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Monthly Community Brainstorms

Thanks so much for all your ideas in last week's Patreon post regarding relationships in Paralives! Reading people's ideas on Patreon was so interesting that we decided to make it a monthly event. From now on, we'll come up with a different brainstorming theme each month. It will be introduced to Patrons first and a few days later, we will announce the theme to the rest of the community so they can suggest ideas on Discord and Reddit. Note that Patrons will also get access to an exclusive poll along with the brainstorming session, just like in last week's Patreon post!

Relationship Poll Results

Thanks to everyone who voted in last week's poll! The question was: if Paras stop maintaining a relationship, would you rather see the relationship level slowly decrease or should bonds never weaken by themselves overtime?

Here are the results:

Most people agree that relationships should decay overtime. You shouldn't chat with someone for a whole day, become friends and then never speak again without it affecting the relationship level. That's something we'll be looking to integrate in our design. Relationships shouldn't be static!

Design Vision for Relationships

This week, in addition to the community brainstorming, we also had a internal meeting to discuss the design of the relationships in Paralives. The goal of this team meeting was to establish the design vision of the relationship system.

  • Each relationship should be unique. In real life, we can have many friends but none of these relationships are the same because there's always different elements that bring different people together. One friendship might be purely based on a common love for music while another might be based on long lasting childhood memories.
  • Players should be able to build relationships over time and it should be rewarding. While playing Paralives, building and improving relationships should be a fun and rewarding.
  • Relationships should affect other aspects of the game. Having good relationships at work should positively affect your career or having friends to practice your hobbies with should have a positive impact on your skills.
  • Give players control over their stories. Since Paralives is a sandbox life simulation game, players should be able to guide different relationships in different ways. Getting creative should reward the players with interesting developments in a relationship between two Paras.

We came up with a foundation for the design of the relationship system to fit the above design pillars. The suggestions from the community were also very helpful to make sure we thought of every important aspects and constraints. Feel free to continue sharing and discussing your ideas, as not every detail of our relationships-related features have been decided yet. I'm looking forward to share more about our design in the future once we can show it in the context of the game!




Panthro Samah

I believe that relationships should degrade with time, but not linearly. If you has met someone recently and become friends (little friendship points), it should degrade fast. But if you're a friend of someone for a long time, the kind of friend that is your best man in your wedding (many friedship points), the friendship should degrade much slower. And I think that the same would go to make friends: It should be easy to get to know someone, but if you want to have real meaningful friendships, it would take a lot of time.

Charmely Eenig

You guys are doing amazing work, can't wait till I get to play the game someday!

Julio Saliba

Awesome! Thanks for the update! ❤️

Christophe Zajac

I just wanna marry Alex at this point.


I’m really exited about this! This is awesome!

Kara Braun

Great idea! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Thanks for letting the community be so involved.


Amazing! I do hope relationships will increase automatically for kids and teens at school, and for adults with their coworkers while theyre working as well!

Jana Mahlich

Thank you for working so hard! We all love the team haha


I like the idea! But just a sidenote. Some people learn skills faster alone, for example introverts. So maybe more introvert people get a bonus when they learn in a quiet place instead to balance the negativ of not wanting a lot of friends?


These pillars give me a lot of hope the social system in Paralives will be amazing! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. But most of all: a HUGE THANKS for letting us be a part of it all through the monthly brainstorming sessions. ❤️


This is great! And I'm sure this has been suggested millions of times but please allow us to choose relationships like boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, etc in Paramaker. Being able to create special relationships instead of just the basic ones at the start of the game would be awesome!


I love that the relationships will be unique and different! I'm so excited to see more

Jessica V

If the characters have some traits in common, could the relationship build faster?


alex you’re doing amazing sweetie


so so excited!!!


thank you for keeping us so involved, it’s going to feel so good to play the game knowing you guys cared and listened to our opinions/thoughts!🥰


*whistles* oh boy you guys have A LOT to accomplish. That's a lot you've put on your plates. I'm anticipating all of this, but I don't expect this game to be completed any time soon; the years it will take will be well worth the wait though. Don't rush and take your time; thank you for the updates too.


Relationships are as much about what you've done together/been through together as what you have in common!


I am not surprised but I am disappointed in the poll result. I think it should be more in-depth than just that. Like... Strong relationships are less likely to decay, were as something like mere acquaintances will decay more. Not just an aspect of relationships decay. Because I still stand on I can hold strong relations with people without constant interaction. Someone who is an acquaintance though makes more sense to decay.

