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Hello there!

I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a great time (for us Canadians it was back in October)! I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the whole Paralives team, to thank you for your generous support and for believing in the project. We're incredibly grateful and we couldn't ask for a better community. Thank you!

New Postcard

We're preparing to send a new postcard signed by the team in December. Léa is currently working on an artwork for it and it's looking really good! We'll send it to every Patron who will be on the Hero or Legend tier on December 1st. If you are interested but are not ready to upgrade your pledge permanently, you can totally upgrade to the Hero or Legend tier until December 2 and downgrade back after that. Just be careful to update your address on your Patreon profile so we can send the postcard!

Here are some of the pictures that Patrons from around the world shared after we sent our first postcard back in August:

Chalet Update  (For Patrons only. Please don't share.)

We're still working on the Canadian Chalet, a house that we'll build from scratch in a future video. Léa did some nice work on different floor plan configurations but we're still trying different things!

We'll do more tests and share progress as we go. Tell us if you have more ideas for this house! Aside from that, here's a few things that we still need to do before we are ready for this house building video (probably early next year):

  • Improve the build mode user interface to make it pretty and easy to use
  • Add more furniture and decoration options to the game
  • Create more wall and floor textures to the game
  • Polish some technical aspects related to the build tools

Family Tree Poll  (For Patrons only. Please don't share.)

On the team, we often have brainstorming sessions to discuss different ideas and find innovative solutions for features to be added to the game. This week, we brainstormed about the family tree. We really want to add that feature in Paralives to allow players to see their whole in-game family and ancestors. We've got some nice ideas already but we wanted to ask you: what kind of features and options related to the family tree would you like to see in Paralives? Tell us in the comment section and maybe we can add some of these ideas to the game! Also, please vote in the poll below: are you looking to play the game with large families or only with a few Parafolks?

Cheers and take care!




large families!


Large families for sure! You can always play single characters if you like but I always end up with a crowd no matter what!

Megan Santucci

My sweet spot in The Sims (all versions) is about 60-70 PCs in about a dozen households. 😂 GIANT FAMILIES YES.


Also the angled stairs on that floorplan made me want to squeal with excitement!

Samari Prime

I'm more of just 2 or 3 characters that's it for me lol.


I'd love to see more actual gameplay focused around families - like, in the Sims 4, once a family member grows up and moves out, then there's no real connection to the rest of the family... I'd enjoy playing with big families a lot more if Paras had better automation (so I don't have to worry about every single family member doing nothing but drink water all day and then dying) and if there were more family-specific interactions & mechanics (like going home for the holidays?? Actually having unique family dynamics like "distant family vs. close family", clashing personalities w/in a family environment... etc.)


I voted for a few characters, but I also very much like to build houses!


I think just having the option to see your paras whole family is great! Whether the parents are divorced or there's half siblings. Maybe you could even see who someone in the family tree is dating or engaged/married to


While my "ideal game as peer me 20 years ago" involves somehow managing entire towns, I don't think that actually works all that great - I think uncontrolled characters allow more game design freedom, and if you need to change locations - even in "one large world setting" - it quickly gets really annoying. Though I suppose you could do much better with a control scheme that's closer to e.g. Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress, where particular pawns have their set schedules and only require occasional intervention.


I think family trees are such an important part of the game. I like to have long lineage in my families, its a way I like to track my progress and see how far they (we?) have come. I feel like it adds such an important layer to the game. The chalet floor plans look AMAZING

Laura Burchart

I like a mix of both! But big families give more to the game personally!


One thing I'd really like is to build a family tree and establish different relationships when creating that family, so you could set two paras as being grandma and grandson or aunt and nephew without having to have other paras to link them. Also maybe setting relationships when creating a family? So I could set up before the game starts if two paras have a good or bad relationship or if they have a romantic relationship that isn't necessarily married or something

Megan Santucci

Also, I love the floor plans! Including GARAGES. 😍


I usually prefer smaller families (3-4 people), but I love being able to go back and look at their ancestry (like the sims 2 did) :)


It'd be cool to have stats on how many Paras possess this gene, this trait, etc.


It would be great if we would be able to choose between managing on character of a family or more than one. In the sims I always started with my sim, than when my sims become parents I often loose interest on playing with all of them.


I would love an in-depth family tree! I want to see relationships like great grandparent, grandparents, niece, uncle, nephew, etc. It would add such a homey feeling into the game.


I'd love to see extended and distant family in the tree. It'd be nice for paras to recognize those people as family as well.

Kiya Averhart

I play with few characters, but multiple households of the family I created. Family tree would definitely be nice!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

I would like to be able to fully control the family tree in Create a Parafolk. Sims is quite limited in setting relationship statuses in CAS so a lot of players use cheats after creating the family or characters. It would be nice to have that all available while making the Parafolks. To add to this! Being able to select Parafolk that AREN'T in your household as relatives would be awesome! Like say you make a cute couple and their kid, but then you want to make the grandparents. Instead of making them all at once, you can make the grandparents' households later and for the family tree you can select Parafolk that already exist in the world! And to add if their relationship is good or not would be awesome. Someone else said this and I loved it so I'm adding it to mine to increase the chances of it being seen: Household Rotation Play! If you like playing multiple households you can have them in a rotation so after a set amount of days it automatically changes you to the next household and after you've played all households, all families age up the same amount together and you start the rotation over! This would be so helpful for those like me who play practically a whole town 🤣 And if you prefer to play only 1 household then you will only have 1 household in your rotation.


Legacy gameplay is the only way I play and Family Tree's are VITAL. In the Sims, I normally track them outside of the game because the in-game trees are so limited. I'd love to see a place where we can keep details about past generations on the tree. Maybe a little bio, screenshots, their career, etc. I would be happy to manage it all if I just had a place to write in these details and select which screenshots get attached to the para. I would love to be able to go back 5 generations and have a whole little scrapbook about past paras <3


I love Legacy play so a good family tree is a must.


I usually play with only a few characters, but being able to look back is great to see the legacy of the family, especially if they're well established rich Paras who are proud of their family heritage. And in terms of premade Paras it'd be an interesting way to get to know them more. Perhaps some Paras would have their greatest achievement in the family tree and we would decide what that would be, e.g. Richard von Crust IV - established family business Crusty Pastry or something like that


I usually play with big families but I think it would be fun to have the option to decide how many characters you are playing within a household. So that the rest of the household is managed by the game.


I would love support for *Rotational Gameplay* meaning a built-in system to support this. For example, if the town has multiple premade families, there is a screen to add/ remove families into your rotation (let's say 5), set a time length (1 week in game/ per family), and you basically would play each family in order until you finish a cycle, then go back to the first family of the list. Time and aging would be frozen for the families until you play them, then at the end of each cycle, all played and NPC would age up (in this case by 1 week).


I'd love to have an in depth family tree!! I'd be cool to be able to set them how I want, like if I decide to add a different para ino the game and want them to be a uncle or something to another family then I can do that!


I am almost exclusively a builder, but I like the idea of realistic, in-depth family trees for legacy challenges and that kind of thing. I want to be able to see who my paras’ cousins, aunts and uncles are!


I like to make a whole load of characters and switch between them as I get bored, but I don't know if that's just because TS4 isn't amazingly fun to play if you don't have some kind of story or goal you're working towards. Paralives might end up changing my playstyle!


