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Hi there, happy Friday!

Have you ever been in a house that doesn't have any mirrors? Me neither! In many games, mirrors are not essential but in a life sim like Paralives, they play an important role for decorating your rooms and for making your characters do all sort of interactions with them. That's why I wanted to tell you a bit more about mirrors in Paralives today!

Mirror Showcase  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Let's begin this post by showcasing a few of the mirrors that are already in the game. A lot more mirrors of all styles and shapes will be created later.

On the left, we have round mirrors that can be scaled up or down. On the right, another round mirror but with a little shelf to place small objects on.

Just like with the picture frames, you can select the frame of this resizable mirror.

We are working from home right now but when we get an office after the pandemic, it would be really cool to have a Paralives mirror like that in our lobby! On the right, simple mirrors with a thin border and a round top.

How Mirrors Work Behind the Scenes  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Most games do not have working mirrors in them because they are actually somewhat tricky to create. When you play a game, it has to refresh your whole screen around 60 times per second in order to make it run smoothly. Each of these times, your computer has to recalculate each pixel of your screen depending on the angle of your in-game camera and the objects you are looking at. That's millions of pixels to calculate faster than you can blink!

When you add a mirror object inside your house, in addition to calculating the image on your screen from the point of view of your camera, the game also has to calculate another image. This time, it's from the point of view of the mirror object, in order to display the reflected image properly on the mirror surface.

If you add multiple mirrors inside your house, your computer will have a lot of work to do and the game could slow down quite noticeably. However, we made many optimizations to avoid slow downs like that such as lowering the resolution and quality of the image displayed on mirror surfaces if they are far away. We can now add many of them in a single room without any issues!

Creating a new Mirror Object to Add to the Game  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

As you know, Paralives will offer tools allowing modders to easily add their own objects to the game. If you have a bit of knowledge on how to create 3D objects using a software like Maya, Blender or 3ds Max, you could create pretty much any furniture or object and add it to the game to play with it.

Here's a breakdown showing how I created one of the mirror object using Blender, a free 3D modelling software. If you think that's cool, I strongly encourage you to download Blender and to give it a shot! There are a lot of great video tutorials on YouTube that will help you get started with it.

  • 1 - Start with a simple cylinder. Choose carefully the amount of faces that the cylinder will have. If there are too few, the cylinder will appear blocky. If there are too many, the object will be more detailed and your computer will have to work a bit more to load the object and display it in the game. Having a lot of objects with unnecessary details would make the game run less smoothly on your computer in the end.
  • 2 - Flatten the cylinder. In this case, I want my mirror to be about 1 centimeter thick.
  • 3 - Delete the bottom half of the cylinder. Only the top of my mirror is round.
  • 4 - Stretch down the bottom of the half cylinder. My mirror is now close to the final shape
  • 5 - Add a thin border to the mirror. There, we have our mirror. Done!

Now, we need to export the object in a file format that the game can read. Then, using the modding tools, we are able to integrate this mirror to the game, choosing extra details like the name, the price, the color swatches, the tags to determine where the mirror appears in the furniture catalog menu, etc.

Mirror Interactions in Live Mode  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

All these talks about mirrors make me wonder: what interactions would you like to see in Paralives on mirror objects? Are there specific actions you would like your Paras to be able to do in front of a mirror? Tell us in the comments!





thank you😭😩


You guys are truly doing God's work! Thank you for all your hard work and attention to detail. I can't speak for everybody, but I'm sure we all really appreciate it! Can't wait to play it once it's all done! 💕💕💕💕


you know what.. would love if you could set a “daily makeup look” for each para and have them put it on in and take it off in the mirror! would be so cool compared to them just wearing the makeup permanently




If we’re sad I’d love to be able to cry in front of the mirror or take mirror selfies!


paras could put on makeup with mirrors, it would be awesome if you could set different makeup looks your para could have without changing their whole outfit !!


I think it would be cool to be able to like adjust their hair in the mirror or just gaze at themselves lol


Gosh I love this community so much ☺ here are some things that I think would be pretty cool for the mirrors. Paras can: Do makeup. Fuss over their appearance. Pep talks. Speech practice. Dance. Check themselves out. Clean them. 😁😁

Brandi Werthner

This is awesome. Would there be vampires? And if so, would there be a way to make them not visible? also, maybe lighted mirrors? Like ones backlit, and ones that have lights to illuminate the character?