Maiden Minnesota

As long as relationships aren't like The Sims: "I've known my mom for 40 years, but I haven't called her for a week, and now we're complete strangers." Nobody wants to have to grind to maintain relationships. There's more to life than that. I LOVE the idea of different relationships for different situations, though. Coworker relationships are different than regular friends. For many people, coworkers are just that--friends at work, but you would NEVER hang out with your coworkers outside of work (with the exception of lunch or after-work drinks), yet having good relationships with your coworkers does affect how well you do on the job. For example, are you a team player, are you that guy everybody avoids? Are you the guy that talks too loud? Are you the one that brings in cookies for everybody once a week? It all makes a difference! Man, I'm just afraid you guys are biting off more than you can chew with the myriad ways relationships affect all of us! Good luck!


I love the pillars! Actually sounds like a great way to tell a story and make each para very unique. I'm eager to see what you guys come up with. I'd like for bonus options to be based on common interests if you have them...so like if 2 paras are chatting and they're both into music, then some bonus options that come up would be music related. And if they don't have any interests in common, then they will have very generic options and not build a relationship as easily. I'd also like it if you start out with common interests, but they change over time and then you have nothing in common, then your relationship starts to degrade faster than if you still had common interests.


I just don't want maintaining relationships to be a chore on top of everything else that I want to do. Often times when I'm playing games like the Sims it feels like inviting other people over is pointless because unless you constantly interact with them (and only them most of the time), they'll get distracted and just do whatever they want in your house. I think the ability to multitask or actively do things together (like students studying together) would help that a lot.


I wonder how it gonna be differently from normal para if that para has a loner trait. I think some para might not like to have relationships or only prefer to have small amount of friends. And some para with a specific trait could work better when they work alone.


This whole challenge is a very good idea. I think when it’s challenging to build relationships, it give depth to the game so please keep this. But maybe make a trait like loner for people who doesnt want to do this thing.


If anything, the relationship system should be the closest to as it was in Sims 2. Like one-sided friendships, crushes and love, best friendships and marriages not happening on the same day as met, fury system, and of course, the relationship decay over time if not interacted. Friendships affected by common interests and memories is also a great idea

Lucy McClean

I like the idea that some relationships will be easier to build and maintain than others and the paras should have different feelings/relationship levels to each other...


It would be awesome if the personality of the paras involved in a relationship would have an impact, too. If someone is a social butterfly or extroverted, they might need more maintenance to keep the relationship levels up, but if your para is a loner, they might be fine not meeting the other person for a few days without immediately losing friendship levels. I am like that, for one. I have friends I don't talk with for weeks at a time because they are busy. But when we do find the time, it feels like we met just yesterday. Of course this should not work for everyone equally, but I would love to have something like that taken into account, too.


I would also love to see a separation of friendship vs. romantic interest. It was personally aggravating to have a sim respond with full romantic gusto to a sim that spontaneously flirted with them. It was also terrible when the Sim received flack from their partner for being flirted with despite the fact it wasn't their intention. I agree with some commenter's that the task of maintaining friendships can be a bit tedious. I think this could be resolved with tiers of friendship, and longer held relationships maybe take longer to deteriorate, and interactions with them have a wholistic affect.


I love the design vision! It sounds wonderful.


Wonderful ideas! This is gonna take a lot of hard work to implement, we appreciate you all so much and have absolute faith in the team. Remember to take care of yourselves too!💛


Loving it! Don't stress yourselves out over it too much now. But thank you for taking everyone's ideas into consideration!


Agreed. I’ll happily pay my Patreon for years if it means the game is well made.

Diamond Nicole

I'm so happy that there is going to be more depth for relationships in this game ❤😭 I would love to see awkward relationships too XD like they confessed to someone or a friend, got rejected, and now they kinda avoid each other a bit until over time they somehow resolve the awkwardness lol I think that would be funny. It would take a damper on the relationship status but not completely..?

Ava Wolchuk

I agree! I would also love doomed relationships. Like if 2 paras could be so naturally incompatible that a friendship/romance between them would be chaos.


Yes, one-sided romance and admiration are something I'd really like to see as well

Aaron J Levesque

Something I had talked about with someone on the discord Relationship chat, was the ideas of little emojis being used to signify your paras feelings when talking with someone they are in a relationship with. Due to the game having such a unique art style the paras having emojis that represent how they feel talking to each other (Heart Eyes 😍-for in love Angry Steaming 😤- for a hated para/ paras arguing) I think it would also make it unique and different to other games and how they have shown relationships visually with a bar! Let me know what you guys think!

