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Hey there,

I hope you're having a good Friday and that you have some nice and relaxing things planned for the weekend! This week, we wanted to update you about the genetics system and clothing system in Paralives.

Genetics System Update  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Anna worked hard on the genetics logic recently and this week, we were able to create the user interface to test the genetics features related to creating a new Para: a child from two parents, a sibling or a twin. Under the hood, it will generate a random Para based on the genome of the parents or sibling that you chose. We might add more options later like creating a half sibling, a child from one parent only, or a new parent based on a child Para. We're looking forward to showcase this in a video in the future!

Please note that this user interface is a work in progress. We usually work by iteration. First, we make something simple that works and that we can use and then later, we will focus on making each UI and menu prettier and well designed. Also, as you may know, we don't have children in the game yet so the feature to create a child actually creates an adult child for now!

Clothing System Update  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

This week, we also worked on the clothing system. One cool thing we added is the ability to equip different things on the left and right foot. Pictured below, you can see that I equipped a brown boot (temporary boot, will be improved!) on the right foot and a sock on the left foot.

This feature will allow people to get creative: wearing socks or shoes of different colors, wearing two entirely different shoes at the same time, etc. Also, this system might allow us later to add things like a cast or a prosthesis on one leg while the other leg has a shoe or boot. Of course, you'll also be able to equip the same thing on both legs too!

That's it for today's update. Have a great weekend and take care!

Alex  (ᵔᴥᵔ)





Love it! Keep up the good work!


Yaaaay!! So happy for you guys! You’re doing amazing 😍👌🏻✨💓🥰


I am constantly amazed! This is great! ^^


Mismatched socks!! I’m so excited




You're all doing amazing!! I look forward to each and every update 💕


I love the option to mix-and-match shoes and socks! That's gonna make for some interesting Paras!


I love seeing how big steps all of you do in such short period of time ❤️


You guys are doing great!!! This clothing system is incredible!!!! I love the inclusivity it will bring, and I'll be able to create quirky paras just like me <3

Anna Wendel

Thank you for the interesting update! 😁 Can’t wait to see how the genetics system will look! And I love the fact that you can put different things on each foot, that’s awesome! Keep up the good work everyone 🥰


It would be cool to work more on relation system game plays and all, all of the building aspect and CAP looks great, but it starts feeling very surface level. Don't trick us like the sims did please


The devs just keep outdoing themselves! That's amazing.


Love that you can pick different things for each foot. That’s so unique and amazing. The more I read the more I am really looking forward to the end results. It’s already come so far


This looks awesome!! I cant wait for the game omgggg


Something that Plumbella mentioned in her latest video regarding the Sims made me realize that maybe Paralives could be where this is implemented: When you are creating a family of Paras, would it be possible to customize their ages within their life stage? Right now, in The Sims, if you create two children for your Sims they are both the exact same age, so must be twins. The only way to distinguish ages is to make the second child a toddler or a teenager. But would it be possible to to make them both children but make one of them be halfway through the "child" life stage? For me it just adds something to the storytelling aspect of it.


I love this!! You all are doing so well!!!

Megan Santucci

omg the post started at genetics and GOT COOLER; I didn't know that was possible!


Hope everyone on the team is doing well, i love seeing this type of progress! keep up the good work 💕

Nicole Penny

Love this! Would defo love to see more family options at the start of the game. In sims 4 I wanted an auntie raising her niece, but in order to achieve that I had to first create the mum to make that family tie and then kill the mum when the game started


Amazing like always. I really love the genetic aspect. And hopefully we’ll get the ability of creating half siblings. I can’t wait to see the next update.

Giuseppe Sammatrice

Glad to support this development. Your work is amazing and costantly growing in its quality. Thank you!


Be patient. Paralives is still in it’s early stages. It will take awhile before we see relation system game plays.


I love it!! It all looks great and will add some great fun and variety to game play! Will the 'randomize' feature randomize only with the selected characters and not game Paras in general? That may seem like a 'no-brainer' question, but sometimes in other life simulator games I wonder where they generated the genetics because they don't always resemble a child's biological parents, so just double-checking. Also is there the possibility we may at some point be able to layer clothing and accessories like handbags, etc., things a Para might carry or hang on their shoulder or across their bodies? Loving the fantastic work!!

Ewaka Flaka

The plans for genetics are so hype! I really hope you go through with creating parents based on a child para. I would love that feature! It all looks great and I enjoy the ui of the game! Clothing system looks badass too! That variety this game with offer is mind-blowing and I hope companies really take notice at the groundbreaking innovation at play here!