The shelves on the mirrors omg yal really are thinking of everything <3


I’d like the option to do makeup, last looks before you leave the house, and lol mirror selfie’s would be funny. Looks great so far though!! 💕


Love how clean and crisp they look!!


what would be fun would be a special interaction for artists to study their anatomy in a mirror; at a certain skill point maybe and that could help them gain more skill

Samara Stanleigh

Setting options like “daily makeup look” or “different hairstyle” would be cool, as well as them checking out potential acne spots (maybe even do a skincare routine if possible?). Even having them give themselves a pep talk or check themselves out

Aaron J Levesque

I don’t know if this is possible but something like having a para “choose there own makeup” “shave” or “style there hair” and having an animation that randomly adds makeup hair or shaves male paras facial hair would be so cool!!!!


I would LOVE if paras with certain traits (confident, vain, fashion-lover, etc) could sometimes automatically check themselves out quickly when walking by one. Not take a full action or anything, but like a wink when walking by it 😂 or if teens and kids could play scary games like Bloody Mary at sleepovers would be so awesome

Christine Harvey

This is cool! It would be great to see little kids playing in mirrors, like making silly faces and dancing. It would be fun to see paras walk by, see themselves then stop and fix their hair or adjust their top. Teens to look at blemishes and pimples in mirrors would be a cool touch.


I would love to see paras fixing their hair and tidying up their appearance when they walk by a mirror. For example, when they walk by it they would always check their appearance, even if the player didn't choose for them to do so. Especially if they have a something with their personality that makes them self conscious or vain! That would be super cool. I love how it looks so far guys, I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to see what you do.

Ashley Snave

It would be cool to see them check their teeth, to make sure they didn't have anything stuck in them after a meal.


for example your para could have an ‘everyday makeup look’, ‘a smokey eye look’ etc. which they could change in the mirror


Maybe they can do a "morning routine"? Skin care, makeup, hair etc


Honestly, I would love a mirror at the front door and as the para is leaving, they look in the mirror and take a "psych themselves up" breath before heading out. i think that would be amazing. :)


Practice a conversation, like how to ask out their crush!


Positive Affirmations -- Increase Mood/Decrease Negative Emotions


I would love to see Paras giving themselves a pep-talk, put on make-up, or even admire themselves as mirror interactions. I adore the different mirror styles and especially that one can size them up or down!


I reckon it would be funny if teens could react to pimples or pop them 😂 but yeah, fix hair, freshen up. Maybe if paras have pets they could play with their pets in front of the mirror or pets could react to their reflections. Babies could also be curious about their reflection or even play with their reflection 😂 it would be cute.


It would be cute for paras to be able to sing or dance in mirrors 💕


If they're listening to music and are alone: dancing. Sometimes I'll watch myself dance in front of the bathroom mirror. Along those lines, if acting is a skill, they could practice in front of the mirror

Anouk Geelen

Pep talk, checking themselves out, tidying up, take mirror selfies


Paras with a high enough scientific/knowledge skill or paranoid conspiracy theorists could occasionally just see their base model in the mirror (no textures etc), to show that they know they are just beings inside a simulation. Would be a fun little easter egg. But should also happen just occasionally to those paras, to make it special.


how jumpy are paras lol, maybe a Para walking by a mirror with the lights off gets scared! Otherwise, mirror selfies, alone or with friends, could be fun!

Diamond Nicole

I would like to see what most previous comments are saying. Having them do normal routine type interactions shaving, washing face, "quick wash" when u gotta get outta there (one night stands 👀) , brushing teeth ect. I would also like to see kids and tots interacting with mirrors too like drawing on them or something. And I would be really cool if animals could react to their reflection! They can be curious or scared/defensive, playful, or maybe if they are really smart they can check themselves out lol


It would be cool if Paras would low self esteems would avoid mirrors or cry in the mirror. Paras working on esteem or productive Paras could affirmations in them. Lastly eccentric Paras could have a habit of not being able to resist checking themselves out in the mirror. Oh! And if it’s a thing, Paras with periods could check their pants in the mirror. Perhaps in an update in the future it will be possible for cheap clothes to rip or stain easily and that could lead to mirror stuff too.


I'm always up for more kid interactions so I think it would be cool for little kids to try and catch their reflection moving, pulling silly faces and having a dress-up fashion show


Maybe have a Para checking out their rear end in jeans? I do this all the time to see how my jeans fit. 🤭


Vampires are not planned for now but if we have them in the future, it would be neat to make them invisible in the mirror! We might add lights on some mirror objects, we'll look into it!

Captain SebT

It would be cool if a para could have a trait called like poor image or something that made it so they will avoid using mirrors. So like if there doing makeup they do it quicker and just passively when they walk past mirrors don't look into them longer than a glance where as there could be another trait called narcissistic or something that would make paras always look at mirrors and tasks in mirrors take longer. So if they walk in a hall with a mirror sometimes there stop and check themselves out. It would be cool if it combines traits with that trait like a diva will admire their figure and a jock will flex their muscles.


