rejection)for getting a job so that it isn't easily obtainable. That would add a layer of realism.


I want a very realistic Political job !


I'd love: -Makeup artist(beauty, and sfx artist) -Fine artist -Graphic designer/illustrator -Hairstylist -Tattoo artist -Vet -Owning a restaurant, cafe, bakery etc. and a chef, waiter, barista


What I'd really like in the game is for not all careers to feel like they have equal weight. IRL some people view their career as their lives work, careers like this should be high difficulty and take a para's life time to really achieve. These people are likely to only really have one career in their lives. Other people in real life are career driven but the careers they choose don't take complete unfocused dedication to a singular goal, they are still able to have some semblance of work life balance. These people are likely to have 2 or 3 careers in their life times. They careers should be difficult for your para to reach the peak of but it would be good to see my para who has reached the peek of one career long for a new challenge and indicate they maybe want to change career paths. (ADDITION - If careers were presented in some kind of skill tree, then at some branches of the career tree the skills of two job on different career paths are quite similar, so when a para was say at the level 5 branch of being a journalist, you might look at the career tree and see that you could transition career and become a level 4 novelist?) CONT..... Other people aren't career driven, but more driven by a passion or a hobby that they turn into a source of income and these people are likely to have 6, 7, 8 jobs in their life times. A career that is the culmination of your life work, should be hard and the rewards should be great. Astronaut, President, Etc, Etc Really dream big career. If careers like this were added to the game less frequently to give developers time to really deeply focus having those career introduce new game play mechanics that challenge the player. I think players would be happy to wait. And the new game play mechanics that are developed for life time careers could eventually trickle down to the easier careers.

Joey Frank

what about paras joining the army and being stationed and cant be controlled for a certain amount of in-game time?


I think the one thing I would really love to see is a relationship between personality traits and chosen career fields - e.g., someone that isn't detail oriented probably wouldn't be happy (or able to succeed) in a field that requires intense numbers, like accounting. I feel like this would be manifested in both their overall happiness and their ability to get promoted/hired. I also think it'd be awesome to make paras not automatically get every job they apply to (unlike the Sims) - like you have to "interview" even if off screen, and certain skills, mood, and personality traits affect if you can get the job.


I'm so excited to see that you're considering how to implement disabilities and neurodiversity, and that you are aware that there's no single trait that can accurately represent ADHD, for example. Big applause from me!


Also the ability to be self-employed and run your our business such as the shops in TS2 or restaurants, hotels, artist...


I would like my Paras to be able to choose an industry and be able to do more than just one career within that industry. As example, a Para may complete the actor career path and then want to try their hand at producing, or directing, or screenwriting, (etc.). My Paras should not have to worry about losing their payscale level of earnings just because they completed one career path and wish to choose a new career path within the same industry. They should not have to go back to square one. And, if they choose a career path in a whole new industry they should still be paid the pension they earned from the industry they just completed...they worked hard to earn it and they should be able to still receive it to maintain the lifestyle they work hard to acheive. Please consider this when planning careers. You guys are awesome, thank you!!


I come from a family of Cabin Crew and Pilots so I think it would be fun if there were certain jobs where your Parafolk would have to leave home for a day or two for work purposes maybe with an option later on down the line to join them wherever they go. I know this would be a realistic touch for some Business Careers too.


I think a politician shoud be able to make some changes in the world, for example there could be some laws or taxes you can choose from


sorry I'm a bit late (just joined the Patreon) - but I just wanted to say a little something about this point: "Some cool lifestyle choices that were suggested: vegetarian / vegan, .... minimalist / materialistic" I'm not entirely sure that "materialistic" is the right term for the other end of a 'minimalist' slider or option. In my experience (American English) we're saying something very different when we describe a person as a "minimalist" versus when we say that a person is "materialistic." One is a choice, a preferred aesthetic, a sense of life goals and habits (Marie Kondo and whatnot).... but the other has moral or ethical connotations. Being described as "materialistic" implies a personal failing in character. Person is materialistic = they prioritize possessions over people; they care about owning objects and using objects to display their sense of self-worth or social value; etc. Given that this term was used as relative to 'minimalist' - it's obvious that these socially negative implications are NOT intended, and I'm not certain what other term might better convey a judgement-free preference that is distinct from 'minimalism.' But maybe a little bit of extra thought for that term? Is the opposite of minimalist... cottagecore? LOL ;)


