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Hi there!

It's Friday so that means the weekend is here. But most importantly, it's time for another Paralives update! This week, we wanted to share some improvements we made recently to the art style of the game.

Developing by iteration

Like most games being made, we are improving Paralives by iteration. That means we often try to have a first version to start with and then later we spend time to improve that version for a second iteration. This way, we can integrate feedback and suggestions. That's true for the game features, the user interface and the art style. So the characters and environment you have seen in our videos are not final and we always work to improve the results. This doesn't mean we will change the style completely, only that we keep improving and tweaking our current style.
Improvements to the character skin texture  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

A few weeks ago, Sonia and Léa spent some time to make some research and tests to improve the details on the skin texture of our Paras. Some of you may have noticed this on a screenshot in last week's post. Since we started working on the characters early this year, we had a specific style in mind. We wanted to make the Parafolks look a bit like a drawing. That means visible sketch lines for shapes and paintbrush-like details for the color of the skin. This effect was not as good as we wanted when we showcased our first Paras, Maggie and Sebastian. We also collected a lot of feedback from the community and did our best to integrate these suggestions to add a bit more details to the skin. Keep in mind that we still have some things to improve but here's a before/after showing the difference in the skin details:

Note: Left is Sebastian and right is Charlie (our test character). Charlie is in our test scene (different lighting and accessories) so that's why some of the things look better on Sebastian. We mainly wanted to show the new skin details like on the knees. The eyelashes on Charlie are not the correct ones at the moment and they are missing transparency. This will be fixed! Also, the eyes on Charlie are not exactly at the correct size because an animation is missing. Keep in mind that freckles, blush, skin color, etc are customizable in the game.

New wall and floor textures  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

We also have been working on some new textures for the environment, mainly for walls and floors. That came with a lot of research to discover what style we wanted to go for. We wanted to show you some of the textures we made this week. We'll surely use these for our upcoming Canadian Chalet build. 

We are using Substance Designer to create these. It's a software that allows us to easily create different details to make an interesting pattern. It looks like this:

Have a great weekend everyone!






This is so exciting!!! I cannot wait until it comes out! I’m buying a new PC especially!! ❤️❤️❤️

Faith Brightwell

It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!! I’m sooooo excited for it!! Keep up yalls fantastic work!!!


Looks amazing. I am so ready to have a handpainted looking world!

Kiya Averhart

SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS!!! The para team have came such a long way!

Lucy McClean

I love the painted style, it's so much fun 😍😍😍


I cannot get over how good this looks😭👏🏻this will be an outstanding game designed and made by outstanding creators❤️


i cannot be the only one who........... rlly does not like this new art style. hopefully we can customise it easily? ;_;

Stacey Dunnachie

It's looking better and better with each update! Great work!


The art style reminds me of anime... Finally, I can make the anime of my dreams inside paralives! 🤣


I might’ve to check this on PC later, but I’m not sure I can this easily spot the improvement on skin texture/details 😔 if anything I feel like I liked Sebastian’s skin texture better? Hopefully that’s just me and my stupid eyes 🥺


Looks great! :) Keep up the great work!

Diamond Nicole

I dont know if I like it or not theres some things that I like in the after picture and other things that I like in the before. I wonder if there is a way to incorporate both? But yall are doing so well and I am so excited for the results!! ❤😍❤


this looks amazing! but to be honest facial-wise i prefer what sebastian's face looked like first (assuming that's still sebastian). i definitely like that the nose is more well-defined, the dislike for me lies with the eyes. they look too anime-esque for my liking compared to the original eyes. also the shape of the neck looks a bit awkward to me. these are just my opinions, but thanks for your hard work, devs


I hope it's not going to look like this in the game. I don't like this 2D rusty effect 😳


The eyes are just too big


Ohhh... That's so cool!!!!


I was afraid you were going to confirm that the art style won't really change, that it won't become more realistic. That's the only thing that really disappoints me in this game. There is already TS4 that looks quite cartoony (I had to download texture replacements for most things in the world and walls/floors). I was hoping that at least you would make it more realistic. But since it seems to please most of people, there is not much we (patrons) can do to influence developers. I am looking forward to hearing more about building aspect of the game.


Sometimes, people ask us if the art style is going to be more realistic in the end. I agree that a very realistic style could be really nice! But from the very start of the project, we decided to go for a more simple and stylish look. Realistic 3D models and textures are a ton of work to get right and games with these kind of graphics are usually made by teams of dozens or even hundreds of people. Since we are a small team, we decided to go with something more stylized so we can create a good amount of furniture and clothes for the game more easily and also, to save time to focus on making the gameplay great!


