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Hello everyone, Anna speaking today!

While everyone else on the team is extra focused on the build tools and new assets to include in the future chalet video, I’m progressing on the animation and action systems basics.

So, what is an action system exactly, you ask? By action, or interaction, I mean everything that the player will be able to order their Para to do around the town: petting a dog, cooking a dish, watching TV, or taking a long bath. These would be triggered by interacting with an object or a Para, but some actions will also play autonomously, if the player stops controlling a Para or when there’s something urgent to do. It’s still a bit separate from the animation system, as some actions could be performed in a rabbit hole, so you wouldn’t see any animation playing for those.

Action Queue Ideas  (For Patrons only. Please don’t share!)

[Boring disclaimer] Right now as you may know, we’re still in the design phase of the live mode and action system, so everything that will be shown here is only under consideration and not confirmed.

First of all, let me show you some thoughts and ideas I had about the action queue and some features that it could offer.

  • Action queue rearrangement: cancelling an action, reordering an action, showing progress for the current action.
  • A contextual menu showing up on certain actions:
    • To choose when to finish the action (you may want to take a shower until you’re clean, or until you have to go to work)
    • To precise the action without cluttering the interaction options too much, or when you don’t want to trigger the interaction from the object (“change channel” or “lower volume” on a TV for example)
  • Routines! The ability of setting up routines with custom actions have already been widely suggested by the community. Triggering a routine would just add the corresponding actions to your current action queue and you would be able to cancel one or multiple of them without trouble, just as regular actions.
  • Scheduling an action. Instead of adding an action to your queue and playing it when everything else is finished, you could be able to choose an hour or maybe even a day for performing this action. This would allow you to plan the hour where you want your Para to take a nap and switch control to another Para knowing the first one will get their sleep at the right time. There would be a limit for these scheduled actions so it doesn’t get too easy!

What do you think about all of that? If you have other ideas, please feel free to share them in the comments!

Now let’s dive into a more technical aspect of this system!

Action System Technical Design Deep Dive  (For Patrons only.  Please don’t share)

Even the most basic action system entails a lot of things to take into account, programming-wise. In Paralives, we want to give easy-to-use features to users for creating mods and that includes interactions. As developers, we use these tools ourselves to add content to the game!

Here are some settings describing an interaction and that should be available in our modding tools, in order to add a new interaction or modify an existing one:

  • Type of action. Actions can be driven by gameplay (e.g. “paint something” ends when the painting is finished), by animations (e.g. “pet Doggo” ends when the animation ends) or by time (“be at work” lasts from 9 to 5 for the typical job)
  • Steps of actions. Some actions require a certain amount of steps that are “invisible” to the player. In the UI, a player will see that the selected Para is currently doing an action called “cooking”, but they will never see the extra steps of pathfinding between the fridge to the counter, or the counter to the oven for example.
  • Constraints. The code will need to check whether or not the constraints are satisfied, and if not, try to satisfy it in order to play the action. For example, when cooking, a Para needs both of their hands to open the fridge, chop off ingredients, and carry a plate from one place to the other. If those constraints are not met (e.g. if your Para carries a book), extra steps will be needed to start the action. Getting to a specific posture, rotation or position could also fall under these constraints settings.
  • Animations and sounds. Both have their own system, but they need to be linked to the action system somehow to know which animation or sound has to play for the different actions.
  • Items and their states. Some actions can alter the state of an item and it needs to be specified and timed during an action. For example, chopping off vegetables during cooking will alter both the look and the state of the vegetables items. It’s used for visual feedback but also for the ability to remember at what state an item is (to resume cooking from there, for example). Another example would be to read a book and update its reading progress through time.
  • Gameplay consequences. Some actions alter the state of the Para who does it. We don't have our full needs, mood or skill systems ready yet but actions will definitely have various sorts of impact on gameplay!
  • Autonomy conditions and pathfinding. Some actions aren’t played at the exact same spot as the one they’ve been triggered and require an extra step of pathfinding and autonomous choice. For example, when choosing something to eat by clicking on the delicious-looking bowl of chips, the controlled Para will need to know where they eat it. The most convenient spot to eat is subjective, but there could definitely be different options: eating at the closest table, eating at the most/less crowded table in a restaurant depending on your personality, eating on the closest couch or bed (we won’t judge). These options are subject to conditions: the availability of tables and spots at the tables, the possibility of reaching them without any obstacle blocking the way, and the Para’s personality or other autonomy modifiers.