Fran Smith

Loving the pillars of your relationship system. Every relationship should play differently with different reactions depending upon current mood, personality and the relationship itself. And romantic relationships should have separateness, but perhaps should also influence each other in some ways. A couple semi-related things though: It's very tedious in that other game with the constant clicking to have a simple conversation! Having to constantly click on a character, then choose type of conversation, and drill down the list for every conversation point is really, really tedious. If we could possibly have a structure where there is a conversation panel that opens from the console and remains open during the conversation or somesuch. Also, sometimes people just talk about music for hours. I don't want to have to continually click on "talk about music" to get that to happen. Can we just choose to talk about music, then decide when that conversation stops? And an unrelated thing. Is the time structure of the game going to compulsorily be 1 minute = 1 hour? I've always found that too short. For example if I want to go fishing after school, I have to walk to the river, perhaps a hour there, then I can fish for an hour, then I need to go home, another hour, and it's after 6pm. Time to eat, show and go to bed. I would actually like to see the time doubled, which would help to fix some of this time discrepancy - perhaps 1 day = 1 hour RL. We could still have speed buttons to rush through the boring bits, like everyone sleeping. If other people, who are less changeable from the other game they know so well, don't want the change, can we at least have a type of switch or continuum bar to choose how long our days are, so that we can manage this ourselves? I don't want that to make the game easier (I want some challenge, darn it!), so skill learning/relationship building etc time could also be tied to it so that the comparative speed per day is the same. Is that possible?


Thank you sooooo much! At first when I saw soooo many comments in the last post I was afraid you wouldn't be able to get to all of them. But you exceeded my expectations! I have been wondering for a while what truly makes a game enjoyable. We have been discussing a lot of things, but I thought it couldn't be properly put into words and concrete ideas, so I was just going to accept Paralives however it came out. But this post! This is it! This will make it meaninful, will make the gameplay interesting, fresh, unique. I will look forward to what my actions result in and work towards having certain relationships with certain people. Thank you!!


There are so many good ideas. 😍 The form of relationship i would like to see is polyamory. Not for everyone automaticly, so that no one is gona be jealouse. But if they "talk" about it an both are agree, then both can also love other people at the same time and don't lose their relationship. Also i miss open relationships in games and the titel "Ex" (don't know if it's the same word in english like it is in german),  e. g. Ex-husband, Ex-boyfriend, ... I hope there will be long-time relationships, like someone they frinds with since childhood and these relationships status wouldn't sink as fast as one from another person they meet 1 week ago. I know you can't rebuild every form of relationship. Some people like each other from the first moment and others wouldn't spend more time together as they forced to and this not only depends on same interessts, a common past or preferred properties. But here are so many good ideas to make the relationships more real and i really hope, that some of them can transpose in the game. Thank you and good work. 😁


Recognition of cousins, great grandparents, aunty, uncle etc would be cool :)

Danica Savic

There should also be one sided relationships, if you like someone they shouldn't automatically like you back. If the parents are fighting it should affect the kids, maybe they can be sad or angry for a while. Teenagers should have mood swings and get annoyed by their parents which can affect their daily relationship, but not the overall or lifetime relationship. We all get into arguments but we still love our family :)


I really like your ideas :) On the whole unique relationships thing, I think it would be so cool if there were aspects of the Paras' personalities that made them more/less likely frinds/lovers/enemies etc. :)


Cool ideas 😃.. I really like the one about relationships based on childhood friendship. What I really like is how you guys are making the game with real feelings in it. Make each stage of each Para’s unique with their emotions and making new friends. Also, the childhood friends will have more memories whenever they grow up together than any other friends later in any stage. Also, making friends at early age is faster than older age unless there is a common interest between them or in love. Keep the cool stuff going on and good luck. Greetings from Egypt 🇪🇬. 😍😍

Krista Allen

Love the idea of relationships affecting the world!! Wow I’m even more excited now!