Wow!! I love the new art style!! I'm really not a fan of realistic video games so I'm glad you seem to be moving away from that towards your own style. I love all of the details and the softness of it. I really like that it looks like a drawing. I really can't wait to play this game and to see how it changes and develops over the years!! Keep up the great work guys 💕


I honestly love the new style for the paras. Its so nice


Thanks for sharing! Looks great!

Mikeela Chandler

I don’t mind the art style it’s what makes this game so unique.


That was another thing I had in mind... that maybe Paralives 2 would be really realistic. I do understand that you are a small team, you can't do everything at the same time.


I love the updated version of the Paras, especially the added face details (nose mainly!). The eyes are a maybe a little too big though? Thanks for the continued great work, guys!


I get the idea, however, I don't really like the 2D rusty effect. Hope it'll be more 3D and smooth and the cartoony details will be more in the little details


It looks really nice! My only suggestion is less lines on areas like the legs, unless they’re supposed to look really toned. It can make them look almost a bit scratched up or bruised, but I’m really happy how the faces are more defined now as it will allow paras to be more distinguishable from a distance where before - you could only really see their nostrils. Good work and have a nice relaxing weekend!❤️✨


I really like the look of this! Reminds me of illustrated paper dolls.


It's not Sebastian on the After one We're still improving stuff, the Right picture is missing the real eyelashes


I much prefer how Sebastian looks compared to the new Para concept. I do like the idea of having a drawing or stylistic look, but I don't like the flat look of the Para shown above.


I do really like the previous style better, imo. Still very nice floor textures though!

Faith Faldas

Can’t wait to see what you guys will improve on next. Personally I think the eyes are bit too cartoony, which might make customization feel a little limited. Perhaps a better balance between realism and cartoon, especially for facial customization would be great to see


I think it's because it's in a flat environment though Like a testing room. There is no lighting effects in that scene, whereas there are on the left.


I love an update on your amazing work, but I have to ask, is the new version of parafolk gonna look like the bald person? I liked Maggie and Sebastian as they were! I mean they were a bit cartoony, but I hoped that it would improve even better with time! If the new version is the para on the right it’s kind of a downgrade! I respect your hard work so much and I do not want this to sound rude! I just hoped sebastian and Maggie would look like how we know them, and then polished even better at the end.. not like that ! 🙈


Wow I am sooo in love with the new art style! 😍 Great job guys, I have definitely enjoyed watching the Paras get more and more beautiful with each update yall give us ♥️


Amazing!! Utterly amazed by all the talent and improvements you all keep making! Well done team 💓🙏🏻🥰


Love it! I really hope you’ll keep the ‘drawing’ style so you won’t have to sacrifice gameplay for graphics, you’re doing a great job!

Rose Klein

Looks really great! And everyone else, the dummy para has a different skintone than Sebastian and it looks like it's tested under a different light situation as well. We're only looking at the texture, not Sebastian.


The character on the right (Charlie), is our test character so it's missing a lot of elements on that screenshot. We'll post an updated version of Sebastian and Maggie later


LOVE the new art style!! Gives me BotW vibes and I’m LIVIN for it!! 💖👏🏻👏🏻


Though I do like the idea of more cartoony Paras (maybe more than most here 😆), I still have to say, this is definitely not my favorite look. I do know that lighting and etcetera influences the render, and that you guys are still working on it though, so I have faith it will be better! Best wishes to the team! 😁


I hope the style moves from Cartoon to Realistic since that's what got me interested in this project since the world itself is realistic (if its staying that way ), with having video cards that can do high spec renderings and raytracing (software/hardware), I would try and use these to your advantage .. if other games are moving towards getting humans to well look more human, then I hope the team moves forward to having the skin texture and overlook more human that means hairy arms, scars, pimples, spots/blemishes, hoping to have HDR textures on human skin, the tiny indentations of the pores, would also love to see the skin tones change depending on the location/light sitting near a fireplace the skin shows a warm glow from the fire. or standing in the snow the crisp blue glow ....


Maybe its because it isn't in the game or I am viewing on mobile but I dont particularly like the new design


Note: Left is Sebastian and right is Charlie (our test character). Charlie is in our test scene (different lighting and accessories) so that's why some of the things look better on Sebastian. We mainly wanted to show the new skin details like on the knees. The eyelashes on Charlie are not the correct ones at the moment and they are missing transparency. This will be fixed! Also, the eyes on Charlie are not exactly at the correct size because an animation is missing.


I really love the new details for the skin! I think people have to keep in mind that compared to the first picture it isn't rendered and some lighting is missing so thats something to consider too.