Funny how something so simple can make a huge difference :-)


Amazing. You guys are rockin' it. Can't wait for this.

Jennifer Huber

I love that you are including the possibility of prosthetic limbs. etc. It shows just how closely you are listening to the request of your supporters. Thank you!


Really cool that left and right don't have to be identical! Is the same true for body features? For example, do faces have to be symmetrical or will it be possible to tweak one side only so that the nose is a bit bigger on one side, or one eye is a little more closed etc?

Ashley Strebel

I love the idea of half siblings! I know it was mentioned in the past, but I’d love to see step-siblings and step- family members. Also, kinda unrelated, but to have divorced parents and be able to schedule weekends with the specific parent. Like to incorporate the parent more even if they’re not together. Or on the other hand have a like “family relationship bar” to measure their relationship and like how often the talk when they’re apart.

Mo Des

Hella random, but I'm loving the knee detail here (proud anatomy nerd, I'll admit it)


I'm down for the socks. I mix and match socks anymore since I end up losing socks when I do laundry so this addition is extremely nice to see the ability to do that with socks or even mix and match with shoes too


I am amazed at everything you are working on fitting into this game. Your hard work and dedication are truly admirable and I find you and your team pure geniuses!

Maxayn Henderson

Mismatched socks yes...running late and put on different shoes yes....love it. Also yes genetics!!!


I would love to have this type of option like grandparents raising their grandchildren which is quickly becoming the 'norm' in life today!! I think of how long it must have taken you to create that storyline scenario of having to kill the Mom off first!! I had to kill off a character to create a storyline one time and starving a character to death was agonizing to watch. I thought she would never die. 😪 I'll not ever do that again, even for a great storyline. I so hope Paralives will consider storylines at the Para creation stage!!


love what you guys are doing!!! so excited

Christine Harvey

I love this! Great work! Will we be able to see family trees in the game? I think that would be fun. I love a good genealogy. 😊


YESS!! As someone who wears mismatched converse, I can finally rep myself instead of choosing between one or the other color!!yes!!!


So exciting! 😀 Hope you all have a great weekend 😊


Honestly who has time to match socks 😅


You guys keep coming up with ideas that I didn't know I wanted until you tell us about them

Catherine Glick

This look awesome kept up the amazing work!


I love that! I can already see an absent-minded para who wears two different shoes everyday, just because they can't be bothered!


Thats amazing! I would love to be able to add grandparents or aunts and uncles later in the game. That was something missing for me in the Sims. Sometimes I would love to have an aunt move in after I started playing a family.


From Anna: The genetics works with a gene and alleles system, which means that the children could be different from the parents, as in real life! (it's better explained in our previous Patreon post about genetics if you want to check that). In real life you get two alleles (gene copies) from your parents, but your parents also have two alleles. That means that the allele you get from each parent is a 50/50% chance to be one or the other! It's why siblings can have different heights or eye colors, and even have different colors than both their parents. But to be clear, here we'll randomize from the genes of the parents you selected, not totally at random!


So very excited to hear more about genetics! Keep up the amazing work, guys!


yea hopefully there is an option to apply to both! Because my paras will never wear socks otherwise lol but I LOVE the ability to create prosthetics, so I'm here for it regardless!


Thank you Anna for your wonderful genetics explanation to my earlier post above which as I think of it may explain how out of 5 siblings my sister is blonde haired and blue eyed and the rest of us brown haired and brown eyed. I remember Mom being teased about the mailman from friends and family!! LOL!! 😄 Thank you again and to all the team for your awesome talents and knowledge!! Sorry I had to post here, it wouldn't let me post to your reply to my original post (?).


Will there be a way to create the parents of a para? The para-ents


!!!!!!! YESSSSS we love to see mismatched footwear <3 It’s also so exciting that you’re already thinking about things like casts and prosthetics and how they could potentially be implemented in the future. The level of detail and inclusivity in this game blows me away again and again with every new update :D


Why am I most excited about those knee details though?? 👀

Micah Barrett

I love this! Truly is a game I cant wait to play! Seeing all this development made me want to get into 3D modeling so I plan on learning that some time lol. It looks fun :)


I believe that they mentioned something about asymmetrical features in a previous post - but I could be wrong!


LOL! That's my mom's same story! Blonde and blue eyed in a family of brown hair, brown eyed siblings. But she got the milkman jokes in her day! LOL!!!