I love family play, and adore big families. But also, I like to have interconnected relationships across a neighborhood (so I can play my main family, move the daughter out and have her start her own family, play the neighbors, and switch between families at will), so it would be ideal if the game mechanics allowed for this. If you're planning some kind of story progression for the neighborhood, for example, it would be great to have the option to turn it off/turn off aging except for the household you're currently playing. That way we have different options for different playstyles, and the possibility to create and play with truly massive extended families if we like. :) :) As far as family trees/paras recognizing family members goes, I'd love it if more extended, more distant family members were recognized. I don't necessarily need fourth cousins to be recognized, but I would loooove it if great-grandparents, and perhaps even great-great grandparents, showed up in the family tree and were recognized as family by their descendants. I'd also love cousins, aunts and uncles, stepfamily, and in-laws to be recognized somehow!


I play many many characters in Sims 2 and do a rotation style play. I love to switch between characters so I can have all of my Sims connected in the neighborhood and get really good stories out of it. That’s a key feature in Paralives I need for the game to be successful, that we can switch between households and play each household separately


I like to play with many characters and big families, 20 slots in the household just for parafolks only, I'm here for it 😊 and yes, 20 more for pets please! 💫❤💫


Agreed, and a rotational gameplay mechanic would help address this. The member of the family you moved out could be added as their own household in the rotation list. I would love support for *Rotational Gameplay* meaning a built-in system to support this. For example, if the town has multiple premade families, there is a screen to add/ remove families into your rotation (let's say 5), set a time length (1 week in game/ per family), and you basically would play each family in order until you finish a cycle, then go back to the first family of the list. Time and aging would be frozen for the families until you play them, then at the end of each cycle, all played and NPC would age up (in this case by 1 week).

Megan Santucci

It would be funny if there was a "compare family tree" social interaction so your Para could realize they're second cousins once removed with their new coworker. 😂


This is a toughie for me bc I like huuuge family trees but only want to manage a couple paras at the same time. Can't really vote as of right now! What I'd like to see in a family tree is what families joined through marriage! i.e A marries B, and in A's tree you see A's family but also B's family and ancestors. Idk how long it would take for this to become difficult to program, but I always enjoy seeing like, a character's cousin gets a kid who ends up marrying someone, and they're related to the main character in a way so those roots spread far and you get to see that! Speaking of which, I'd love to be able to play as say, a teen para in a household with lots of brothers and sisters without having to manage them all, just the one para. Household NPCs if you will. And preferably I'd also take control of a single para in another household at the same time... loved that about The Sims Medieval ❤️

Diamond Nicole

I love playing with the same family to see how intricate my family tree is. I think Having the option to see a whole family tree would be great! I also think using some of the symbols that you would see on Genograms would be handy to show divorce, step-children, remarried, half-siblings ect. And if you were to click on the picture of a para in the family tree, it could show their personalities and anything that makes them unique like deaf/hard-of-hearing, mute, vitiligo, ect. As a way for players to see how their paras got certain Genes especially if those genes "skipped a generation" . Keep up the good work ❤❤


I would like playing with a family of 4-5 paras and then lots of pets (like several cats, several dogs and several horses). In sims for example if you have a family of 5 you can only have three pets. Which is kinda a bummer if you want to have a few horses, some cats and a dog (which is a normal real life set up)


A game option/mode to play with only one para in a household! lets say you have a family of 4: mom, dad, sister, and your para. Mom dad and sister will go about their day without you needing to control them. They will develop their own relationships, level up (or level down) their own careers and skills, and basically be autonomous paras you can live with. So you can focus on your main parafolk without having to worry about everyone else's wellbeing!


It would be awsome with more in depth family trees, and with more than just the basic relationships! I want step-parents/siblings, and half siblings, maybe foster-family is an option as well? a family today can be so much more than just parents with children! And also, great if paras can recognize cousins and other relatives outside the household you play with, so its easier staying in touch with them! Cant wait for this game😍


I love that there is a hot tub included! But please also attach a bathroom to the bedroom upstairs---even if it's only a half bath! If that's the master, it needs a bathroom. Also, the more extended my family tree is, the better. I do love the idea of "compare family trees" but not sure how difficult that would be to integrate.

Aaron J Levesque

For the family tree I’d love to have family trees that spread to a wide variety of relationships like Step Brother, Great Grandma, Aunt/Uncle, Cousin! I love to play with families and often let families move around and build different lives with them in different households! It would be so cool for paras cousins to actually have a relationship with each other from birth as “Cousin”


But at the end of the day I'm a total builder and honestly if that system is good I would still buy regardless of how the rest is.

Judi Dielman

If you can, please make it so the family tree shows the entire family, even after culling. For all families.


Something I wonder with family trees, will it show the biological parents as the parents or those with custody/adoptive parents/parents where one used sperm donor ect?


Just like to play one household? Only have one household in your rotation list. That way you're continuously playing that household. And you can add or remove households in your rotation list at any time. Having aging/ story progression options is nice to handle what happens to families in the town that are not in your rotation list.


A family tree would be very nice, and I'm mostly content with anything as long as the people you aren't currently playing still interact and for example have children, marry etc


I love making big famillies and then making the offspring have big families and so on. Basically, I like to populate the whole town with my own characters. Would love to be able to create a lineage in PAM, especially if we get the options to "create the character" or "list character" or something, thereby choosing which relatives will actually become Paras into the world and who will only exist within the family tree.

Rose Klein

I usually play a single... person... damn that was a close one lol but very often I like to play huge families and watch the drama unfold, so I'm on both ends. Sometimes I don't care about family trees and next time I see myself being frustrated when I can't fin great great auntie Susi.


I think it would be great to have the opportunity to edit a family tree while in game (add of remove ancestors).


Yes, agreed! It would be great to be able to set two paras as married in the paramaker, but then give them children that are related to only one of them (so, essentially creating blended stepfamilies). I don't know if you can do something like that in Sims 4, but I know you can't in earlier games. Also, I'm not sure quite how this would be implemented in the programming, but sometimes I want to create families of grandchildren being raised by their grandparents, with the parents out of the picture. To do that I have to create the parents, the grandparents, and the grandchildren to set up their relationships correctly, and then I usually kill off the parents first thing in gameplay. But it would be amazing to be able to somehow do that in the paramaker--so the grandchildren have their parents in their family tree, but the parents never actually had to exist in the game for real.

Rose Klein

Oh yes! Complex family trees! I also wanna ad that I'd love a wide variety of relationship statuses when I'm creating paras. Best friend, fiancé, uncle, crush, enemies etc.

Sara Coulter

I think it would be amazing if you could add information about each para on the part of the tree. Like how they died, what they loved to do, did they have a favourite children, did they fall out with their family members ect. To add a bit more interest and storylines. An example could be, Para A fell out with their sibling Para B.


I usually play with one lad at first and then grow the household from there. I stop at about 4 people usually but the reason for that is because the AI becomes so frustrating. I think I'd love to play with larger groups if they were smart enough that I could stop micromanaging.


I like to play multiple households, rotating between them. For family trees, I'd like to see several generations and also step-parents /siblings. And if adoption is part of the game, maybe the ability to set the parents in the tree when a child is adopted (or have some sort of note of the original bio parents if they exist).


Ive always wanted a life sim where you can grow your family but you still only control 1 character, just like in real life kind of, like you could affect them like your kids or other family members. It would be nice to have the option to only control 1 character or not


I'd like more complex family relations. Something I liked in the sims 2 was that if one of your families children got taken away, you could make another family adopt them however, what I didn't like was that it erased all the data and memory of their pervious family relations, they weren't in the memories or in the family tree. It's also really weird that they can still get with a family emember of their previous family because the game no longer considers them related.


Having a photo album component would be amazing. Say para Elodie had three photos attached to her line; image of her with parents, first sleepover, her wedding. Then down the line her great great grandson has a photo of the first time he jumped in pool and then another at a potluck with friends. There would be a max of 3 photos per para on their line so it wouldn't be overwhelming. It'd be really nice to see the history in a more emotional visual form.