I adore the new slightly more drawn para's, I think it looks really unique and cool


I prefer the skin details on Sebastian and Maggie at this point and the only concern I had with them before was their body proportion, like torso, hips, bust, etc. and facial features, like nose, eyes, etc., which I believed I could manipulate to my own liking once I got my hands on them in the game, which I hope is still the case. This latest para prototype seems too cartoonish to me and I'm concerned with the flushed redness across his face, not sure what that's about. Although, it may be hard to envision the potential of the 'After' Para right now since he has no hair or eyelashes. Alex, I trust in you and your team's talent, abilities and I'll continue to support your vision and look forward to more. Keep up the great teamwork and have a great and safe weekend! 😊👍


I don’t mind this art style it makes Paralives unique and it’s own game, can’t wait for the final version


The improvements are clear and substantial! This hand drawn style is unique and eye-catching!


The amount of detail in the arms and legs is amazing.

Mari R.

I think it has really improved! I think people are fiding it strange because the backgroud in sebastian's picture is the game, and the background in charlie's picture is not, so that makes it look a lot different too. but overall i really like stuff with a drawing style, it's something i love in games. It was one of the reasons i fell in love with life is strange, because the drawing art style is so pretty. I think the final picture in paralives will look super pretty too!

Tauras Giedraitis

At this point it looks like the new Parafolk style is just a sketch in my opinion. I believe it was a mistake showing a comparison between Sebastian under original conditions and dummy Parafolk which doesn't even look similar in terms of face features, skin tone and body shape, not even talking about the wrong lighting and other factors. Next time please compare 2 versions of something in exact same moment containing same lighting, same compared thing/object and all of the rest conditions should be the same. Nevertheless I like new texturing idea and I hope that it will make the upgraded Parafolks look even better. :)


The fact that the para has individual toes is already a plus in my eyes. Too many games have them sticked together like a lump of flesh


I'm definitely liking the proportions on Charlie a lot more!! They look a lot more relaxed. In the side-by-side, Sebastian looks stiff in comparison, and I think it's really just the proportions. The improved art style is gonna take some getting used to, honestly. But the more I look at it, the more I like it. I feel like seeing it with hair will help, as well. Keep up the good work, guys!! 💕


The body proportions on Charlie are such an upgrade! I love it ❤ I enjoy that there is definitely more going on in terms of line work and blush effects in the new para design, which I think will translate well with scars, stretch marks, beauty moles, and other body details I would really like to see in the game. I think however Sebastian looks a bit more realistic? The eyes on Charlie are kinda big and the blush is very potent, though that might have more to do with skin tone differences. Either way I'm happy to see the team continue to iterate and improve on your work! I can't wait to see the full before and after images for Sebastian and Maggie (and hopefully a child para?) very soon. Cheers!!


The way Charlie stands is much more natural and relaxed, though the side by side image here is a bit confusing since they are in such different lighting/backgrounds but regardless the proportions of the characters keeps getting better and better. The artistic style is really relaxing and says a lot about the vibe of the game overall, which is what drew me to Paralives in the first place!


I absolutely love the knee details!

S&M Gonzalez

Im kinda on the fence about this new style, I love the depth given in terms of the knees, muscles on the thighs,and details of the feet and hands. However I’m not really liking darker outline it was more subtle on Sebastian and didn’t make him seem as 2D but this outline makes them seem more 2D... I think it’d be nice if this detail was put on Bastian and Maggie’s current skin.


Gotta say I'm not a fan of the heavily stylised characters. It works well for the environment, but IMO characters should be as stylishly neutral as possible, like blank slate if you will.


thank you for all the updates! i'm super excited for this game and know how much time and effort it must take not only to create, but to put it up for others to get a sneak peak of the process, especially since everyone is a critic i wanted to say that although i'm not personally a huge fan of the more cartoony/anime? art style, i can tell that the new skin has more detail and will allow for more customization i think what is throwing me off the most at this stage is that the character and environment art styles still look pretty different from one another. obviously there are many phases and more tweaks to come but i would like to see a more cohesive art style overall regardless of which direction it goes. i do like the softer edges of the building mode/environment and as of now, the new cartoon character style seems a bit more harsh and 2-dimensional by comparison. but i think its also just hard to visualize things overall, as we are only seeing fragments of what is going on so far.


Looks neat!


To be honest, I can’t say I like the changes. I knew we weren’t getting realism, but I was hoping for something... semi-realistic. Oh well.


I love the way the legs and knees look in the new version! But it'd probably be good to put them in similar lighting and stuff because Sebastian definitely looks a lot better here. (But I get that that's probably not actually the case )


Wow! The new art style looks like it has been drawn too and i am livin for it! AMAZING JOB


I like the new skin detail preview a lot, I think it gets across the style a lot better and I think more people will be interested in the game moving forward once previews start to look more like that


I love the improvements being made! The proportions on Charlie look so good and I feel like the new drawing stylization will really help to give the game its own personal charm! One of the first things that appealed to me most about Paralives was the style evident in the early videos as more realistic games always lack a certain charm for me. I’m so excited to see further improvements made to the game and I can’t wait to see the updated Sebastian and Maggie 💛


I love this style!! Though I do understand why others may not prefer it.


