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This week, we wanted to update you about our progress, what we're working and what's to come!

New Website Page: Development Progress  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

We created a new page on our website and it's about the history of the development of Paralives and its progress. It's still under construction but Patrons can access it right now until we make it public in the near future. The goal of this page is to make it easier for people to know where we're at in the development of the game. I hope you find it interesting and don't hesitate if you have any questions!

The page: https://www.paralives.com/development/
Password: paranet

On that page, aside from the history of every feature we added into the game so far, we added a description of the different development phases we will be going through. Right now, we are at the pre-alpha stage which means we are building the core of the game. Then, in the alpha phase, we will add more and more features and content. Finally, there will be a beta to improve everything and make the final touch!

Note: we're still not sure if there will be a beta test phase for Patrons but it's something we are considering depending on how things go!

Regarding the Patreon rewards like the Para recreation, we will be able to deliver them once we have more hairstyles, objects and clothing options so in the Alpha or Beta phase. We will reach out to everyone for the details when we get there. A lot of you already unlocked the Hero/Legend tier rewards since you pledged for 3 months or more so you are on our list of people to contact when we are ready to deliver the rewards!

Roadmap Update (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

As you can see, the new development progress website page does not include the full roadmap with the next steps of the development. We wanted to keep this info for Patrons only. A few months ago, we shared our roadmap in a Patreon post.

At the moment, we are still in the Pre Alpha 3 development phase. We worked on the terrain tools, the clothing system and adding more customization options in the Paramaker such as the name edition panel, skin options, body hair options and improving our character. We also did a lot of things we did not mention on the roadmap during the last couple of months so here's the full recap:

- Day and night cycle changing with seasons
-️ New modding tool features: customize day and night cycle
-️ Improvements to the skin layering system to support blush, freckles, makeup, etc
-️ New Paramaker features: body hair, facial hair, tattoos, recoloring, opacity slider
-️ New Paramaker feature: name customization
-️ Character improvements following community feedback
-️ Worked on the genetics system and adding modding support to it
-️ Build tools improvements: better split level, better floor management
-️ Swatch system improvements
-️ New build mode feature: change wall height
-️ New live mode features: remove shoes in the house, secret bookcase, zipline and pool jumping
-️ Modding tools: added support for furniture as custom content
-️ Modding tools: created UI to add and manage user imported assets
-️ Improve item resizing features and internal tools
-️ Terrain tools progress: elevate/smooth/flatten terrain, paint grass, place lakes
-️ Live mode: created some new basic animations
-️ Worked on improving the saved game features
-️ Character model and rigging improvements
-️ Clothing system design and tests
-️ Added mod support for custom 3D models, animations and rigs
-️ Wall/floor color and texture customization
-️ Started to work on the furniture catalog UI
-️ Added more features to genetics system
-️ Worked on improving the character skin texture

What we are currently working on:

-️ Improving the Paramaker, adding more customization options to it
-️ Improving the build mode, adding more tools and mod support for furniture
- Improving the build mode UI and workflow
-️ Improving the genetics system to create relatives based on other Paras
-️ Working on the clothing system
-️ Working on the character animation system
-️ Improving the art style of the game
- Brainstorming and designing different aspects of the game

We're pretty happy with the progress so far! Since we had so much to do, we're still not ready to jump into the next development phase (Pre Alpha 4) where we will work on more live mode related things like personalities, interactions, etc. Because of that, we updated the "early 2021" estimate for the Alpha phase to "2021".

Right now, we're focusing on completing our remaining goals for the current Pre Alpha 3 phase: basement tools, more Paramaker tweaks and a more solid clothing system. I'm super excited to show you these things! We also have the Canadian Chalet/Cabin coming up, a house that we will build from scratch in a video in the coming 1-2 months, once we have polished the build mode UI and workflow.

That's it for today! We hope you are as excited as we are for what's to come!

Have a great weekend and take care,


EDIT: The development page (
https://www.paralives.com/development/) is now public but the roadmap is still private for Patrons only :)



Laura Burchart

Can't wait to see the Chalet!!


