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All screenshots and gifs in this post are done in a test scene with temporary textures, without our fancy lighting and other special effects.

Hello again! Jérémie here to talk a bit about build mode features and functionalities. This is something I’ve been working on in the past weeks and I wanted to keep you updated on some of the functions we have at this point in the game! This post is for Patrons only so please don't share.

You might have already seen some of these features in a previous video or Patreon post but a lot of work has been done to add functionalities, to make them compatible with other aspects of the game (we need to support undo/redo, for instance), to make them more user friendly and to optimize them. We also need to test every feature for weird edge cases, which can take a lot of time as well!

Please keep in mind that everything here is still subject to change (especially how much things cost and how the interface elements behave) and is for Patron eyes only!

First off, the goal of the build mode is to allow players to build houses the way they want without being constrained on a grid with specific angles and wall orientations. With that in mind, we’re thinking about all the different ways we can help players create beautiful buildings without too much hassle. One of these ways is to have good snapping tools and helpful angle widgets.

Using the angle widget, you’ll know when you have a perfect 90 degrees angle. The game will also snap the wall to help you.

Helpful lines will tell you how far you have to go to connect to other walls when you are placing a new one. Please note that there’s a setting to measure in feet instead of meters.

You can see this in motion here!

Wall height can be changed so that each level of your house has the perfect height. This is done with some simple buttons right now, but it could get changed in the future.

Floors can have various heights.

You can see this in motion here!

Regarding our split level tools, they’re pretty simple to use. Right now you need to create walls around your future split-level, raise or lower the floor and then tweak the walls as you see fit.

Step 1: Draw a room

Step 2: Raise the room

Step 3 (Optional): Delete walls

The sky is the limit in the world of split-levels.

You can see this in motion here!

You can change the color and materials of whole walls instead of having to do it tile by tile, so changing the feel of your entire house should be pretty easy and quick!

Painting a wall green.

You’ll be able to paint different sections of walls with different colors if you decide to split a wall in vertical slices.

Painting the bottom half of the walls yellow.

You can see this in motion here!

And of course, everything I’ve just talked about works with curved walls as well (some bugs remain at this point, but we’re working on them)!

You can do split levels and use the painting features even on curved walls.

You can see this in motion here!

Please keep in mind that we’re also working on plenty of other things that might pop up in the future, like having a grid to help you build your walls, improved wall models (to make sure they connect to each other seamlessly), having an interface to pick textures and colors for your walls, etc.

That’s it for me today! Before I go, here’s a quick recreation of my own house, done using the build tools we have at the moment! It’s a bit empty right now, but it is done pretty close to scale!

I can see my house from here!



I’m so excited!


begging for built in garages

Deborah Aittokallio

Omg this looks so awesome 🤩👁️👄👁️

Jo Landers

Just keeps getting better


Looks awesome!

Ewaka Flaka

Heck yes this is awesome

Aaron J Levesque

I can already see builders dying to use this game! So excited to see gameplay as we move into that in the future but... wow the Build mode looks so good! There will be cars and garages right? I’m not sure if we have seen that yet in preview stuff so I just wanted to ask and see!


This was a really cool post, thank you!


I know there is a lot of amazing stuff in this post... but oh my!! half coloured walls!! :D


This post was so cool!! Definitely one of the most in depth we've had yet, I think. Looking forward to more!


I'm literally freaking out this is so amazing!


Is this real life?! It’s almost to good to be true. I’m in love 😍

Michael Green

Looks amazing and theoretically easy to use! I’m not much of a builder but these tools gives me some ideas. Thank you Paralives team for all of your hardwork and dedication!

Mr. Haz

This is awesome!


Thank you! There will be cars but we still need to see how garages will work and how we can do them exactly before we can confirm if we'll have them or not!


Love it! Buuut I think that typography would need to change to a more modern looking one

Juanjo Jiménez

This looks sooo awesome!!! I like the flexibility of this system, but I also like to have a grid so I can build exact measures! But in any case, this looks very promising!!

Maiden Minnesota

Glorious! Looks like I can do my own split-entry house without too much hassle!