I love playing with gigantic families with complicated trees. A tool that I love for the Sims family trees is https://www.theplumtreeapp.com/. It has all the features I need and I would love to see some of them in Paralives.


In other games, I have ALWAYS played legacy style, my longest legacy being 16 generations. I’ve never played differently, so this is how I imagine myself playing Paralives as well. I also love love love the building (wish I could have voted for playing big families AND building houses!), working my legacy family from their little 3x5 shack up to million-dollar mansions! The floor plan looks super interesting - I can’t wait to see it take shape! It’s fun, imagining what it’s going to look like when it’s finished!


Hi Pleasant Sims! I totally agree with this. I would love rotational gameplay but built into the game. For example, if the town has multiple premade families, there is a pop-up screen option to add/remove families into your rotation (for example, 5), set a time length (1 week in game per family), and you would basically play each family in order until you finish a cycle, then go back to the first family of your list. Time and aging could be frozen for the families until you play them, then at the end of each cycle, all played and NPCs would age up (in this case by 1 week). Legacy play would still be supported in this system (just have a single family in your rotation list).

Maxayn Henderson

I start with one first then grow from there. I like generations. I will switch between families. The family tree should show extended family as well. Maybe if it is too large have the + so you can drop down. I saw someone mention having birth -death which is great. Another idea i saw was not wiping out kids that have been taken away. I would love it if when pregnant the mom/dad could put the kid up for adoption if wanted. But have the option to keep in touch.


When it comes to familytrees it would be great if you could see adopted kids and merged families also (like stepchildren). Maybe with at different colored "line" or something like that? :)


Really love the floorplans for the chalet, theyre amazing! I especially like the first one! As for family trees, having them detailed would be great, as many have said already, be able to see aunts, uncles, half siblings, perhaps even step family. What i would really like though would be the ability to choose someones relatives from outside of the household. Like say you want to create a couple, and then the parents of both of them and perhaps some of the grandparents siblings or the couples siblings, but they shouldnt all be in a single household. But creating these different households and then withint the PAM be able to choose their relatives even with people outside their household. That would be so great!


How about addiction, medical histories etc. "Carrying the gene for Alzheimers" etc. That stuff would also be nice to have in the "details" of the family tree


If adopting becomes a thing, I like the idea of "birth mother/father" and the child not disappearing from their family tree.

Taylor Riegle

This isn't related to families, but I’d like to suggest putting in a feature where the Parafolks react to how a house looks, like immediately complimenting a beautiful mansion or feeling disgusted by a dirty shack and other stuff like that. I’d really like to see this in the official trailer and I’d also like to see families have more depth, like in The Sims 2 where family members could do a family kiss. I hope this gets considered and also, have a great day!


I would like family trees to clearly indicate generations (not stopping after 3 and just calling people “decedents” for the rest) and have distant cousins correctly named too. Also, for premade sims, then having an established family tree would be great too

Lucy McClean

I would love to have the option of like "family photos" within the family tree do that we can see what the family looked like at different times and maybe some if their story, if that can be automated? It would be cool to auto create a basic narrative - jobs, lovers etc - and then to be able to see that looking back on it :)


I only want the family tree to be accurate. Family trees are one of the most satisfying things when they're robust. (I would like for it to also reflect divorces.)


My households usually have only one or two people in them because the micromanaging becomes a pain due to bad AI. Ideally I would love to try out bigger households as well. But then again, building is what I enjoy most so I don't really have an opinion about family trees. If they're there there, great! But if not, I will not miss them.


I like to *manage* 3-5 characters at once. But I would love to make big family trees split into several households. It's just that with many characters in a household it can quickly become too much to manage

Mari R.

One thing i would love about families is being able to divide them into different houses. Like, if I play with a couple who had 3 kids, when the kids grow up and move out, it would be nice if we could get each of the children in a different house on the city and manage all of them without the need of a loading screen. This ties with a feature that I also think its fun, wich is being able to own more than one lot per family. And then, let's say theses kids have kids of their own, it would be cool to see all of them in the same family tree. So in short, what i imagine is, since is an open world, whenever we open the lot of child A, we would get to manage them, and then whem we open the lot of child B, we would manage their family, etc. Or, we could be managing all of them even if we are in the lot of child B. Anyways, i hope this makes some sense lol

Paige Fletcher

Loving the look of the floorplan! I would really like to see extended families implemented in the game


What about a tree style, with the original Parafolk being the roots of the tree and the generations of each family branching out and being the leaves?


I like to manage only 1 or 2 characters at a time, but I play over several generations so the family tree is very important :) In terms of features, I'd like to see links between family members that are not blood-related (like married/divorced, step-mother/step-father or step-mother/step-father for example etc)


I like to manage big families I like to build houses

Ricardo Cazares

A option to indicate a newly created sim to have parents would be nice. Similar in sims 2 where there are premade sims with family members that aren't coded in the game because of death or missing. It's cool if it doesn't have that though, you guys are doing amazing!


I think it would be great if we could put multiple different households into one family. For example mom, dad, and kids can live in one house while grandma and grandpa live in another. But even though they’re in different houses, all of the people are in each other’s family trees.

Mo Des

For the family tree, I think it’d be also really cool if the family member didn’t appear in the Para’s personal tree if they didn’t know them. For example, if your para knows about their great aunt, there’d be a spot on the tree for her, but it doesn’t get filled out with details or the portrait until they actually meet her. But for that para’s parent, everything’s filled out because they already know who their aunt is

Maiden Minnesota

My answer to the poll questions is YES. 😜 Seriously, though, I usually start with one or two characters per family, then I breed and build out from there. I love to see the family tree grow and watch the genetics get passed down (when they work right), but it's very important to me that family members know who each other are (especially from the beginning--you may not have met Aunt Susie, but mom talks about her so you know she exists) because I love to have family gatherings with them for birthdays and holidays. I also don't want their relationships to decay over time if they haven't seen them because, for example, my IRL nephew was just here for the holiday, but I haven't seen him in a year and a half. It doesn't mean my love for him has faded during that time. People are busy. Friendship relationships could decay, but family relationships shouldn't.

Nicole Penny

I like to have a few households in a town on the go, feel like I'm in the minority on this based on results tho 😅


I like to manage big families, and I love doing legacy challenges playing over many generations. A family tree is VERY important to me. The one in the Sims is faulty. After a deceased sim fades from memory, they’re taken off of the family tree. So there’s no way in game to keep track of many generations. The last time I did an official legacy challenge I actually wound up using a real family tree website and made my own family tree for my Sims there. But it was a LOT of work.


I'm good as long as the family tree shows everyone in the family, not just the immediate.


My go to family tree for the sims 4 is the Plum tree app. Each person can have a bio, you can add the caracters trait, aspiration, etc. I like to build large trees and see more than just 2 generations. So it would be cool to at least be able to see at all time the direct blood line portraits (kids, parents, grand parents, great grand parents, aunt and cousins), but also have the option to see or export the Full tree for people that play the legacy style. That way players could always see the tree as a whole to see their progretion and also share their legacies :)


One thing I really want to see is the boyfriend/girlfriend and fiance/fiancee option from the get-go. And for me, I always seem to be playing with one sim

Megan Santucci

I think it would be cool to maybe use icons to distinguish. Like if your Para has two moms and a sperm donor, it shows lines to all three parents but the sperm donor's line had a test tube on it? Something like that.