Thank you for bearing with me through this post, those systems are really complex and it takes a lot of time to design, implement and test. I hope you’re as excited as us to see more live mode updates in the upcoming months!

Have a nice day!


ʕ á”’ ᎄ á”’ Ë” ʔ



Wow!!! This is so amazing!!


nothing pleases me so much as a new post!

Brandi Werthner

Okay I LOVE that you can reorder tasks!

Alaina Barnes

Wow I'm impressed. You guys are thinking of everything.


That’s dope


Wow I love the routines and scheduling actions! a really cool idea!

Lily Tindel

Oh my god!! And reordering tasks!! O.o

Brandi Werthner



I LOVE the routines

Jessica V

I like the ability to choose how long to do the action and being able to change the order of actions


ʕ ᔔᎄᔔ ʔ


Wow. Action queue rearrangement is something I wanted since playing TS1! Fantastic news.


I just keep getting more and more excited 😁 this sounds awesome!


Love love routines and reordering tasks đŸ€€


OMG YEEESSS!! The idea about routines is amazing!!! I love it so so so much! <3

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Routines and reordering actions is absolutely amazing!! I love how I can tell you guys care about the game you're making


Rearranging the actions is something I've always wanted, it's an amazing idea

Gill Reid

This is everything I've wanted in a game. I'm so so excited for it. Thank you for all your hard work!!


Yes! Routines! I have wanted this for a long time in “that other game.” Woo! 😁


Thanks for sharing this! It's so interesting to see the design and thought going into the game. Can't wait to see your first demos of actions in, errrr, action!


Routines are awesome!! Keep it hush hush or sims 4 will steal it. So excited!?? đŸŽ‰đŸ„ł


Loving routines and reorder! đŸ„°

Camilla Fontana

The idea of routines and the possibility to change the order of things is something very interesting and exciting! I would care less about the possibility to postpone or partake in an action for a certain amount of time, unless it is useful for some specific game fuction.


Being able to reorder tasks and schedule when tasks are done? I'm in love!

Megan Santucci

okay gonna read the post now, just had to get that out of my system

Lucy McClean

Oh! So excited and I love the idea of routines and reordering actions 😊

Katie Bellissimo

This all sounds amazing!!! If all this live mode stuff runs smoothly combined with all the awesome build stuff I've seen, Paralives will become my favorite life sim game EASILY!


I would definitely love to be able to rearrange actions. Also schedules and routines would definitely be helpful and it would be really cool if your para does the same thing for a while at a certain time and the player hadn’t set it as a routine that the game would automatically set it as that or give you a notification of some sort

Ayla Gwizdak

The thought of being able to reorder the action queue is absolutely thrilling


This is so amazing, and an extra thanks for the Technical Deep Dive. I always love it when you have the time and opportunity to do these ❀ I'm mostly excited about the action reordering. I think that will be such a QoL improvement over The Sims. And routines are just such a cool concept. About showing the progress, I like the middle one the best (the bar as a frame around the icon), or maybe the last one (the "timer countdown" type). Again, thank you so much! I can't believe we're already getting into live mode - this ride will be so exciting!! ❀


wow, i've never even considered setting up routines, what a great idea! and the ability to reorder actions would be fantastic. really looking forward to seeing the chalet and whatever is next!


Routines sound really cool, and so does re-ordering and scheduling, and the perform action until x. I also really like the idea of personality playing into even small things like where Paras choose to sit. That's super cool


Absolutely obsessed with the idea of routines! đŸ€©đŸŽ‰đŸ’–


Wow wow wow. I love the routines and being able to rearrange actions. I'm so so excited! Thank you so much for your hard work!