Omg getting better and better


Looks awesome and really in depth, good job! I'm curious about a few things: 1) For split levels, will we be able to know if paras are able to step up them like stairs and when they won't be able to because it's too high? 2) Would it be possible to make common shapes like squares or rectangles premade so we don't have to make them by hand? 3) I notice a small gap in the corner of the walls so I was curious if that was gonna be updated in the future, I'm sure it will, I just noticed it absentmindedly. Great job so far ya'lls 👏😊

Taylor Riegle

Are the gifs not working for anyone else?

Lucy McClean

I hope we will be able to make rooms or dens under the split levels, if they are tall enough? Can we make small, low-ceilinged old fashioned houses that paras have to stoop in? That would also be really cool for design 😁


I can't tell you how excited I am for this Game to come out! <3


Please have an option to snap to tiles maybe when you press shift or something like that as well because for some people it’s easier but I love the endless possibilities of this ✨😍

Katie Bellissimo

As a builder I am SO excited! I do wonder about the split level tool though. My IRL house is a split level meaning the right half of the house is half a level higher than the left. But both sides have two floors. I have never found a game that can recreate this because the "split level" tools never work with multiple floors. They always create a solid space beneath the raised section, whereas in my house the space beneath that would be the top half of the floor below. This game comes the closest I've seen though! I would be SO excited if I was able to make my house!




Wow, again you guys are taking on a lot of ambitious goals. This is going to take a while to develop as a whole, but it will be well worth the wait when you guys finally finish all of this however many years down the line. Thanks for this wonderful update and keep up the great work!

Megan Santucci

Looking good! Will we be able to customize snap angles? e.g. maybe I want to make a polygon house where the outer corners are all 10 degree angles.


Amazing! If possible and within the limits you have, I would love to be able to decide the thickness of the wall too. I don't want ot be greedy, you have given us sooooo much it's amazing! I just think that that's a big obstacle when it comes to recreating buildings. But if we can put two walls very close together that could work too!


This is amazing! The curved walls have me too excited 😍


I have always missed sloping walls in the other game, so I’m wondering if you guys thought about whether or not it would be a possibility? Thanks for this amazing insight so far!

Diamond Nicole

Love love love! One thing I dislike in ts4 is not being able to build lower foundation/platforms with raised foundation 😫 yall are thinking of everything!! ❤😍


This is just such an amazing post! I've been craving more information about the building system and wow, did you deliver! Thanks so much ❤️❤️❤️


I'm so hyped for this game!!!!!

Akasha O'Connell

First of all...dude...you guys never cease to impress me... And secondly, will we be able to have two walls of different heights connected to each other?


This is amazing. I'm so happy to see the level of detail you guys are putting in this game. Thank you for your work.


This looks amazing!😍😍😍 Will you be able to have different wall heights on the same level? That would be really cool! But the build tools already look amazing!

Lily Tindel

I am imaging so many build ideas


So impressed! This looks exciting! 😁😁😁


I am absolutely losing my mind, this is beautiful


Omg I’m so excited for this! Please make it possible to have wall cutouts (like a kitchen pass through) I’m imagining all the beautiful homes I’m going to build. Different wall heights on the same floor is a dream come true 😍

Samara Stanleigh

This looks incredible! Really impressed with all the work that goes into this :) just have one question: is it possible for parafolk to get onto a raised platform floor until a certain height, or will we need to add stairs as soon as they can’t just step on it? (I really hope the wording is clear enough but I can clarify if needed)


EA be fuuuuuming when they see this, because they didn’t think of this first in their entire 21 year old Sims career! GO PARALIVES!! 🤩🤩


What about rounded split levels or “platforms”? Will that be possible too btw? God, I’m so ready for this game to launch!! 😍😍 (take your time though) 💖


Looks amazing! 😍


I like the real-life measurements, it will make it easy to replicate house blueprints in-game.


What about a twisty wall going upwards? To build.