Also, it would be cool to be able to see other folks tree whitout cheat. Like an interaction to ask to see their family tree :)


Big families for me, please ;)


It is a lot of work yes. Even the Plum tree app require a lot of work, and it is builded specificly for the sims :/

Mirka Lintula

I'd like the family tree to be quite simple and that one could see a large portion of the tree at once. It'd be nice if you could choose what photo to use for the deceased sims. Maybe there could be automatically generated options from which to choose? I liked the Sims 2 family tree but I disliked that all the deceased sims looked elders (because most of my sims died as elders). I would have liked to remember them as adults (when they were at their prime lol!).


I love to play with families, but generally when I play (in the Sims for example), I will focus on one particular character per day, occasionally switching to the others to guide what they are doing but focusing on one per day.


First of all, being able to change interface of family tree would be amazing. Having colorful lines between members meaning different relationship. Being able to have as many possible relationship and also ability to pick them in PAM - I want to be able create stepsiblings or uncle and his nephew, etc, it would be far amazing, if we could even pick something like first cousin twice removed. Then personally I wouldn't mind seeing bio about people in family tree, maybe it could also contain things like family heritage, memories, etc. And definitely I would like to see option to create big families without need of adding these members to active family. So for example, when I create parents and kids, it would be amazing if I could also add (or add later) other family members and they would just exists, lliving in different world, and could move them to game's world. It would be also great if we could pick status of some members, like maybe they already died. Or maybe they are unknown (it gives real possibilities to the orphan style of gameplay, or unknown father of baby). And because of this, it would be also great to add some gameplay features - if I pick unknown parents, I could still make those parents, but my para wouldn't know them anf could look for them. Or family members that never met wouldn't know each other and even their relationship to each other, etc, you can be really creative with this

Perpecede Celequex

I really like playing large families, but I always find myself giving up because of the difficulty of managing them with the limitations of the game. If you purchase multiple lots the character number restrictions prevent more characters from being born. If you switch between households there are a plethora of loading screens . It would be cool to have it where we can have multiple family tabs on the side, where we can easily switch between them and the inactive ones get trated as NPCs. Idk if it is feasible but it would be cool to easily switch between them without having to run them all at the same time. As for family trees, my one wish would be that it maintains detailed information even after the para dies. Maybe instead of a portrait there could be photos too, where you take pictures at different life stages and they show up there.... only brainstorming


This is more of a wishlist item so I'm not expecting to see it, but I would love to see a family tree that tells you relation based on the active Parafolk. If I open it with Maggie active, it'll tell me whether people I click on are Maggie's cousins, second cousins, great aunts, etc.


In all honesty, I prefer the style of gameplay where I constantly jump between different families in a town, play them for a session or two and then switch again, so it's kinda all of the answers

ღPark Nikkiღ

It has nothing to do with it, but I would like us to be able to select at the beginning of a game whether or not our parafolks celebrate Thanksgiving in their house, as well as other holidays such as Christmas, etc. Just personal preferences :)

Amy Wallis

I’d love to be able to click on different family members in the tree to see what they do or did (ie. personalities, jobs, etc). I love big and sprawling family trees, showing cousins and great-grandparents and step-families) but maybe you could have an option or button to only show immediate family as well?

Kelsey Griffith

Honestly I'd probably like to play with more characters and generations if the family tree was expanded. I think it would be cool if it could be infinite, though you'd have to make sure 4th cousins aren't forbidden from marrying. Doing one of those ancestry DNA tests will show you that you have far more 4th and 5th cousins than you could ever imagine haha.


I'd like if it'd be possible to adopt a partner's children from a previous relationship (from newborn to teenager). Something else that would be nice is to be able to build a family tree without having to play all Parafolks in the tree. For instance, grandparents who are not alive anymore. they're only there to give my Parafolk a history.


All those chalet floor plans look awesome!! As for family trees, someone said something similar to this already but I think it’d be amazing if you could tie a new para’s family tree to other paras from different households, although I understand that it might be a difficult thing to add. Another thing that could also be nice is to have the option to create paras who aren’t alive/aren’t living in the world specifically for a certain para’s family tree (eg a cousin who lives off world or great-grandparents of an adult who have passed just to give the tree a bit more detail to start). I love making characters so I can definitely see myself spending hours is PAM just fleshing out the family tree of my single para who lives alone lol


The biggest feature I would like to have in a family tree is being able to add paras after the original creation of the family. Like if I create a main family and then later create their extended family, I want to be able to edit the tree of the main family to include the extended relatives.


I would really like it if moving out a para wasn't as difficult as it is in the Sims. Also any money that was earned by a Para was theirs and didn't go into the family funds but they could save up for things like moving out. They could buy property/house on the computer get in their car/bike or cab and just move out.


I love how in TS4 you can click on a person in the family tree and see their whole family tree as well.

Elen Pink

It would be nice to see second, third cousins, etc. I always found it disturbing when the kids of two cousins would flirt randomly. Also, another bedroom in the chalet would be nice.


I would like it quite in depth from cousins, second cousins, aunties and uncles etc.


Big Family more gameplay ^^


I've always loved managing big families and feeling like every character is unique. The joyful chaos and the pace that result from this REALLY keep me entertained for hours.


I like to play multi generational games, where when I want to move on to something new I use the kid of my original family and so on. I think I’ve gotten up to about 15 generations so far, and it’s really annoying when I can only see the last generation or so, and no extended family of any kind


Personally, when it comes to gameplay I truly love playing the whole neighborhood by turn. So the family tree is super important to me to see all the connections between multiples families !


I play multiple households at the same time, and I like continuous lineage for storytelling. I see different households as unique "stories" I am guiding along. **Idea** I think it would be nice to store the family tree through a photo album in which the player can take or choose thumbnail photos of the Para (is that what we're calling them?) and write their own bios and save extra memories on that page (almost like a scrapbook, maybe a large portrait of the Para in the top center with the option for additional smaller photos the player has taken around it). Maybe each generation can be it's own chapter? I think this is what a lot of us were wanting when EA released photo albums for TS4 but it just turned out to be a useless emotional influence feature that had no visual effects in-game.


Hi! :) Family related point, in other simulation games when teenagers become adults and move out, its like they lose touch with their family and theres never really this deep sentimental feeling of the parents still calling, checking in on you, that sort of thing. When my teen moves out I would love for the parents to call them often and check on them, for the teen to be able to take their mom out to dinner, that sort of thing! Just a little detail I would love for you guys to consider if yall got the chance :) And lemme say that chalet looks so so SO amazing and thank you guys for all this hard work


Family trees are one of my favorite things in the sims games, in the past they have been done poorly but I would love to see a simple yet functional one!


For me personally, it’s important to see all the characters in my family tree at once. Since I play big families, it can become difficult to understand how some characters are related when the family tree in the sims (for lack of a better example) only shows me the immediate family of one selected sim.


So excited to see the outcome of this game!

Celena Colegrove

I would like to see extended family. Aunts uncles, half siblings, cousins, step family, etc


The bot deleted my first message... Thank you for everybody who liked my original post. ;-; Rotational* gameplay with big extented families (and family trees), the ability to choose to amount of manageable characters at the same time (see below) plus the ability to turn on/off the story progression and manage its settings, plus the ability to turn on/off aging completely or per household or per para(s) individually would be my ideal. The MasterController mod for TS3 would my suggested preference for it. ♡ My idea: would it be possible to create a free will system which could be determited individually? I refer to the hybrid system in which the player could choose how many paras' needs they would like to manage at the same time (in the same household). Whatever your solution will be, I really hope every para in the household will be controllable by the player; playing with just a para or two with a bunch of NPCs living with them in the same house sounds a real bummer for me. Of course, apartments would be the whole different ballgame. Perhaps, there would be the different households living on the same lot in the apartments, and the player could choose between them. I think the Sims 2 has the similar system but I'm not 100 % sure. *By rotational, I refer to the system the Sims 2 has; the player's "save slot" is the whole neighbourhood instead of a household like in the Sims 3. It allows the player a freedom to choose which household(s) to play with. In addition, it offers the player flexibility to create, build and fill the neighbourhood/world from the scratch of desired.