Michelle Lovette

Absolutely love this, I’d like to add with actions and interactions. As far as sleeping lounging and napping, it would be cool if there were a lot more things to do on the bed, like your kids can get into bed with you, paras actually choose to cuddle or not while they sleep, relaxing in bed and being on the phone, computer, reading a book or watching tv, children can jump on the beds, and like sit and gossip on the beds or play cards I like the idea of being able to eat in the bed and watch tv or scroll on your phone at the same time. I also love the idea that a para can nap in the living room and if the tv is on or music is turned on they don’t completely wake up, or they can fall asleep with the tv on, maybe for a loud noise they wake up and shush the other para or wake up and go to their room. And lastly, different seating positions, they could lie down on the couch without sleeping, alone or with a partner or family member, cuddling on the couch, kids or pets sitting on lap, being able to grab a blanket, just some cool things I thought about it

Maiden Minnesota

OMG, I LOVE the idea of routines! I'm a very routine-based person, myself (I shower in the exact same order every single time (wash face, shampoo and rinse hair, add hair conditioner, wash and rinse body from top down, rinse conditioner, wash ears, dry)) so being able to set up a morning routine before work (use the toilet, shower, eat breakfast--just like I make my Sims do) would be awesome, as long as we get to pick what interactions make up the routine, unless the game notices we do the same interactions, then creates a routine we can choose to edit or delete later. Rearranging actions is also great. WE get to pick the priority. Either way this is super excited, and I can't wait to see how this plays out!

Michelle Lovette

Also as far as schedules, I love the idea of mom or dad waking up first, brushing their teeth making coffee, letting the dog outside, whipping up breakfast, showering and then going to wake the kids up for school, as well as if one para is more lazy they wake up later and miss the bus so dad has to rush to drop them off at school and still be on time for work but in one scheduled motion, they don’t drop the kids off then come home if they don’t have time, they drop the kids off and go straight to work

Danielle Ellis

This is the completely wrong place for this but it would be cool if there were some skills that Paras can't learn because of their personalities. For example, it always annoyed me that my good sims would autonomously do mischievous things and build that skill.


I love the idea of routines!


The amount of detail and thought that is going into this is amazing. I have confidence that the live mode will be just as mind blowing as everything else we have seen thus far!


Personalities affecting your actions (like the example of what table to sit at) sounds so fun! It would be interesting to see if personality also affects Paras satisfaction with routines. Like organized paras: can get stressed when they don’t have a routine, happy when they complete a routine, and are more likely to follow it. While lazy paras could get tired and easily distracted, or spontaneous paras would bored of having the same routine for too long. Obviously I know nothing of programming and this sounds pretty difficult to do, but the idea of routines in general is exciting!


OMG, I love the idea with the routines!! I hate it when I have to click every interaction extra in the sims, like, before they go to work the basic take a shower, eat, read a book etc.


Love the idea of routines! Would make getting Paras ready for school and work a lot easier. I also like the idea of getting to swap the action queue around. It's annoying to have to cancel 7 actions because your Sim needs to pee lol So excited for this game!


Oh my gosh yes to routines!! And yes to rearranging the queue 😍😍😍


Have you thought about having the ability in the game to rewind? Love the sound of what you’re doing so far.


(from Anna) Oh that would be a cool idea! That would bring a very fresh take on gameplay, as you could cancel things out if things don't go your way. That's interesting!


omg all of these features are genius! i especially love the routine 1, but could it be made for more stuff like evenings aswell like for example. - going into the bathroom - taking of makeup - washing face - brush teeth etc. that would be absolutely genius!


The rearangeing from queues would make me so very happy. The amount of times I am clicking 5 items all over again because I don't want my sim to pee their pants is annoying. The do X action for X hours sounds like a dream to me, and the do X until work would make me very happy as well. While right now I think I'd hardly ever touch routines this could easily be a future I'd use constantly if the feature happens to pleasantly suprise me. That said: if a rountine would mean that my Para would be able to go to the toilet, take a shower and eat in 1,5 hours BEFORE work I'd be very glad everything is on 75%, rather than having a very clean but hungry Para leave for work. Expanding on routines: Would we be able to set them and have them spring up automatically on work days? Would interrupting a Para in their routine mean positive or negative moodlets according to their personality? Regarding autonomy & pathfinding I'd be very happy if I could asign a para a favourite dinner chair <3

Barna Brooks

Please don’t actually call the action “ pet doggo” đŸ˜©


I'm SO excited for rutines omg, what a fantastic concept!


I'm so excited for all of these! The ability to reorder if nothing else would be awesome.