It seems really basic but please can we have kettles I still can’t believe we don’t have them in the sims


I’m so excited for this. Thank you guys for working so hard for us


this all looks super exciting! can’t wait!

Ashley Strebel

So excited to see what’s to come! Love everything you all do!!


Im so happy to be part of all of this 😊 I can't wait to see how successful this project will get ❤️


I wanted to thank the Paralives team for all their hard work, and that you listen to people taking their opinions to heart. Trying to figure out a way to make everyone happy and feel included in the game. That’s something the Sims team lacks, they say they listen but then do something that people didn’t ask for. I really appreciate all of the Paralives team and wish for nothing but the best for you.


Cannot wait you all are doing a fab job <3

Anna Wendel

I love that you share all of this with us, it’s really fun and interesting to see the development of the game and how it’s going for you 😁 All of it looks and sounds amazing so far and I’m really excited to see what’s next! It’s gonna be so fun to see the chalet when it’s done ☺️ Keep up the good work!!

Amy Wallis

Great work to all of you!!


this is so exciting! I can't believe how much has been done by the team but I wouldn't be suprised either seeing as there is such motivation and passion for this project! I can't wait to see the finished game in the coming years and I will be fully on board with whatever we recieve, knowing it had lots of hard work put into it! you guys are really making a great game!


"-️ Added more features to genetics system" Me: *dances around the room with joy*


Wowwww! I’m super excited for this game, and it seems like there will be a really good genetics system so I can’t wait for that!! 😁


Another Friday, another bit of Paralives news! 😊 You’ve been doing super excellent job on the game so far and continue to do so in the future! 😃 Here’s to success of Paralives so far! 🥳🥂


"We also have the Canadian Chalet/Cabin coming up, a house that we will build from scratch in a video in the coming 1-2 months, once we have polished the build mode UI and workflow." YES YES YES ♥

Rose Klein

Omg this reads as if I have a new chance of becoming an alpha/beta tester again 🤞😙🤞 imma write all dem reports with love


Being able to support Paralives and see its progress has genuinely been the best part of 2020. To be fair, the bar is pretty low... but still :D

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

Omg this is so exciting! Cannot wait to see the building from scratch so we can get an idea of what that will look like when we play. Bring it on!

Sean McDorman

Wow, I just asked about this a few days ago and you were already cooking it up for us. I was expecting something more general (I asked for quarterly updates at best) but if you’re going for monthly updates with bullet points, I’m even happier. Thanks for being open about the different phases and where you’re at. Can’t wait to see more!


*runs around flailing* yaaaaaay! I love getting notified of a post from Paralives and seeing all the work being put into the game and even taking the time to do polls and surveys. I'm loving the progress and everything done so far and can't wait to continue watching this journey unfold


This is a fantastic website. I appreciate the time it took to put this together and I really appreciate the transparency. Thank you so much for all the hard work!!


Will you be able to create twins/clone a para in the character maker? I find features like that to be very important.


Can't wait to see all these improvements Thanks Alex <3


It’s so awesome that you guys are being so transparent not only with game content but with your development process!! As someone who wants to go into game design, I love reading these updates and find the lil sneak peeks behind the scenes so interesting :D


Thanks for keeping us so well informed!


This is so exciting!! To see all the progress in the website mede me so happy!! Thank you for the hard work and make sure to take care :D

Lily Tindel

We’ve come so far 🥺🥺


Thank you so much! I'm so excited!! :)


Keep up the great work!!! 💓


It's amazing to go through the page and see how far Paralives has come! Love seeing all the stuff you've worked on and the updated roadmap. Thank you for being so open and transparent about your development.

Akasha O'Connell

All I have to say is please please please take your time. You guys are doing awesome! Please don't feel the need to rush to get things done just to get it out earlier. I know people are excited (me included), but we'd much rather have a high quality game later, than a slap-dash one earlier (lookin at you sims...)


Seeing all your plans has me SO excited. I just know that, in time, this is going to be an amazing game and it's really meaningful that you guys are sharing the process with us. The simming community has been really burned by games that don't give us the simulation experience we want, and being able to see what to expect and you asking for and listening to our feedback is honestly incredible. I'm so excited to see what all we will be able to accomplish in this, be it building or creating lives. Thanks for sharing this!