Morgan LF

I played the sims a lot and loved multi-generational game play and I always wished I could see more of my full family tree in one one go! All the spouses and cousins I mean, not just the direct blood dependents or ancestors.


I love to play large multigenerational families with all the branches, my current sims savefile is having royal families in each world with a successor, children used in political arranged marriages etc. the family tree on there just doesn't cut it but because I research real world genealogy I use the website I would use for IRL people to document my sims families complete with their portraits so I don't lose any of them

Elizabeth Gonzales

I'm an odd person. I get stressed trying to handle more than one character. I usually stick to one, even if I wish them to start a family. I think most times, it's because there's too much going on for them and not much in game time to manage them. As long as game management is balanced, I might not mind more than one character. Oh, and I mostly build, but for this reason. I do enjoy building. 😁

Nea Emrys

I love to play many different big families that interact and create big sprawling family trees together. heh. A suggestion: if we could add information to the family trees and specific section of the family trees, maybe even per specific person. When you create long stories spanning generations in simulation, you'd want to keep notes to remember everything, and it would be a great storytelling tool in that you can keep up the story and what's happening.


I love building houses! Sometimes I'll actually play the actual people xD.


I have different families. One character families, and many characters families, I love to play all of them. And of course I love building houses for them. So all poll options.


I would love a family tree option that gives details about that Para. For example it could list their career, eye color, hair color. So that if you're like me you can keep track of that. I would also like them to have a photo.


My play style is a bit complicated to slot into just one of these answers. I always start with one sim, then I build them up to a family of some creation. Then I control all members of the family. When my main sim gets close to death I choose one of the children to continue to play as.

S&M Gonzalez

I really like playing with multiple families and big generational families i make around town it gives the town a rich history in my opinion and seeing who ends up interacting with whom. For family tree option i think it would be cool if we could see what the past relatives did for a living,and be able to add a little custom biography of who they were or known for during their life. Also I'd really like to be able to see ancestors who married who, who divorced who, as well paras who remarried,changed their identity (maybe that can be a quest of finding the true identity) Children had outside of a marriage and step children. If paras change their name it might show up as a question mark. This might seem overreach but if we get titles like a 'royal' king or queen statuses for worlds in a later update, it'd be nice if it showed up in our paras family tree as well and being able to share that they have some royal blood haha. For ideas for the Canadian Chalet I think having a basement wine cellar,a small library would be nice, or a long dock with boats on the frozen ice.


I like the idea of having big family, but babysitting 7 characters in sims becomes such a chore that game becomes unplayable, if I had an option to "disable" (let AI control them entirely) some characters within my family, it would be great. Like at some point I'd like to focus on children only and don't bother about parents, but perhaps after a while I'd rather focus a little at parents and let the AI decide what children will do with their early lives. So that would be like a "surprise me" or "I don't care about this person" button next to the character ; )


I often play with a single character, but I like to mix it up and either play with a small family or with a large group of unrelated characters (usually friends but sometimes a "reality show" situation of strangers living together). When I play a single character, there are many times when I will have them father children with either romantic partners or one-night stands, and the kids will be raised by the other parent for their early years. I hope that you will add the option to have one-night stands, as that's a reality for many people. It bugs me when games give you no option but to only go to bed with another character IF there is a romance/love blossoming. What if a person wants to play a Casanova type?


I love small families 1 or two children. I normally build the house they live in, never pre built.

Jessica V

I play multiple big, generational families that inter marry. A family tree to see everyone they are related to and unable to marry a para would be best for my particular play style. Also, is it possible to have a building library for places we built?

Caelem Swift

I like playing with big families but also smaller families, and sometimes even a single sim.

Christine Harvey

I play very similarly to this as well. I also like switching between the individual families as I play.

Jordan Harrison

I'm so hyped for this! The floor plans look amazing already so I can just imagine how incredible the Chalet will look once it's finished. I typically play with around 3-4 Sims in my households BUT the huge family tree seems interesting. I just might start playing with bigger families in Paralives. Can't wait


Definitely! Really hoping for a free will system that we can trust! In sims, if I decide to ignore a sim for a day, they are in horrible moods and skip work and don't accomplish anything. I want to know the characters I'm not actively babysitting will still function!

Christine Harvey

I play large families, and try to have intergenerational families living under one roof until they need to find their own place. I like to switch between playing each individual family as well. I'd be fun for me to be able to see who is related to who on a large scale and what each individual para's relation to another is. I'll usually make a few other larger families to have my "main" characters marry/be friends with as well.

Adam Snyder

https://www.reddit.com/r/Paralives/comments/jfz0gx/family_trees/ I talk about here but I have a non standard household so I would like to be able to create those from the get go without having to do work arounds

Fran Smith

Yes, I'd like to have some kind of notes place for writing anything I choose for my Paras. So that I can make notes about them and remind myself of what they were doing last time I played them.


I think it'd be interesting to be able to add notes to the family tree, especially for when you're playing a legacy family


I’m a rotational player, so I like managing different characters. But I like the idea of having a big family tree, to see who’s related/married to who =)

Fran Smith

Is it possible that we could have a way to choose our own family titles? Families are complex and most cultures do it differently. Even amongst western cultures there are different names - America used Mom, but most of the English speaking world uses Mum, then there's Ma, Mother, and for Dad, Father, Pop, Papa etc. It's pretty annoying to have to see "Mom" all the time - it is only American (and perhaps Canadian?). And you need to know that the western cultures are probably the most impoverished family cultures in terms of complicated family dynamics and family titles. Family language and names and titles are FAR, FAR more complex in most other cultures. Korean for example has different family titles for older and younger siblings, for mother and father's side of the family also with respect to age, and a lot more I don't know about yet - there's basically a NEED to have a complex family naming system, and I think that letting people choose the family titles for their Paras is probably the best way to do that. Some cultures, like the Korean culture, uses ONLY those titles to refer to each other, similar to the Chinese system ( in fact, the Korea culture uses workplace titles to refer to almost everyone, in the workplace too). And some cultures, or people just use personal names, so that should be an option too. Start with watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOi2c2d3_Lk

Sabine B

I've been playing Crusader Kings 3 recently and I love the family tree in that. It is more focused on royal lines and seeing past rulers, so I'm not sure how it fits 'modern' family gameplay. I definitely agree with other comments that we need to be able to see aunties, uncles, cousins, etc. Maybe have a toggle to show the whole family or just the immediate family? CK3 crashes sometimes because it's too much to load at once. The chalet plans are looking great! The big main chimney on the first one is perfect. I'm very excited!


Personally I really like to stick with the main branch of the family, but I'd love the extended family that have moved out to continue living on their own, meeting and moving in with SO's, having kids, maybe divorcing, etc., all of which I could keep up with via the family tree


I love handling big families along with building.


I would like the ‘titles’ like; mother, father, step mother/father/sibling, or if the child is adopted ‘biological parents and adopted parents’. I enjoy long game play, like a legacy kind of thing. I like having my original sim I started off with at the top. I also would like if you pressed or right clicked on a relative and you’d see how close they are/were and what they knew about them.

Korina Mills

I usually start with 1 character and then eventually have them make a small family, I also love playing multiple generations and seeing how the family tree evolves! I think ancestry in life simulation games is one of the best parts.