(from Anna) I agree it would be cool to choose whether or not you want to fill 100% of your need or not. Routines could maybe go together with the scheduling features, so that you can schedule routines every week days for example, or something like that. It could also have an effect on the Para's mood, that's a good idea! :)


I genuinely love all of these ideas! 💙


I was skeptical for the routines at first, because I didn't want the game play to get boring. However, I was only considering one Para. With a family or group, I think routines are a great idea. If I have more than one character, I don't always play with certain careers in "the game which should not be named" because I can't control exactly what my other characters do while at said career. Makes me feel like I'm not giving the right amount of attention to all the characters. Your explanation helped change my mind! Routines would be pretty useful! Thanks for being to innovative (this is for all of you)! 😃

Christine Harvey

I think the idea of routines would be great, especially with a family that needs to get ready in the morning, as an example! I'm very excited to also shuffle the order of actions too. My only concern is that the actions take a reasonable amount of in-game time. Depending on the Para, a 15 in-game minute shower should be reasonable. Brushing their teeth should only take a few in-game minutes. It feels like in other games, these actions go on forever.

Elizabeth Gonzales

I love that you guys are basically learning from a certain franchise's failures and making it better. 😂 The more and more you guys reveal, the more and more excited I get for this game! I can't wait!


I’m not gonna lie.. I GASPED when I saw routines!!! You guys are truly amazing 💖




Routines is an incredible idea!


I absolutely LOVE the idea of routines. It frustrates me in Sims that I have to manually tell my Sims to use the bathroom, shower and eat breakfast EVERY morning before work/school or else they don't do it.


It would be really cute if when your para writes and publishes a book that it would be available for purchase at the book store (as long as you're in the same save)


My jaw dropped for routine. You have no idea how long I've wanted my sims to make coffee, read the news, and then start getting ready for work in the morning. I'd at least like it if we do the same actions over a few days at around the same time, they automatically start doing the routine on their own. I also think it would be great to be able to set up where we think is the best place to eat. Say breakfast at the kitchen island or breakfast nook, lunch at the couch while watching tv, dinner at the dining table. That way we can customize based on our paras personalities.


It would be nice if you could associate activities with other actions, perhaps just with scheduling a routine. For example, before your para goes to bed they will brush their teeth


Thanks for sharing! 👀 While reading I also thought about planning. It would be nice if Para can plan a date or a business meeting for a particular hour. I hate when sims run on a date as soon as they hang their phone down.


Having paras automatically make routines for themselves would be fun too, for example a lazy para may take a nap everyday after work/school. Maybe if this happens there would be a pop up like "your para has started to develop this routine, do you want to keep it?" So it doesn't happen without your knowing. Journals or something of the sort would also be really fun with routines, as you could set your para to write in their journal everyday before bed


That sounds absolutely fantastic! I'm loving all the planned features and I hope you'll be able to execute them with ease đŸ™đŸ»â€ One feature I'd love to see is the ability to chose multiple interactions without the interaction tree collapsing. For example, I want my para to clean the toilet, flush it then use it. I'd love to be able to select 1,2,3 while the interaction tree is still open using a hotkey while clicking on the interaction or something like that. Thank you so so much for your hard work ❀


The routine thing sounds AMAZING and I love the idea of scheduling tasks! You guys do such amazing work! Would you also be able to schedule whole routines instead of just individual actions? Like, at 8am M-5 trigger the morning routine? I agree there should be limitations on how many things you can schedule because it could get boring. +1 to Lucas about associating tasks--a para who always cleans dishes after eating, or hugs the dog before leaving for work, or paras who "woohoo" before bed, lol. I also wanted to add that it would be important to me that paras are able to multitask. Eat while watching TV, drink coffee while reading / writing, talking to other paras while doing things.


I loooove the ideal for actions! Especially the routines and ability to chance the order of the queue đŸ˜Šâ€ïž


I LOVE the idea of routines!! As well as choosing how long to do an action and changing the order. Thanks for sharing!

Trinity Smith

I love the routines!!!


thank you so much for the deep dive into technical aspects of the game! i'm learning a lot just by supporting the development of a game i'm excited to see!


i looooove the idea of scheduling tasks because i micromanage my sims lol so to be able to schedule stuff for them and just let them do it all would be a gamechanger for me. i think the idea of routines is amazing too, i love what you guys come up with. one of the most important things for me involving interactions is multitasking. it's really helpful for me to be able to have my sims eat while watching the news before work and stuff like that.