It looks so appealing! I love the idea of making different-leveled floors in a house, as well as using real-life measurements to build your house to scale. For example (something I tried to accomplish in another life-sim game) I could now replicate my own home into the game! <3


Everything looks so awesome! I was hyped to hear about build mode again as this is my main interest in the sims and in paralives. I work in architecture and a feature I use a lot in my work software is the ability to put a background image of a blueprint to be able to build on it directly to scale. I think it could be cool to have that in game. That way, we could use floorplans we find online, slap them on the ground temporarily as a reference and be able to draw our walls directly over it at a 1:1 scale. Then, when we are done it could be either hidden or deleted. I don't know how well this could fit with the game overall, but it would be a neat feature nonetheless


Omg this is all so awesome!!😍


The half painting walls is VERY exciting for me. The customization of being to add a wood panelling on the bottom half or a different wallpaper on the other side of the room is very cool! Mix and Matching would be awesome! Wondering if doors will just scale up like windows and if it will affect the integrity of their looks with wall heights?


Yes! It's temporary and we will improve the look of the typography and interface :)


Thank you! 1) Good idea, we could add a visual indicator for that maybe! 2) Yes, Jérémie is planning to add that feature! 3) Yes, that's something we're gonna improve soon!


Thank you Victoria! It takes a while to get every feature right but we're getting there! We aim to release the game once we have the core features and then make updates with more and more content


Thank you! I played with the idea of slanted walls before but it added a lot of complexity to the system so it's not planned for now. Maybe we can find a way to them in the future


Thank you Akasha! Buildings have to be of the same height to be connected otherwise the concept of floors/levels become hard to handle and the game wouldn't know on which floor you currently are. The game needs to have that information to know which floor to show you and which one to hide


Thank you! A given level has to be the same height but with the split level tools, you could hide a vertical section of a room


Wall cutouts will be possible! It will work like placing a window on your wall!


Thank you! If the platform is not too high, the Para will be able to get on it but we still need to determine the exact height and how we will display that to the player!


That's not planned at the moment because it's very complex to do but maybe we can do something like that in the future


That's a great idea and it's something I've been wanting to add to the game. It would be really easy to recreate floor plans this way! I can't 100% confirm that feature yet but we definitely have it in mind!


Changing the wall height shouldn't impact the integrity of the doors. Some of them will be resizable, yes!




this is so incredibly exciting I’m absolutely blown away!!!

Gill Reid

I am getting more and more excited for this game, it looks amazing.


Will the paras the able to jump onto the split levels that are just a little too high maybe?


I'm about to cry at the prospect of half-landing stairs!! It's really all I ever wanted and I swear I'm not hard to please.


This is nice. More details on paralives building mode.


so exciting!! thank you for your effort, I am patiently looking forward to more progress on the game <3 stay healthy


I really loved to read this post. This looks so nice! Now I'm really excited to see more. ^^

Amy Wallis

This is perfect! Thank you all so much as always for your hard work!!


I'm glad you guys are working hard to make this game the best it can be. Looking forward to whatever's next!


Building is one of my favorite things in the sims, but it feels restricted. I hope to be able to make funky fairytale-like houses with your Paralives build mode. It looks promising! :) I have a few questions about features that I did not see in this post. I would like to recreate houses of my country (I'm from the Netherlands). Will players be able to: 1. make dormers in roofs? I would really like to make a room with a slanted roof where you create extra (head)space by making a dormer (instead of boxing the dormer in with walls). 2. make (half-)twisting staircases? I would like to make staircases that take up a rectangular space, but which do twist. For example, they go up straight from the first floor and then turn 90 degrees at the top so you exit the second floor to the right. 3. make terraced houses? I imagine making a lot where multiple housholds live, but only one household is played at a time (like in the sims 2 appartments). 4. make very low walls? For example to recreate old houses which were built when people were smaller. Or to make walls half a person's height, to make a tiny house with a low-ceilinged mezzanine just for sleeping. And lastly: 5. Will you make build objects inspired by multiple cultures? To contrast: I have the feeling the sims is focussed on making American-style houses. Thanks for sharing your work with us. Keep up the good work!