I'd want to echo what I've been seeing in some of these responses - It would be fabulous if Parafolk had a variety of options beyond just "relevant skills / skill level" that impact their career options and level / salary in those options. If "industry" or "field" were to be determined, separate / in addition to specific career, it would be possible to include a metric similar to skill gain for that area. "Industry cred" or something like that. As was previously mentioned, someone with experience working as an actor is not going to start at zero if they want to try at directing, producing, or switching from acting in movies to acting in television or even something like online streaming projects. That person will have a certain level of networking and professional experience within the industry that will start them in a relatively higher / stronger position at their "new" job. Ditto for lots of other jobs - in the Medical Field, a RN can switch to PT, a MD can specialize in trauma, surgery, infectious disease, and medical practitioners can focus on private practice, joining a clinic group, working at a hospital, etc. Every career has this kind of industry level that can dramatically change what a person's tasks, skills, and overall goals are.... Even looking at a deceptively "simple" field like "Administration" - there's a big difference in work, skills, daily experiences, and goals between someone working in the administrative track at a school, at a Fortune 500 company, at a research lab, or as somebody's personal executive assistant. Okay, I really talk a lot (I apologise).... to sum up, I'd really like to see multiple trackable metrics influencing the starting salaries, required weekly hours, flexibility of schedule / vacation days, and accessibility of new job tracks or careers within a field or related fields. .. Skills & skill level is good. So would be Industry Rep. Work Experience (months/years holding a job, any job). Or even something like "Field Involvement" (like attending conferences, workshops, getting new certifications, training with the latest equipment or pedagogy, etc).


okay, I've been poking at Minimalism at the aesthetics wiki (it's the Internet, so naturally, such a thing exists)... https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Minimalism So far, it seems that "comfycore" is a general term for "the opposite of minimalist" - however, I'm not pleased with the idea that minimalism is not a lifestyle / aesthetic that people can find comfortable. I know plenty of close friends who are terribly uncomfortable with my cottagecore accoutrements, and are much more comfortable with a minimalist lifestyle. The search for a more precise term continues....


I'd love to see EMS Helicopter Pilot and Avalanche Search & Rescue Team-member as career choices in the game. Maybe even an option to train your dog to become an avalanche search & rescue dog?


Hi all.. hope everyone is good.. new patron here ☺️ Other: I’d love to see the Parafolk go to work, the camera follows them to work.. and you get to walk through a “shift day” with the para. Controlling how that Para is and does at work. But I would also like an option for this.. like I wouldn’t want to follow my parafolk to work every day in game..


I'd love to be able to freeze my job position without losing the ability to earn pay rises as my skills/experience/fame/connections(?) etc rise. Taking an example from The Sims 4, I'd love my Sim to be an executive chef without progressing to an unrealistic celebrity chef in Willow Creek, but still be able to earn money promosions when met certain criteria. That should be customised on each level of a career. Maybe with different options of freezing or the ability to adjust the length/strength/amount of perks (pay rises, vacation days, completely skip some career levels if unwanted etc). Also, please allow us to have multiple jobs with schedules customisation! Beside that I agree with basically everything what was mentioned already in this thread:) Thanks for your great work, sharing content with us and listening to suggestions❤️


I agree with PaulinaWhite in that it would be nice to not accept a promotion in a career, yet hopefully continue to get pay incentives and/or bonuses for continued high performance. The Executive Chef example is a perfect example! Sometime, we just want to do our job well without advancing into more responsibility or fame or whatever.


Maybe a pop-up text, something like this: your Para's management believes their incredible performance has earned them a promotion! Would you accept it? (Selectable from) - decline promotion - accept the level promotion (XYZ) - accept the raise (XYZ) - accept the raise and the level promotion This popup would appear multiple times if, for example, a level promotion is declined.

Hailey Szabo

I would love to be able to start and own a business, as well as to be able to choose whether I want to run it from my home or rent/buy property for it. I'd love to have options too - record shop, bakery, sustainable clothing store, etc. Additionally, it would be cool to have an option for a business to grow over time - become a chain store, become a wealthy CEO for said company, etc. It would also be super cool to be able to buy, flip, and rent out or sell property! It would also be great to have certain careers like we did in the Sims 3. I know you won't be able to include active careers (beyond a rabbit hole scenario) right away, but if you ever were to, it would be so cool to become an interior designer and go to client's homes and decorate it based on their individual taste/style, or a wedding planner career, or architecture... you get the idea! :) Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to share our ideas, and taking the time to read through them! I truly can't express how amazing and supportive this community has grown to be, and the game hasn't even been released yet. So much love for the team and community <333


The jobs i am thinking about : mayor of the city (political career), lawyer. these jobs we dont really see in sim games and could really make the game and the world feel alive. It could be fun to sue people and then go to a trial (all rabbit hole). For politics it could be fun to have like journalist friends that can help you for your campaign and stuff like that. It can be a really simple system at launch that can get more complex after launch !! All the jobs can really interact with eachother. Anyway i am so excited to see this game come to life !!