Would you consider group schedules? Like meeting up with friends, getting dressed and ready, then go to a gas station or a store to get some juice and after that go clubbing, for example. Basically multi para scheduling where certain para/s could tag in and out depending on their OWN schedule. I'd love that. Maybe Para A could come over to bring Para B a dress, but would just drop by because he/she would first have to pick something up elseqhere and then get ready and tag along again. I'd love clique schedules or day routines, I imagine it being so fun at a wedding with so much to do and seeing everyone doing something different but meeting up here and there, until they all gather in the end


You had me at morning routines!! I love that!


I love the ideas of morning routines and scheduling actions!! One thing I would suggest is maybe when a Para has a schedule or queued actions, theres a small chance they won't do that action, whether its because they're tired, in a bad mood, or just don't feel like doing it. I feel like it would be an interesting but realistic addition!


Love this đŸ€© Those action queue ideas are things I haven't thought of, but would be a game-changer! đŸ€© And It's very interesting to hear about the technical stuff as well! 😄 And all the work that goes behind everything!


I love the routines idea. I love the idea of not having to click use bathroom. Shower. Etc every time they wake up. Super excited ♄


Ommg! Those ideas are really good and as a lot of people mentioned, multitasking could be fun! I was wondering if there is any chance we could do that regarding pets too, for example...walking two or more dogs at the same time! There are many games out there that let us own a dog and walk him, but when we want to have four or five it can get hard to take care of them all in a day. Also seeing someone walking two pets and being able to pet both at the same time could be interesting :) just some thoughts!

Tom Lu

Reordering queued actions, scheduling actions, routines - these are all AMAZING ideas.


Oh wow! I think my very first thought would be - I'd rather have less mechanics, but all of them done well & smoothly functioning ... than have all the wildest, wonderful concepts, but poorly executed & full of bugs. My priority for mechanics to include would look something like... 1. ability to cancel previously que'd actions 2. ability to create user-generated routines 3, ability of repeated habits to auto-generate a routine 4. ability to associate a routine with a specific time of day, specific action (use toilet automatically triggers a 'flush toilet' action), or Para moodlet (when Para is energized, Para will perform 'exercise routine') 5. ability to reorder action queue 6. choose when to finish actions* (if unit of time is 'hours' please allow decimals like 0.5 or 0.25) 7. ability to schedule actions 8. ability to schedule actions contextually ("use computer after sister is done using") ?? 9. allow context to interrupt/override scheduled actions and actions with a finish specified As for the progress indicator, my preference would be the 'cooldown timer' type, and equally anything else. Mostly just because I am visually impaired, and I am more comfortable / have more experience being able to see the cooldown type of action timer. A quick note about #s 8 and 9... I really hate it when That Game requires a person to stand around doing nothing else but waiting on an action when the action's object is being used, or when the other person of a 2-person action is not yet ready. If I'm keeping an eye on when the tv is free, I'll not just stand leaning over my dad while he watches the game - I'll text on my phone, or do some knitting until dad hands me the remote. Same goes if Mom is doing the dishes & has promised Kid they'll play cards once she's done. Kid doesn't just stand there staring at mom, mentally stuck on "wait to play cards". On top of that, That Game also has a hidden timer on how long a person will wait for an action to be free... and then That Game simply auto-cancels the action. In that circumstance, as a user, That Game requires the player to hoover over the person or people involved to catch any auto-cancels, and manually re-establish the desired action. If I'm not laser-focused on mom and kid, it always results in kid giving up on waiting, and mom finishing the dishes a second later - and she always automatically picks up a new action for herself in the tiny window before I get the "play cards with mom" action re-queued on the kid. The result is normally an hour of in-game time & any number of increasingly annoying minutes IRL while trying to queue, cancel, re-queue both Mom and Kid before they stop trying to go drink a glass of water, and just play a card game already. I don't want to have to micromanage my households on this kind of level - its just not fun. #9 is specifically dedicated to That Game, and all the people playing guitar who don't stop to eat. To pee. To go to work. ... or, in one specific case that frustrates me to this day - played a violin the entire time the house was on fire. The irony was not lost on me. Thankfully that lil guy survived. I dunno what level of coding or AI has to be programmed in the game to make Parafolk act a little bit more intuitively in contextual situations - but my gods, that would be So. Much. Appreciated.