Ohh! Can I suggest the family relations be more complicated than most games. I've always wanted cousins, aunts, uncles, half-siblings, step-parents and so on!

Taylor Riegle

Could we make distant relatives with the PAM, like a cousin or in laws? I’ve been playing The Sims franchise for a long time and it always annoys me that you have to make the aunts and uncles yourself in the form of your original Sim’s children and then have those children grow up and finally become the aunt and uncle of the new child that you wanted in the first place. Of course, you could just make a sibling of the parent to begin with so that you don’t have to do all that work of making three children. You know what I mean? It’s frustrating but also fun. But anyway, if any of you like my idea, let me know by commenting or liking my post. Well, I gotta go. Bye!


Oh my god... when I was in elementary school I used to wear 2 different shoes on a daily basis. I was an odd child lol


Love it! Love the personalization. Its so nice to have a creator and group that are transparent about the progress and are openly communicating with the community.


I kind of wish that instead of "pick parent 1 and 2" buttons theres just the list of paras you've created (assuming this works like in the sims, where you can pick only the ones that exist in that family already) and you can pick two at the same time, instead of clicking choose 1st parent->choose para->close window->choose 2nd parent->choose para->close window. Or at least that you can open the available character menu and choose both of the parents at the same time, instead of separately


I like the details of the legs the skin is much better I was not a fan at the beginning of the characters too drawing but now I'm starting to love it ♡_♡


The clothing system opens a lot of possibilities, be it for clothing, accessories, and much more. I'm very curious to know how you get around the potential issue arising from two shoes of different heights being put on each foot (like, one high heeled shoe and the other a flat). Does the Para limp ?


Really great update! Good Job. :D


Can’t wait to see the monstrosities players will create with different socks and shoes. 😄 Also, trying to ask this once again, what do you think about the idea of layered clothing? For example, choosing shirt and jacket separately?


The differing left/right feet fashion gives me hope for the same to be done for other styles, like hand accessories (gloves, casts and the like) and maybe one-ear studs


Okay, so I love the idea of this possibly opening up the door to casts and prosthetics ! What I don’t love, is the thought of NPCs being randomly generated with wonky clothes . I hate seeing horribly fitted “townies” , and they’re also never cute ! I hope we get decent generated paras.


Agreed! We'll have to create a system to make sure randomly generated outfits are good!


Layered clothing would be awesome! We're still studying the idea but it's a big technical challenge so that's why most games don't have a layering system. It's hard to have multiple layers on at the same time without clipping/interpenetration bugs. We're still investigating but it's still unsure if it will be possible or not


Good question! It probably won't be allowed to wear two shoes of different heights unless we're able to dynamically adapt to walk animation for that


Good suggestion! I'll write it down and see if it's possible to do. Thanks!

Mary Breyer

I LOVE THE DIFFERENT SOCKS!!!!! I never wear matching socks (on purpose) because I wear fun design socks, like Hulk on one foot and Mickey Mouse on the other foot. This makes making my paras so much like myself!!!!


The different footwear is awesome but... am I the only one IN LOVE WITH THOSE KNEES?? I'm blown away by the detail, it's a gorgeous aesthetic that makes me way too excited to see the updated Maggie and Seb reveals.


The genetics thing looks really cool! I can't help but wonder though, as a (fraternal) twin myself, if "create twin" refers to fraternal or identical? Or maybe both? If it only refers to the latter like it does in the Sims it would be nice if it specified "Create Identical Twin" since not all twins are identical. (:


I was thinking the exact same thing!! I’m so excited


Maybe fraternal twins could be created by making a sibling the same age?


Super cool! 🥰


I love the different socks thing! Its so unrealistic for everything to be symmetrical so thats a great detail


Oh noes, I lost the fellow who asked about the layered clothing and Alex's answer to them. Anyways, I send my little essay which was going to be answer to that conversation indepently and by hiding it under this post once again. These writings tend to become so long posts I feel a bit ashamed about it.