I love having multiple generations tbh. I will mostly only focus on one “character” and that characters family though. Like if my original para has two children, I will just choose one of those children to play with once older. And try to maintain a relationship with extended family. I would loooooove love love to have familial drama in the game though, and more complicated relationships. The sims has too much sunshine and too many rainbows. I’d love a bitter aunt that judges me, or a mean step parent, or an annoying in law - all of whom I can kick out of my house during thanksgiving dinner lol 👀


One thing I've always wanted in life sim games is family portaits/photos. I would be so stoked if I could see the progression and expansion of my extended family trees through large family photos and portraits. I think it would really add value to the gameplay.


It would be great if you could see some main details/facts about each family member that would provide the essence of what that paras life lived was like (maybe a little like the gravestone in bit life?). For example you could hover over your great-great grandfather and see he was a very successful doctor (lvl 10.) and died by an accidental satellite crash :o, etc.


Another could be a way to sum up their relationship standing to other members in the family? Like a green to orange to red border on a portrait could symbolise if they were a commonly disliked (red) para in the family, or they were in good standing with everyone (green).

S&M Gonzalez

Oh I had another idea for the canadian chalet, idk if you played Until Dawn but in their cabin there is a secret underground passage from the basement that leads to another building. I think it’d be cool if there was a secret hallway that lead to another basement/building underground separated from the house onto another property if it’s possible


I think it would also be neat to have some sort of "award" or "badge" that could be seen on the family portrait for any major life events that occurred to that para to show up. For example, a badge for a para who reached the top of multiple career paths, a para who had "saved/extinguished" # sims on fire, a para who had many enemies, etc.


I do all game play listed on the survey!😊 I would very much like to have some type of control over characters who visit my Para's family home or planned family events, i.e. weddings, celebrations, etc., and for my Paras to react or stay focused and remain in character throughout the entire course of a life event such as a wedding or witnessing a birthday or spouse giving birth, and not just walk off after an initial reaction or interaction. The chalet is looking wonderful and I'm so excited for the reveal!! Keep up the great work and thanks Alex and your team for all you're doing!!

Trinity Smith

An upstairs kitchen? 🥴


It’s not that odd. Especially with houses that are on hills like a chalet may be.


I may have a lesser popular opinion but I think the incestual relationships in the family tree should indicate all rolls a person has in a relationship. Even if it is multiple, for example: father, spouse or daughter, niece. If incestual relationships won't be in the original game, it might make this good to have in the event a mod is created to support this relationship ability.


Something I missed not having in Sims 4 is the ability to have a Common Law partner. It is very common in Canada and parts of Europe, and I think it would be very inclusive as there are some people who don't believe in marriage, but after being together 10+ years, calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend seems off. Being able to have marriage status and benefits without being married would be a great addition 😊


In US they call this domestic partnership or civil union. :) I’m sure they will add something similar


I like seeing the entire family including the extended family so you can see all your relations and how you are related.

Naomi Vincent

I definitely only like taking control of one animal or person at a time, but love bigger families if they can survive on their own without me telling them to fill their needs.


Same here. I'm only interested in intervening in one person's life, and really invest in them. Everybody else can age and develop automatically.


Your gameplay makes me wish Paralives had two ways for getting married: the one which requires romantic interest and the other which doesn't. It could be simply done by coding two social interactions which both lead to the same result. Maybe in the case of non-romantic marrying, there could be the other requirements instead which are up to paras' traits and other stuff - and if it is not too difficult to code. However, it would be very ideal for royal, historical and cultural gameplays.

Carole BM

De vrais bébés et bambins qu'on peut promener en poussette ou en landau (selon l'âge). Et des ados. Ne pas oublier les personnes âgées qui doivent avoir des activités à faire et pourquoi pas une maison de retraite pour eux ? Merci à vous pour ce très bon travail et bonne continuation !

Akasha O'Connell

I personally only like managing one or two characters at a time, but I'd also like the option to have a huge household if I randomly feel like it. It'd be interesting to try and do some of the sims challenges (legacy, asylum, etc), and those usually require a full house.

Manon Grandjean

... but whyyy? (I mean I get it if for example your one cousin who is not related to another one of your cousins, they could be together and stuff like that)

Micah Barrett

I’m very much a legacy kind of player. I enjoy having the big families and continuing their family tree to see as long as I can make it.


I like to manage many big families. One of my problems with sims 3 and for 4 is I started to feel so limited. With sims 2 I could create many many neighborhoods and create many characters to create stories. This is how I like to play. I don't want to be focused with only a few characters.


It really depends on how the world is. For example in the sims 2 because of how the game plays I've recently learned i like rotating between familys but in the other games I prefer playing a legacy family with a massive household.


Agreed with you! One of the Sims 2's benefits is the possibility to create basically limitless amount of neighbourhoods from the scratch which you can build and habitate as you like. With this system, the player never has the shortage of lots (looking at you, TS4). And as far as I know, rotational playing is easier than in the Sims 3.


I voted for "I like to build houses" because look at this, who wouldn't want to build this ? XD All jokes aside, the way I often play That Other Game™ is that I play only one character at a time. They often have children late in life (because I spent too much time earning enough money to build a decent house !), so they die before their child reaches adulthood. In effect I only play one character at a time, plus one child, and sometimes a pet. But over time it builds a huge family tree ! One thing I also ALWAYS do in any That Other Game™ franchise is have a neighborhood with two families, and pretend they've been feuding for several generations. Most of the time they just ignore each other and have children (plural this time) with other townies, until, when I reach the 5th or 6th generation at least, one child of one family falls in love with one child of the other family and I fusion the two family trees. Aaaaaah, feels good man. What I love about family trees is in particular the ability to check how physical traits were transferred from one generation to the next. If I have ONE character with purple eyes, for instance, I try to see who, several generations later, still has those purple eyes. That's honestly my favorite part of family trees.


Hi team! I hope you're all doing well. Have you considered adding the ability to create out-of-town relatives in the PAM? These would be family members who would be in your family tree but don't live in your household or town. It would work similarly to the household genetic system, but with more options such as "create uncle/aunt", "create grandparent", "create cousin," etc. If you don't add them to the household, you wouldn't be able to control them (without a cheat) but you'd be able to invite them over to hang out, for weddings, etc. I would love the immersion and any excuse to create bigger families!

NaJa Jackson

Good morning! Thank you for including us in these important decisions. As for the family tree, I would love the inclusion of step-members, half-members, first and second members (e.g. cousins), affairs, fiance(e)s, ex-members, and the ability to designate these terms in the paramaker. Would be awesome to also have ex-lovers, one night stands, crushes, and other one-sided and two-sided relationships directly in the paramaker


I don’t MIND managing large families, and with something like Sims I don’t feel like I can leave them alone cuz they do stupid things like make 10 servings of lobster then throw it all away. If the paras were more intelligent than that I would love to be able to focus on one para and let everyone else do their thing


I love managing big families, but sometimes it gets really stressful and (at least in sims 3) micro-manage-y, which I don't like. Having the choice between controlling only one, or controlling an entire family would be nice to have (or maybe toggle which specific characters you want to control, and which are autonomous). And maybe if the autonomous characters made choices based on their personalities, that would make the characters seem more real. As for the family tree, it would be fun if the kids could create a family tree has a craft project that could hang on the wall or fridge or somethin'. Just a though haha


Yes please for everything but especially asymmetrical relationships alongside symmetricals would be so awesome.

Kaitlyn Metro

I absolutely love managing large families. I would love to see family trees that can be extended to see aunts, unlces and cousins. I would like for paras to automatically have a bit of relationship with family members at the beginning of the game even if it is a distant relation. The option to invite over family on holidays. I would also like to see pop ups from family members about family things i.e. "Aunt: have you called grandma lately?" that would be so fun. I know this extends a bit beyond family tree mechanics but I wanted to share. Thanks for the great work team!