Looooove this new textures and proportions so much, makes me excited to eventually be able to make characters in this style. There’s this level of stylisation in games like this that is malleable for the player but still charming on its own and I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here.


I’m still going to buy this game when it launches because there’s so many things that I love about it. But I just do not like the way the character looks at all. I was content with Maggie and Sebastian. I really hate cartoony looks but I felt like they were a mixture of realistic and cartoony which was fine. I felt like I could compromise with that to please everyone and myself. However, Charlie looks like a complete downgrade and this is the first time I’ve been disappointed. I know the description says it’s not final and everything is customizable. Yes. But I still hate it. It doesn’t even match the other graphics in my opinion. Look at Sebastian’s background and then look at Charlie. Granted, Charlie is in edit mode and not in game but still. Imagine his aesthetic in Maggie’s loft. Looks like completely different games. I’m sorry, I just wanted better. I love 3D characters. Not drawings. I could work with the way Sebastian and Maggie looks like because the mods will enhance them greatly but... I just don’t know how much mods will do for this “improvement”. On the positive side, it does look like anime like someone mentioned before. Nonetheless, I’ll still be buying and supporting Paralives.

Adrian Silagan

To be honest, I'm kinda worried that the parafolk will stand out too much from the furniture because the furniture doesn't have that same outline/style like the paras do.


I prefer the first style on the Folk. It’s nice the update... but the first was so good! The second looks unfinished and contrasts so much against the realistic textures on the world/build items.


So comparing Seb to the updated para, and I think I like Seb more. Especially his inner ear detail, although I'm happy that they fleshed out the detail in the necks now. It's hard to compare the two though because one is in a test environment while the other is in the actual world.


I think my problem with the para's is that their eyes are a little funny, they are comically big and almost fish like. I've heard it's trying to emulate anime but I just don't think it works here. I think the noses seem to be rather big and clunky, i get that this is still in progress and you will probably be able to change the noses on each para but from all the characters so far it seems all of them have these big eyes and noses which look rather funny to me, Sorry if this seems hateful, but I wanted to be honest. Like what everyone says though, I think I prefer the old style over this new one, it stands out too much against the background.


Good job Léa and Sonia on the improved parafolk look. I do have a question. I have never been a fan of blush on cheeks (I know I'm the weird one), will there be a global setting to turn that off or make it much fainter? Thanks!


I like what you're trying to do, but for some reason they look 2D to me. I'd love to see the lighting cast shadows on our paras as opposed to having it drawn on their skin. Just my honest feedback, you're doing an awesome job.


I don't particularly like anime, which is probably why my initial reaction wasn't so good. I can see lots of people liking it, though.


Love love love. I'm sure the character models will look even better in the proper environment and lighting of the game! But I love Charlie so much. Nice work, everyone!!


But yeah, I do think the facial proportions could use some tweaking! Again, nothing but love for the whole team!!!


I feel like I can’t really have an opinion on the updated art style yet because the screenshot isn’t from within the game which would affect how they look. However, I do like the skin details you’ve added :). I know people want more realistic looking characters but I understand that you guys want a vibe and style that’s different and stands out. So I’m cool with whatever.


I dont want to sound horrible and I love how much time and effort you are putting into this but if I am being honest I like sebastian and Maggie's characters more than Charlie but that is just me I'm sure other people have different opinions keep up the good work ❤


It was a mistake to leave the new character that raw. At the moment, the one on left looks better because it is in game and has hair. Let's see the new in same sort of setting to get a real feel of how it looks.


I love the work that the team is doing, but I do have to admit this is one of the first times I’ve been ‘disappointed’. The outline of the new characters is very harsh, it’s very sketchy like was mentioned, and I don’t particularly like that. I like Maggie and seb beforehand, without the outline and with less harsh features, they were soft. The new details are fine, but the outline is just a no from me.. I feel very bad but it’s just not a style I like and I don’t know how you guys would go back from it now. I do really wish you just kept the outline the way it was and added some light details to the original skin texture, making them still soft and blending in. But overall I need to get past that and if it will just be like this still with the lighting and with a background etc and they aren’t planning to change it any further, then that’s okay and I’ll support it obviously. Also seen some people criticising the blush, there will be a slider for the transparency so I’m not worried about that. I do hope they continue to work on and improve it and take in some feedback. It’s just mainly the outline and harshness for me! Hope you guys had a lovely week 🍃


Unfortunately there are some rude people in these comments. I really like the details dev team! But I think a lot of people would like the outline thinner and softer. Cant wait to see how Charlie looks in the world! I think we’ll have a better idea then. Thanks team! :)


Yea, that’s why I wanna wait until I see what they look like in game. I think they just wanted to showcase the details added to the skin without spoiling the whole surprise of how they will look in game. All the screenshots that they’ve shown in the creation studio before have looked flat until it’s put in game.