Kids drawing on the mirror with make up, paras "freshening up" or checking their teeth. I think it'd be cool like if the paras wash their hands or brush their teeth to just autonomously spend a couple extra seconds checking their face or their clothes. If they don't have something in their que right after that of course

Jana Mahlich

Amazing! I didn’t know mirrors were so complex! Please I need my para kids to make grimaces in front of the mirror with their siblings and friends! Plllleasee 😍😍


a “have a fake argument” action would be really funny

Jana Mahlich

Also it would be amazing if you could implement children touching the mirrors and adult having to clean all the fingerprints 😂

Anna Wendel

I just learned a lot! Thank you. I would love it if kids could make faces and weird expressions in the mirror, both on their own and with other kids/adults. Any fun interactions with kids and pets, to be honest! Like dogs barking at themselves in the mirror etc. Maybe Paras could write/draw stuff on the mirror when it’s foggy, like after a shower. Or draw glasses and mustaches with lipstick/make up and look at themselves and laugh etc. There are so many possibilities!

Trinity Smith

Do makeup, do skincare routines, style hair, take pictures, pop pimples lol, admire self, make faces, dance, admire body

Mario Miravalles

Trying new hairstyles (the game would choose one random for you) or popping pimples as a teen would be amazing! 😻


ballet!!!!!!! If there are babies, maybe they’d have special interactions (probably similar to what pets would have)— including getting nervous or scared depending on personality factors, maybe others would gain an awareness/charisma.


Why do I feel so spoiled by the inclusion of functioning mirrors in this game? I won't Para-lie, each item sneak peek is making me more and more hyped for Paralives!


This would be so cute, and the following person to take a shower would see the little markings and either feel 1. Happy/loved or, in the case of what I did as a kid 2. Scared, Because someone wrote something spooky!

Danielle Ellis

It would be cool to have a magic mirror...like im game there could be a bit of lore that is you same a name three times while looking in the mirror something could happen. There's a 50/50 chance for a wish to be granted or a curse to be placed, or something like that. Or maybe someone shows up after you try it for a while.

Maxayn Henderson

Hair, skin, makeup routines. Check themselves out. Bloody Mary scare 😨. Pop pimples, check teeth, fix hair.

Roe B.

Just as a joke, I've always loved the idea of the infinite mirror loop one gets when two mirrors face one another.

Naomi Vincent

Love that! I've been thinking a lot about the creative process that goes into choosing interactions between paras, and I think the dev team should try playing Bitlife for inspiration (a text-based life simulator for mobile phones) into your brainstorm process while you're working on designing that system. Interactions should allow players to tell a story. Life sims are all about the stories players can tell. Things that game also does well are actions, feedback for actions, drama, comedy and so I definitely recommend at least trying it or watching vides of people playing it.


Could also lower mood or give negative moodlets if a self conscious para catches their reflection.


Perhaps just looking in the mirror and sighing when the day isnt going so well. Also, perhaps a para can stare in the mirror and break down and cry after learning about a death in the family, if a partner has cheated, or if newly divorced.


It would be neat if the paras could wave at themselves. :)


Check out their handsome self if they're confident, or stare at their flaws if they feel down

Alani Mason-Callaway

Make faces, take a selfie, show a baby their own self in the mirror while holding them, dance, pose, check out their outfit, plan an outfit, look at themselves after a workout, do their hair, shave.


I'd love interactions like'; putting on makeup, plucking eyebrows, skincare, brushing teeth, checking self out, cleaning the mirror itself!


I would like Paras to ‘shatter/break mirror’ followed by a week of bad luck such as bad school grades, friends/spouses angry with them lately, they lose money either by an unexpected bill being due or theft, etc.

Wesley Potts

Make faces for sure, I think it’d also be cool to have an option to quickly remove and re-apply set character makeup for characters. For characters with facial hair, a quick option to choose from a 5 o’clock shadow, clean shaven, or preset facial hair would be nice, I think. Of course, adding and removing makeup and shaping facial hair could have some cute animations to go along with them. It’d also be neat to have the option to style hair and brush up appearance, along with some neat and varied animations. Maybe it could improve the hygiene need a little or give a confidence buff or something.

Ella Pilchik

doing makeup would be nice! maybe they could like fix their hair or something too?

Maiden Minnesota

I have to think about what I actually use a mirror for. I guess for doing my hair, putting on makeup, plucking the occasional errant eyebrow hair, making sure my clothes look neat, checking to see how many more gray hairs I have today (sigh), and of those I still have, how much thinner my hair is getting. If I was a dude, I suppose shaving and looking for bald spots. If I was young again, I'd be checking for zits. Pretty much everybody will make faces at themselves in a mirror. It would be fun to have pets react to seeing themselves, and think they're encountering a strange pet, and maybe growl/challenge their reflection.