Being able to set preferred locations for various actions could be good, and if paras call others to do the same with them additional paras will use the preference of the first. This way you could have a teen who prefers to eat in front of their computer when they make something for themselves to eat, but when mum makes a meal and calls the family to eat they all sit at the table, or in front of the TV when dad cooks so they can watch the game


This is unrelated and probably already said, but this got me thinking about certain animations using a hand dominance. Maybe something you could set in PAM?


I think something that could be nice to have would be different timings for eating, for example I eat very quickly while my mother can take an hour to eat a meal Also when people are rushed or need to get to school soon they definitely scarf something down faster than a lazy Sunday brunch

Fran Smith

I don't want that. That other game has that all the time! And it's not a desired feature! It's a pain in the a@se! This also means that something you really want them to do doesn't happen. I want certainty that things I arrange are going happen, damn it! Unlike that other interaction buggy game!

Fran Smith

Yes! And the same with social interaction. This reopening menus for each bit of conversation is crazy!

S&M Gonzalez

I think for food actions it’d be cool if there was a way to have them not eat till they’re full which would include drinks not filling their entire hunger need but maybe just 1-10% of the hunger need, snacks being 15% or until full, and regular food would be 25-100. I hope we can have multi dishes to compliment their main dishes and have actions for those as well, I’m not sure how to really explain it correctly. Exercising would be nice to schedule for a duration of time instead of until they’re tired. Hobbies could work the same way like reading a book for example - read for a little bit - Read half the book - read the entire book - read a book until sleepy (if reading in bed)

S&M Gonzalez

I love the idea of contextual menu for actions! I also love the idea for scheduling tasks to do days in advance and for specific times of the day. And the bathe until/before work starts would really helpful for the progress meter I think it’s be cool if there were two different ones one for basic actions/tasks and then one for where they’re working out that shows colors red and gradients to blue to show how their body temperature by how the intensity of the work out is


This game, with all the bits and pieces you've shown us since the beginning is sounding like it's going to be the Rolls Royce of Life Simulators. I truly cannot wait to dive into it and peel back all the layers! I love the Routines! Everything sounds amazing!

Sabine B

All of this sounds amazing! 😍 I'd love to see paras restarting actions that get interrupted. Like: queue is paint then eat, phone rings, pause painting, answer phone, finish call, continue painting, eat. Sims 3 sims would cancel painting to answer the phone but then 'forget' about painting and go straight to eating. I can't remember right now if multitasking in Sims 4 deals with this problem? I have other problems with Sims 4 😖 Speaking of, if multitasking is implemented, I'd like some way of seeing if an action needs all of a para's focus. A priority system would be great to. Like: queue is eat and watch tv then shower, eat is priority, stop watching tv when finished eating, shower. Sims will stay in front of the tv after they finish eating and I have to manually cancel the action before they shower.


Yall spoil us too much

S&M Gonzalez

Yeah! Or and animation if they’re in a hurry eating as they run out the door or while walking


OMG! I love this so much! The idea of setting routines is so awesome, I always choose the same 3 or 4 actions to do when my Sim wakes up, so it would be so nice to have my paras do these by themselves and also schedule some of their activities for the day! I'm so hyped right now <3


I love the idea of rutines. That is such a good idea and something I never knew I was missing. I also love the idea of getting to decide when the action stops, som I don't have to be on top of my paras all the time. (i love to play bigger families). :)


I also have a little idea that could be really cool! It would be really awesome if you could choose your work hours from a list of available ones when getting a job, so maybe then you can work three jobs at different hours of the day or maybe have a part time job at a cafĂ© as a teen or something! Just an idea❀

Daniel Asraf

How about parafolks who have concentration problems? Those who like to get distracted easily?


I wonder how all of these actions would balance with a free will system (I guess I'm assuming that there will be some kind of free will system...) It would be awesome if it was possible to set free will to low or high, and if free will was very high then the paras would take any scheduling or commands more as suggestions. For example I often think to myself "I should go to bed at 11" and then sit up watching TV until midnight, and I think it would be fun if that sort of realistic behaviour is reflected in the paras


Keep up the good work! Have you any releasedate on this game yet?