I think there should be more noticeable autonomy within the NPCs . It shouldn’t be only my para seeking out relationships. NPCs should also invest time in trying to get to know you. It’s fine if an NPC doesn’t like me , but I should also get the chance to not like an NPC that’s into me lol


Maybe also how long it took to become friends affects decay rate? Like if I gradually became friends with someone over a week its slower to decay vs someone I very rapidly became friends with in a day


I would love cute little kid interactions that add character (kind of like how taking shoes off in a house does!). Like, a toddler becoming shy and not wanting to interact with strangers. Or asking to be picked up by parents. Grandparents/relatives coming over and having special interactions with kids, like giving them a toy or a sweet. Toddlers learning to walk and falling, and then crying and parents/older relatives doing a "kiss to make better" action. Things that make life stages and intergenerational relationships unique. In Sims 3, I love that adults can read kids and toddlers to sleep.

Danielle Bee

I picked to not have relationships degrade over time mostly drawing from my experience in The Sims, where fulfilling needs and gaining skills to get promotions took so much time out of my sim days, calling friends and hanging out with them was at the bottom of the priority list. i hope there can be a balance considered in this game!


I don't mind the idea of degrading but not all the way back to zero. Even if they just go to like 60% so you're still kinda friends but it will take some time to build it back up to close friends again. :/

Naomi Vincent

I still think para's personalities should be on a sliding scale instead of having traits to pick and choose from. That will make the paras more unique. For example, if your para or an AI para does a bunch of mean/studious/flirty/whatever interactions, they go from 10 points mean/studious/flirty/whatever to 30 points and they do/have access to more actions. However, if you are friendly toward a mean para and get them to be nice, you can make them nicer. This makes personalities dynamic. But please do include scales for mean, hot-headed, evil, drama queen/king etc. It will make gameplay more interesting if everyone isn't 100% goody goody.


Could a relative also have the role of mentor?? Just looking at the pictures of toddler/child down below and I was just thinking there could be a special relationship between a child and an older sibling who has been like a mentor (teaching them to walk, talk, playing, etc). I am not thinking of anything special, maybe just like a wee symbol that would indicate the major influence the person has had on the para's life. :/


So excited for this!!!

Katie Milloy

I think relationships should deteriorate over time, but I think depending on the level/type of friendship they should deteriorate at different speeds. If you have known a para since you were a kid (like a childhood bestfriend or just the paras parents/siblings) I feel like these relationships should be a lot stronger and not go away since they have known eachother for so long. Newer friends should require more work and those relationships will deteriorate quicker.

Duarte Silva

I'm glad you decided relationships should deteriorate over time but for those who aren't may I recommend you consider adding a slider in gameplay settings that let the player set if, and how fast, they deteriorate? 👀 Keep up the great work! 💛


I think the rate at which relationships deteriorate should vary based on shared memories or what type of relationship they have. Maybe markers like "childhood friend" or something to represent that they've done a lot together. The more of those markers they have, the slower the decay. So if two people grew up together, they can go a lot longer without interacting and not become strangers. Significant life events experienced together or even something like couple's counseling would slow it down, but past arguments might speed it up depending on quantity and severity. Some sort of "BFF/Best Friends Forever" cheat could also be implemented to lock important relationships for story purposes.


So let’s say you have two paras that have been friends since they were children, pre teens, teens, college, etc. Once they grow up and their lives start getting busier with work, family, etc. Their relationship shouldn’t decay because they haven’t spoken in a week or 2. I personally have several childhood friends that I don’t on talk to on a daily or even weekly basis. One friend I didn’t speak to for 6 months because they’re in medical school and didn’t have time. But once they got that time we talked on the phone for almost 2 hours like nothing had changed. I also understand not all friendships are like that but we need some kind of sweet middle.


Sims 1 had a neat feature where you had short term and long term relationship bars. Like, you could have friends, but they wouldn't be best friends unless they stayed in the positive friend zone for a while. This also distinguished crushes (romantic high relationship short term bar) and lovers (romantic high relationship long term bar). You could kiss your crush, but only marry or have a baby with your lover.


It is not necessary to speak with your friend to raise the level of the relationship. I think just being with a friend in the same room without talking to each other would be enough to positively increase their friendship or romantic relationship without us putting in too much effort. It can also work for complete strangers who, without knowing each other, can love each other on first impression! conversely, two para may not like each other at first impression. they will not both like to be in the same room. or do things together.

Trinity Smith

I think doing activities with people like watching tv or playing games should also increase their relationship. Not just socialization

Trinity Smith

I also love the idea of long term and short term relationship bars. You may be mad at your best friend after an argument, but they’re still your best friend. One bad encounter doesn’t ruin the whole relationship

Trinity Smith

I also think someone’s first impression of you should be important. So if ur mean to them the first time they meet u ur relationship will increase more slowly.