Maybe if they are in a bad mood they could smash or crack the mirror. When they’re is specific moods they can look in the mirror differently. Maybe they can give themselves a pep talk and it could boost their confidence or if they’re sad they’ll feel better.


Love this!! Maybe in a paranormal update there will be moments like that and normal items will start doing strange things. Or paranoid sims will think they’re doing strange things? Seeing objects in mirrors, finding objects out of place, thinking the neighbors have been replaced, etc. And of course no one will believe them. Really hoping for paranoid sims


Awesome work! I think it’s important to remember that mirrors are not only used when you intend to use them! It would be a nice touch if parafolk sometimes glance at themselves while waking past, or touch their face/hair etc if they are near one. Perhaps it is how they might discover their first grey hair or a pimple!? They also reflect light and can make a room brighter although I don’t know how difficult that would be to implement.


Well obviously I use mirrors for the same reason as everybody else : to look into the other parallel dimension, where Alternate Me lives. We all have those chats about life choices. Right ? RIGHT ?!


If there’s a song playing on the radio that a Para can hear, give them the option to lip sync in the mirror


I love these ideas! I think they'd really add to the game


Well, it's nothing you actually do with a mirror but it would be nice to have a random event tied to mirrors. Like having your mirror-world me crawling out of a mirror and messingup with your stuff/enviroment/relationships. Until you pick him up and push them back to where they belong. Or you befriend with them.


I'd love to see cats arch their back, hiss and bat at their reflections. Also dogs who bark at their reflections

S&M Gonzalez

Basic beauty needs: brushing teeth, fixing hair and makeup, washing face, checking self out, primping up makeup or reapplying it, shaving beards. I think having a nightly routine where paras go and automatically wash their face, take off makeup, and put on a mask or night cream before bed would be cool. Being able to pose and take photos with friends and couple photos in front of mirrors, being able to take selfies in different poses that aren’t just standing up poses but maybe some crouched ones too if it’s floor length. This is a weird one but a being able to stare at self in mirror when talking on the phone, watch someone else in a mirror if they’re in the same room, and reminisce about life in front of mirrors. Being able to crack mirrors or punching them if someone’s angry so instead of the blood maybe they could just be bruised. Paras could encourage another positively about their body and their beauty that they’re beautiful or handsome, if they’re both standing in front of the mirror or if one is already in front of the mirror another para if chosen could do this as well. Especially parents and siblings telling their children they’re beautiful to love themselves if they’re having self esteem issues. Singing and dancing in front of mirrors, maybe something to get rid of job interview jitters by giving yourself a pep talk. Lol this is random but paras being able to kiss a mirror if they have lipstick on and it leaves a mark, also being able to write on mirrors if they’re foggy would be cool, posting pictures or notes on them. If we get fantasy ep it’d be cool to use mirrors to travel in between different parts of town or have ghost jump out of mirrors at paras.


I'M IN ABSOLUTE LOVE with the fact that we can size the mirrors OMG *_*

Stacey Dunnachie

If my Para can't pull funny faces at themselves in the mirror, then I'm not sure I could accurately make myself! I also like the idea of parents being able to take their baby to the mirror and point it out to them. Babies can be very confused, scared or amused by a mirror!


Street Mirrors for looking around corners for oncoming traffic.

Ava Wolchuk

Maybe mischievous paras can conjure up evil plans through the mirror


I really appreciate how much information the team provides to patrons! It was really nice to read a basic overview of modding- it makes me really excited to attempt it when the game is finally released! I think it would be really nice for Paras to be able to rant into a mirror. Like, if they have an angry moodlet they can express that by venting or ranting to themselves in the mirror! It would also be fun to be able to practice speech, try on outfits (this might be difficult; I don’t mean try on in the sense of it opening the create a para mode, but like, actually see the para try on outfits. Maybe they just do a spin motion and the outfit is on and they do an animation of them checking it out. It also would be fun if somehow they reacted to the outfit. Like if they had a specific mood they’re in and it affects how they want to dress? I don’t know.)


Building up confidence would be nice or admiring yourself


For passive interactions, I’d love if when paras in love are hugging close to a mirror in the right angle, they may look at themselves hugging in the mirror 🥰


Every time I get a notification of a new post, my excitement for this game just increases! I'm sure this may have already been suggested but, one interaction I wouldn't mind seeing is like a "Take a selfie/video" in the mirror. Give them options to like film a "vlog type", "rant", "feeling my-selfie"...letting the personality traits of the Para influence how they look at themselves in the mirror?