Joanna Hinds

I love everything about this! For autonomy and actions, the most annoying thing to me is when Sims constantly do random actions that are completely opposite to their personality or how they're feeling. For eg. if Maggie is in a super bad mood she probably wont go dance to music just because it is there. OR If there is a bar around, but your para is a straight edge they probably won't go make a drink at 10am as an autonomous action. What would be cool is if a paras personality directly affects the autonomous actions they do, instead of if every Para does the same action. For eg. If 'reading' and 'play video game' are autonomous actions, a Para who loves reading might have a 75% chance of reading as an autonomous action and a 15% chance of playing video games, watching tv, snacking etc. Also, can we get autonomous actions that are exclusive to different personality traits? For eg a Para who is quite conceited might find themselves staring at a mirror and admiring themselves as an autonomous action but other Paras who don't have that trait, you would have to make them do it by clicking on a mirror. OR A Para who is super creative might autonomously any chance they get write in their journal, paint, etc. While a Para who is not creative at all, might only have a 5% chance of doing any creative action autonomously even if you put an art easel or journal in their home. PS Alternatively, if a Para does something that is directly the opposite of what they enjoy doing/their personality, it affects their mood negatively. Like if a book worm watches tv for too long they might end up bored or irritable. If a para who hates exercise walks all the way to the shops instead of driving, they might be frustrated, annoyed etc. Love you guys xx


So incredibly interesting to learn about the logic involved behind the scenes - thanks for sharing!! Well worth the membership :)


All the ideas in the sketch are great concepts that seem intuitive and great for gameplay <3


I love this so much! Especially the routines and the concept of being able to specify when the para should finish a task, like "shower until you have to go to work". AMAZING

Natan Peixoto

The constraints thing is very interesting. And I'm in love with simply all of the ideas, honestly!! Set a routine and rearranging the queue are just genius.


I live for the routine idea and the ability of rearranging your queue of actions - these quality of life things really make me happy Thank you so much for the hard work Para Team!


I love the routines! You could give a Para even a trait to love routines, so that they're happy when they can finish their routine and might get annoyed if not. Vice versa works perfectly too for paras who don't love routines, but are ordered to do one. I don't think those (de-)buffs should be severe, but it would give them more personality!


a routin option would be WELL cute! imagine that your character went to the bog and grabbed something to eat BY THEMSELF before they have to get to work

Michelle Lovette

I forgot to stay in past poll and updates that I was hoping for realistic pregnancy and delivery, I hated the way babies we’re delivered in the sims 4. Realism, doctors appoints, gender reveals, baby showers, announcing pregnancy and different reactions would be really cool, along with realistic births and family planning, I’m off topic but I forgot to bring this up earlier


I didn't even finish reading the post because I saw the 'reorder' option for the action queue and HOLLERED. I've been wanting that in the sims for SO LONG, why has that not occurred to anyone? why is that so hard to implement in the year of our lord 2021???


As others have said, the reordering sounds so elementary and yet it'd be a game changer. But the schedules and the routines are genius too. So much of our damn time when playing That Other Game is about micromanaging, but being able to do things in bulk and/or preprogrammed would help us focus on actual gameplay and not the mundane minutiae (at least if we want it ; I know people who like to micromanage tasks and that's fine, they can just decide to not use those shiny new tools). So much of our decisions are about managing that damn task queue, and it's energy (and brain cells !) we could dedicate to more fun stuff. After that, well, that's also a challenge for the rest of gameplay, I guess :P I just wanted to note, about the progress part of things, that I find visually very counter-intuitive when it looks like a clock, BUT that the unit of time is not an hour. I expect something that looks like a clock and/or that makes a whole rotation to be accurately representing 1 unit of time, and I hate when games both have a unit of time AND don't respect it. I mean, if the icons look like the icons 2 or 3 on your brainstorming drawing, I'll survive, of course. It's just SO NOT intuitive to show something going around the clock without lasting an hour. The 1st one is way more simple for me to compute because it doesn't clash with the idea of time. Color-coding (provided it was accessible for our color-blind friends) would also be an idea.


I'm very pleased you're looking into routines - but some chaos is a bit nice. Paras should TRY to conform to routines if they have one, but disturbances and other troubles should be disruptive to those routines. If anything, the most important part is when they go to sleep, when they go to work, and when they wake up. Trying to strike a balance between Snowglobe and Ant-farm styles of play might be too difficult, but as long as you can somehow manage to accommodate both via a toggle or some clever mechanic? Go for it!

Aaron J Levesque

I’m so happy gameplay is starting to be worked on!!! What a big step for you guys!!!! Nothing but support from me here!