Sorry, it seems I have too much leisure time to write and share my thoughts. In the Sims 3, some custom content creators have created clothes as accessories. It means they can be mixed and matched basically with every other clothes categorised as tops, bottoms and outfits - and with the other accessories when "layered accessories" setting is enabled in Master controller mod. The system is very handful particularly when it comes to the accessory clothes which are worn under the other clothes and are clingy - such as stockings, tops, pants, leggings, bras, socks and sleeves. The others like jackets tend to have clipping problems. The system works as long as the CC categorised in "the same slot" are not used at the same time. In this case, their textures become blurry because the game is not designed to be able to render them at the same time. Inspired by this, I'd like to suggest if the mesh-wise simple and simple clothing which have no clipping issues could be layered. They might be marked as a special "layerable" mark or they have their own category in PAM. When it comes to categorising, could there be the different categories for the accessories instead of the one vast like in TS3? On the other hand, there could be "the accessories" category with many sub categories to be opened manually - like the buy and building modes in the Sims. Either the main or the sub categories could be sorted in the following way: - accessories for the paras with disabilities - piercings - headwear, glasses, jewellery and accessories for a head - neckwear, jewellery and accessories for a neck - handwear, jewellery, and accessories for hands - jewellery and accessories for fingers - footwear, jewellery, and accessories for feet - jewellery and accessories for toes (because Charlie's adorable toes deserve love) - misc. (- occult stuff in the future) (- maybe a tool to create your own category?) I can say by by own experience, the one big category for every accessories becomes the heavy mess very easily if there are lots of fancy custom content. By the way, have you though of creating as dynamic tools for the paras clothes as we have seen in the build and buy mode? I've used custom sliders which modifies the size, shape and position of the sims' hats and glasses in TS3. Would something similar be possible in PAM? How about changing the clothes' meshes like the length of skirts and sleeves, and the width of trousers? And how about connecting several hair maps like curly, dreadlocks, braided, straight with unnatural stripes and straight to the same hair mesh as different presets? If these were possible, they would be the real gamechanger in the life simulation genre. They would reduce the need for copying and creating many clothes and hair with the identical mesh-base. I'm primarily asking these due to my own curiousity about the theoretical possibilities. :) Last, I'd like to suggest the following ideas for PAM which are also inspired by the experiments with TS3 custom content: - please don't attach jewellery "paintings" like necklaces to the outfit meshes. In the Sims, they usually look blurry and resrict a lot the usability of the actual clothes - if possible, please keep the clothes as "simple" as possible. I mean please prevent attaching the accessories like scarves, gloves and the to the actual mesh. The mix and match method enables more versality - if possible, could you please consider creating just dresses and other "one-piece" clothes as the whole "body" clothing whereas everything else would be preferable to be separated as tops and bottoms to mix and match? In order to prevent the clipping issues, the tops and bottoms could be directed to match together. Maybe it was restricted by default but it could be turned off in the options with the warning about the clipping issues?


Aaahhhhhhhh it looks so good already! Amazing work guys ❤️


I like idea and I look forward to your progress. Please don't let the Sims comparisons push you to do to much for this game to fast. Paralives is it's own game and should be enjoyed for its own merits and not treated like a Sims 4 wish list. I don't want this game to be overburdened by the lost dreams of some simmers. Lol.


Heck, screw TS4, in my mind it'll be the actual successor to The Sims 3. The one EA should have given us, but it's too ''hard''.

Nida Kamran

Love everything that you have done so far <3


I know this is a lot but I would enjoy a preteen life stage


Hi, will it be possible to get many clothes layers ? Like a T shirt, whith an open shirt, with a coat ? or long sleeves with a t shirt on top ? And of course It would be great if we could take off the coat and put it on a coat hanger.


Also think it would be nice to choose your outfit when you wake up ! Like you could choose or a premade outfit that you did in the paramaker, or choose each clothes, so you don't have to be dressed the same each day ! That would be really nice, mostly if they have to buy each clothes !

Tom Lu

Excellent stuff! This is just a tiny detail and I might be the only one bothered by it, but in the font you're using I can't stop staring at the oversize 'a'. I know the letters are slightly different sizes for effect, but the a just jumps out in every word


Are y'all thinking of including things such as birthmarks, vitiligo, moles and freckles as well in regards to genetics? I have a facial birthmark and have not been able to recreate myself in simulation games since there are never any options to add birthmarks.


I also do hope that hair type is a part of genetics. Hair type is extremely important to the Black community and I absolutely hate how games only offer two hair options for Black players. And the worst thing is that those hair options are often ugly or hideous. They give Black female gamers only two options, dreads that look awful or extremely short hair. These options are appalling in 2020. Give Black players options. And definitely create a hair type system. It doesn't need to be advanced, I think. Maybe do something like straight, wavy, curly or afro-textured.

Samari Prime

Wow that's amazing progress!! Also it would be cool if you guys take a look at a game called Black Desert Online character creator; not for the graphics but maybe the tools or whatever seem useful to integrate on Paralives.


Temporary boot do not steal lol