I don't know if this has been mentioned, but an option to disown family members could be useful for storytelling. For example, if a father disowned his son, this would appear as a mention in the family tree. Similarly, if the son has a lineage, the father would not recognise it. And if there are inheritances in the game, this could have an impact.


It would be awesome if the family tree displayed the legacies of the family members, such as what they did for a living, what they loved or what kind of impression they left on others. Then you could really look back and enjoy those memories. For family members you didn’t play, you could maybe make up their legacy, or get a random one.


I love this idea, and the idea of building in a memory system into the game, so you'd be able to tell stories about events that happened in previous generations. It would also be great to show fractured relationships, like a divorced husband and his side of the family tree with a different colour/indication to show that side of the family is estranged or something? I've always wanted more consequences for serious events like divorce, cheating, family fights etc in That Other Game and having that impact FAMILY relationships not just the individual para relationship would be super interesting. Eg kids being angry with a parent that has cheated and that relationship also needing to be mended?


I really love a variety of playstyles-- generational play as well as a neighborhood based game where I advance all the households at the same time. In other words, I want it all!

Dawn Star

I love playing between multiple houses and getting the children of families I play with together to start new families. I've had as many as 20 houses that I rotate in and out of at a time, some small families, some large, some elderly grandparents, some young singles too busy with work to date. Sometimes I have people together as teens and starting a family right away and sometimes I make them wait to have kids until later in life. I have the most fun telling stories to myself about whole neighborhoods of people.


I like playing with both big families and one sim. But I do hope we have the option to 'woohoo' many paras and have like the 100 baby challenge or being a gold digger to find the richest para and kill them off to take their money xD it's fun to play chaos I really hope there's no restrictions.


In life simulation games, I’ve always wanted the option of only controlling one main sim, with the rest of your household being the usual npc ai. Basically just to add more possibilities into these games. From my experience, when I can see all of my households desires and can control what they do, everything can get predictable and pretty bland. (I hope I explained it well enough, I’m pretty bad at putting these things into words haha)

Vicarious Human

Very nice job on the floorplan Léa! I love how detailed and organized the concepts are so far. It's very inspiring.

Jennifer Huber

I have managed households of up to 8 people and a couple of animals in there, as well. I like to have a lot of control over what happens, with the option to turn off that control if I feel in the mood. Having that option to turn control on or off makes the game better regardless of your play style. I know I may be a control freak about this, but I also like the option to have a small say in what happens to my playable households even when they aren't living in my current played home. MCCC gives a wonderful option with the Sims to keep playable houses that you aren't controlling out of the culling/moving/divorcing kind of situation when you aren't playing them. I like moving my kids out into happy marriages that don't disintegrate just because I am not watching them like a hawk every minute of the day.

Jessa Stephens

All my kids would hate me 😂. They would have control over whether they do their homework or not or go to school or not. I think I might shut down the game if they pass out in the garden and not the bed because they were clubbing on a school night 😭😭. I'd probably become a sorceress or something & order them around. I hate the NPC idea in theory but it would be so much chaotic fun!

Samii Muse

Sometimes I wish my families had a deeper history and storyline without making every family member right away. It would be cool to be able to add in someone’s parents into the family tree so a new sim feels more realistic from the beginning. So having some way to add directly to the tree without actually creating the person but adding a space for a bio.

Natalie Schaleben

My main gameplay is rotational with different families. I'll continue playing them through generations so the families become quite large and the amount of households to manage grows. But I think that's what keeps it interesting. Also, does that parking space mean a garage? As in we'll have cars eventually if not in BG? And does the laundry room mean we'll be able to do laundry? I'm sure this has already been confirmed/denied before but I can't recall seeing anything about it myself.


Cars will come with basegame (as well as bicycles). Laundry hasn't been confirmed, as far as I'm aware.


I would love to see some deeper family connections instead of extended family just being another person that your parafolk knows. Along those same lines I would really like the option for some more complicated family relationships like the ability to have an estranged parent or sibling or for a child to not get along with their parent


Glad to see there are others in the comments who love managing large families. I like to create my starter family max house size from the start (grandparents, parents, aunts & uncles, and their children) then manage all the kids and have them start families, and the family tree grows and grows. I'd also LOVE parafolk to recognize distant cousins! Or have some sort of sentiment that notes that the paras grew up together as children. That would be so so precious


I love playing with multiple characters and switching back and forth between them. I'd love the ability to maybe "load" multiple lots like a kid being able to go to the park with their friends while their parents are at home making dinner and doing the laundry and wondering where their kid is. I'm not one of those "omg we neeeed open worlds"-people from the sims community, but some aspects Id definitely appreciate. At least the ability to load mulitple places or for the paras to continue doing what they were doing even if youre playing with another para that is in a different place


I love to play with a few characters but my main passion is building.

Lane Brettschneider

I like to control multiple families of varying sizes and have their lives intertwine! I love seeing their family trees mix and expand. It's important to me to be able to see aunts/uncles/cousins, etc, and not just the direct line or nuclear family. Related to that, I like having the option to jump around and not have a family start doing things I don't want them to do while I'm busy with another family :)


It depends on my mood. The more there is to do, the fewer sims I want to manage so I can enjoy the world more (e.g. Sims 3). However, Sims 4 has brought about my love for decorating and building.


I personally like creating big families with multiple generations comprising of smaller family units. That being said, the biggest selling point for me would be to see features, options, and mechanics for creating and maintaining meaningful relationships between characters that goes beyond a checks-and-balances of relationship points. Achieving that might involve including features such as memories, perceptions, attitudes, personalities, family relations, habits etc.


A resizable jacuzzi would be nice. For example dragging it from a 4 person to an 8 person jacuzzi. Maybe penguins who can take a dip in the jacuzzi when no ones watching or raccoons or squirrels washing their hands in it. Also an option to add blankets over sofas to make them look more cozy. Other than that I hope couples can cuddle, kiss and massage each other on the sofa and in the jacuzzi, while drinking a wine, coffee or martini they made at the mini bar and sharing a blanket together


I would love if they had deeper relationships with extended family, such as children spending the night with grandparents. I want their to be a true and different kind of relationship between grandparent and child and not just the same actions that can be used with any adult.

Faith Brightwell

In my gameplay, I LOVE having huge families. I would want to have more family gameplay or everyone. More interactions and activities with babies and toddlers (especially babies), more activities for kids like sports, after school activities etc, PRE-TEENS!!! I would love to have preteens. Like some other comments, I would love my Parafolk to have deeper relationships with extended families. Also for create a para, I would to have the ability to make any family members: uncles, cousins, aunts, etc. I would also love to have the option to put boyfriend and girlfriend as well when we make them as well. Also for when it’s time to go to bed, could significant others please cuddle 🥺 that would be so adorable and cute! I also don’t know if it’s too much to ask, but I’m our save could we play with more than 8 parafolk in a household? I just LOVE playing with big/huge families

Faith Brightwell

Thank you for working so hard on the game <3 we appreciate you guys so much

Charles Follett

Definitely good to have a large family tree visible/ accessible so that you can begin stories with newcomers to the families that you want. To create some Lore behind their lives and ancestry :) Love the Look of the Chalet, from an architectural designer point of view the second set of plans looks much more viable as a chalet!