I'd love it if certain personalities check themselves out while maybe shy or less confident paras avoid the mirror. I'd like to be able to practice speeches, dance moves, and facial expressions. I'd love it if when toddlers look at a mirror they make emotional expressions and maybe have a favorite one that they make a lot, like an angry face. I'd love it if animals have reactions based on their personalities. Like friendly ones would rub against it or try to play with it, while aggressive ones would try to fight it. I'd love it if you could write a note in lipstick or dry erase marker on it.

Macanon Snow

I would like to see my Para Gussy up before going on a date, try on outfits for fun, and do a little skin care routine. Overall thank you for sharing this super interesting part for mirrors ^^


Oh wow! It'd be really fun for them to put on lipstick/makeup, fix their hair/clothes, pluck hairs, check for boogers haha, practice kissing, clean the mirror, take a selfie or a full body pic with different poses, practice a speech or argument, check their bodies after a workout, just stare at themselves like, "wow I'm really here living and breathing" haha! Pets could hiss and bark at the mirror, there's honestly so much you could do! Thank you for everything!


I think it would be so fun to see paras singing and dancing in a mirror, like how when you're a kid jumping and dancing on your bed singing to music and watching yourself perform in the mirror! Could be like a 'pretend to be famous' moment to get the para's fun up!


Thank you guys 😊 I really can't wait for the game to be done 🙌😍 What I would really love for Mirror interactions is cleaning them ESPECIALLY with toddler and kids in the house! Finger prints 🙄🤣 and I don't know one baby/toddler that never 👅 a Mirror 😂 spit everywhere 🤫


Merci c'est super intéressant! J'aimerais que les paras puissent se laver le visage devant le miroir dans la salle de bain, prendre des médicaments, se coiffer, se parfumer, arranger la cravate ou la veste, se mettre un pansement en cas de blessures, se brosser les dents, se maquiller. Super boulot!


Hi, What about sometimes they go by a mirror they take a look and just do a quick fix on the hair or refresh lipstick. But not everytime they pass a mirror just once in a while. Maybe especially if they are conceited.


Maybe clean the mirror as it could get dirty as well just like shower cabins, toilets etc


Maybe not an interaction idea, but I'd love if you could also place mirrors on desks/tables/chests of drawers or floors and a stand would appear. Kinda like the lamp in the Resizeable Desk video when you drag it up to make it a floor lamp, you could be able to drag a mirror up to make it a big standing mirror. Maybe placing a mirror on a desk/chest of drawers would result in making such combination a vanity?


fixing hair in front of the mirror seems fun


Haha, that sounds fun! Maybe it could happen at night to some paras that have been messing around with occult stuff like spiritism, or to paranoid sims that have been watching a lot of horror movies:D


Of course, "the charisma skill" came also to my mind when thinking of the mirrors. :D However, I really hope practicing this skill will not be carried out like in the other games. Communiactive skills are much more than practicing the speech and speaking in front of the mirror - they're about speaking AND listening to the others. It would be nice if the paras gained this skill by practicing argumentation in the different ways, listening carefully to the other paras and comforting them when needed, and playing the games which need team work and/or social skills, for example. Parents reading to their children would be really nice way to practice it, too.


Wow! Once again, you surprised us with the very informative text to read! Mirrors in life simulation games have always fascinsted me because of their functionality as an aesthetic decoration and interactive object. I assume the reflectivity makes them one of those trickier objects to be created and coded correctly. Wishing all the best with your efforts! When it comes to interacting with the mirror, the following things come to my mind: taking care of hygiene, beautification and checking/worrying about the looks. Many have already written many good suggestions about the first two. That's why, I'd just like to suggest to make a teeth brushing a meaningful function for the gameplay. Not only a fresh breath but the teeth's health would also be nice to have impact on paras' life. Eating too much sweet food and not brushing them would cause an ache to be cured and repaired at the dentist's. Complete neglecting would cause the need of denture, instead. If the para didn't afford them, it would resrtict them of eating certain food and meals. Okay, if it is the considereable idea, it may be best to be updated in the future instead of including in the initial release; it became much more complex than I already thought. Whoops. Worrying about the own looks might be too realistic because worrying about the physical appreance, muscularity, aging details and weight may be triggering to somebody. That's why, this interactions might be better to leave for modders, as well as social interactions about mocking and insulting the para's appearance. Would checking the clothing style be more appropiate, instead? If the para wears something new, it would cause them either being confident or unsure depending on their personality. If the clothes don't mach with their style preference AND if the style is important aspect to them, it would cause them negative feelings, too. By the way, if you wonder why I'm thinking of the looks aspect, it's because of my experience with TS2 base game played as a teenager. I still remember when a friend of mine created a self-sim about me. When playing alone, I built her a house to be lived in. Some of other sims created by myself began to bully her and looked salty when seeing her. I managed to check that brief and autonomius interaction: they considered my sim as ugly. I still feel that pain which the game's parameters and code caused me unintentionally. :'( Next, I'm going to write about the skill which is called charisma. Because it's a bit off topic to the mirrors but it's related to them in the other life simulation games, I'll place my text under the cut.