Everything sounds amazing, as usual. I am so looking forward to the game being playable! 😁 I really appreciate your keeping us updated as to how things are going.


This is really impressive, keep up the good work!


This is great news to wake up to. Great work!


Thank you guys for your great work!!!!!!!


Wow you guys have accomplished so much this year! Thanks for keeping us updated on the process so far! As someone else mentioned take as much time as you need in each stage of development! I’m sure you’re moving at a pace you’re comfortable with but I just like to make sure you guys aren’t feeling pressured to move fast lol


I'm quite glad you updated the mention "early 2021" to "2021" if you're not prepared enough. And if you want to offer a pre-access to the game, be prepared, because I saw people whining and become ridiculously rude to another game's developers because "the alpha is not perfect". So, be fair to yourselves, and love yourselves as much as I do ;)

Hailey Szabo

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done so far! Between the amazing communication skills with the community, periodic updates and straightforward socials, your respect for us is clear and your transparency is so appreciated and comforting. Already you’ve built a loyal and loving fan base, and you’re only starting out! Seriously, we love you so much, and please don’t let our excitement pressure you too much. Take your time, and know that we love you!


Impressing post! This is the way the bigger companies in the game industry should inform the gaming community, too. Well done, the whole team! You made my day. I'm so glad about the chance to donate your game and having this kind of priviledged chance to see its process and development. I know this is more about the phase 4's stuff but may I ask you a question? Have you planned to include a gardening system in Paralives - either for the day one version or to be added later? I'm curious about this because of the results of the food poll released earlier. If you end up deciding that meals don't need intregidents to be cooked, what is the role of the gardening (like growing and harvesting) in that case? As far as I know, it's very beloved feature in the life simulation games and very important feature to those who prefer historical gameplays, for example. This text is not intented to be demaning nor requesting by any means, please pardon me if I sounded like it. :<


Thank you Alex and your team for making this an educational and exciting 'journey' we're able to share in before the game is even released. I just keep smiling in anticipation!!


Thanks for sharing this with us ! It's very interesting to be able to see the development progress as the team grows, and to get insights of the huge amount of work that has already been done ! Congratulations everyone for your hard and beautiful work, I'm looking forward for more news !


I love that I'm able to read about this coming together, thank you all so much for making this game and keeping us updated on the planning and process of it all! I am so excited for it to come out!

Daniel Asraf

Thank you for doing this, but do you mind keeping your YT channel more updated? You can upload even more clips, even if they maybe got nothing new to show




I can't wait to play Paralive, you guys are doing an awesome work!


good vous faites un excellent travail!!


Well done!!!


Well done team. I'm so glad to be able to support this game and the hard work you and your team is doing. Reading through the development was great, so thank you for sharing the link to the new website. :)


hey guys it looks great thanks for working so hard! just letting you know you have a small typo in the "support the development" section - assuming "stuff life" should be "stuff like" !


Hi! A gardening system is something we’re considering, there would be a lot of cool things to do with it :) Nothing is set in stone yet, but if we do implement something like it for release, the gameplay might initially be a little limited. It's something that would most likely be improved upon updates. Hope it helps!


As everyone is saying, can't wait to try it out. But mostly guys, thank you for keeping us updated as you're doing! It keeps the motivation and the faith going 😊, especially having an imaged planification helps visualise where the game is at. I'm way more patient like that I find! Anyhoo, can't wait for the Chalet video!


Take the time you need to craft a beautiful game


Oooo! Take your time, I can’t wait to play it <3 would be cool if we could beta test it


I look forward to the game. Please just make it the best that you can, made with love.

Adrian Silagan

Pre-alpha 4 is such a crucial part of the game, so don't feel the need to rush it all in before the new year!


Hmmm, it says I only have the Elder tier unlocked but I’ve been donating $5 a month for a year now.


Will there be a beta version? :(

Eleanor Swan

Can there be window wells in the basements? That would be cool!


Are we looking at approximately late 2022 at the earliest?