Being able to rearrange actions would be top-tier.


When you do start considering the needs of the para, can you make it so that the paras needs don't decay so fast. And you're doing such an amazing and complex job btw. Keep up the great work.


This has probably been suggested, but I think it would be cool if players could assign seats at the dinner table so everyone in the family can sit in the same spot every time.


I haven't been able to keep up on this as much as I would like, but I have to say I love getting the updates with these absolutely fabulous ideas! Routines! I love the idea. I love the recommendations here where it could be eating out a particular restaurant. I can imagine this being of particular importance to certain traits as well.


Timing the action would be great, also being able to setup the routines - perfect for tasks such as use the toilet, have a shower, eat.. could be interesting if Paras skipped certain actions if the specific need was above 80% threshold (no need to use the toilet if the need is 80% full). Or if Paras stopped/refused to do certain action with a need too low - 5% (refusing to do an action that drains fun when their fun is on 5% or less)


Wow I love the idea of routines and scheduling actions!!! That’s awesome!!


the ROUTINES oh my goodness that is so cool. Honestly all of those concepts sound really cool. Like the scheduling and the playing for X hours. So cool.


I saw a previous comment about realistic pregnancies and birth. It would be cool to make it so you can choose pregnancy length in the settings of your game or something. I would really enjoy that. I always used mods to make my sims pregnancies longer. And a realistic birth would be AMAZING.


Maybe I'm wrong with the comment on the subject, but when I currently experience, 5 days a week get up, make coffee, shower, work, evening to sport, run with friends. I have a weekend relationship. There everything is different, the time is more important to me there. That would be nice, if there is some kind of balance, what must be fulfilled for quasi survival and the mental balance, which must not suffer. It would also be nice if events from the outside, for example, the colleague is sick today, do overtime or your neighbor's birthday, make a gift (picture, piece of music or something craft, bake a cake). Take part in your cousin's wedding etc.


Agreed with these comments about realistic pregnancies. An option to choose or not to choose the maternity leave would be very cool, too. Plus, I'd be very glad if paras had mixed feelings about the pregnancy itself. From happy, merry and content to unsure, anxious, stressing and anger. The mood swings could be caused by hormones (=are random and changed daily) and the personality. Particularly, if we ever had the option to create family oriented Paras or those who dislike children, I'd see the spectre of the moods very important part. It just doesn't make sense why a person who dislikes children is happy about the pregnancy in you-know-which-game-I-refer-to....

Amanda Shafer

Morning routines sound so cool!


It would be really cool if certain interactions interrupted other actions but then they resumed. For example if the para is working on something, and you tell them to go to the bathroom, they do that immediately but then go back to the task they were doing before. Instead of 1) cancel action 2) send to bathroom 3) re-queue previous action


I love the idea of a morning routine! Maybe there could be a night one as well :)


So far, I think the action queues sound great but I have just one question ... Does it mean that the game will include a "calendar" or "agenda" feature to review all actions/routines scheduled? I would love to be able to revisit scheduled actions/routines to see how the game plays out in light of any random events the game might throw in.


routines sound super cool!


Extremely excited to learn more about live mode interactions and gameplay possibilties to improve a Para's autonomous capabilities. It is so great get a glimpse of the hardwork and passion you're putting into the game to make this game unique and stand apart on it's own merit! Great work and thank you! 😄

Amy Joscelyn

Routines! So exciting, I hope they make it into the game. Also thinking about the Constraints section got me thinking about what it would be like to have certain actions with invisible steps be fulfilled with multiple para. Continuing with the cooking example, a parent para could cook with their child. Maybe the parent doesn't have two hands free to open the fridge, but the child would be able to get out the ingredients for the meal, handing them to the parent for preparation, etc. I understand that this would be a separate programmable action for the game, but I do think it would be neat to offer teamwork for certain para tasks.


Hi Anna, so if a para needs to be to class or work for 9am, in theory we could schedule them to leave home 15 minutes earlier so that they are not late? This would seriously be awesome. <3


I LOVE the idea of having routines!


i love the routines feature!! btw what came to my mind when reading about cooking... i know that something that always annoyed me in sims was how long the food preparing always took in-game-time wise. if your sim had work at 8, he had to get up at 5 to be able to make pancakes. so i just wanted to point this out - idk how fast your game time will be though