I really like how the skin looks on Charlie and how their proportions look. With that in mind, I don’t feel like I can really compare anything else until the 2 characters are in the same environment with the same lighting.


Waw such a great advancement, I love the new design so much for the skin, but for the eyelashes I think it’s would be more pretty to have real lash, I means something from lash to lash. Thanks you team :)


Ahh I love it! The new body looks much more relaxed! I can’t wait to see Maggie and Sebastian in the updated style! I love the little details on the knees, too! I really do prefer a less realistic style like you’re going with, more realistic can get into weird uncanny valley territories haha


Love love love this!!!! It reminds me of the artwork for Final Fantasy 14 and Fables Graphic Novel. I love it!


I love the skin details, they look so neat! Tho I do think it’s hard to compare the old and new style together since the conditions are different, with that in mind I can still definitely see the improvements!

Myles Roy Revivo

This is just my personal opinion, but I'm not too keen on the "drawing" look for the Paras. They feel a bit two-dimensional, and with the bigger eyes the feel a bit more like an anime or cartoon style, which isn't my personal favourite. I'd say my personal ideal look would be closer to how the Sims in The Sims 2 looked, but that's 100% personal preference and very subjective, and also really, this doesn't affect anything about the actual gameplay and won't ruin the game for me at all or anything like that. Still very excited for this, it's clear that there's a lot of talent and passion going into this and I'm excited to see it evolve.

Bianca J

Hmm, I think there was mention that they might lose the the outline with the new character model....I'd honestly like to see the new character in more of an environment to clearly see what the difference is, just so we can see it with proper lighting etc.


I love this character style, makes them more alive


wow, it looks amazing


To be honest, I think I prefer the old style


This is incredibly fascinating - and it makes me even more invested in this project! You guys are phenomenal - keep up the stellar work <3

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

I think the added skin detail is awesome... but I'm hoping the colour and outline is just to make it more obvious so we can see those changes. If its not then I definitely prefer the skin tone and outline of Sebastian as it looks more real/natural and less cartoon like.

Mirka Lintula

The details looked pretty on mobile, but on computer they look AMAZING! I love the details on the knees, hands and feet. I love their nails! Good work, team!


I looooove the new skin details


Wow ♡ 💕 ♡ 💕 ♡ 💕 I love this new skin Alex really :) I don't like the little brown spots on the toes but otherwise the details on the hands are amazing. I see that you have also improved the details so thank you it's so beautiful I validate :)


I love this hand drawing style it's so poetic and unique ♡♡♡ I validate the new lashes💕💕💕. Can't wait to see Maggie and Sebastian in this new art style :D


I love this hand drawing style it's so poetic and unique ♡♡♡ I validate the new lashes💕💕💕. Can't wait to see Maggie and Sebastian in this new art style :D


Charlie's new skin has more personality and more detail. The skin on Seb's left is too smooth. I think it will be easier to be able to create different Paras thanks to all these multiple details that we can choose.


TBH, I prefer the old art style. The new one looks too cartoony for my taste for now. My suggestion would be that take the old style and make it more detailed without bending the art style too much. And BTW, back in Sebastian’s Summer video, I noticed that his tanlines would really need improvement


The anatomy is bomb, the team did a good job there, but the artstyle is way too cartoony for my taste. A little more realism wouldn't hurt. It's like Paralives in general looks visually so stunning and appealing, but this new style just doesn't fit and is, with all due respect, kinda overkill, ngl. I think I get what the vision was though, but it just doesn't do anything for me


Noone has been rude. The ones who don’t like the new changes have been extremely gentle about it, emphasising their continued support for the team. That’s the opposite of rude.


I mentioned it on Discord yesterday, but the only issue for me with the new details (the details themselves are beautiful though) is the big contrast between the skin and the outline and details lines. Maybe reducing the contrast and saturation would help the overall body to look less cluttered with skin details.


I love the new skin!!


Don’t change it because some people don’t like the way it looks. I love the way it looks❤️


I'm so happy with this update!!! I'm amazed at how much it looks like a drawing, I almost can't believe that it is a 3D game


Im lovin' it!


I'm a bit puzzled by this sentence : "Also, the eyes on Charlie are not exactly at the correct size because an animation is missing". Well... aren't people going to want to build different Paras, including with huge eyes ? Some people will have the option of "drawing" a realistic Para will small eyes, others will want to have anime-style Paras with huge eyes, and everything in-between. It should be a good thing to see different features, some of them more cartoonish than others. I don't really understand that line of thinking. I get that Paralives wants a specific art style but very different bodies will be created using it, so while I do understand the importance of adjusting textures and things like that, I don't think the size of things tells us much.