S&M Gonzalez

Here’s an interesting way jobs could work idea I had should require paras to have regular skills, certain personality traits, and basic skills. Some jobs requiring previous work experience and some not requiring any at all. Writing skills: Research Data entry Article writing Scientific research writing Business writing Legal writing Communication: Public speaking Customer service Persuasiveness Cross cultural communication (they’re able to communicate easier with paras of different cultures) Digital communication (great at social media and advertising) Feedback & conflict resolution Empathy I think these should be basic base skills paras should build and have needed to have for entering the blue collar workforce or a career path though there could be ordinary jobs that would require some of these skills. Jobs that would not require these skills wouldn’t be listed as requirements. Paras could get jobs even if they don’t have all the basic skills required to apply but can be hired based off some skills met including work history. Here’s an example: Nursing home worker Basic skills needed: empathy, feedback &conflict resolution, cross cultural communication,first aid Personality recommend: empathy, athletic, nurturing Skill recommended: empathy,athletic,cross cultural communication, A para could get hired based off having the basic skills but not all of the personality skills even though they do have empathy. So in result they may not like their job as much or move up in promotion quickly or at all because they’re looking for paras who are empathetic. I think there should be jobs and careers that have the requirement “no experience needed to apply”. While there could be some basic skills needed to apply for other jobs even if they’re lower level. Like needing to have prior work experience in general, or if you’re going to work at a job in a certain industry that’s minimum wage or entry level say for example a para wants to get a job as a customer service rep that’s in retail, there might be requirements of having a prior retail job before applying to that job.


Jobs or careers I'd like to see (the list is quite long): Zoo keeper, Customer service, Charity worker, Social worker, Bartender, Cook/Chef, Nanny, Dancer, Singer, Actor/Performer, Pharmacist, Game developer (😁 ) , Environmentalist, Teacher, Psychologist/Psychotherapist, Salesman, Plumber, Firefighter, Funeral worker, Priest, Wedding/Event planner, Shop assistant, Model, Photographer. It would be great if a Para had a job that wouldn't be standard 9-5 with an option to take an extra job on the side that's either connected with their hobby or skills acquired in the first job - such as a Teacher could offer tutoring students at home for extra cash. Or a classic - barmaid wants to become an actress and she's working while attending auditions for roles. Which brings me to another idea about Paras getting a job.. just as in real life, it shouldn't be as easy, there should be some skill and personality checks involved (as the previous comment suggests) - such as having a degree in a certain field for specific career path like Medicine. Also the personality trait check - one cannot be squeamish when they want to become a doctor or a vet. For social workers, it has to be a good person, etc, etc.


A job application and interview process would be great. It could be like a mini-task within the game. You have to submit a resume (based on skills, traits, etc.) and then the employer will contact you if interested. If not, you'd get notified saying you didn't qualify because of not enough skills or whatever. Then, if the employer was interested, you'd go to an interview and have to chat up the interviewer and do a simple task to show you know what you're doing, etc. before you officially get the job.