Aleksandra Gołębiewska

I like this idea. It would add so much depth. That could work nicely with the attraction system, like there could be different attributes for romantic and friendship "attraction". Some paras could see others either as potential friend/foe/lover.


Our friend could help us clear the table and wash the dishes without us asking for his help. Seeing that our friend takes care of us will increase our esteem for him.

Sonny J

I like the idea of "badges" in a character and relationship-building context. It's a way to add distinct characteristics without it being a meter that rises and falls. It's also a chance to implement different familiar social 'statuses' in a way that I think would be fun. Sims kind of does this with 'BFF' and major relationship milestones. But there is so much room for specific tags that could really make every relationship unique. Imagine something like 'wingman' if your folk put in a good word for another with someone they like, 'office rival' if it's a co-worker you have a disagreement with, 'friend zone' if it's someone your character makes an unsuccessful romantic attempt with after already being good friends, 'life debt' if someone saved your life somehow. What other colloquial expressions do we give our relationships that could be gamified with different values and effects? Badges could be awarded or chosen depending on the situation, and could be lost or removed under certain criteria. Players could even create and share their own. They'd let each relationship be super specific and story-based, and not dependent only on universal meters of friendship, romance, and reputation.


I'm super ok with that as long as those badges will appear accordingly and cosequently to player actions! I mean the risk is hending up labeling Para based on our immagination instead of a consequences of player actions.


I love these ideas. The emphasis on uniqueness and the practical impacts are very much appreciated. As a side note, have you thought about careers at all? I don’t mean to keep making demands or change topics away from these really cool(and rlly innovative btw) ideas, I’m just so curious about your guys’ take on that, even just as a brainstorm. :)

Tom Lu

Your design vision for relationships is so positive and incredibly exciting. I love it!


Maybe to add to the realism would be that you can't just get to know someone in a day? Like in real life you can't just meet a stranger and then marry them the next day because you already know everything about them. I think having a more natural pace to relationships would be interesting. Also, the pace would be determined based on who are interacting. Some people get married after a few months and some after a few years! Just an idea hopefully you got what I was trying to say...


Why not make it an option. I think you're going to have different people playing your game for different reasons. In real life relationship deterioration is a negative and therefore bringing it into the game may mean you are forcing some player to manage an aspect of the game they don't want to focus so much time on.

S&M Gonzalez

I think it’d be nice if there was either a way to set a paras preferences regarding relationship issues during PAM or have it pop up as questions later as they’re older in age. Regarding, marriage, kids, types of relationships they want, friends they want, life they want, etc. which we could change twice within a paras life if we want to change it again. And you could easily share these life goals with friends too if they ask or if your relationship is close enough.

Vicarious Human

Types of relationships I'd like to see: broken homes. One or both parents aren't committed to parenthood and/or each other. I want there to be reasons why a child would feel the need to act up in school, having to blow off steam. Finding activities to occupy their angst with which some para may not be happy with (pranking, playing with fire, graffiti, breaking things, picking fights, throwing parties while parents are away and "borrowing" things without anyone's knowledge). The positive side would be for them to seek attention elsewhere. Like staying over at grandma's house because she likes the company and in turn the child could help her with daily life, boosting both of their happiness. Same goes for an older sibling feeling responsible to care for and mentor the younger sibling.


Guys don't forget a little bit of drama. It will give that touch to gameplay that we'll never get tyred of! Example: one side love, (same fore fake friendship) cheating and diferrent reaction at this based on personality traits. People that dislike eachother with or not specific reasons. Misterious people and mistery to solve(if you know what I mean;) , baby in needs, parents that aren't huggy and kisses al the time, noboy whants play the Teletabbies happy lands. But I'm shure is not what you whants guys, I m just concerned about because there are so many aspects to take care of, that this detaile might ends to be lost. Cheers


I agree about time in game.. is too short. For what concern music topics (the example) I thi k is nice to be envolved in discussion some how.. maybe instead of repitetly clicking on "talk about music" different option music related might appears! (Like tastes, last concert, if para has or not ever play an instruments, and various specific Para character related info that should be remembered by the one who is talking to)


Traits should have an impact on relationships. For instance loyal Paras have a slower relationship decay (I think I mentioned that during the previous brainstorm). But also, rebounding on what Giaduzza said, negative traits should lead to negative relationships. I was always disappointed in That Other Game that you could have a character who didn't like children, but with a perfectly normal relationship with... their children ?! How ? Why ? I created that character with that trait, and made them have children, specifically because I wanted to see what could happen (how does the child develop ? does the affection of a grandparent make up for it ? etc.) and that is refused to me. Or you have a character prone to anger... and people come up to them and have long conversations ? No, they should inspire fear, at least to some extent. Or quite simply, some traits are incompatible, and hard as you try, two people will never be able to build a relationship. I really think the negative relationships build gameplay at least as much as the good ones. It's still a game, so finding a solution, finding workarounds, or adapting to a problem, are part of the gameplay imho.