I love this progress, i can't wait to play with the build tools and make my first parafolk




Thank you for your questions and comments Marieke! 1. We are still thinking about the build tools that we will create for roofs. We aim to make it so your Paras can move and live under a roof, as long as there is enough space. We'll be able to share more details about that when we get to test it! 2. For now, our stairs do not have all the options and features yet but L shaped rectangle stairs with angled twisting stairs is something we'd like to study to see if we can do it (it's a technical challenge) 3. The plan is to add an apartment-like feature down the road but it might be after release, in an update 4. The challenge with small houses with low ceilings is that we would have to handle the animations to make it so Paras can walk and do all their interactions while crouched which is a big challenge for us. If the ceiling is too low, maybe children and pets can walk under it but not adults. We'll have to test that and see! 5. Our goal is to make all kinds of objects and furniture in different styles and inspired by many cultures. We got a lot of suggestions related to that in the cultural diversity survey that we did on Patreon last summer! Thank you!


deffo give us a good choice of presets , but "do anything" sounds reeeeeaaaaal good


This is pure magic, I'm in love with everything 😍 Some questions : Will we be able to have rooms with different wall heights on the same level? And will walls can be attached to the border of a lot, so we can create terraced houses? By the way, keep up the good work!


This looks incredible!

Kaitlyn Jackson

Reminds me of actual professional 3D software that I've used! 😍

S&M Gonzalez

I was so happy to get the new patereon email today (im just now checking my email lol) and i'd been really excited to see new progress on build mode as well. Regarding to the split level and building them as shown in the photos, would it be possible for them to act as stairs as well?

S&M Gonzalez

also my second question just thought of is, will it be possible to have a small/shorter door as an entrance to a home that's sometimes seen in israel? but the home itself isn't smaller just the door haha.


All of this is making me ugly screech with joy omg, especially the vertical slices on walls with different paints on *0* it's so funny, plumbella@YT was just talking about wanting that in the sims 4 in a recent video and i thought "wonder if Paralives will do that" and you have!! xDD it's gonna be so useful for panelling and wainscotting :D :D also.. just wondering, do you know if it will be possible at this stage to attach different heights of walls to each other? so having a room with three walls a smaller or taller height and the fourth being shared with a room of a different height? thanks again :D have a lovely day!!


I'm not a builder at all but I really enjoy seeing all the possibilities you guys are trying to implement! You can feel the passion! I'm curious to see if there will be a possibility for those like me who are not so good at building to find premade floor plans, or to find floorplans made by other user to use as a base for our character's houses!


Looks great! I hope you'll add an option to toggle snapping on and off, and if it was possible to make split floors without having to create walls first it would be even better


What if to make split levels there was a special dotted line tool that would act like an invisible wall but just temporary leave a dotted line down, and then you can slide the hight of it up and down, which would delete the dotted line


I would love to see the ability to be able to build underneath the split levels, take for example, a bathroom underneath a split leveled appartement, or a lower kitchen, underneath a bedroom, giving life to studios or small appartements

Anna Wendel

I love this!! So excited. Great job so far :)


Progress is looking amazing! Can't wait to build with curved walls, I have so many ideas.


I feel like once the game comes out on steam you could probably find lots of floor plans made by the community!


Being able to finally do Victorian turrets is such a dream. The adaptability of the structures is really amazing and allows for so much opportunity.

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Bdw, I think wall textures n uploadable textures is something you guys may have already considered. Wb gameplay interactions with said textures ? Eg diff between wooden concrete and brick walls

Bohnita Roy Choudhury

Also wbu curved wall heights n roofs that fit to that ? Or thin wooden pillars supporting strait slanted roofs over them. Like a slanting upwards wall becoming round in the middle over a window and them slanting down again n a roof fitted to it. Or the wall by the gate of a children's playschool being in a wavy height top shape

Giammarco Victor Venturi

it's almost like the programs that I use to make my projects. I love it! It looks great. I can't wait to build something!


Like a selecting tool ? Click, grab and drag the area you want to spilt/elevate/delete