My "job" is to keep myself alive/healthy & functional while earning some income for disability from the government. So I've been struggling to think of what I could offer for Careers & Jobs. My wife is a jail guard (deputy sheriff) and games like these typically have some kind of police / guard career track in them. Detective or Police Officer or whatever. And, honestly, stick with a fairy tale "community service" version of this career where honest 'good guys' work very hard to protect against genuine 'bad guys.' I live in America, and you definitely do not want to try for any accurate representation of this field at this time. Soooo I've been trying to brain storm, but it's mostly Dr Pepper, chaos, and escapism in my head 24/7. But I've come up with a list of careers I might have liked, if I had l been able to ... • dancer - could include career choices like ballerina, competitive ballroom, "exotic", contemporary and hip-hop dancing, folk/traditional/contra dancing, square/line dancing, and let's not forget choreography • Librarian - I say "librarian" but I actually mean any of the library sciences. Folk could be archivists, collections curators, head librarians at university or esteemed public library/museums. And this last idea for "librarian" is a bit of a fantasy, but... adventure librarian. Like Indiana Jones (or his dad), or like the guy in National Treasure, or the heroes from the series The Librarian. The caretakers of "special" collections, whose jobs sometimes get a little more... interactive... than expected. • Anthropology - not just archaeologists! Broadly, are 2 career paths for anthros (1) academic anthropology or (2) applied anthropology. Number 1 goes out and does anthropology stuff with the intent to add to the academic anthropology record (like books, papers, studies, and teaching anth to knuckleheads in between). Number 2 takes anthropology skills and exposure to create a killer resume for certain other professional industries. Whether a #1 or a #2 type anthro, there are 4 subfields to specialize your career path. - Physical Anthropology, with careers like forensic anthropology, genetics & evolution, or biodiversity - Linguistics, for example, helping record and preserve dying languages or creating dynamic "dictionaries" that catalogue & explain the cultural meaning behind words, not just a literal translation - Socio-Cultural anth, for example, any anthropologist that is not an archaeologist who is called to consult for a news-worthy "unfolding incident" - any time the government or courts or news host wants to interview someone to explain _why_ a thing happened the way it did, or "how did it come to this?" or "what are they thinking? why are their priorities different than ours / mine?" - that's most likely a cultural anthro that they've called for the interview or the consultation or the dispute mediation, etc. - Archaeology which is nothing like Indiana Jones and definitely nothing like Tomb Raider. You can dig up prehistoric things. You can dig up historic things. And you can check if there's anything to be dug up before someone bulldozes a lot to construct new condos. Oh, and, you can tell governments the best way to handle and preserve the things that they dug up and might want to save for later. If it's not Indiana Jones, then how much adventure is in archaeology? Well, as much adventure as you can find by digging a very large, very deep hole - 4 or 5 centimeters at a time. (I loved my arch fieldwork, btw. It's very precise and very deliberate work. And if your dig coordinator is nice, you spend the hottest hours of the day inside somewhere cleaning, cataloguing, and writing up dig notes and reports). • Okay, this one might be too strange for 'just a game' but... any careers from the death industry. - mortician / funeral home director - medical examiner / coroner / autopsy surgeon - any part of a forensic team / CSI department (blood splatter analysis, bullet trajectory reconstruction, ballistics, sample collection, processing epithelials (lab monkey work!) - death doula - hospice careers / caregivers - green burial advocate / 'alternative' facility careers (bio-urn memorial parks/gardens; resomation technicians; coral reef seeding; human composting / Recompose, etc) • any supernatural job or career (some sim games play these cartoonishly or as a "real" part of the game world; some play them seriously as scam careers in 'villian' job tracks; I dunno what level of fact vs fiction the Para game world will have.... but, to some individuals, even here in this world, these are legit careers either "for believers" or because the person performing the career is part of a culture or religion that genuinely supports the underlying beliefs. In no particular order (or judgement) ... - exorcist - psychopomp - psychic - medium / seance provider - fortune teller / divination expert - shrine maiden / temple caretaker - ritual & ceremony provider (you call this person to come bless a house, bless a baby, cleanse a funky vibe, call on good fortune for a new business, negotiate a marriage contract, etc) - ritual, ceremony, spell component & materials provider (a retail / store owner business) Purveyor of Craft supplies. - herbalist / apothecary - witch for hire (sells simple spells, potions, poultices, oils, can perform spells on behalf of folk by request, has amazing Halloween decorations every year and gives out full-sized candy bars to Trick or Treaters) - demon hunter - vampire hunter - sage / wise woman / local holy man / hermit in the woods / Harry Dresden - supernatural / magical teacher or instructor - that person who always shows up just when you need it, to deal with the fae for you, so that you don't get screwed and/or dead - yogi or other type of local mystic - faith healer / spiritualist (Note - these are all _real_ jobs / careers that _real_ people have in the _real_ world. I've met or otherwise know a person of nearly every profession I listed above. I could have also listed Rapture readiness expert or Rapture insurance salesman.) • matchmaker • home brewer / hand-crafter (like hand sewing, pottery/ceramics, wildcrafting, spinning/weaving, etc.) basically, anything that used to be cottage industry level work that people have started doing by hand / at home again • any job that is part of or sells products at renaissance festivals


For personality stuff, I think it would be great to have a ‘Flaws’ section as well as a ‘fears’ section. Being clumsy, or cowerdly, or extra hot tempered would be in flaws. And things like fire, dark, crowds, water, bugs, loud noises, dogs, and storms can be fears. Maybe fears can even change from childhood to adulthood, and if they stay the same fears they get stronger.