I adore the new style! It's so unique!


I like it, the old characters looked a bit fuzzy in the face but these are much clearer! They do look a bit more anime at least where the eyes are concerned but that’s more a creator thing than a preset thing


I think your work is cool. = 3 I don't like the anime-like style here. I preferred the old Sebastien styles. It was something new for itself. Take the old style !!


See, I disagree - it’s like the face is very cartoony but the details are hyper-realistic in the legs/body.


Every notch and curve is pretty harsh. I think the body needs to be smoothed out/blended. It looks like the “sketch” or “line art” portion before the drawing comes together in the end. Right now, it’s sharp lines instead of shadows on the body. (I guess this could also just be style preference tho.) I’m also not really seeing “male” immediately in either of these. The neck is too slim on Sebastian, and face too soft. Also, I really can’t tell the difference between these two. I guess bc it’s two different people and backgrounds ? Why is it so hard to make “male” features ? Haha. It seems like females are so much easier. I can never draw dudes well ...


I am somewhat horrified by these “improvements”. Charlie, to me, looks like a huge step backwards, somewhat like an early mock-up. He doesn’t match the style of the rest of the game (so far) at all. The walls, floors, objects, etc. are lovely and all have a certain level of realism. Are you going to then plop a cartoon character down in that setting? If the game is going to go down the cartoon road, then I’m afraid it will no longer interest me.


This comment is super rude and really disappointing. You should delete this and reword it to give constructive criticism without being mean.


The comment I posted on my phone isn't showing up for some reason, so I'm trying again on my laptop. I’d like to go on record to say that I LOVE the new art style. ❤️ I’m already envisioning the beautiful and diverse paras I’m going to be able to create! Seeing a side-by-side comparison and reading comments from the team regarding your vision for the finished game, I’m totally on board. 😊 People are of course entitled to their individual opinions, but I wanted to share that looking at the updated Charlie instantly put a smile on my face. I can’t wait to see updated Maggie and Sebastian!


I am glad that the porportions have improvede a lot. But please, the feet is not the best. Maby u all 7 should take time to take off your shoes and socks and study your feet. U will then notise that the big toe i really big because it has to keep u balanced, and the toe that comes after is a bit longer than the big toe! I dont expect a detailed foot, just right porpotions. So a shoe can sit proper on it. I have never liked the sims feet...and the way the shoes with a heal sits... it looks awful.


By the way the skindetails are a bit better. I especially like the knees...they look great!


To be honest, I was a bit shocked when seeing the changes in the skin tone and eyes the first time. However, the new style is OK as long as it blends into the game's environment graphics and the eye size and the lashes can be adjusted in PAM. I'm a bit concerned about the first one because Seb's skin blends so much better compared with Charlie's; I hope it is just the matter of the different shadowing. On the other hand, it's awesome to hear the eyelashes will be more transparent than Charlie has in the picture. They will very likely look much better than the Sims 4's default lashes. I'm really eager to see what these changes will look like in the actual game. (: In fact, the good aspect in this new style is that artistic graphics don't usually get outdated as fast as the realistic. "Borderlands" -series, "Alice: the Maddness Returns", "Okami" and "Bioshock: Infinite" come to my mind as the good examples. However, the downside will be the difficulty to mod the paras to look more realistic like somebody already expressed their concern above. I hope you will find a nice balance between these aspects.

NetherHeartz ~ ( Stephen )

I think the new style is a whole lot better, in my opinion! I don't want to go all in-depth and stuff, but I just think it overall has a much more cartoony and more expressive look to them. I think the top of the head could look a bit bigger/wider, like Charlie's, but if you're making that a changeable feature then I don't see that as that big of a problem. I love the art style!


While I like the new style direction and fully believe that going into a more "sketchy" look will give the graphics longevity, I'm a little concerned that it's too saturated / harshly outlined to fit into the current backgrounds? I'm sure it will look entirely different in game, though.


I really like the details it makes them a little more realistic without changing the art style I really like it! The only thing for me personally is I think there should be subtle highlights and contour on the face (little more details there) I feel kinda bad for the team they get so many different opinions but I'm glad they take feed back and that we are allowed to give our opinions❤️




Hey! I wanted to say that I LOVE your idea to make the Para's look like a drawing. Very unique and I love the detail I am seeing develop now. Great Job!!