A shy child will not necessarily be shy as an adult. Maybe he always will be, but with his life experience, and when he is an adult, he will be able to do things that he did not do before. Like talking to a stranger or speaking in front of an audience.


maybe you could have a negative trait system that you have to work on getting rid of, going off why KittyPara said, maybe a shy child has to work on their public speaking or making friends, and if they reach a certain level their shyness trait will disappear, or other traits such as anger issues or fear of public places. Maybe it could be seperate from normal traits, like a bonus emotion/trait system


A few months ago, talking about traits, the idea of a "knowledge tree" for traits was brought up. https://www.patreon.com/posts/33256528 I really like the idea that personality is something that evolves over time, and some traits lead to other, more complex traits. Trait evolution could lead to things worsening or improving, depending on what you worked on for your Para (did they read self-help books and try to meet new people, or did they stay home and stayed away from strangers ?). I think this could lead both to a way of creating interesting gameplay for traits (instead of being just a copy of the trait system in... you know, That Other Game :P ), and at the same time have an impact on relationships because... if people aren't the same over time, surely relationships have to evolve too, one way or another. Can you imagine being able to play a game where Paras LITERALLY "grow apart", instead of just having a bar that says "you haven't interacted recently, so the number is going down" ? That'd be an actual life simulation thing.

Vicarious Human

Heck yeah for the NPC neighborhood curmudgeon!!! "You kids better stay off of my lawn!"

Vicarious Human

Types of relationships I would like to see. (Last idea from myself. lol) Being able to share knowledge with your child and participating in activities with them by reading and exploring the world around around them. AKA "outings". example: Dig up some earthworms, overturn rocks and leaves to teach about bugs. Collect seashells and sand at the beach. Make crafts by attaching a tiny bottle to a necklace filled with sand and one small shell. This can be a teaching moment about the beach and a lesson in creativity for them. Being able to assign WEEKLY chores to your children to impart responsibilities. It would be funny to see mom go on a laundry strike because the kids refuse to help out, forcing some one else in the household to do it. (Just because you assign chores your kid may ignore or forget until it becomes routine for them. Parent can choose to nag constantly, loose temper, gently remind, or explain the importance of responsibility. )


It might be a cool idea to have a first person point of view for you paras? I think its something that's unique in these types of games and maybe you can see certain things like the food in the pan when your para is cooking in first person or the messages on your paras phone


I didn't go through all the comments here so idk if it's already been suggested. But, one sided relationships would be really cool. Like crushes and admiration towards someone without them being interested in your para back (a litte sad, yes. but it would open up to so many fun story lines). You could potentially win them over eventually, but not without some work and time passing! Also it would be cool if one para would get bored and unhappy in a relationship, but their partner won't. So a breakup would be really hard on one of them. This might be difficult to pull off though.. Anyways, keep up your awesome work! You keep impressing!

Ashley Brent

I think it would be super cool if our paras could talk about someone else to another para, either by gossiping, networking, positively talking about their day, lying about the person. So the para we are talking to will make assumptions or learn things about a para they haven't met yet. Based on what they know can determine how they interact when the meet for real.


I love the idea of how relationships decay being tied to their longevity. A childhood friend who your para was close with all through childhood and into young adulthood but then lose touch with later in life, shouldn’t decay the same way as a friend who has been known for a shorter time. The old friend who they lost touch with should still be someone they have ties to in a way they may not with a more short lived friendship.


I think that the highest tier of a relationship - whatever that may be - should not be limited to just one person (I'm of course referencing the fact that you can only have one "best friend" in the Sims 4). You can have multiple best friends!


I'd love an option to toggle relationship downgrade on and off, personally!

Amelia Holt

I'd like friendships/relationships to improve quite slowly and on a more realistic time scale (obviously proportionate to the length of a para day). For example, you shouldn't be able to become good friends after a day, without cheats. Possibly have requirements to progress to the next level of friendship, such as interacting a certain amount of times or going to a specific list of places together.