Concerning the chalet, nowadays people tend to love open spaces, so when you create the kitchen, you might wanna think about making it an open space, communicating with the dining space and the living room... ? People also usually have a crush on high ceillings, so maybe a mezzanine for the bed rooms, or the pooltable, would allow the living room to have a 2 stories high ceilling ? No matter what you guys decide, you're doing an awesome work and I know it's a lot of pressure, but we're already all loving what you're showing us. Can't wait to see what's next ! Good job <3


As far as the family Legacy goes....maybe also add birth certificates and marriage license/divorce decree to add to the Para's bio/notes. A place for education, career/profession, documents, etc. This could be accessed by clicking on the Para on the family tree. So neat....you could actually create a virtual edition of your actual family/family tree with something like this !!!!!!! That would be so freakin' bad*ss.


Yes....maybe also add birth certificates and marriage license/divorce decree to add to the Para's bio/notes. A place for education, career/profession, documents, etc. This could be accessed by clicking on the Para on the family tree. So neat....you could actually create a virtual edition of your actual family/family tree with something like this !!!!!!! That would be so freakin' bad*ss. Also what they ☝️⬆️ said.


Yes....maybe also add birth certificates and marriage license/divorce decree to add to the Para's bio/notes. A place for education, career/profession, documents, etc. This could be accessed by clicking on the Para on the family tree. So neat....you could actually create a virtual edition of your actual family/ family tree with something like this !!!!!!! That would be so freakin' bad*ss.


While I usually play with smaller families, I would love to try out a legacy challenge. It would be cool to have a family tree that recognizes cousins etc.


As far as a family tree I would love to see all relatives listed. I know going into 3rd, 4th, and so on cousins and such could get crazy real quick, but I would love to see cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great-grandparents, and even "chosen godparents" for each para. Maybe when you are creating a Para you can have the option to "develop family tree" using the genetics of the para you are creating and chose maybe 1, 3, or 5 generations to be displayed and a family tree would auto-generate. I don't know how hard something like that would be, but possibly there could be a feature added to choose which para relatives you might want added to the game for your para. I know it wouldn't be a huge fledged out tree, but possibly allow for "past" relatives to be added without having to add and delete out of game. I hope this makes sense...lol. I would also like the ability to hide relatives and family members for the para to add additional gameplay. Maybe a para's mom was a single parent who won't discuss the dad because he was a mayor or something and married so her dad is hidden from her and only a few para's know his true identity. It would be up to the para to decide if she investigates her parental lineage or not. Anyways, I'm rambling, but I would love these types of gameplay options for paras in regards to family trees and lineage.

Clara Rose Elliott

I've enjoyed playing larger families plus pets and roommates as well as smaller families. It would be interesting to have the family tree be something that could be added to by the player as non-blood relatives and adopted members wouldn't add to the gene pool but would still be part of the family tree. Almost like a mini-game.

Mary Breyer

One thing I really love to do is breed pets and have a family, but with the 8 household limit in sims if I have 2 parent pets, 2 married sims, 2 kids, then I can only breed 2 new pets at once, and I hope that we could have different limits on pets and paras that would be separate. Such as you can have 8 paras per house and 8 pets per house, or something like that would be super nice!


j'aimerais tellement que les relations familiales soient plus profondes et que d'un coup d'oeil dans l'arbre généalogique il y ai un émojis qui nous indique avec qui on est le plus proche ou qui l'on aime pas. C'est bientôt Nöel et c'est une fête de regroupement familial mais il y a des gens que l'on a hâte de voir et d'autres un peu moins, comme le toton relou ou la grand-mère râleuse. Ca pourrais ajouter des situations très drôle et hors de contrôle lors de ces rassemblement familiaux. Je joue beaucoup avec des familles et c'est vrai que les bébé sont tellement ennuyant, ça serai bien de faire tellement plus de choses avec eux...qu'ils foutent le désordre dans la famille


For sure, a way to connect the family trees of pets to those of their owners please. Pets are family. This could be done via adoption lines, or being considered child or sibling, or an extra but directly accessible section in the family tree, etc. Many possibilities for it. As long as I can see that my pets are part of my family, I'll be happy.


Je suis tellemnt d'accord avec cette suggestion ! Dans les sims ilsuffit de les garder en vie et de leur faire une blague de temps en tems pour être meilleur pote avec ses enfants ... ça craint !


One sure thing is that we need to be able to scroll in the family tree


I would love for there to be no cap on how many family members there are. As someone who has a household of 10 people [and 15 pets], I wish one day to be able to hold all of us in our big house!

Sherri Small

It would be cool if in the family tree you could see what the ancestors did for a living. Also, if they did anything special that might have been in the newspapers or on tv, like if they invented something or saved someone's life.


I would love the ability to add a familymember, even if the Para already exists. Like: Oh I want my Para to have a Sister. It would be great if she could be made without the need to be included in the Brothers household and can be placed wherever we want it and simply choose from a list or something to whom she is related to.


The main, and absolute most important reason I play sims, (and not other life sims as much like animal crossing and stardew) is because I LOVE creating long lineages of families that last for generations. Family trees are one of my most desired features. I think a large majority of simmers play the game for family play too, so i hope it's a big focus. I'd absolutely love it if on the family tree we could input our own data and write bios. Like maybe you open the menu to look at the tree, and when you click on the individual paras portrait you get an up close portrait (maybe you could take this photo yourself or customize it!!!!) And then it would have info about their career, personality and other basic things, but then you could add your own data and bios. I always use external family tree apps in sims (like plumtreeapp and spreadsheets for sims 2,) so the ability to have an in game tree that is detailed and customizable and doesn't cull relatives would be amazing. Like, maybe even instead of it working by a lot of code from the game, it's literally like a photo/memory/bio all in one menu that the player can customize, so the player can add whoever they want. So that way there doesn't have to be a limit to how big it is and no one gets culled? Think like in Sims 2 with the neighborhood stories feature. Idk, I really want tools in game to save memories and data about my paras. Anyway wow this was long! Thank you guys for your work and happy holidays 💕

Jana Mahlich

I do the same thing!! Please add detailed family trees and picture books! Personally, I always create a picture wall with all the pictures I take from the family in game... :)


I'd like to add people to the family tree that I don't necessarily have to add in the game, like a parent, ancestor or something like that.


Crazy idea: what if game offered option to choos in what age we whant to start playng? Ex: I open Parafolk for the first time ever and game aske to me "would you like start playing in the past, in present or in the future?" And would be awsome if time change with the growing character. That brings me to family trees. Like a real one. You could have old anchesters dressed and really lived "in the past". I know maybe is too much for a game. But that could be the most crazy and innovative feauter. Maybe that could be an expansion pack. Immaging the ability to set some parametryes about an intere world.. like choose wich kind of abits or traditions or object you parafolks will be able to do/use. Set the parametries for a certen time (ex 1960 no I-phon, 2090 all people vegetarian) you could set past but not the future world.. bcs that is on the player hands! And a parafolk life will take the nirmal amount of paradays, but he or she or it will live his or her life in a specific time To me it would be mind blowing!


If and when the game gets modding support, id loveeee to see mods that are only for certain times, 1980's cars and furniture/clothing, would be SOOOO sick


As far as households, I think it would also be interesting to include an option for toggling NPC/Playable characters. Sometimes when playing TS4 I get very attached to a character and only want to play as them and their interactions with their world/relationships. Sometimes it's too much to have to play as parents and their four kids so if you could toggle from just playing as the mom for a couple game-weeks or just play as one of the children for a couple game-days and the other paras will be doing actual gameplay (getting a job; getting in relationships) until you decide to toggle them as Playable.


True ! It's not because you want to play one main Para, that you want them to live alone. Sometimes, you'd like them to live inside a household, with other family member, without having to take care of them.


It would be great if it was very easy to switch from an household to another