Of course, "the charisma skill" came also to my mind when thinking of the mirrors. :D However, I really hope practicing this skill will not be carried out like in the other games. Communiactive skills are much more than practicing the speech and speaking in front of the mirror - they're about speaking AND listening to the others. It would be nice if the paras gained this skill by practicing argumentation in the different ways, listening carefully to the other paras and comforting them when needed, and playing the games which need team work and/or communication, for example. Parents reading to their children would be really nice way to practice it for both, too.

Nils Henrik

Shaving and kids jumping up and down to look in the mirror. Cats and Dogs reacting funny to their reflection


maybe a function: 'complete change' . it could randomize a new make up and hairstyle


It would be fun to have an interaction to play in front of the mirror, kids and babies especially! My nephew is 4 months old, and to put him to sleep we put him in a bouncy rocker and set him in front of our floor mirror so he can look at himself. He really likes it, and it's a super cute way to entertain him for a while :D


I’m so excited for all of this! Honestly I just read through all if the comments and I like what everyone’s coming up with! Surprised I didn’t see (especially with kids and teens) a para scaring themselves by testing “bloody Mary” or something similar XD We used to do that ALL the time as kids, especially during sleepovers, and absolutely scared ourselves silly! Another neat idea would be to be able to tape pictures or postcards up on one, especially on a vanity or bedroom mirror.


Love the Bloody Mary idea!


I hope the Paralives mirror stays.

Lane Brettschneider

Yes, the Bloody Mary idea is amazing!! Maybe there can be a Paralives-lore version of Mary haha. And imagine having a percent chance of ACTUALLY seeing something scary behind you in the mirror!!! :O I also like the idea of children playing in front of the mirror - or adult paras being able to hold their children and pets in front of the mirror haha I always did that with my dog to see if she would care - "That's you!" Some animals don't care about mirrors but some freak out when they see that "other" animal haha Trying on different outfits and looking at them in the mirror - and reacting to them - would be really great. I'm not sure how the reactions would be determined, maybe they would just be "thinking" so you can decide for yourself if they like the outfit or not. But having my Paras be able to look in a mirror and evaluate their appearance - hair, makeup, outfit - that would be nice. That's all I can think of using mirrors for. Although if there's a handheld mirror in the game - which I'm not sure there would be - those can be used to look at the back of your own hair, and also when I was a kid I would hold it under my nose and walk around the house to pretend I was walking on the ceiling lol. Just some ideas! :D


Maybe instead of "Bloddly Mary" they could say "Madame Crow"?


I was thinking something very similar. If a Para feels scared maybe they could check to see if anything is following/behind them.


I'd kinda want to see a better cyberpunk interactions, when your character behaves in certain emotion, like happy, flitrly, it can boost his charisma-ish thing like that and maybe get a first person perspective also.

S&M Gonzalez

Im wondering if we will be able to place mirrors on other things besides walls, like on floors or ceilings? If we wanted to recreate a hall of mirrors/fun house.


I personally would like to see a feature like TS2 had, where after giving a sim a make-over they would have a reaction to it :D I liked that little detail even if it was (most likely) completely random.


I would like to see our para men shave their beards in front of a mirror 😊


Honestly all the comments have hit the nail on the head for me :) the only other thing I can think of is having a medicine cabinet type of mirror, hopefully one that our Para people can open and interact with. Maybe make the inside somehow customizable? This might be asking a bit too much, which I would understand, just thought I’d put it out there :)


I think kids autonomously making faces in the mirror would be rly cute, as well as like babies and toddlers being interested in floor mirrors and having a couple basic interactions with those. I think mirror selfies would be super cute too, especially for teens, even if it was just an interaction that didn’t actually take a picture and instead gave a little moodlet or something. Medicine cabinets would also be an awesome way to store like cold medication and stuff instead of carrying it around in your inventory :)


i’m pregnant right now, and I find myself standing infront of the mirror several times a day, to see if I’m showing yet (i’m only 11 weeks, so not showing that much quite yet) 🙈 But that makes me think about pregnant paras, and how cute it would be, if they could stand infront of the mirror and look at their baby bump, and perhaps daydream about baby as well! (Expecting mommas really do that a lot❤️)


Pets being confused by the mirrors (Sorry if you haven't planned pets yet, just learned about this game)

Vicarious Human

Bathroom mirrors could fog after showers or bath. Para could clear condesation with hand in a circular motion for a spot of visibility. Children could draw funny things in condesation with a finger. Fog will slowly fade away after a few minutes. Teaching young kids how to brush their teeth properly. Narcissistic para could check their own bodies out with different poses as well as stare lovingly at themselves for a boost of happiness. Being able to punch or throw something at a mirror to cause it to break.