I'm liking the new look. it does look a bit more drawn but i think the world textures aren't too far from this. I'm mostly loving the variation in skin texture with the different subtle patches of darker and lighter skin giving more depth. hard to capture the translucency of skin and all its colors. I do feel like the blushing to the face and joints should maybe be a skin option though. not necessarily a makeup option but ability to give more or less blush to someone. since not everyone has rosy cheeks. not sure how difficult it would be to program though. would def add more to personalization and customization.


I don’t think that’s what they meant lol of course you can make a para with huge eyes but in this case his eyes were held wide open in an unnatural state because there was no facial animations added.


Art style is so personal that it would be hard to please everyone. Just how I may like modern home decor, someone else may prefer contemporary or rustic, etc. I think the team should just follow their heart when it comes to style. Even with the sims people download custom content and mods to make the game fit their personal visual aesthetic. As long as the core features of paralives is fun and exciting I’m good because I can always use mods to change how the paras look to fit my personal style 🤷🏽‍♀️.


I looooooove the skin details! Also, I really like the wood panelling textures :D


oh my God I am in absolute LOVE with the new skin details/art direction! I know a lot of people want realism but I just love that you guys are going for more of a drawing style. I prefer it and it looks gorgeous! keep up the great work!


I think the only thing I’m missing from the previous version is the softness. This is totally a personal preference but it felt really dreamlike, and I like that vibe for a life simulator as it can be a meta concept. But I do think that the contrast is better as it really highlights the para compared to the surrounding. Though it does seem more juvenile, and I’m not sure where you’d like the marketing to lean. Beautiful work regardless! Ps. Those textures are gorgeous!


I loved what the team has done up to this point, but my initial reaction to this, to be honest, was quite negative. This model reminds me of the characters in an anime dating simulator, which will be great for some people, less great for others. But rereading the post, I saw that the authors were reiterating that the comparison should be in the skin textures. And the shading around the elbows and the neck is quite nice. So I guess my question is, how much of Charlie’s face will be a permanent feature of the game? Are the black lines around the bottom of their eyes the eyelashes (which the post has clarified is not correct), or will there be permanent black lines around the characters’ eyes? Will the lips become permanently two-toned? Will the outlines soften in proper lighting? I guess we’ll see soon with the updated Maggie/Sebastian models.


I greatly prefer the style or maggie/sebastian to the style of charlie. They seem to fit into all of the objects that you've shown so far much better than I can imagine charlie fitting in, even with the textures for objects in this post, maggie/sebastian seem to work better with them. Charlie looks very anime inspired, which some people will love, but more people will probably dislike, it's definitely a major turn off of the game for me. The design of the characters is something that is so central to a life simulator that it really does determine if someone will buy the game or not. I really think this could be a point where you might have to poll the patreon with more comparable versions of characters in each style and see which one people prefer. Just looking at comments on both character styles, maggie/sebastian seem to have less negative opinions than this version of charlie does. I truly want the best version of the game, and I don't believe the best version is with this art style for the characters.


I'm digging the style, maybe the eyes are a bit too cartooney for my taste.


I like how the skin looks but I don’t see it fitting in with the world and the eyes seem to cartoonish for me.


I think we're going too far with the cartoon style. This can be a mistake.


Personally im loving the style and the intended flexibility within gameplay. I am definitely not concerned about such things as the eyes etc, I appreciate we are in very early stages and that more time has been spent developing the gameplay. Bravo for taking on such a task and for having the courage to step up to it. I like many others await to see how this develops.


It's looking cool but I don't really see it fit the game like that for me personally. Don't get me wrong, I like the details and general look of it but I don't see it fit the world like that. Maybe it's because it is work in progress version. I have to wait for some in-game pics to compare before saying the final word ;)


All the new details look lovely and you and the rest of the team are all doing an amazing job! Is there any chance that we will get to see a darker skinned para soon or any afro hairstyles? :)


I actually love the art style of the characters! As long as the fit into the world of the game, I’m not expecting hyper-realistic graphics. It’s a personal preference but especially considering how early this is, I think they’re looking great!


I feel as though many people are put off by the eyes of Charlie, but that was not the point of this post, nor is it the final look by any means. Great textures! I love the watercoloresque style. Looking forward to next week... Happy Thanksgiving, Paralives team!


Well the eyes are “anime” but they also aren’t finished. I think the skin and body was more the focus for this post. However, I really do agree that it would be beneficial to have some sort of poll. I’d love to see a range of character styles and vote on the best one. That’s something that the Sims really did amazing on imo. Their S4 sims look amazing and are very easy to alter through mods. I’m not sure how it would be to mod these paras tbh 🤔


I think the learning point for the Paralives team is to make sure they have proper controls/"before-after" comparisons to share with patrons. Seems this update has unsettled a lot of people because the before is (1) in a far more polished environment and (2) is a completely different character in the first place. It's like what people do in research: Establish a control group as similar as possible to the experimental group so we can best understand how the changes you implement impact the experimental group! :)


People are way too focused on Charlie's eye shape, and not the skin details which was the entire point of the post. Those eyes are a detail exclusive to Charlie, they won't all have large eyes.