For jobs I would love a singer, actor, voice actor, somone who runs an occult shop, fortune teller, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher, ghost hunter,, herbalist, florist, ship hand, boat captain, firefighter, theif, circus performer, street performer, animator, somone who sells things they make online, farmer, magician (performer kind), clown, choir director, writer, librarian, ufo chaser, storm chaser, film critic, reporter, lets player, roller coaster ride tester, marine biologist, archaeologist, videographer, scenic painter for theater, photographer, environmental sustainability expert, journalist, musician, and maybe a gravedigger/cryptkeeper.


I think it'd be nice to have the option for self-employment, like your parafolk could be a content creator, and they'd be able to have certain themes for their content. For instance - they could do cooking videos, and gain an audience that enjoys their cooking videos. There could be specific vibes of their video, maybe they do funny cooking videos, asmr/aesthetic cooking videos, or just straight-forward ones that teach the recipe. This is just an example of one area of content creation parafolk could do

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Omg for personality I'm really wishing hoping for a "healthy parent." Trait cuz some of us have no idea ! Lol 😂


Taking from another post, I like the idea of having required previous work experience for certain jobs. And your para could go on AlexsList or whatever to scroll through job listings that could be at various stages in the different career paths, but you may not get those jobs you apply for if you don't have the requisite skills/experience. I also like the idea of having your para's job affect their relationships. For example, if your para and their spouse have conflicting work schedules (i.e., first and third shifts), they could get Annoyed or Frustrated from not spending enough time together or something along those lines.

Michael Green

I would love a music career that’s reflective of how the music industry actually is and with different branches of different music genres. Like my para could become a pop singer, an RnB singer, a country star etc. They can schedule an audition with the in-game record company and if they pass, they get signed - and they’ll get an advance from the record company to record their music and videos but they’ll eventually have to pay that advance back. Paras can name the album they’re working on and when to release it. They can also choose how many songs to put on there and which songs/videos to release to promote the album to help influence sales. The game can generate a random number for first week sales up to 1 million with anything under 100,00K first week being considered not good and a million would be a lifetime wish and your para has to further promote their album in other ways to increase sales for that current era. One of the biggest ways to promote an album is through touring! A para can choose to go on tour and name the tour. If the album is successful, they’ll sell out arenas. If it’s super successful (selling 1 Million + first week) then they can do a stadium tour - which can be a wish singer paras could roll. some paras Lifetime Wish might be a ‘Become a Touring Legend’ have X amount of successful stadium tour and earn X amount of money from all combined tours. If the album is a flop then they can still go on tour - they’ll just do small local venues. Touring - no matter the venue- will also help increase sales. I imagine there would be a timer and a scoring system (think like Sims 2 with dating and parties) that would mark where the current success and general interest is for your album. If your para doesn’t sell enough, or have any songs or videos that are successful by the end of the year or era- then that album is considered a flop and they’ll get a negative memory or moodlet from it. One day in the year, all Paras in the music career will all get invited to the Parammys (the Grammys) and they’ll be a chance for your Para to win an award (Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Video of the Year [even though the Grammys don’t award videos]). Being a Parammy Winning Artist should be another lifetime want for singer sims. Even if Paras have an album that didn’t sell well, they’ll still have a small to win - even smaller if their album has the current flop status. But higher chances if it sells well. Song of the Year and Video of the year will simply based on if the Video/Song had a popular reaction or not - so no chance of winning if either of those flopped. Also if there’s a fame and reputation system in the game or an expansion, then fame level can also impact sales and scandals could negatively impact sales and success or it could be juicy enough to increase sales. Paras should be able to check current sales on the computer and every day, a notification pops up informing the player of how many albums got sold and views on videos. Also to record an album or song the para has to own a studio booth or go to a community lot with one there and pay to use it. Maybe another similar career for Acting could use the same model as this hypothetical career.


it would be cool if you added a career as a designer, you could work for someone or create your own brand. I just watched the movie "Cruella" yesterday and was inspired by it

Holly Kinglund

An interesting thing to put in the game is telecommuting! (I hope this is clear enough, I am using google translate to write to you ( ;∀;))


In addition to getting a promotion I would love the ability to be able to turn down the promotion. Like maybe a para likes being at their current position for now or just doesn't want to move up the ladder at all.