wow ! this is fascinating. i regularly see games just duplicating and mirroring every asset in their scene on the other side of a mirror because that's reportedly easier than programming the shaders xD; though that's obviously not a solution here lol. kudos! the mirror shelf is a stroke of genius @o@ my only thoughts is maybe, mirror selfies? and/or personal grooming and that paralives mirror is rly pretty! you could hang it somewhere so it reflects a wall of fan art and/or concept art :o


Wash face, brush teeth, apply makeup, pose, brush hair, check self out/freshen up. Just to name a few! I also like the condensation bit that another listed. Oh and if they are working out, maybe check form?


Really love the fog idea! So little but realistic detail! The other ideas are very cool, too. :)


If love to see the glass fog up and little interactions to do with that. Also people checking their smile/teeth and straightening their hair or clothes. Also something as simple as para's glancing at a mirror as they walk by would add sooo much realism to their movements.


itd be cute if teenagers/paras with trouble prone skin (idea?? something randomised w a cheat code if you wanna be rid of it/force it) can prod at it and maybe get a small embarrassed/annoyed mood thing.


oh! and like other people have said - make the glass fog up if someone showers in the room or make it so the paras can breath on the glass to make it foggy and then let them draw on it. just a silly doodle or something. its just so satisfying drawing smileys on foggy glass lol


Slight tangent: could paras be able to do some mirror interactions (checking self and grooming self) on their phone with reverse camera? The phone would visually behave like a small mirror in that moment, and it would help paras get some mirror-moodlets 'on the go' sorta.

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

I want self conscious Paras to check themselves in a mirror when they spot it from the corner of their eye or automatically fix their hair or something when they spot themselves in one

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Also also, I wish we could see other Paras we can talking to in a mirror n nod along when we see them nod etc, as if we face to face - eg. Two siblings brushing hair n talking animatedly about coming school day, food for breakfast, etc

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Also would love to sing n pretend to be a rockstar, or practice dancing in front of a mirror. Also would love a talk-to-yourself Interaction in the mirror. Wink n boost confidence n practice acting are obvious Interaction suggestions cuz wink nudge lol. Also complimenting yourself n using a mirror to do hairstyles, colors, or clean a but of food in teeth


I would love for some funny pet reactions to mirrors, like a puppy trying to play with their reflection! Maybe their reaction could depend upon pet traits like a territorial dog with bark, a friendly one will play, a scaredy-cat will jump and run, a curious one will try to touch and paw at the reflection, and a clever one would know that it was themself and maybe just groom or look at themselves.


Oh I love these ideas, I would love if you could write post-it notes and attach them and photos to the mirror, making it function as a pegboard as well!

S&M Gonzalez

ooh i like this idea of being able to continue conversation while in front of a mirror, especially if they're getting ready for work :)


Making weird faces, brushing hair, preening, examine acne, but on face creams, ......summon Bloody Mary

BooDotBoo .

I don’t know if you’re saying summon Bloody Mary as a joke or not, but during fall, which Halloween would be in, it would be cool to get that interaction for kids and teens and, most times, nothing will happen, but rarely a scary para will appear in the mirror and the para will get frightened. It’d be even cuter if kids who see it run and hug the closest adult or older sibling. Or, if possible, they run and hide under their bed for one or two in-game hours. Possibly older paras could coax them from under the bed.


Like the ideas above :)


If a paras personality trait is ‘vain’ they might look in a mirror every time they pass one to check themselves out


I would love if they could put on makeup or clean their skin in the mirror ^^


Mirror selfies! Everyone takes selfies in front of the mirror for some reason ^^U Also more daring paras could try and cut their bangs with a randomized outcome that goes from 'perfect' to 'die antwoord' , lol

James Bender

makeup, clean skin, check teeth= If para's think there dirty they will floss, selfies, check themselves out.

Brandie Haynes

It would be cool to have skincare routine in the mirror like facial masks or creams

Tom Lu

Every now and then I will catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror doing an unexpected expression... Then I spend the next few minutes just pulling faces at myself and trying to make myself look as weird or ugly as possible. Am I alone in this? XD I think it would be so funny to see paras autonomously do that every now and then, more or less depending on their personality


Okay, so hear me out: * Teenagers popping pimples in the mirror and learning how to shave * Confident people admiring themselves * Insecure people checking themselves out * Look if something is between a para's teeth * Straighten their jacket * Fix their hair * Make fun faces * Show a dog or a baby themselves in the mirror (I do this so often pls)

John Bergstrom

I definitely can’t wait to get this game installed on my PC. 😩


Well it might not be an easy thing to show, but what if you have an emote where one Para is looking at themselves in a mirror, and for example a spouse comes up behind them to touch them, and the first para "in the mirror" notices?


i feel like some of these features would be great to add in future DLCs!