I don't mind the idea of some sketchiness and the skin details seem like a good addition in theory. But the new version looks very 2D when compared with the old version. I don't know if they're just in different development stages or if this new one is as close to the final look as the other one... If they are not in the same development stage, this comparison seems a little confusing/misleading.


People, please, READ THE TEXT


I love the details anyway ❤


great work, but not my type to be honest, appreciate the improvement to the skin texture, but the two images you put together are not so fit, it makes me feel like the before one is better, also the face after looks a bit to blushed, in general the art style might need continuous improvement.


I have to agree. I quite liked Sebastian's look compared to Charlie's look. Based on their environment, Sebastian seems like a better fit. Charlie has an uncanny Valley looney toons in real life vibe in my opinion.

Ana Rode

It looks beautiful! Love the details but I feel like Charlie looks out of place and flat? I do love the work on the details, but Charlie looks quite different from her surroundings? Still really love the update though. How will this new style work with the surroundings?


I love realism, but I'm fine with stylized characters. One thing that stills bothers me about The Sims 4 was when they got too stylized with build items and textures. It would have been nice if it had one step more in the level of detail with the textures. It bothered me enough, that it's not as fun to decorate. Wood textures was a biggie for me, I used them so much in The Sims 3. I realize this isn't either one, but that hardwood floor texture brings those thoughts to mind. They are nice, but very painterly. I wish there was more crispness and definition, but I guess that's my personal taste. I like the green stone.

Aaron J Levesque

I love the hand styled drawing feeling of the build mode assets like floors and walls! It gives it a unique style and feeling and will make builds feel like they are in a storybook which I love! I’m not sure how I feel about the new character look but I can’t wait to see how it looks in game!


I like this progress! Some of the coloring seems a bit harsh but I’m sure it will be smoothed out or at least customizable in a sense, and I’d suspect the mesh for the toes will be smoothed as well? But I’m excited and love everything as is right now


You can edit that, and they weren’t asking for feedback on the Eyes and even said they were still working on it


I still think the eyes look far too cartoonish. Make them 70% smaller or so.


I love the style of Charlie! I find it to be original and that would add a likeness to the game where it doesn't feel like an imitation of our lives but a better world out there somewhere. It's stunning!


I really like the change of it except the eyes! I really like when a game has a positive affect on society so Id like for them to have smaller eyes to be more realistic and also not have to have facial symmetry :) <3 Also, are you going to make paras of colour?


I love everything about Charlie! Love the new details and I love that he doesn't look too realistic! Cant wait to see more! :D

Anya Lewis

I really love it! This whole style is just so.. beautiful to me! lol! I know for a fact that this game is going to get big on fashion with such awesome graphics. have you ever checked out the website, stardoll.com? This style reminds me of that website! If you ever need clothing inspo for your parafolks, thats a great place to find some! I am so excited for this game... just cant stop talking about it :D


The style is beautiful, but I’m hopeful paras won’t look out of place in their houses. So far, these are kinda 2 different stories in terms of artistic style.


The first one they made was a “para of colour” . You can see the post if you scroll down far enough. Her name is Maggie I think


Substance designer is such a great program! Really exciting stuff 😊


That's what I'm feeling too. I far prefer Sebastian to Charlie


Ok, so first impressions I'm not a fan of Charlie at all. However, I understand that this isn't exactly how the updated art style will look in-game, so I'll reserve judgement until I see it in a more completed setting. I just hope it doesn't look this 2D.


I like how different and drawn it looks, with the sims you can already make them look super realistic with custom content and I like how this style is different and more artistic


Personally I like the painterly style of charlie and I especially like the fleshiness of the knees

Lisa Sarver

I do love the Hayao Miyazaki Anime art styles where the characters are a little more 2D than their surroundings. In these 2 shots side by side though...either you back off a touch on the home decor realism or add more shading and texture to Charlie. The two styles are too different. But then - this is an very early look at him.

Jana Mahlich

Will characters stay slightly cartoony (big eyes and head) or will they be looking more realistic (real life) by the end of the development?


I agree with most of the people on this post, although the paras do not look bad, they do not blend in with their surroundings, we dont want them to look to out of place, but its early development

Layla Atkinson

Personally, i think the first time they looked out of place and the second time they look more in place they have a cutesy vibe which goes with their surroundings.

Luther Duncan

I think what I liked about the initial design was the perceptible saturation, I’m guessing it’s because the environmental lighting isn’t present in the updated visual that he looks slightly high in contrast. The overall model and detail is beautiful.