For preteens and teens, it would be cute if they could practice kissing in the mirror. 😂


This is such an important addition to the game. It would be funny if they got scared of their reflection.🤣


Shaving, trying random haircuts, washing face, grooming in general (hydration cream, acne treatment and all), brushing teeth (essential i think...), reaction to bags under the eyes when tired, reaction to pimples for teens, fixing hair, putting make-up on/off. When I say putting make-up on, I don't mean "clicking on the mirror and the players deciding what the Para is going to look like", I actually mean, whatever was decided as the everyday makeup would automatically be put on by the Para or taken off and be wiped, for bed time for example. Also, I know it's a bit early, but for the make-up, as for the clothes or food, it'd really be nice to NOT have everything available at home. Like, the Paras would actually have to go and buy them, to have make-ups or clothes or food available at home. It would give more satisfaction, or more value to objects and things that the Paras own. Also interactions with themselves like : Pep talk, to calm stress, boost confidence, calm anger; Train or exercice for a speech or presentation for work or for school (not for charisma, but to actually complete their level of preparation); It'd also be cool to have mirrors used as pharmacies. Like, in which we could store flu, allergy, depression, constipation, soreness (after workouts) medications, etc... Even vitamines to get a boost of energy in the morning. You know... Are kinds of pills or products that could alter negative moods and reduce their lasting time. I also read somebody talking about fog appearing after a hot shower, that might be complicated to do, but a fun idea. Whatever ends up actually existing in the game, you need to know that we all appreciate all your hard work and the occasional news about the game. We're so ampted-up about it !


Agreed !! I miss that kind of interactions in other games !


I would love, when a para is looking his/her worse, that walking past a mirror could have a small chance of them being startled/scared by their own reflection and maybe even quickly try to fix their appearance (slick back hair, adjust shirt etc). It would be hilarious and very realistic 😂😂


There are probably more I'm forgetting but these are the things our family does that I could think of: - brush hair - brush teeth / floss - dry hair (with towel and/or hairdryer) after a bath/shower - shave facial hair - pop pimples - facial cleaning - put on makeup / remove makeup - check self-out (which can be followed by follow-up actions like fixing hair / accessory, etc) I also quite like the "make silly faces" and "show a dog or a baby themselves in the mirror" options suggested by Brandon. <3


I would also adjust my facial expressions, like trying to smile at my best. Getting ready for a fresh new day!


Take mirror selfies (alone or with friends!)


Would be cool to dance with yourself in the mirror :))


Take selfies, put on makeup, wipe face, brush hair and dry hair


Depending on their traits or mood they could do different things? Like if they were angry they could practice arguments, or make silly faces or show off their muscles if they've just worked out? Or on the same vein as practicing arguments practice fake award speeches!


I like how round things look in game. Not so pointy and angular like round objects in the sims


I have to say right off that I love his tattoo lol. So hopefully there will be plenty of options for tattoos. I just know I’m sooooo excited for this game


Are we going to be able to use either DLSS or RTx Raytracing?


Some ideas about mirrors Here are some of the interactions I can think of in my daily life ·The mirror (especially the bathroom) may be dirty in the process of use, I hope to give a way to clean the mirror ·Long term use of hot water will cause the mirror to be blurred by water vapor. Can you consider that in this case, the character should wipe the mirror twice before doing other interactions (brushing teeth and washing face)? ·School girls always like to put their lipstick on the mirror, which I think is very interesting ·The character can take a selfie in front of the mirror. If it's a full-length floor mirror, you can have more choices of self action! ·Will the combination of mirror and cabinet be considered? For example, after the mirror in the bathroom is opened, daily necessities, such as toothpaste, can be taken out from it ·Skin care in front of the mirror!! Place a mask on the face!! As a beautiful girl, you can't do without this option!! ·Horror elements (if any), in the haunted room, passing the mirror will see incredible things in a moment! ·The playful character will take a breath on the mirror and draw patterns on it with his fingers for fun ·Can some timid characters be afraid of the mirror and hope to cover it with cloth?


Suggestions and brainstorming: - Brushing teeth (toothpaste) - Put on makeup, perfume, deodorant, moisturizer, face mask, etc. -Tens can pop pimples (if implemented in the game) -You can write short messages on a foggy mirror after shadow or bath -Build up courage, calm down, etc. -Muscle flexing/admire muscles -Check yourself out (face/clothes/hair)


I would love to see some freaky stuff in the mirrors if a house is haunted